梅野 徹也 鉾井 修一 齋藤 宏昭 本間 義規
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.729, pp.951-959, 2016 (Released:2016-11-30)
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Most exterior walls of wooden residential buildings in Japan have a vented air space between the exterior cladding and insulation. This air space is designed to dehumidify exterior walls by discharging humidity to the outside and taking outdoor air into the walls, in order to decrease the risk of condensation on exterior walls in winter. Many studies have been carried out on vented air space, and the most effective thickness for dehumidification has been determined. However, most of these studies have only investigated the performance of vented air spaces under laboratory conditions, and the characteristics of vented air spaces in the field have not been clarified. Our previous study clarified the characteristics of ventilation volume through the vented air space based on field measurements. This study continues that work by reporting on the hygro-thermal characteristics of vented air space. Temperature and humidity were measured in an experimental house built in Iwate prefecture, and the hygro-thermal characteristics of the vented air space were verified. Temperature and humidity in the vented air space were affected by the outdoor temperature and humidity during most periods of time, except when the wall was exposed to solar radiation. Indoor temperature and humidity had less of an effect on the vented air space, because the walls of the experimental house are well insulated and highly moisture proof. The temperature of the vented air space is 20 or 30 degrees higher than the outdoor temperature when exposed to the sun during the day, and the humidity of the vented air space also rises. It is thought that the rise in humidity is due to moisture desorption from the exterior cladding. The vented air space of the east wall that is exposed to the sun in the early morning tends to have high humidity for a short time because moisture desorption from exterior cladding occurs when the temperature of the wall is low. Solar radiation on the wall also produces a temperature difference between the vented air space and the outside that is one of the driving forces of ventilation in the vented air space. So ventilation volume tends to be high when the wall is exposed to the sun, and low at night time. This means that ventilation volume in the vented air space is high during moisture desorption from the exterior wall cladding and low during moisture absorption. As a result, most of the desorbed moisture from the exterior cladding is discharged well by the ventilation, and the absolute humidity in the vented air space is kept lower than that outdoors. Through long-term measurement of the hygro-thermal characteristics of the vented air space, it was shown that absolute humidity of the vented air space is lower on the average than the outdoor air due to daily variation in ventilation volume and moisture absorption by the exterior cladding. A numerical simulation was conducted and the results of the field survey were simulated. The hygro-thermal characteristics of the vented air space, moisture absorption by the exterior cladding and drying of the vented air space over the long term were generally confirmed.
梅野 徹也 鉾井 修一 齋藤 宏昭 本間 義規
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.78, no.694, pp.909-916, 2013-12-30 (Released:2014-07-10)
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Most exterior walls of wooden residential buildings in Japan have vented air space between the exterior cladding and the insulation, which is designed to dehumidify the exterior walls by discharging humidity to the outside and taking outdoor air into the walls, with the purpose of decreasing the risk of condensation in exterior walls in winter. Several studies have been carried out on the vented air space, and the most effective thickness for dehumidification has been determined. However, most of these studies have only investigated the performance of vented air spaces under laboratory conditions, and the characteristics of vented air spaces in a field environment have not been clarified. The driving forces of the airflow in the vented air space are the buoyancy force due to the temperature difference between the outdoor air and the vented air space and the wind pressure. However, few studies have dealt with the influence of wind pressure. Since the velocity and the direction of the wind change irregularly, it is difficult to estimate the ventilation volume due to the wind. The objective of this study is to survey the ventilation volume through the vented air space and to investigate the effect of the driving force of the ventilation, which are buoyancy force and wind. Measurements have been carried out on the vented air space in an experimental wooden house that has several types of vented air spaces. The correlation between the ventilation volume and the driving force was discussed.
吉田 渡 小町 利治 本間 義規 唐木 瞳 藤谷 順子
公益社団法人 日本義肢装具士協会
POアカデミージャーナル (ISSN:09198776)
vol.28, no.4, pp.211-204, 2021 (Released:2021-03-09)

足関節背屈制限が生じている血友病患者の靴およびインソールに補正を加えたときの歩行への影響を、歩きやすさの主観評価と歩行速度、歩幅、重心移動距離を用いて評価した。2019年に実施された血友病リハビリ検診会の参加者で、靴およびインソールの補正を希望した4名を対象とした。補正後の歩きやすさの主観評価は、対象者4名すべてが歩きやすさを自覚した。補正前後で10 m歩行を比較した結果、歩行速度、歩幅の改善は認められなかった。重心移動距離は第2仙椎レベルでの左右移動量の増加が認められた。靴およびインソールに補正を加えることで、足関節の背屈可動域制限により荷重が十分に行えていなかった状態が改善される結果が示された。
繪内 正道 羽山 広文 森 太郎 瀬戸口 剛 本間 義規 林 基哉 佐藤 彰治

本申請研究の目的は、冬をポジティブに捉えている子供達が、何時の時点で冬をネガティブに考えるようになるか、それに影響を与えている大人の側では、冬に対してどの様な適応状況にあるか、北方圏域における小学生や成人を対象にしたアンケート調査を通じて、経時的推移の実態把握を量ることにある。下記の「冬への適応に関する6軸の項目」に関わって、日本(札幌・盛岡・仙台)、カナダ(Waterloo, Gatineau)、フィンランド(Espoo)、ロシア(Knabarovsk)、中国(Harbin)においてアンケート調査を実施した。1.Enduring Winter(冬を忍耐する)、2.Tolerating Winter(冬を大目に見る)、3.Accepting Winter(冬を受け入れる)4.Respecting Winter(冬に期待する)、5.Appreciating Winter(冬に感謝する)、6.Celebrating Winter(冬を祝賀する)6項目合わせて、100%とするアンケート調査の実施例はなかった。この6軸項目を拠り所にして小学校学童や成人を対象にアンケート調査を実施することにより、言語や文化な違いを超えて、北方圏域で生活する人々の『冬の捉え方』を相互に分かり合い、共通の尺度を共有することは、冬とどの様に向き合い、冬期の屋外活動とどの様に取り組むのか、のシナリオが見出された時、積雪寒冷な地域に望まれるこれからのライフスタイル、特に微気候計画に基づいた街づくり(コミュニティーづくり)や省エネルギーのあるべき姿が明らかになり、これからの建築環境計画や都市計画に欠かせない基礎資料となる第一部では、日本の小学生(低学年)は、冬をポジティブに捉え、大人になるに従ってネガティブになる。カナダの小学生も冬をポジティブに捉えるが、成人は2面的になっていた。フィンランドは小学生も成人も冬をポジティブに捉え、ロシアや中国(Harbin)では、冬を受は入れるという心理特性にあることが分かった。また、対象地域において学童や成人の外套下の温湿度測定・就寝時の寝室の温湿度測定の結果を取りまとめ、検討を加えた。第二部では、札幌で行われたInternational Forum CREATION OF BETTER OPEN SPACES IN COLD REGIONS のProceedingsを収録した。このフォーラムでは、北方圏域における公開空地のあり方や学童の冬の屋外活動の実態を対象に、発表・討議を行い、Winter Citiesに求められる公開空地等の基本的な都市計画は如何にあるべきか、についてディスカッションを行った。更に、学童の冬の屋外活動を誘発するためワークショップを行い、学童による屋外活動を活発にする施設の提案や、研究者・都市計画家・建築家・行政官による屋外活動を誘発するためConcepts, Strategies, Toolsに関わった基礎的なディスカッションの結果を取りまとめた。
本間 義規 鈴木 大隆 坂本 雄三
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.530, pp.25-30, 2000
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To clarify the hygrothermal environment of vertical edge insulation methods in moderate and humid climate region, especially in the summer involving the rainy season, temperature and relative humility of 12 houses have been measured. From the measurement results, the temperature variation in the crawl space tends to slide slightly backward compare to the outdoor air. Evaporation from the drying concrete keeps the humidity in the crawl space rather high, especially in the summer just after completion. But it becomes moderate on condition that it passes through the winter. Daily diurnal range of temperature in the crawl space is smaller, and absolute humidity is lower, than the other construction method, that also ensures against condensation proofing.