藤盛 真樹 鳥谷部 純行 角 伸博 嶋﨑 康相 宮澤 政義 宮手 浩樹 北田 秀昭 佐藤 雄治 三澤 肇 山下 徹郎 中嶋 頼俊 針谷 靖史 小林 一三 西方 聡 太子 芳仁 杉浦 千尋 笠原 和恵 浅香 雄一郎 榊原 典幸 岡田 益彦 柴山 尚大 末次 博 鈴木 豊典 阿部 貴洋 谷村 晶広 工藤 章裕 道念 正樹 川口 泰 野島 正寛 牧野 修治郎
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.68, no.4, pp.168-183, 2022-04-20 (Released:2022-06-20)

Tooth extraction is reported as the main trigger of bisphosphonate (BP) -related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). A method to prevent BRONJ has not been scientifically proven. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) differs from the International Task Force on Osteonecrosis of the Jaw with regard to the prevention of BRONJ via prophylactic withdrawal before tooth extraction. We performed a multicenter prospective study regarding the development of BRONJ after tooth extraction in BP-treated patients for the purpose of determining factors associated with the frequency of BRONJ. We extracted teeth from patients with a history of current or prior treatment with BP preparations; teeth were extracted using a common treatment protocol. The presence or absence of BRONJ and adverse events were evaluated. A total of 1,323 cases were targeted for this study; 2,371 teeth were extracted. The overall incidence of BRONJ was 1.74%; in the prophylactic withdrawal group it was 1.73%, whereas in the prophylactic non-withdrawal group it was 1.75%. Factors associated with the onset of BRONJ were sex, preparation adaptation classification, oral hygiene state, site of tooth extraction, and Denosumab usage. From analysis that considered the effect of confounding using the propensity score, prophylactic BP withdrawal did not result in a reduction of BRONJ (onset odds ratio with withdrawal: 1.13, 95%CI 0.36-3.57).
川口 泰 高橋 浩師 八反田 麻衣 野谷 健一
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.63, no.5, pp.271-275, 2017-05-20 (Released:2017-07-20)

We report a case of tooth loss and alveolar bone necrosis secondary to herpes zoster in the region innervated by the third branch of the trigeminal nerve. The patient was a 74-year-old man who was referred to our department with chief complaints of tooth loss and exposure of the alveolar bone in the left mandible. He had a history of herpes zoster of the trigeminal nerve and had spontaneous loss of the left mandibular second premolar and first molar approximately 2.5 months and 1.5 months before his first visit, respectively. Initial examination revealed exposure of the alveolar bone of the two affected teeth, with gingival swelling and flare. In addition, paresthesia was present in the region innervated by the third branch of the left trigeminal nerve, for which a dermatologist had prescribed vitamin B12. Antibacterial treatment with local irrigation was performed after initial presentation. Five weeks after his first visit, we observed the elimination of a sequestrum. Currently, the exposed bone has disappeared, and the patient's disease course has been uneventful. The pathological diagnosis was bone necrosis associated with infection.
鈴木 学 鈴木 将 邵 繁 黒田 理人 徳岡 信行 川口 泰範 冨永 秀樹 須川 成利
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 40.12 (ISSN:13426893)
pp.25-28, 2016-03-04 (Released:2017-09-22)

川口 泰雄

前頭皮質における遅延活動や、線条体でのTD誤差計算に使われる情報を送る可能性がある錐体細胞活動解析とその局所回路モデリングを共同研究で進めた。前頭皮質の緩徐振動は睡眠時やある種の麻酔下でも生じることが知られおり、行動中に一過性に変化したシナプス結合の固定化に関与することが提唱されている。この緩徐振動下での、前頭皮質から線条体へ投射する錐体細胞の発火時系列を解析することは、基底核が時期依存的に特異的な情報を受け取る可能性の検証に役立つと考えた。これまでに前頭皮質第5層線条体投射細胞を逆行性応答で同定して、緩徐振動中の発火時期を解析した。さらに、前頭皮質第5層の視床入力が多いサブレイヤー(5a層)と、少ないサブレイヤー(5b層)に分けて解析を進めた。サブレイヤーの同定には、小胞性グルタミン酸トランスポーター2型の蛍光免疫組織化学を用いた。その結果、線条体へ投射するサブタイプ間で発火順位が異なるだけでなく同じサブタイプであっても、5a層と5b層で発火時系列が異なっていることが分かった。皮質線条体投射時間差仮説(CSTD仮説)では、(1) 基底核内の直接路が次の行動価値を、間接路が現在の行動価値を表現することと、(2) 直接路、間接路がそれぞれ、黒質ドーパミン細胞の活動を亢進、抑圧することが、重要な仮定である。実験的に、直接路が報酬学習を、間接路が忌避学習を促進することが明らかにされている。このモデルを使って、報酬逆転学習と罰回避学習の時間経過をシミュレーションできることが分かった。
川口 泰雄
日本神経回路学会誌 (ISSN:1340766X)
vol.5, no.4, pp.171-177, 1998-12-05 (Released:2011-01-17)

To understand the inhibitory network in the cortex, we have started to clarify several features of GABAergic neurons in the frontal cortex of rats. These are; (1) the physiological, chemical and morphological characteristics of cortical GABAergic neurons to identify the subtypes, (2) the synaptic connections among these neuronal subtypes and (3) the synaptic properties and the chemical modulation of each subtype. An experimental approach in which multiple properties of a GABA neuron are determined for the same cell, yields a set of data which allows a more comprehensive classification of the neuron as an element of a local neuronal circuit.