椚座 圭太郎 後藤 篤
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.2, pp.279-293, 2010-04-25 (Released:2010-07-06)
19 39

This paper examines the early stage of the geotectonic history of the Japanese Islands on the basis of finding hydrothermal jadeitite including zircons of ca. 520 Ma in serpentinite mélange of the Itoigawa-Omi area of the Hida-Gaien belt, Central Japan. Hydrothermal jadeitite contains euhedral jadeite in natrolite veins and patches, and consists of jadeite-albite and jadeite-natrolite without quartz. These minerals were crystallized from an aqueous fluid phase at the low-pressure and high-temperature side of the reaction boundary of albite = jadeite + quartz in the system NaAlSiO4-SiO2-H2O. The occurrence of rounded relict hornblende mantled by omphacite rimmed by fine-grained aggregates of jadeite in the matrix of jadeite and albite suggests a pervasive hydrothermal fluid flow, through which metabasite was extensively replaced by jadeitite. This rather high-temperature hydrothermal activity of ca. 520 Ma did not occur in an ordinary subduction zone but in a newly-formed mantle wedge suffering severe hydration from a subducting slab. Recently accumulated U-Pb ages of zircon of ca. 450-500 Ma from paleozoic sediments and granitic rocks of the Hida-Gaien belt were due to initiation of subduction followed by subduction zone magmatism. Protolith of serpentinite in the Hida-Gaien belt includes highly depleted harzburgite, thus requiring tectonic setting of a high-temperature-rift zone rather than a low-temperature-slow spreading ridge. Subduction was initiated at ca. 520 Ma along the boundary between low-density harzburgitic rift zone peridotite and lherzolitic spreading ridge peridotite with a slightly higher density, resulting in the common occurrence of harzburgitic serpentinite in the oldest part of the accretionary complex of Southwest Japan. An area including the Japanese Islands was born around the Yangtze block by the breaking up of the Rodinia supercontinent, because the oldest K-Ar age of biotite actinolit rock of 672 Ma (Matsumoto et al., 1981) and the subduction initiation of ca. 520 Ma are in accord with the paleogeographic history of the Yangtze block, and because ca. 300 Ma Renge schists of the Hida-Gaien belt did not suffer the ca. 280-200 Ma collision-type metamorphism of the Hida metamorphic belt that is an eastern extension of the suture between the Sino-Korea and Yangtze blocks.
後藤 篤祉 木田 智晃 水戸部 和久
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.760, pp.3253-3260, 2009-12-25

On the purpose of achieving a human-like high energy efficient walking robot, many research projects use actuators attached on the waist or ankle joints of passive dynamic walking mechanisms. While on the other hand, we developed another type of semi-passive walking robot that is driven by the harmonic oscillation of a spring-mass system. In the mechanism, spring forces are generated at both sides of the robot by the simple harmonic motion of a spring-mass system which is oscillated by a small sized servo motor. The spring forces control the ZMP (Zero Moment Point) in the lateral direction, in sync with the swing leg, which is generated by the same forces as well. Choosing the gait cycle at the resonance frequency, significant decrease of the motor power and energy consumption is possible. Gyros, micro switches and wire displacement sensors are attached to the robot for measuring the angle of the legs, foot contact and spring extension. Gait cycle, spring forces, ZMP in the lateral direction are analyzed based on the measurements.
鮫嶋 優樹 大槻 茂久 後藤 篤志 高妻 容一
神奈川大学国際経営論集 = Kanagawa University international management review (ISSN:09157611)
no.58, pp.119-131, 2019-12

近年、スポーツ界におけるメンタル面強化がメディアに取り上げられる機会が増加している。特に注目を浴びたのが、2018年9月に全米オープンでの日本人初優勝、続けて全豪オープンでも優勝を飾り、日本人初の世界ランク1位を獲得したプロテニスプレーヤー大坂なおみ選手であった。彼女の実力発揮の裏側には、メンタル面を支えたサーシャ・バインコーチの存在が欠かせなかったことが注目された(内田、2019)5)。このようなスポーツ界の動向からも今後は、2020東京オリンピックに向けて、スポーツ選手に対するメンタル面強化がいっそう注目されることが予想される。 本研究では、メンタル面強化に関する基礎研究として、大学生運動部員に対して、メンタルトレーニングの講習会及び心理的サポートを実施し、その心理的側面の影響を分析することとした。また、専属メンタルトレーニングコーチを帯同させた女子サッカー部のメンタル面強化実施群と講習会だけを受講した女子運動部群を比較することで、心理的側面にどのような影響を及ぼすのか分析を実施し、講習会や心理的サポートによる影響を検証することとした。本研究で、先行研究の少ない大学女子サッカーチームに対する心理的サポートが選手の心理面に与える影響について明らかにすることで、今後の指導の一助となると考え、研究を実施することとした。研究論文
後藤 篤子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.91, no.10, pp.1513-1551,1649-, 1982-10-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

Sidonius' Carmina et Epistulae offers invaluable information about Gaul in the 5th century, which was a theater of progressive transformation from Antiquity into early-medieval German society. The purpose of this article is to consider Sidonius' idea and its metamorphosis in response to the changing realities of those days. This would help us understand the mentality and historical role of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy in this period. Sidonius' idea and its metamorphosis which can be deduced from his works in this article are as follows. His first panegyricus on Western Emperor Avitus, his father-in-law, shows his enthusiasm for "Gallicanism", a spirit he shared with the Gaulish senators. This panegyricus, on the other hand, demonstrates how the adherents of "Gallicanism" railed against the Italian government and senators who placed more emphasis on the defense of Italy than on that of Gaul. The "Gallicanism" that we can see therein never aimed at a separation of Gaul from the Roman Empire. This nature of his "Gallicanism" is also illustrated by the fact that Sidonius did not participate in the plot known as coniuratio Marcelliana. This fact and the dedication of his second panegyricus to Emperor Majorian, who had been an enemy of Avitus, illustrate how Sidonius' "Romanism" could easily overcome his sympathy for "Gallicanism". After Ricimer assassinated Majorian, Sidonius perceived the weakness of the Western Roman Empire evidenced by the expansion of the German tribes and Ricimer's dominance from behind the throne. In his third panegyricus on Emperor Anthemius, his "Romanism" was all the more energetic. Therein, he appealed for cooperation between the Eastern and Western Empires to save the Roman World. Sidonius' poems and letters show his "anti-Germanism". For him, what distinguished the Romans from the Germans was possession of Latin culture. In his mind, Latin literature was the essence of Romanitas, a spiritual link between all members of the nobility, and a scale by which to measure a man's value. At the same time, he encouraged the holding of public offices by the nobility as an opportunity to demonstrate loyalty to the Empire and to reveal "Romanism". For Sidonius, the only imaginable materialization of Romanitas was the Roman Empire, which had guaranteed the political, economic, social, and cultural privileges that he enjoyed as a Roman senator. He had retained, therefore, his loyalty to the Empire and, after being appointed to the bishopric of Clermont-Ferrand, he became a spiritual leader in the Gallo-Roman resistance against the Visigothic siege of Clermont. The result was, however, the cession of Auvergne to the Visigoth, which Sidonius viewed as a barbarous outcome and the ruin of the Roman Empire's last chance to develop into the materialization of Romanitas. From that point on, Sidonius was separated spiritually from the Roman Empire. This, however, never meant that he left behind his ideal of Romanitas completely. While concealing his "anti-Germanism", Sidonius insisted on his Roman spiritual superiority over the Germans. On the one hand, Latin culture became more and more valuable to him as a symbol of Roman nobility. Meanwhile, because of his experiences during the siege of Clermont, Catholicism began to occupy an increasingly important place in Sidonius' "Romanism". After the collapse of the Roman Empire, from Sidonius' point of view, Catholicism became a spiritual anchor which he hoped could sustain German-governed Gaul as a "Roman Gaul". The Catholic church became the sole remaining base of Romanitas. The holding of the episcopate, as a substitute of public office, became a tenet of his "Romanism". Devotion to Catholicism meant devotion to Romanitas for Sidonius. In truth(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)