佐藤 俊一 川内 聡子 奥田 航 西館 泉 苗代 弘
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.55, no.6, pp.447-453, 2016-12-15 (Released:2016-12-15)

近年爆弾テロの頻発により,頭部爆傷(bTBI),とりわけ通常の画像診断で陰性所見であるにもかかわらず様々な高次脳機能障害を来す軽症頭部爆傷(mbTBI)の受傷者が急増し,世界的に大きな問題となっている.しかしmbTBI は病態や発生メカニズムに不明な点が多く,診断・治療法の研究は進んでいない.著者らは,レーザー誘起衝撃波(LISW)をラット頭部局所に適用するモデルを対象に各種リアルタイム診断を行い,mbTBI のメカニズム解明を進めている.これまで,全身性に大きな影響が出ない曝露条件においても,脳のLISW 適用部位において拡延性脱分極(SD)が発生し,その伝搬に伴って皮質内に低酸素血症が発生することがわかった.このとき乏血(血管収縮)も起き,低酸素血症と乏血は長時間持続 した.これらの現象が神経細胞変性を引き起こす可能性が考えられる.
苗代 弘 和田 孝次郎 魚住 洋一 小林 弘明 竹内 誠 長谷 公洋 川内 聡子 佐藤 俊一
一般社団法人 レーザー学会
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.40, no.4, pp.265, 2012 (Released:2020-07-16)

Positive behavioral improvement has been observed following transcranial near-infrared light therapy in humans with chronic traumatic brain injury and acute stroke. We first examined the effect of 808 nm laser diode irradiation on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in mice. An 808 nm CW diode laser was applied to the hemisphere transcranially. Transcranial near-infrared laser irradiation increased rCBF by 30% compared to control value in mice. Near-infrared laser irradiation also provoked a significant increase in cerebral nitric oxide concentration. In the clinical setting, transcranial near-infrared lightemitting diode irradiation to the forehead in a patient with persistent vegetative state following head injury was done. rCBF showed focal increase of 20%, compared to the pre-treatment value. The patient showed some improvement in his neurological condition after light-emitting diode therapy. Transcranial near-infrared irradiation might increase rCBF with some improvement of neurological condition in patients. Further study is warranted.
苗代 弘 魚住 洋一 佐藤 俊一 川内 聡子 小林 弘明 長田 秀夫 大谷 直樹 和田 孝次郎 都築 伸介 島 克司
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.32, no.6, pp.559-562, 2010-11-26 (Released:2010-12-03)

Objectives: It has been reported that near-infrared (NIR) laser irradiation is effective in cerebral ischemia. We examined the effect of 808 nm laser diode irradiation on CBF in mice. The potential of NIR laser irradiation in the treatment of cerebral ischemia was also investigated.Methods: Male C57BL/6J mice were used. An 808 nm CW diode laser was applied to the hemisphere transcranially. CBF was measured with a non-contact laser Doppler blood perfusion imager. We measured directly nitric oxide in the brain tissue during NIR laser irradiation. To confirm the effect of pretreatment by NIR laser irradiation, we conducted the 1.6 W/cm2 NIR laser irradiation to the hemisphere transcranially for 30 minutes before bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (BCCAO). The control mice were also subjected to BCCAO without pretreatment by NIR laser irradiation.Results: Transcranial NIR laser irradiation increased local CBF by 30% compared to control value in mice. NIR laser irradiation also provoked a significant increase in cerebral NO concentration. Pretreatment by NIR laser irradiation improved residual CBF following bilateral carotid occlusion in mice.Conclusions: Our data suggest that targeted increase of CBF is available by NIR laser irradiation and it is concerned in NOS activity and NO concentration. Besides, NIR laser irradiation may have a protective effect for transient ischemia.
佐藤 俊一 川内 聡子 奥田 航 西舘 泉 苗代 弘
Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine
日本レーザー医学会誌 (ISSN:02886200)
vol.35, no.2, pp.132-139, 2014

近年,爆弾テロの多発により爆風による頭部外傷(blast-induced traumatic brain injury, bTBI)の受傷者が急増している.しかしbTBI は病態,メカニズムに不明な点が多く,診断・治療技術は確立していない.我々はラット頭部にレーザー誘起衝撃波(laser-induced shock wave, LISW)を適用するモデルを対象に各種リアルタイム診断を行った.その結果,全身性生理学パラメーターに著明な変化が無く,大脳皮質において出血や挫傷がごく限定的な条件においても,拡延性脱分極,持続性の血管収縮,乏血・低酸素血症等が発生することが明らかになった.