岩本 純明
農業経済研究 (ISSN:03873234)
vol.71, no.3, pp.107-117, 1999-12-24 (Released:2017-01-18)

The process for establishing the framework of postwar agricultural policy started just after the end of WorId War II, initiated by agricultural bureaucrats. Rural land reform was successfully implemented as an indispensable matter which contributed toward the restructuring of the policy framework in the agricultural sector. The high growth of the Japanese economy enabled the government to provide various types of subsidies to farmers, whereby the government could successfully attract political support from farmers. Although the Agricultural Basic Law in 1961 regarded the structural reform of the farming system as its main task, actual policies implemented under the law attached high priority to the rice price policy. The current framework of agricultural policy was thus established, where secret negotiations in the inner circle of a triad―politicians, bureaucrats and agricultural cooperatives―have continued to play a key role. The exclusiveness and opacity in the process of decision-making and policy implementation aroused a deep suspicion of its appropriateness among many people. After the mid-1980s, the current framework of agricultural policy has encountered great criticism from various social groups who have long been excluded from the decision-making process. The most influential criticism comes from big-business circles demanding to abolish or ease the governmental intervention on agricultural trade. Under the economic restructuring process, a number of people in Japan seem to be driven to self-help efforts and have become skeptical about the function of the public sector, which tendency has given an impetus to the restructuring of the policy framework in the agricultural sector. Under such a situation, however, we should not overlook a different stream of new social movements organized in the communal sector. The new stream fakes a critical stance to both the private and public sectors. The alternative framework of agricultural policy should be established through an equal partnership between farmers and the citizens.
岩本 純
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.28, pp.32-47, 1980-03-10

I Fasci di combattimento erano nati come fenomeno urbano e i loro aderenti erano in gran parte ex combattenti provenienti dai sindacalisti rivoluzionari, ex arditi, studenti, futuristi ecc, cioe gente del ceto medio la cui condizione era stata cambiata dalle guerra. Il fascismo era ancora un fatto principalmente cittadino, circoscritto a zone geografiche limitate. Ma nel'21 la situazione muto radicalmente. Da cittadino il fascismo divento prevalentemente un fenomeno delle zone agrarie e poi, in un secondo momento, s'estese a tutta la nazione. La Valle Padana e considerata la zona del cosiddetto "fascismo classico", e Ferrara in particolare rappresentava l'affermazione fascista in una zona agraria. Li il movimento ebbe successo e riusci a darsi una base popolare prima che altrove. Anche storicamente apparve la forza del movimento socialista e delle organizzazioni sindacali ad esso collegate. Il fattore della riuscita fascista e da ricercarsi nella violenza sistematica come "spedizione punitiva" per la distruzione delle forze socialiste e nella complicita dei pubblici poteri. Nel fascismo agrario importante fattore di riuscita fu il ruolo del gruppo di interesse. A Ferrara il fascismo pote succedere ai gruppi di interesse delle diverse classi sociali. Nel primo dopoguerra, mutato il rapporto delle forze sociali, l'organizzazione dei proprietari, cioe L'"Agraria Ferrarese", appoggiava il fascismo. Nell' estate del'20 si trovo ad affrontare incertezze economiche e politiche : l'emergere di un'improvvisa e gravissima crisi economica, l'inerzia del governo liberale dinanzi all'occupazione delle fabbriche, gli scioperi agricoli e la sconfitta delle elezioni amministrative. In quanto ai ceti medi, la loro "cattolica Unione del lavoro" non riusciva piu a proteggere i loro interessi. Il Fascismo sembro rafforzarne la posizione entro la gerarchia della societa rurale con la medesima politica agraria : "la terra ai contadini. " Cosi, questi due gruppi poterono riconquistare i propri equilibri che erano stati minacciati dalle forze socialiste. Infine il monopolio del collocamento dei lavoratori della Federterra si sposto nelle mani del "sindacato autonomo" fascista. La disoccupazione cronica era un fatto di ordinaria amministrazione, poiche il bisogno del posto di lavoro era piu forte dell'attaccamento alle convinzioni politiche. Con i socialisti disarmati e incapaci di reagire, i proprietari furono di nuovo in grado di dominare il mercato del lavoro.
岩本 純明
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.5, no.1, pp.9-20, 1998 (Released:2013-05-22)

It is generally recognized that commons have played a key role in English village life.Three types of rights ― such as ownership, common right and public rights of access ―overlap each other on the same lands. After the mid-nineteenth century a social movement led by the urban middle class has been developed claiming public rights of access to the common lands for air and exercise. This paper analyzes the historical process and the significance of the movement. The Commons Preservation Society (now The Open Spaces Society) has been tackling access issues persistently over a century. The Society aimed at not only the protection of common rights from enclosure but the opening of commons for the public enjoyment. The aim was partially realized after a series of Commons Acts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The Metropolitan Commons Act 1866 was the first step in protecting urban commons from enclosure and claimed their preservation as open spaces. The Law of Property Act 1925 established the public rights of access to metropolitan commons for the first time. The Act strictly forbade owners to erect any building or fence whereby access was prevented or impeded. The public now have access rights to areas amounting to about 20 per cent of the whole common lands. The author regards it epoch-making that the general right of public access has been established on a wide range of open country in Britain. Through this process the legal structure of commons has changed its individual characteristic and accepted the concept of the right of access by public at large.
高田 直也 杉浦 健介 Irham Irham 岩本 純明 大賀 圭治
熱帯農業 (ISSN:00215260)
vol.47, no.3, pp.162-168, 2003-09-01

槇 弘倫 小川 英邦 米沢 良治 岩本 純一 二宮 石雄 佐田 孝治
医療機器学 (ISSN:18824978)
vol.80, no.4, pp.281-289, 2010 (Released:2010-12-24)

A wearable bioinformation recording system has been developed for monitoring health conditions, daily living activities and heart function of elderly person. A tri-axis accelerometer attached to the elderly person can simultaneously measure dynamic and static acceleration forces. The heart rate, respiration rate, activity, posture and behavior are detected from the measured acceleration forces. These data are automatically transmitted to the host computer every hour, via a Personal Handy Phone (PHS). The host computer makes a graphic chart from these data. The elderly person's immediate family, caregiver or doctor can download the graphic chart to an internet mobile phone. When a heart discomfort is felt, the elderly person pushes the transmission switch on a wearable sensor, which sends the phonocardiogram (PCG) waveforms derived from the dynamic acceleration force of the prior two minutes and the waveforms for two minutes after the switch is pushed, directly to the host computer. The PCG is stored to the host computer. The doctor can download the PCG to the smart phone and monitor graphically.The developed system is not only applicable to at-home solitary elderly people, but could also be useful for monitoring hospital patients.
岩本 純明 大鎌 邦雄 坂下 明彦 松本 武祝 加瀬 和俊 坂根 嘉弘 藤田 幸一 生方 史数 仲地 宗俊 杉原 たまえ

共有資源の管理システムを、林野・漁業・水利に焦点を当てて比較制度論的に検討した。調査地は、海外 8 カ国、国内 12 カ所で行った。主な知見は以下の通りである。(1)共同体をベースにした共有資源管理制度は、市場経済の浸透のもとでもまだ広汎に残っている。(2)しかしながら、共同体的関係の弛緩とともに、従来は内部で吸収できていたコストが顕在化している。(3)資源管理に関わる技術革新も制度変容の重要な要因となっている。
大賀 圭治 辻井 博 米倉 等 福井 清一 岩本 純明 松本 武祝
