平岡 隆二

2018年度は、1)国内外の図書館・博物館での史料調査・撮影、2)出版物計6点:英語雑誌論文1点、英語図書分担執筆2点、日本語図書分担執筆1点、日本語報告書分担執筆1点、日本語書評1点、3)学会報告計3回:国際会議等2回、国内学会1回、4)『天経或問』研究会の運営、5)関連史料の収集とデータ整理、がおもな活動だった。1)については、中国と日本の計11の図書館・博物館において史料調査・撮影を行った。その成果は、2019年度以降に論文等の形で発表してゆく予定である。2)については、新発見の天文器具「ジュネーブ天儀」について詳しく紹介・分析した雑誌論文「The Geneva Shpere: An Astronomical Model from 17th Century Japan」(Technology and Culture 60(1))や、イエズス会科学とキリスト教思想との関連について論じた英語図書分担執筆「Jesuits, Cosmology and Creation in Japan’s “Christian Century” (1549–1650)」(Visual and Textual Representations in Exchanges between Europe and East Asia所収)、また天学成立以前の長崎における天文地理学について考察した報告書論文「アリストテレスを運気論で読み解く-『南蛮運気論』と17 世紀長崎における西学理解-」(『天と地の科学-東と西の出会い-』京都大学人文科学研究所)など、計6点を出版した。3)16~17世紀日本への西洋科学伝来にまつわる英語報告や、天学の重要著作『天経或問』の現存諸本についての国内学会発表など、計3回行った。4)「『天経或問』研究会」は、本年度は計10回開催、のべ33人が参加した。5)上記1)の調査を通じて、関連史料の撮影・収集を行い、そのデータ整理と分析を進めた。
平岡 隆二
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.46, no.242, pp.65-77, 2007-06-26

This paper discusses the content and characteristics of a hitherto unexamined manuscript Tenmongata kakitome (Astronomical Note), Isahaya City Library, Nagasaki. This anonymous and undated manuscript is a compilation of 83 short passages concerning mainly Western astronomy and geography. Although almost all the passages lack information about the sources from which they are taken, textual comparison clearly reveals that a half of them (41 passages) corresponds to the text of the Nigi ryakusetsu, a typical of Nanban astronomy books which originated from Jesuit missionary activities during the 'Christian century' in Japan (1549-1650). Moreover, the other passages contain much information relating to Rangaku (Dutch studies), such as Latin and Dutch texts with Japanese translations. Textual comparison reveals that some of them obviously correspond to those seen in the Nichigetsukei wage (Translation about the sundial and moondial) of Motoki Ryoei (1735 -1794), a famous Nagasaki interpreter of Dutch. These facts show that this compilation was completed later than the Tenmei era (1781-1788), probably around Nagasaki, by extracting and combining several texts of the two books as well as the other sources. In effect, the Tenmongata kakitome is not only a rare example which illuminates the transmission of these two books, but also provides the evidence that the two lines of circulation, i.e. those of Nanban and Rangaku astronomy, which were hitherto thought un-interrelated, certainly met each other at least later than the Tenmei era.
平岡 隆二
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.47, no.246, pp.95-111, 2008 (Released:2021-08-05)

In 1593-94, a Spanish Jesuit Pedro Gomez (1533-1600) completed his tripartite textbook for use by students preparing for the priesthood at Jesuit colleges in Japan. Its first part, De sphaera (On the Sphere), is well known as the first full-scale presentation of Western cosmology in Japan. However, it has been rarely noted that its third part, Compendium catholicae veritatis (Compendium of Catholic Belief), which treats theology, also contains such technical astronomical data as the dimension of the heavens. Comparison of Compendium's data with those seen in astronomy books in contemporary Europe has shown that some of the numerical values in fact correspond to those of a famous Jesuit mathematician Christoph Clavius (1537-1612), whose influence on De sphaera has already been indicated. This paper, while providing a modern Japanese translation of the related chapter in Compendium, first investigates the derivation of the data and, second, examines whether it influenced similar data seen in Kenkon Bensetsu (A Discussion on the Heavens and the Earth with Critical Commentaries) and its variant copy Tenmon Biyo (Compendium for Astronomy), both composed in the mid 17th century and attributed to the apostate Portuguese Chuan Sawano (Christovao Ferreira, ca.1580-1650).
平岡 隆二
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.46, no.242, pp.65-77, 2007 (Released:2021-08-11)

This paper discusses the content and characteristics of a hitherto unexamined manuscript Tenmongata kakitome (Astronomical Note), Isahaya City Library, Nagasaki. This anonymous and undated manuscript is a compilation of 83 short passages concerning mainly Western astronomy and geography. Although almost all the passages lack information about the sources from which they are taken, textual comparison clearly reveals that a half of them (41 passages) corresponds to the text of the Nigi ryakusetsu, a typical of Nanban astronomy books which originated from Jesuit missionary activities during the 'Christian century' in Japan (1549-1650). Moreover, the other passages contain much information relating to Rangaku (Dutch studies), such as Latin and Dutch texts with Japanese translations. Textual comparison reveals that some of them obviously correspond to those seen in the Nichigetsukei wage (Translation about the sundial and moondial) of Motoki Ryoei (1735 -1794), a famous Nagasaki interpreter of Dutch. These facts show that this compilation was completed later than the Tenmei era (1781-1788), probably around Nagasaki, by extracting and combining several texts of the two books as well as the other sources. In effect, the Tenmongata kakitome is not only a rare example which illuminates the transmission of these two books, but also provides the evidence that the two lines of circulation, i.e. those of Nanban and Rangaku astronomy, which were hitherto thought un-interrelated, certainly met each other at least later than the Tenmei era.
大橋 幸泰 清水 有子 平岡 隆二 岸本 恵実 折井 善果 牧野 元紀

岩城 卓二 平岡 隆二 東野 将伸 鎌谷 かおる 久留島 浩 武井 弘一 小林 准士 瀬戸口 明久

平岡 隆二
研究紀要 (ISSN:18815359)
no.1, pp.51-60, 2006
平岡 隆二
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.58, no.289, pp.2-21, 2019 (Released:2021-01-24)

The Tianjing huowen 天経或問 of You Yi 游藝 (fl. 17C.) is a book on natural philosophy, composed under strong influence from the scholarly circle led by Fang Yizhi 方以智 (1611-1671) in the Jiangnan region. Although this book is known to have been more widely distributed in Japan than in China, no extensive survey of its textual exemplars has so far been carried out. Based on a survey of existing printed editions and manuscripts of the book, this paper seeks 1) to specify the most important exemplars useful for restoring the text of the book, and 2) to clarify the aspects of this bookʼs textual production and circulation, especially in Japan, where the majority of surviving exemplars are found.
渡邉 顕彦 伊藤 博明 平岡 隆二 Tunberg Terence O. Schirg Bernhard

研究期間中に1)P.Palumbo (1573) Non Recedat Volumen Legis Huiusの背景および近世初期日本における受容について、2)ヴァティカン写本(MS. Reg. lat. 426)の最後部にあるラテン語寸詩および叙事詩断片計4点の内容および源泉について、3)B.Pereira (1640) Paciecidos Libriの背景や内容について、調査や発表を行った。特に2)の、近世初期日本人神学生によって筆写されたのではないかと推定される擬古典ラテン語詩4点が、1588年にリスボンで刊行された書籍から採られているとほぼ同定できたことが最大の成果である。
平岡 隆二
洋学 : 洋学史学会研究年報
no.18, pp.1-50, 2010-08-01 (Released:2011-04-14)

近世初期の日本で成立したキリシタン系宇宙論書の一つである「南蛮運気論」(一七世紀中頃成立)は、西洋のアリストテレス・プトレマイオス的宇宙論に遡源する内容を持ちながら、その本文に中国の天文・気象・医学理論である「運気論」にまつわる引用や術語の改変等が混在することから、日欧科学交流の黎明期における興味深い所産として知られている。この「南蛮運気論」が、元イエズス会士で転びバテレンの沢野忠庵(一五八〇頃~一六五〇)等の手によって成立した「乾坤弁説」の異本であるということは、大矢眞一氏が一九五〇年にその旨を説く 論考を発表して以来定説となったが、近世を通じて写本の形で伝わった同書の本文はまだ活字出版されておらず、諸本の伝存・流布状況に関する研究もほとんど未開拓のまま残されている。そこで本稿では、これまで調査 することのできた「南蛮運気論」写本計十二点を紹介しつつ、とりわけ同書が近世期の知識人にどのように写し 伝えられ、どのように読まれたのかという問題に焦点をしぼって考究・分析することにする。 Nanban unkiron (Yunqi theory of "Southern barbarians", c. mid-17th century) is an interesting example of a mixture of Western Aristotelian-Ptolemaic cosmology and Chinese Yunqi theory in the seventeenth century Japan. The book has been known as a variant copy of Kenkon bensetsu (Discussion on the heavens and the earth), the original draft of which was composed by the Apostate Jesuit Sawano Chuan (Christovao Ferreira, c. 1580-1650), but an extensive survey of its extant manuscripts had not been done. Based on a survey of twelve manuscripts, the present study gives the first description of how the book was circulated and read by Japanese intellectuals in the Edo period as well as the bibliographical stemma of the manuscripts. My conclusions can be summarised as follows: (1) Of the twelve extant manuscripts of Nanban unkiron, nine were made during the Edo period and three were made after the Meiji Restoration. Of the nine early modem manuscripts, five have been practically unknown to the scholarly world, and, in fact, four of the five had such titles, different from Nanban unkiron, as Tenmon yokai, Tenmon sho and Nanban tenchiron. This means that the circulation of the book was far wider than has previously been acknowledged. (2) The colophons attached to several manuscripts and some other evidence show that the owners in the Edo period were such figures as Okochi Terutsuna (17th century), Tani Kakimori, Toita Yasusuke, Obata Chutatsu (18th to 19th century). It is also confirmed that the book was disseminated in various parts of Japan : Nagasaki, Kawagoe, Edo, Tosa and Tohoku. (3) Abibliographical analysis of the manuscripts showed that [01] Okochi MS, [2] Mtsura MS and [3] Yamauchi MS can be used to reconstruct the archetype of Nanban unkiron. Since these early munuscripts contain many different readings and share some in a very intricate way, it is not an easy task to reconstruct the archetype. This fact, however, conversely reveals that the book was already sought after and well studied by Japanese intellectuals in seventeenth century. (4) Apart from the case of Matsudaira Terutsuna, we have no witness confirming that readers in the Edo period recognized the Christian origin of the book. On the contrary, some readers in the 18th even explicitly argued that it could not be of Nanban origin and others tacitly identified it as a Japanese book, most specifically one on Yunqi theory by a Japanese physician. All this shows that the book underwent a very unique and different process of circulation and reception from that other cosmology book of Jesuit origin.
平岡 隆二
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.47, no.246, pp.95-111, 2008-06-25

In 1593-94, a Spanish Jesuit Pedro Gomez (1533-1600) completed his tripartite textbook for use by students preparing for the priesthood at Jesuit colleges in Japan. Its first part, De sphaera (On the Sphere), is well known as the first full-scale presentation of Western cosmology in Japan. However, it has been rarely noted that its third part, Compendium catholicae veritatis (Compendium of Catholic Belief), which treats theology, also contains such technical astronomical data as the dimension of the heavens. Comparison of Compendium's data with those seen in astronomy books in contemporary Europe has shown that some of the numerical values in fact correspond to those of a famous Jesuit mathematician Christoph Clavius (1537-1612), whose influence on De sphaera has already been indicated. This paper, while providing a modern Japanese translation of the related chapter in Compendium, first investigates the derivation of the data and, second, examines whether it influenced similar data seen in Kenkon Bensetsu (A Discussion on the Heavens and the Earth with Critical Commentaries) and its variant copy Tenmon Biyo (Compendium for Astronomy), both composed in the mid 17th century and attributed to the apostate Portuguese Chuan Sawano (Christovao Ferreira, ca.1580-1650).