篠崎 広一郎 北村 伸哉 平野 剛 吉田 明子 平澤 博之
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.16, no.10, pp.573-580, 2005-10-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

われわれは縊頸症例の臨床経過を検討し,これらの転帰を左右する因子を見極めることを目的に,実験的に解明している病態生理を考察した。【対象と方法】1998. 4~2003. 8に経験した自殺企図411例のうち,縊頸44例を対象として検討した。完遂率に関しては他の自殺企図手段と比較した。救急隊現場到着時(以下,現着時)cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA)の群とnon-CPA群に分け,転帰及び臨床経過を検討した。後者を来院時の意識障害の程度で2群に分け,年齢,男女比,縊頸形態,死亡率,社会復帰率,遅発性無酸素症後脳症の発症率に関して検討した。また,全縊頸症例において転帰を左右する因子として年齢,男女比,縊頸形態,現着時CPAの有無を取り上げその関与につき検討した。【結果】縊頸は検討期間の自殺企図手段の10.7%を占めるが,完遂率は75%と他の手段に比して最も高かった。現着時CPAの縊頸は33例あり,このうち7例に自己心拍の再開を認め,そのうち1例のみ社会復帰したが6例は死亡した。一方,現着時non-CPAは11例あり,死亡は1例,残り10例は社会復帰した。この11例には意識障害の程度で分類した2群間で背景因子や臨床経過・転帰に有意な差を認めなかった。また,全44例の転帰を左右する因子では,現着時CPAの有無にのみ有意差を認めた。【考察】縊頸で脳血流が途絶し,気道が閉塞すると,中枢神経系の不可逆的障害に次いで,心臓を含めた各臓器の固有機能が停止する。従って,現着時CPA症例の予後は不良であるとともに,CPAの有無が目撃者に乏しい縊頸の転帰を左右する唯一の因子となることが判明した。一方,自律神経反射にて短い経過時間でCPAに陥った症例では,早期に縊頸を解除し適切な処置を施行することで,速やかな心拍再開が見込まれ救命可能である。【結語】今回の検討結果を踏まえ,現着時CPAであった縊頸症例の治療に関しては,慎重に考慮する必要があると思われた。
平野 剛 那須 大毅 小幡 哲史 木下 博
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.22, pp.27-36, 2014 (Released:2017-02-15)

ホルン演奏時の表情筋の制御様式と熟達度によるその違いを調べるために2つの実験を行った. 第1実験では熟達奏者にさまざまな音を演奏させ, 音が鳴る直前と音が鳴っているときの表情筋の活動と唇周りの皮膚表面の動きを計測した. その結果, 音が鳴る直前の活動強度と音が鳴っているときの活動強度の間に差はみられなかった. また計測されたほとんどの筋で演奏する音量が大きいほど, また演奏する音の高さが高いほど筋活動量は高くなった. 一方で口唇周りの皮膚表面の動きは, 演奏する音量, 音の高さにかかわらず一定だった. この結果から, 熟達ホルン奏者は意図した音に応じて, 音が鳴る直前から広範囲の表情筋の活動を共同的に制御し, 振動する唇の張力や質量を変化させていることが示唆された. 第2実験では熟達奏者と未熟達奏者の2群に分けて, 表情筋の活動の違いを検討した. その結果, 連続しない1つの音を演奏する課題では活動量に違いはみられないが, 異なる音の高さを連続して演奏する課題では, 上唇に付着する筋に活動量の違いが見られた. 上唇に付着する筋の活動は, 複雑な演奏を行うときに重要な役割を果たし, その制御には長期的な訓練を要することが示唆された.
宇田 篤史 吉田 都 原口 珠実 櫨川 舞 水本 篤志 山本 和宏 平野 剛 内田 享弘 平井 みどり
日本病院薬剤師会雑誌 (ISSN:13418815)
vol.52, no.5, pp.529-532, 2016-05

谷藤 亜希子 田中 健太 平野 剛 岡村 昇 平井 みどり
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.13, no.3, pp.95-102, 2011 (Released:2012-02-09)

Objective: Drug information literacy is necessary for pharmacists.  This study investigated the effect of practical training on the drug information literacy of pharmacy students.Methods: We conducted practical training in the drug information room of hospital pharmacy.  Then we asked the students two questions before and after the training.  We scored the drug information responses of students using four-point rating scales based on objective criteria.  We compared the scores obtained before and after training.  In addition, we researched the realization of several secondary and tertiary sources using a visual analog scale (VAS).  We then compared VAS findings before and after the training.Results: The score for drug information responses was significantly improved.  For sources other than MEDLINE (Pub Med), the VAS score also improved.  The students were aware of the information on package inserts before training.  There was significant improvement in awareness of books about pregnancy and lactation (e.g. Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation) after training.  However, there were significant individual differences in awareness of MEDLINE, Up To Date, and the Cochrane Library.Conclusion: This practical training experience improved the drug information literacy of pharmacy students.  Before training, there were significant deficiencies in the process of literature search.  Therefore, this training was effective for advancement in drug information literacy of pharmacy students.
平野 剛 木下 博
研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS) (ISSN:21888752)
vol.2015-MUS-107, no.46, pp.1, 2015-05-16

12 名のプロ奏者を対象に,フレンチホルン演奏時のマウスピースを唇に押し付ける力を計測した.演奏する音が高いほど,マウスピースを唇に押し付ける力は強くなった.特に高い音を演奏した時のマウスピースを唇に押し付ける力は,個人間で 20N 以上の差が生じていた.これらの結果からマウスピースを唇に押し付ける力は,音の高さの制御に重要であることが示唆された.
石川 和良 倉渕 隆 山本 学 嵐口 晃宏 遠藤 智行 平野 剛
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成16年 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.465-468, 2004-08-20 (Released:2017-08-31)

Because of amendment of the Construction Standard Law, almost all houses must equip with a full time mechanical ventilation system. However, people could feel cold draft in sanitary area when the ventilation system provides sufficient volume of air. So, an investigation using thermal manikin was carried out to find out proper exhaust flow rate from thermal sensational point of view. It was found that flow rate less than 20 CMH and 50 CMH would be appropriate for bathroom and toilet, respectively to avoid uncomfortable sensation in cold season based on the evaluated EHT and PMV.
倉渕 隆 鳥海 吉弘 平野 剛 遠藤 智行 栗林 知広 小峯 裕己
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集 (ISSN:0385275X)
vol.31, no.117, pp.1-10, 2006-12-05 (Released:2017-09-05)

井藤 達也 高岡 和夫 竹本 功 秦 温信 井上 勝一 佐々木 健太郎 平野 剛 井関 健 菅原 満 宮崎 勝巳
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.33, no.2, pp.47-52, 2002-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the distribution of CPT-11 and its active metabolite, SN-38, in pleural and pericardial fluid after intravenous administration.Two patients with lung cancer were treated with intravenous CPT-11 (60 mg/m2) on days 1, 8, and 15. The CPT-11 was detected in the pleural fluid 1.5 hr after the begining of intravenous infusion, and the level reached the maximum 24 hrs later. Similarly, the active metabolite SN-38 was detected in the pleural fluid 1.5 hr after the begining of intravenous infusion, and SN-38 concentration in the pleural fluid was almost as high as that in plasma 24 hrs later. These results suggest that intravenously administered CPT-11 may penetrate the thoracic cavity and may be metabolized to SN-38 there. The proportions of maximum concentrations of CPT-11 and SN-38 in the pleural fluid to the corresponding plasma levels were 20.4% and 28.5%, respectively. In addition, the AUCs of the lactone form SN-38 were much lower than those of the carboxyl form in the pleural fluid.CPT-11, SN-38 and SN-38 glucronide showed similar pharmacokinetics in the pericardium as that in plasma.
伊藤 京子 平野 剛 能任 一文 西田 正吾 大築 立志
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and Systems Society (ISSN:03854221)
vol.131, no.10, pp.1775-1785, 2011-10-01

Two experimental studies have been conducted in order to propose practice indexes for the improvement of the embouchure of French horn players, two experimental studies have been conducted. In both studies, the same task was performed by advanced and amateur French horn players. The first study investigated the activity, while performing the above-mentioned task, of the 5 facial muscles (levator labii superioris, zygomaticus major, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, and risorius muscles) on the right side of the face by surface electromyography, and the facial movement on the left side of the face by attaching two markers above each muscle and using two high-speed cameras simultaneously. The results of the study showed that it is possible for the four markers around the lower lip to practice indexes. The second study evaluated whether the above-mentioned markers are appropriate as practice indexes using a 3-D tracking system and questionnaires. The results showed that both the advanced and the amateur players assessed that the markers were suitable as practice indexes for improving the embouchure. This set of approaches could be useful for selecting practice indexes and developing scientific practice methods not only for the French horn but also for other instruments and other fields.
伊藤 京子 平野 剛 能任 一文 西田 正吾 大築 立志
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.131, no.10, pp.1775-1785, 2011-10-01 (Released:2011-10-01)

Two experimental studies have been conducted in order to propose practice indexes for the improvement of the embouchure of French horn players, two experimental studies have been conducted. In both studies, the same task was performed by advanced and amateur French horn players. The first study investigated the activity, while performing the above-mentioned task, of the 5 facial muscles (levator labii superioris, zygomaticus major, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, and risorius muscles) on the right side of the face by surface electromyography, and the facial movement on the left side of the face by attaching two markers above each muscle and using two high-speed cameras simultaneously. The results of the study showed that it is possible for the four markers around the lower lip to practice indexes. The second study evaluated whether the above-mentioned markers are appropriate as practice indexes using a 3-D tracking system and questionnaires. The results showed that both the advanced and the amateur players assessed that the markers were suitable as practice indexes for improving the embouchure. This set of approaches could be useful for selecting practice indexes and developing scientific practice methods not only for the French horn but also for other instruments and other fields.
高橋 夏子 小林 正紀 板垣 史郎 平野 剛 武隈 洋 菅原 満 井関 健
Yakugaku Zasshi (ISSN:00316903)
vol.132, no.6, pp.777-783, 2012-06-01

The most effective drugs based on the type of cancer are chosen for chemotherapy. Tumor cells can be targeted at the DNA, RNA or protein level, and most of the classical anticancer drugs interact with tumor DNA in a time-dependent manner or a concentration-dependent manner. However, it has been unclear to date whether a combination therapy is carried out by using exact classification. Thus it is necessary to reclassify a great number of anticancer drugs. We propose a new classification system based on pharmacological effects of anticancer drugs. Classification of four anticancer drugs (cisplatin, carboplatin, paclitaxel and gemcitabine) was performed by the 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The four anticancer drugs were grouped by IC50 values (inhibitory concentration, 50%) in a time-dependent manner and a concentration-dependent manner. The present approach may be combined to enhance the chemosensitivity, improve the dose of cytotoxic drugs and evaluate the effects of novel anticancer drugs.