山崎 健一 河本 正 藤波 秀雄 重光 司
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌) (ISSN:03854205)
vol.120, no.3, pp.369-370, 2000-03-01 (Released:2008-07-15)

Estimation of induced current inside a human body exposed to ELF (extremely low frequency) magnetic field are still remaining as an important issue. There are many computational studies reporting the relationship between outer magnetic filed and induced current inside the human body. In addition, there are some limit values regarding human exposure to magnetic field based on the induced current density. Here, we investigated and compared the relationship between magnetic field and induced current among existing literatures and guidelines. The result showed that each estimated value of magnetically induced current varied widely.
山崎 健一 黒木 和之 加納 康正 今本 文男
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.24, no.5, pp.240-248, 1984-09-25 (Released:2009-05-25)

The intracellular DNA of bacteria, bacteriophage and plasmids is subject to topological constraints that function to maintain it in a superhelical conformation. For the last several years, accumulating evidence has indicated that supercoiling of DNA duplex is required for effective transcription, as well as for the replication and recombination of cellular DNA. The relevance of DNA superhehlicity to transcription in vivo has been suggested by the observations that the overall rate of transcription directed by the E. coli, bacteriophage and plasmid genomes is generally reduced when the activity of DNA gyrase is inhibited by the specific drugs, such as nalidixic acid or coumermycin. An interesting observation from our in vitro studies has been that stimulation of transcription by superhelicity of DNA is more pronounced with S 100 crude extract proteins than with pure RNA polymerase.DNA in the prokayrotic cell has a compact conformation due to its interaction with cellular proteins (Histone like proteins). Recentry, seven classes of those proteins (HLP I, HLP II, 28K protein etc.) have been isolated and characterized as essential components of the nucleoid. In this review, we focus on the effect of superhelical conformation of the DNA duplex and association of the DNA with the nucleoid proteins on transcription.
山崎 健一朗 和田 浩卓 桜田 伊知郎 門之園 一明 佐伯 宏三 Kenichiro YAMAZAKI Hirotaka WADA Ichiro SAKURADA Kazuaki KADONOSONO Kozo SAEKI 佐伯眼科クリニック 佐伯眼科クリニック 佐伯眼科クリニック 横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター眼科 佐伯眼科クリニック Saeki Eye Clinic Saeki Eye Clinic Saeki Eye Clinic Yokohama City University Medical Center Department Of Ophthalmology Saeki Eye Clinic
横濱醫學 = The Yokohama medical journal (ISSN:03727726)
vol.56, no.3, pp.197-200, 2005-05-31

中尾 誠 赤土 和也 山崎 健一 寺田 堂彦 藤里 俊哉 吉浦 昌彦 筒井 博司
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.47, no.6, pp.560-565, 2009-12-10 (Released:2010-07-21)

If we regard skeletal muscle as an actuator, we see it has excellent flexibility and efficiency, properties that artificial actuators such as electric motors or mechanical engines do not have. We have been researching the creation of miniaturized bio-actuators that use cultured skeletal muscle. We reported that stimulation was very important to culture myoblast and to develop skeletal muscle. We obtained skeletal muscle by cultivating C2C12 cells using unidirectional mechanical stimulation. We developed a Bio-Actuator System as a mode for a skeletal muscle system in which this cultured skeletal muscle was used as actuator unit. This Bio-Actuator System was made to imitate the musculoskeletal system and consisted of one joint, two arms, one flexor muscle and one extensor muscle. One arm was fixed on the base, and the other arm was able to rotate freely about the joint axis. Because skeletal muscle can only contract, we used cultured skeletal muscle as flexor muscle and sliced silicon elastic sheet as extensor muscle. Experiments were conducted with this Bio-Actuator System in a culture medium. By applying pulsed voltage to the culture medium, the bio-actuator unit was contracted and relaxed. By repeating these contractions and expansions, we observed that the tip of the arm vibrated periodically.
山崎 健一

大西 優貴 川北 悠介 山崎 健一 藤里 俊哉 宇戸 禎仁
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.64-68, 2008-02-10

For application of a cultured muscle to medical engineering, both to control C2C12 myoblast differentiation and to investigate a contraction mechanism of C2C12 myotube are important. The muscle can be derived from a cultured C2C12 myoblast in an incubator. It is important to evaluate a level of C2C12 differentiation quantitatively. In this study, we propose an efficient evaluation method by cellular membrane potential measurement instead of the conventional methods that take time and are higher cost.
中村 靖 斉藤 茂 山崎 健一 柴崎 好伸 Yasushi NAKAMURA Shigeru SAITO Kenichi YAMASAKI Yoshinobu SHIBASAKI 昭和大学歯学部歯科矯正学教室 昭和大学歯学部歯科矯正学教室 昭和大学歯学部歯科矯正学教室 昭和大学歯学部歯科矯正学教室 Department of Orthodontics School of Dentistry Showa University Department of Orthodontics School of Dentistry Showa University Department of Orthodontics School of Dentistry Showa University Department of Orthodontics School of Dentistry Showa University
日本矯正歯科学会雑誌 = The journal of Japan Orthodontic Society (ISSN:0021454X)
vol.54, no.3, pp.159-169, 1995-06

矯正学的歯の移動時には, 歯槽骨を形成している細胞と歯根膜細胞が矯正力というmechanical stressに対してさまざまな反応を示すことが知られている.そこで本研究は同一外科矯正患者から同時に採取した下顎骨片と健全な下顎第一小臼歯から骨系細胞と歯根膜細胞を剥離して培養した.両細胞に間欠的遠心力(50∿250回転)を付与し, DNA合成能, 細胞内アルカリフォスファターゼ(ALPase)活性, サイクリックAMP(cAMP)産生量, プロスタグランディンE_2(PGE_2)産生量, インターロイキン6(IL-6)産生量, 骨吸収能を測定した.両細胞に付与した間欠的遠心力が上記測定項目に対してどのような影響を与えるかを検討し, あわせて両細胞の反応性の相違についても比較検討した.その結果, 1. DNA合成能および細胞内ALPase活性は, 250回転において両細胞とも有意に促進された.2. 骨系細胞において, 遠心力の付与によりすべての回転数でcAMPおよびPGE_2産生量が有意に抑制され, IL-6産生量に関しても50回転において抑制傾向があった.3. 歯根膜細胞においては, 遠心力を付与してもcAMP, PGE_2, IL-6の産生量がほとんど変化しなかった.4. 骨吸収能は遠心力を付与した培養上清を用いると両細胞とも150回転で有意に抑制された.以上のことから, DNA合成能と細胞内ALPase活性は高回転の間欠的遠心力に対して両細胞とも促進することが示された.また, 骨系細胞の骨吸収能はPGE_2, IL-6の影響を直接的に受けやすいが, 歯根膜細胞に関してはPGE_2, IL-6以外にも骨吸収能に影響を与える何らかの因子が存在することも示唆された.It has been shown that bone cells and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells have various responses to mechanical stress during orthodontic tooth movement. The following experiments were performed to compare the responses of these two cell types to mechanical stress. Cortical bone specimens derived from mandible and PDL of first premolars were obtained at the same time from the same patient undergoing surgical orthodontics. In the confluent phase, intermittent centrifugal forces (ICF) were applied to the cultured bone cells and PDL cells at 50∿250 rpm. After centrifugation, the cultured cells were used for the assays of DNA synthesis, alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) activity and cyclic AMP (cAMP) production, and the cultured media were used for the assays of prostaglandin E_2 (PGE_2) production, interleukin-6 (IL-6) production and bone resorption activity. The results were as follows : 1. ICF at 250 rpm significantly induced DNA synthesis and ALPase activity in each cell type. 2. In bone cells, the amounts of cAMP and PGE_2 were significantly decreased by ICF at all magnitudes of force tested, and those of IL-6 tended to be decreased by ICF at 50 rpm. 3. In PDL cells, the amounts of cAMP, PGE_2 and IL-6 were hardly changed by ICF at all magnitudes of force tested. 4. ICF at 150 rpm significantly inhibited the bone resorption activity in each cell type. These results suggested that DNA synthesis and ALPase activity are stimulated by high-speed ICF in each cell type. These results also suggested that bone resorption activity caused by ICF in bone cells was directly affected by PGE_2 and IL-6. However, in PDL cells, there may be agents that affect bone resorption activity other than PGE_2 and IL-6.
山崎 健一朗 和田 浩卓 桜田 伊知郎 門之園 一明 佐伯 宏三
横濱醫學 (ISSN:03727726)
vol.56, no.3, pp.197-200, 2005-05-31
