藤原 陽三 絵内 正道 鈴木 憲三 羽山 広文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.73, no.628, pp.767-774, 2008-06-30 (Released:2009-09-30)
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In order to search trends in further energy saving in highly insulated and airtight houses in Hokkaido, Japan, an actual-condition investigation on a central-heating system fitted in five such houses, each with different methods of construction, was performed. The results were obtained as follows.:1)The equivalent leakage area value of a steel frame construction was 3.2cm2/m2 that was less than a two-by-four construction(0.33cm2/m2) and a conventional wood construction(1.1-1.7cm2/m2) .It is important to be improved air-tightness of steel frame construction houses by various construction methods. 2) Heat loss coefficient estimated from these experimental results was 0.94 -1.59W/(m2•K). To reduce energy consumption for heating,it will become more important to improve thermal-insulation properties and air tightness.3) The heating-system efficiency obtained from these experimental results was in the range of 72 to 93%. Although the ratio of actual boiler capacity to demanded heat-source capacity extrapolated from actual measurements ranges from two to three times,the effect on system efficiency was less than 10%.However it is necessary to include this 10% in the task of planning a heating system.
高田 和規 遠藤 卓 立松 宏一 村田 さやか 廣田 誠一 北谷 幸恵 鈴木 大隆 羽山 広文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.732, pp.165-173, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)
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The purpose of this study is to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of the components of existing PVC windows in the country in providing thermal insulation, to identify the optimal conditions of the components and the insulation performance of windows with the components in the optimal conditions, and to conduct a performance test on samples under the practical specifications for production. We briefly summarize the results below. 1) For the frame, using a method of quality engineering, we examined the reduction in conductive heat flow across each cross-section for multiple regulatory elements, which would contribute to thermal insulation. We then derived the optimal condition (level) for each regulatory element and showed the reduction rate under the optimal condition (sash frame part 19%-21%, fix frame part 6%-10%, mullion frame part 22%). Furthermore, based on the SN ratio, we found that the reduction rate is highest with the following components: inner-frame insulator in the sash frame part and fix frame part, and physical properties of mullion reinforcement in the mullion frame part. 2) As for the glazing part, we examined the specifications of the Low-E film suspended air space of a insulated glass and observed the effect of a Low-E film, optimized the arrangement, and the optimal thickness of the air space for each gas fill. We also examined the thermal transmittance at the center of glass with xenon gas having 3 films (0.29 [W/(m2·K)]), and those at the center of glass with krypton gas having 2 films (0.39 [W/(m2·K)]). 3) We determined the thermal transmittance of the window (0.56 [W/(m2·K)]) with the combined optimal conditions for the frame and glazing parts. In actual manufacturing, however, there are two problems: a technical problem (of forming a metal film inside the frame cross-section and arranging phenolic foam insulator without leaving any space) and a high manufacturing cost (associated with filling xenon gas inside the insulated glass). We therefore examined the insulation performance of samples having practical specifications for production. As a result, we obtained a measured thermal transmittance of 0.63 [W/(m2·K)] in contrast to the calculated value of 0.65 [W/(m2·K)].
立松 宏一 廣田 誠一 高倉 政寛 月館 司 鈴木 大隆 羽山 広文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.80, no.707, pp.67-77, 2015-01-30 (Released:2015-03-30)
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The thermal performance and equipment type specified for a newly built house were investigated as benchmarks to enable the selection of appropriate insulation and equipment specifications. The prevalence of electric heater installations for space heating and hot water supply decreased in 2012, compared to 2011. However, it is estimated that the primary energy consumption is high in particularly cold areas of Hokkaido, because this type of equipment remains common in these areas. Because there is an initiative to contractors when the equipment type is determined, it is important to provide appropriate information to these contractors.
齊藤 雅也 辻原 万規彦 羽山 広文 宿谷 昌則

赤松 大成 森 太郎 林 基哉 羽山 広文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.88, no.803, pp.43-49, 2023-01-01 (Released:2023-01-01)

COVID-19 caused a global pandemic. The possibility of aerosol transmission has been pointed out as a possible route of infection, and there are reports that conventional infection control measures are insufficient to counteract aerosol transmission. Therefore, this report presents the results of an actual survey at a high school, including measurement of CO2 concentration and a questionnaire survey, and the results of an experiment to evaluate the attenuation of particle concentration by an air cleaner based on this survey.
森 太郎 村松 昂樹 羽山 広文 石垣 祐里奈 濱田 靖弘
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 (ISSN:18803806)
vol.2019, pp.81-84, 2019

魚住 昌広 半澤 久 羽山 広文
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.84, no.758, pp.447-455, 2019 (Released:2019-04-30)

The aim of this study is to show the method of estimating the amount of energy consumed by facilities that can be reduced based on the data of the existing "visualization system" with the campus of "Hokkaido University of Science " as the development field. In addition, this research describes the development of an energy conservation support system with an interactive user interface function ("Interactive system") aimed at encouraging facility managers and users to conduct energy conservation. The results of the study are as follows: 1) Based on the annual use record and actual measured values of energy consumption by time of the "Lecture Bldg.", the amount that can reduce the consumption energy of the facility was estimated as the amount of energy consumed by lighting equipment and ventilation equipment. The amount of energy that can be reduced is 7.5% of the annual energy consumption, 2.4% of the fuel consumption for air conditioning of the "Lecture Bldg.", and it is clear that we can expect the energy reduction effect by introducing the "Interactive system". 2) The development of the "Interactive system" was carried out by the procedure of evaluating the existing "visualization system", estimating the energy consumption reduction effect by introducing the system, extracting the energy conservation measures, building the facility operation model, and creating the user interface .The "Interactive system" has functions of reading measurement data and facility operation status, analyzing / diagnosing functions according to set conditions, sending guidance messages, receiving facility use condition and thermal sensation of users. 3) We introduced the "Interactive System" to the "Lecture Bldg." on the campus, and conducted experiments using facility managers, students, faculty and staff as monitors. From the evaluation of the effectiveness, usability and usability of the system by the user, we clarified that the interactive user interface function of this system is effective for inducing energy saving behavior of users.  "Interactive system" is characterized by entrusting the execution of energy saving behavior to the judgment of the operation manager or facility user of the facility that received the guidance delivery. It does not require specialized facility managers, renewal of equipment and introduction of automatic control equipment. Therefore, it is a system that can be installed in buildings of all uses and scales and expected to reduce energy consumption even in buildings where energy saving measures are not progressing. We will continue to operate the introduced "Interactive system", confirm the operability and feeling of use and improve the system, and work to extract and improve the tasks for developing to other use facilities.
繪内 正道 羽山 広文 森 太郎 瀬戸口 剛 本間 義規 林 基哉 佐藤 彰治

本申請研究の目的は、冬をポジティブに捉えている子供達が、何時の時点で冬をネガティブに考えるようになるか、それに影響を与えている大人の側では、冬に対してどの様な適応状況にあるか、北方圏域における小学生や成人を対象にしたアンケート調査を通じて、経時的推移の実態把握を量ることにある。下記の「冬への適応に関する6軸の項目」に関わって、日本(札幌・盛岡・仙台)、カナダ(Waterloo, Gatineau)、フィンランド(Espoo)、ロシア(Knabarovsk)、中国(Harbin)においてアンケート調査を実施した。1.Enduring Winter(冬を忍耐する)、2.Tolerating Winter(冬を大目に見る)、3.Accepting Winter(冬を受け入れる)4.Respecting Winter(冬に期待する)、5.Appreciating Winter(冬に感謝する)、6.Celebrating Winter(冬を祝賀する)6項目合わせて、100%とするアンケート調査の実施例はなかった。この6軸項目を拠り所にして小学校学童や成人を対象にアンケート調査を実施することにより、言語や文化な違いを超えて、北方圏域で生活する人々の『冬の捉え方』を相互に分かり合い、共通の尺度を共有することは、冬とどの様に向き合い、冬期の屋外活動とどの様に取り組むのか、のシナリオが見出された時、積雪寒冷な地域に望まれるこれからのライフスタイル、特に微気候計画に基づいた街づくり(コミュニティーづくり)や省エネルギーのあるべき姿が明らかになり、これからの建築環境計画や都市計画に欠かせない基礎資料となる第一部では、日本の小学生(低学年)は、冬をポジティブに捉え、大人になるに従ってネガティブになる。カナダの小学生も冬をポジティブに捉えるが、成人は2面的になっていた。フィンランドは小学生も成人も冬をポジティブに捉え、ロシアや中国(Harbin)では、冬を受は入れるという心理特性にあることが分かった。また、対象地域において学童や成人の外套下の温湿度測定・就寝時の寝室の温湿度測定の結果を取りまとめ、検討を加えた。第二部では、札幌で行われたInternational Forum CREATION OF BETTER OPEN SPACES IN COLD REGIONS のProceedingsを収録した。このフォーラムでは、北方圏域における公開空地のあり方や学童の冬の屋外活動の実態を対象に、発表・討議を行い、Winter Citiesに求められる公開空地等の基本的な都市計画は如何にあるべきか、についてディスカッションを行った。更に、学童の冬の屋外活動を誘発するためワークショップを行い、学童による屋外活動を活発にする施設の提案や、研究者・都市計画家・建築家・行政官による屋外活動を誘発するためConcepts, Strategies, Toolsに関わった基礎的なディスカッションの結果を取りまとめた。
村上 周三 坊垣 和明 田中 俊彦 羽山 広文 吉野 博 赤林 伸一 井上 隆 飯尾 昭彦 鉾井 修一 尾崎 明仁 石山 洋平
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.71, no.603, pp.93-100, 2006
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In order to obtain the fundamental information for discussing residential energy saving strategies, long-term investigation of detail energy consumption and indoor climate Have been done in 2002 to 2003 for 80 dwellings, including detached houses and apartments, in six districts of Japan. The occupant's behavior and building thermal performance were also investigated. Energy consumption for each appliance was measured as much as possible. This paper reports the description of all houses measured and the end use structure of annual energy consumption. The main results are following; 1) In Hokkaido, Tohoku and Hokuriku districts, the annual energy consumption for many houses was more than 60GJ but such houses were very few in other districts. 2) The houses measured in Hokkaido and Hokuriku districts consumed almost the same amount of energy for space heating, cooling and mechanical ventilation as that for hot water supply. But in other districts, the share of energy consumption for hot water supply is the largest. 3) The annual energy consumption increased with the decrease in annual mean outdoor temperature. But the contribution rate is not large as 0.4.