酒向 貴子 川田 伸一郎 手塚 牧人 上杉 哲郎 明仁
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. A類, 動物学 (ISSN:18819052)
vol.34, no.2, pp.63-75, 2008-06

The distribution of latrines of the raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides, was examined from July 2006 to December 2007 in the Imperial Palace grounds, Tokyo, Japan. The raccoon dog is accustomed to defecate at fixed locations, forming holding latrines; thus the distribution of latrines is a good indicator of their abundance. The results suggest that the latrines are widely scattered in the study site, but are more dense in the Fukiage area, where an old-growth broad-leaved forest is established. The latrine sites are used more frequently from September to December, as the number of fresh feces increased in the autumnal season. To examine the seasonal food changes of the raccoon dogs, 10 pieces of feces from some latrines were collected every month and analyzed the indigestible contents in the sampled feces. The food items identified consisted of animal, plant and man-made materials, suggesting that the raccoon dogs were highly omnivorous. The animal materials found from the feces included mammals (4% of total feces), birds (37%), reptiles (2%), amphibians (3%), insects (95%), chilopods (56%), isopods (2%) and gastropods (12%). Invertebrates were the most abundand food item throughout the year. Three coleopteran families, the Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Scarabaeidae, accounted for a large proportion of the insects and they showed seasonal fluctuations. These suggest that the raccoon dogs fed on them as major animal food resources in the study site, and perhaps the seasonality is related to the temporal changes of availability of the insects. The majority of plant materials found in the feces was a variety of seeds, suggesting that the raccoon dogs fed on berries and fleshy fruits throughout the year. The occurrence of seeds decreased from March to April, which coincided with a low availability of fruits. The seeds found in feces were categorized into three types : (1) the short-term berry type including Prunus (Cerasus) spp., Moms spp., Rubus hirsutus and Machilus thunbergii, which occurred only a short term after their fruiting periods ; (2) the long-term berry type, including Celtis sinensis, Aphananthe aspera and Swida controversa, which occurred continuously for three or more months after the fruiting periods ; (3) the acorn type, including Castanopsis spp., Quercus spp. and Ginkgo biloba, which occurred in early spring (January to April) when the other fruits are scarce. The seasonal change of the three fruit types implies that the raccoon dogs consume the available fruits in relation to the successive fruiting periods. The proportion of artificial materials found in the feces was considerably lower than in previous studies carried out in the suburbs of Tokyo, suggesting that the raccoon dogs in the study site strongly depend on natural foods. Most of the natural food items were native to Japan since the past Edo period. Thus we conclude that the preservation of biodiversity in the Imperial Palace grounds was essential for the re-colonization by the raccoon dogs of the Tokyo metropolitan area after the 1970s.
杉 哲夫
札幌市立大学研究論文集 = SCU journal of Design & Nursing (ISSN:18819427)
vol.7, no.1, pp.47-52, 2013-03-31

雪国において欠かすことのできない一般家庭用スノーダンプの改良研究および制作・検証を行った.北海道での一般家庭用スノーダンプは通称「ママさんダンプ」と呼ばれる手押しシャベルが一般的であるが,現在の一般家庭用スノーダンプの問題点として次の2 点があげられる.① 雪集めは楽にできるよう工夫されてはいるが,積みあがった雪山の上に排雪する作業は重労働である.② 雪の上を滑るように設計されているため,ロードヒーティングされた道路の移動により損傷し,2~3年で生活ごみになってしまう.この研究では,上記問題を解決するため,①除排雪作業の軽減化 ②底面の傷つきを防ぎ,長期での使用に耐えられる構造の検討および実機の制作・検証を行った.また,制作したスノーダンプを札幌市内で開催された展示会に出品し,一般市民より高い関心を寄せられる結果となり,改良研究の成果はある程度達成することができた.しかし,コスト面等の課題も残すこととなり,今後さらに研究を継続していく予定である.
上杉 哲雄 丸山 直樹 神崎 伸夫
野生生物保護 (ISSN:13418777)
vol.3, no.2, pp.85-94, 1998-03-01 (Released:2017-10-03)

Japanese weasels (Mustela itati itati) were introduced into Miyake-jima Island, Tokyo, to reduce the number of brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) and black rats (R. rattus). They currently threaten the endemic component of this island's fauna. Public attitude toward nature, introduced Japanese weasels and the future of the island were studied using a questionnaire survey. One hundred eighty seven families were nominated for the survey, of which 80 individuals responded (2% of all residents). Eighty six percent of the respondents were interested in nature, and 56% thought it important to protect nature or develop industries that integrate nature conservation practices into their activities. Ninety five percent of the respondents recognized that Japanese weasels had been introduced and 94% knew the purpose of that introduction. A significantly greater number of respondents agreed that control after Japanese weasel on Miyke-jima Island was necessary than those who disagreed (X2-test, p < 0.001).
大久保 淳一 長谷川 翔一 髙橋 梓 竹内 頌子 若杉 哲郎 鈴木 秀明
特定非営利活動法人 日本頭頸部外科学会
頭頸部外科 (ISSN:1349581X)
vol.28, no.3, pp.277-282, 2019 (Released:2019-04-13)

原田 一孝 前田 健悟 岡崎 宏光 宮本 光雄 吉永 誠吾 杉 哲
