井上 直彦 幸地 省子
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.95, no.3, pp.305-324, 1987 (Released:2008-02-26)

幸地 省子 井上 直彦
Japanese Society for Oral Health
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.36, no.2, pp.142-149, 1986 (Released:2010-10-27)

As one of the approaches for improving the maternal and child health care system, it was attempted to review the dental part of the maternal and child health handbook. Our recommendations are as follows:As a basic philosophy, all considerations regarding dental health should be on the same basis and at the same level as holistic health care. Therefore, the dental examination chart and the instructions for dental health care should be arranged in the same page as the general health examination and education at each stage of the physical and mental development.It is strongly advised to pay attention to the development and underdevelopment of occlusion. It is essentially important to start the dental health examination program specially refered to the type and pathogenic factors of malocclusion as early as possible, so that the developmental changes of maticatory system can be well understood. For this purpose, new criteria for the occlusal examination of deciduous dentition are presented. In the dental health education, instructions for bringing up the morphologically and functionally sound, and traumaresistant masticatory system should be most important, including the informations on effects of breast feeding to the basic growth of the masticatory system, and on the influence of the physical properties of foods on its growth in and after weaning period.The role of the maternal and child health handbook should be clearly defined as to record all the evidence through the developmental stages, as well as to motivate the mother and child complex towards the self care for health. The influences of mother's diseases and of the affecting stress caused by the treatment of these diseases should be mainly concerned about for fetus, rather than for the maternal body. Spaces must also be provided for recording the child's diseases and preventive care and treatment.Eruption times of all deciduous teeth have better to be graphically illustrated for the mother to compare her own child's tooth eruption with. Code numbers may be advisable for the easy and accurate extract of the data, when necessary epidemiological investigation would be carried out.
幸地 省子 松井 桂子 飯野 光喜 高橋 哲 玉木 祐介 森川 秀広 福田 雅幸 君塚 哲 熊谷 正浩 斎藤 哲夫 猪狩 俊郎 山口 泰 越後 成志 手島 貞一
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.39, no.9, pp.972-983, 1993
29 2 2

The aim of this study was to clarify the factors which influenced the successful of bony bridging following bone grafts into the alveolar cleft with autogenous particulate cancellous bone harvested from iliac bone.<BR>The bone bridge build up in the alveolar cleft was assessed by periapical radiographs taken before and 18-23 months after the operation. Successful bony bridging defined as a bone bridge with a vertical height of greater than about 11mm, was observed in 123 of all 202 clefts. The frequency of successful bony bridging decreased with increasing severity of cleft type. Successful bony bridging was achieved in 81.8% of unilateral cleft lip and alveolus patients and in only 45.2% of bilateral cleft lip and palate patients. Moreover, the frequency of successful bony bridging was significantly negatively correlated with the width of the cleft. The present study has clearly shown at least two major determinants of successful bony bridging: 1) the cleft type, and 2) the width of the cleft.
幸地 省子 手島 貞一
東北大学歯学雑誌 (ISSN:02873915)
vol.16, no.1, pp.70-75, 1997-06

宮城県内の111産科医療施設を対象として, 1994年11月1日から1995年10月31日までの1年間に出生した口唇裂口蓋裂等顎顔面奇形が認められた児の発生数と, その出生状況について調査した。日本人出生数14,707児中26児に口唇裂口蓋裂がみられた。口唇裂口蓋裂の発生率は, 0.177%であった。性別裂型別発生率は, 男児で口唇裂が0.081%, 口唇口蓋裂と口蓋裂がそれぞれ0,067%, 女児で口唇裂が0.055%, 口唇口蓋裂と口蓋裂がそれぞれ0.041%であった。他の顎顔面奇形の発生はなかった。合併症が認められたのは6児, 23.1%であった。在胎週齢, 出生体重等出生状況においては, 母集団と差がみられなかった。