森 太郎 定池 祐季 桑原 浩平 草苅 敏夫 南 慎一 竹内 慎一
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.22, no.52, pp.1021-1026, 2016 (Released:2016-10-20)
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Generally, local residents are warned to evacuate to evacuation facilities such as schools, gymnasiums, and community centers, when a disaster occurred or is predicted to occur. However, there are not many investigations about thermal environment of those facilities under severe cold weather. In this report, we report the results of questionnaire for the thermal environment of housings under large-scale power failures in winter. Moreover, we investigated the thermal environment of evacuation facilities during disaster drills in severe weather. The results indicate that the thermal environments of gymnasiums are very severe, especially if it does not have enough thermal insulation.
丸山 翔永 森 太郎 大柳 佳紀
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.84, no.764, pp.911-918, 2019 (Released:2019-10-30)

Introduction Recently, highly insulated housings are increasing nationwide. Especially in Hokkaido, the development of wooden high insulated housing has been developed from the early days. The number of those housing supplied to the market was growing after the 1980s. Nowadays, those housings are renovating. It is a good opportunity to observe how various methods have influenced insulation performance and deterioration. The purpose of this research is to give insight into distribution of second-hand housing. We analyzed insulation performance such as Q-value and air-tightness of the housings with entire insulation renovation and the existing housings in Hokkaido.  Methods First, we conducted a questionnaire survey. The target housings are 51 housings (Hoppougata-Jyutaku) built in Asahikawa city, Sapporo city (Kita-ku, Toyohira-ku), Kitahiroshima city in the 1990s. Next, we conducted an inspection of the target housings. The target housings consist of 13 renovated houses (a1-a13) in Sapporo city, Kitahiroshima city, Tomakomai city and 17 existing houses in Sarufutsu town, Shimokawa town, Asahikawa city, Sapporo city and Takasu town (b1-b17).  Summary 1) The most frequent renovation was "painting or replacement the outer wall and roof." Also, there were many answers which conducted "replacement of heating and hot-water supply equipment at the same time." 2) About C-value of renovated housings, the RMSE of C-value was 0.56 cm2/m2 and the average absolute error rate was 43%. The C-value in the inspection, about ten years after renovation, were higher than the values just after renovation in many houses, and the airtightness was somewhat deteriorated. However, in most housings, no significant deterioration of the air-tightness was confirmed even after ten years from the renovation. It was confirmed that the performance can be maintained when wooden houses are adequately insulated and repaired.  About C-value of existing housings, those can be classified into the values under 2.0 that provide sufficient air-tightness compared with new houses and the values over 3.5 that not provide enough air-tightness. There were deteriorations such as moisture problem, dew, and fungi when the air-tightness was not enough. 3) About the Q-value, the average error between calculation values and measurement value was 0.32 W/m2K, and the average reliable section width was 0.36 W/m2K. Also, 36.4% of calculated values were within the reliable section, and few housings were below the calculation values. In the future, it is predicted that more reliable values can be calculated by conducting detailed examination of the heating area. 4) In this report, the housings with entire insulation renovation, the deterioration of insulation performance was hardly confirmed. However, in the case of cold climate areas, there is the possibility of deterioration in partial insulation renovation. Therefore, we will consider the finance system to achieve full insulation renovation, not partial renovation in the future.
赤松 大成 森 太郎 林 基哉 羽山 広文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.88, no.803, pp.43-49, 2023-01-01 (Released:2023-01-01)

COVID-19 caused a global pandemic. The possibility of aerosol transmission has been pointed out as a possible route of infection, and there are reports that conventional infection control measures are insufficient to counteract aerosol transmission. Therefore, this report presents the results of an actual survey at a high school, including measurement of CO2 concentration and a questionnaire survey, and the results of an experiment to evaluate the attenuation of particle concentration by an air cleaner based on this survey.
紺野 良文 森 太郎 岩間 雄介
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.83, no.751, pp.729-736, 2018 (Released:2018-09-30)
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Introduction Households in “Fuel Poverty” is defined as the households which need to spend more than 10% of its income on all fuel use and to heat its home to an adequate standard of warmth. Fuel Poverty is caused by three factors: low income, high fuel price and poor energy efficiency of a home. In cold climate region, people need to use heating to keep warm, but households in Fuel Poverty cannot afford to heat their house adequately. In this research, we investigated Fuel Poverty (hereafter FP) in Hokkaido with questionnaires and public statistic data. Literature review A report published from DECC1) indicates three household groups who have older adults, who have children, and who have people with long-term care and disabled are tend to be in FP. Sunderland3) wrote the definition and the policy in England. The policy against FP has three categories, 1st, Measures to support income for low-income households, 2nd, Measures to improve the energy efficiency of houses, 3rd, Measures to discount energy prices. The government in England has spent £41.6 billion on the measures. The measure to support income has the biggest rate, 72%. But Sunderland wrote that the most important measure is to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Although there are many types of research about an actual situation of FP in England and other Europian countries, there is a few research for FP in Japan. The research in Europian countries indicated that there is the relationship between FP and the risk of health even in younger generations. We should immediately implement the research on FP in Northern Japan where the climate is colder than Europian countries. Actual situation of FP in Hokkaido We conducted a questionnaire survey in three areas to investigate the actual condition of FP in Hokkaido, The results of the questionnaire in Biei town and Sunagawa city were used to analyze the situation of FP with older adults. The result of the questionnaire in K school student was used to analyze the situation of FP with younger people. We used the equations (1), (2), and (3) to calculate energy cost. Those costs are used to judge whether it was a household with FP. In elderly households, the FP rates are high, when the householder is female, the number of people in the household is small, and the households live in a house with low energy efficiency. In younger households, the FP rates are high, when the age of householders are under 39 or over 60, and the number of people in the households is large. Also, we analyzed the regional situation of FP with Housing and Land Survey, 2013. As the result of the analysis. The rate in the southern Sorachi area where coal mines were located in is very high. On the other hand, the FP rates in Sapporo suburb are low. Fig. 18 and 19 indicated the relationship among FP rate, HDD, the rate of the house built before 1980, and the rate of households who have under 3M yen/year. FP rate has good correlation with the rate of the house built before 1980 and the rate of household who has income under 3M yen. But the correlation between FP rate and HDD is not better than other indexes.
森 太郎 村松 昂樹 羽山 広文 石垣 祐里奈 濱田 靖弘
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 (ISSN:18803806)
vol.2019, pp.81-84, 2019

工藤 和樹 森 太郎
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.84, no.759, pp.515-524, 2019 (Released:2019-05-30)

Introduction The number of residences with thick insulation and air-tightness continues to increase in cold region. Ventilation loads cause over half of the heating load of such houses. In the previous report1), we developed a ventilation preheating system combining the solar thermal collector and the PCM panel shown in Fig. 1. We verified its performance with the experiment and numerical simulation. As the result, it is difficult to optimize the control system by a simple feedback system against ever-changing weather and indoor and outdoor environments. Therefore, in this research, we aim to develop a control method for a fan air volume of ventilation preheating system by machine learning. Initially, we outlined machine learning and reinforcement learning. Next, we explained how to introduce reinforcement learning in existing systems. Finally, we examined the performance of existing ventilation preheating system (VP system) and ventilation preheating system (RL system) controlled by reinforcement learning and examined the possibility of practical application.  Introduction of Reinforcement learning Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 shows the outline of reinforcement learning. We used the Q-Learning algorithm as the method of reinforcement learning. Fig. 4 shows the calculation process and simplified code of Q-Learning. The calculation formulas and algorithms were used to install reinforcement learning into the existing system. Fig. 6 shows a flowchart of the Q-Learning algorithm used in the calculation process in this study.  Control of ventilation preheating system with reinforcement learning We set the target schedule from October to March and prepared several cases of the operating periods and the air volume in VP system. We compared those results with the results operated by RL system. The findings obtained by this study are shown below. (1) As shown in Fig. 7 and 8, it was confirmed that the RL system automatically controlled the air flow of the fan. (2) As shown in Fig. 9, the RL system is equal to or higher than the performance of the VP system through the calculation period. Especially in the winter season, December to February, the performance of the RL system was the best in all cases. (3) Since reinforcement learning was successfully introduced. Also, the performance of RL system was better than the other cases, it is possible to study for practical application in the future.
小寺 真実 針谷 萌那 森 太郎 原 知子 久保 加織
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.67, 2015

<b>目的</b> 「近江の伝統野菜」14品目に含まれる杉谷なすび、下田なすの物理的特性を賀茂なす、千両二号と比較し、伝統野菜の普及の一助となる情報を収集した。<br><b>方法</b> 滋賀大学内農場で栽培した杉谷なすび、下田なす、賀茂なす、および千両二号の果実を供試した。赤道を中心とした幅2cmの輪切りなすを200℃で30分間加熱したものを焼きなすとした。クリープメーター(山電)により直径1.5mmの円柱状プランジャーを速度0.5mm/sで圧縮・貫入させて物性を測定した。色調は測色色差計(日本電色工業株式会社)を用いて測定した。官能評価は、滋賀大学の学生および教職員44名を対象に5点評点法により行った。<br><b>結果</b> 破断荷重値より、生なすの果皮は、賀茂なす、杉谷なすび、千両二号、下田なすの順に、果肉は、杉谷なすび、賀茂なす、下田なす、千両二号の順に硬いことが明らかになった。官能評価でも、生の下田なすが他品種に比べ柔らかいと判断された。焼きなすにすると、果皮は柔らかくなったが、杉谷なすびは他品種に比べ、あまり柔らかくなることはなく生の硬さに近かったが、もろさ荷重値は大きかったことから、噛み切りやすさがあると考えられた。杉谷なすびの果皮はL*値a*値b*値ともに他品種より低く、緑がかった深い紫色であった。果肉の色調では品種間に大きな差はなかった。焼きなすにすると、果皮のL*値a*値b*値は高くなった。果肉はa*値が高くなったが、品種間で色調が異なった。
和歌森 太郎
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.85, no.1, pp.57-64, 1976-01-20
繪内 正道 羽山 広文 森 太郎 瀬戸口 剛 本間 義規 林 基哉 佐藤 彰治

本申請研究の目的は、冬をポジティブに捉えている子供達が、何時の時点で冬をネガティブに考えるようになるか、それに影響を与えている大人の側では、冬に対してどの様な適応状況にあるか、北方圏域における小学生や成人を対象にしたアンケート調査を通じて、経時的推移の実態把握を量ることにある。下記の「冬への適応に関する6軸の項目」に関わって、日本(札幌・盛岡・仙台)、カナダ(Waterloo, Gatineau)、フィンランド(Espoo)、ロシア(Knabarovsk)、中国(Harbin)においてアンケート調査を実施した。1.Enduring Winter(冬を忍耐する)、2.Tolerating Winter(冬を大目に見る)、3.Accepting Winter(冬を受け入れる)4.Respecting Winter(冬に期待する)、5.Appreciating Winter(冬に感謝する)、6.Celebrating Winter(冬を祝賀する)6項目合わせて、100%とするアンケート調査の実施例はなかった。この6軸項目を拠り所にして小学校学童や成人を対象にアンケート調査を実施することにより、言語や文化な違いを超えて、北方圏域で生活する人々の『冬の捉え方』を相互に分かり合い、共通の尺度を共有することは、冬とどの様に向き合い、冬期の屋外活動とどの様に取り組むのか、のシナリオが見出された時、積雪寒冷な地域に望まれるこれからのライフスタイル、特に微気候計画に基づいた街づくり(コミュニティーづくり)や省エネルギーのあるべき姿が明らかになり、これからの建築環境計画や都市計画に欠かせない基礎資料となる第一部では、日本の小学生(低学年)は、冬をポジティブに捉え、大人になるに従ってネガティブになる。カナダの小学生も冬をポジティブに捉えるが、成人は2面的になっていた。フィンランドは小学生も成人も冬をポジティブに捉え、ロシアや中国(Harbin)では、冬を受は入れるという心理特性にあることが分かった。また、対象地域において学童や成人の外套下の温湿度測定・就寝時の寝室の温湿度測定の結果を取りまとめ、検討を加えた。第二部では、札幌で行われたInternational Forum CREATION OF BETTER OPEN SPACES IN COLD REGIONS のProceedingsを収録した。このフォーラムでは、北方圏域における公開空地のあり方や学童の冬の屋外活動の実態を対象に、発表・討議を行い、Winter Citiesに求められる公開空地等の基本的な都市計画は如何にあるべきか、についてディスカッションを行った。更に、学童の冬の屋外活動を誘発するためワークショップを行い、学童による屋外活動を活発にする施設の提案や、研究者・都市計画家・建築家・行政官による屋外活動を誘発するためConcepts, Strategies, Toolsに関わった基礎的なディスカッションの結果を取りまとめた。
森 太郎

1実測結果のまとめと各遮光布,遮光方法の比較(1)白の垂直遮光:白色の布は日射吸収率が低いため,日射が当たっても布温度が上昇しない.そのため遮光効果によって居住域温度を下げることはできたが,頂部の温度は変化しない.(2)青の垂直遮光:白色の垂直遮光と同様に,居住域の温度を下げることができた.しかし頂部では,布が日射を吸収したため,布温度が上昇し,遮光したB棟の温度の方が上がってしまった.(3)白の水平遮光:遮光したB棟において,居住域の温度を下げることができたが,頂部の温度は上がってしまった.この原因は水平に設置された白い布が反射板となり,日射が反射され,周辺の温度を上昇させたためと考えられる.(4)青の水平遮光:居住域,頂部とも遮光したB棟の温度の方が上昇してしまった.空間内の上下温度差が大きくなるので,頂部の温度と外気温の差を動力とした自然換気の計画の際に有利になる.(5)透過率の高い布:日射透過性の高い布を使用すると,床面や壁面の日射受熱量をあまり減らすことができないため,他の布と比較すると,下部を涼しくすることができない.2遮光布の短波長に対する性状把握実験アトリウムの壁面への入射日射量の計算のために,数種類の布の光学的な性状を把握するための実験を行い,数値計算用にモデル化を行った.透過・反射成分の分布は,CGで用いられる表現技法を使用したモデル化から推定した[拡散性透過(反射)の様子⇒Lambert Model,指向性透過の様子⇒Phong Model,入射角毎の透過率,反射率,吸収率⇒フレネルの式]3数値計算による日射受熱量分布の把握モンテカルロ法による数値計算によって,遮光布を設置したアトリウム空間[10M×10M×10M]の日射受熱量分布[7/1,13:00]を把握した.その結果,遮光を行っていないケースと他のケースを比較すると,高さ6m以下において,日射受熱量が減少した.これは遮光布の設置によって日射が拡散反射,透過され,空間下部に直接日射が届かなくなったためである.また垂直遮光よりも水平遮光の方が,下部の日射受熱量は減少した.これは太陽高度が高いため,垂直遮光よりも水平遮光の方が,遮光面積が大きくなったためである.また日射反射率が高い布を水平に使用した場合,頂部の日射受熱量が非常に多くなった.布面での反射成分が頂部付近の壁面へ多く入射,吸収したためと考えられる.これらのシミュレーションの結果は実測調査結果ともおおむね一致している.