酒向 貴子 川田 伸一郎 手塚 牧人 上杉 哲郎 明仁
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. A類, 動物学 (ISSN:18819052)
vol.34, no.2, pp.63-75, 2008-06

The distribution of latrines of the raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides, was examined from July 2006 to December 2007 in the Imperial Palace grounds, Tokyo, Japan. The raccoon dog is accustomed to defecate at fixed locations, forming holding latrines; thus the distribution of latrines is a good indicator of their abundance. The results suggest that the latrines are widely scattered in the study site, but are more dense in the Fukiage area, where an old-growth broad-leaved forest is established. The latrine sites are used more frequently from September to December, as the number of fresh feces increased in the autumnal season. To examine the seasonal food changes of the raccoon dogs, 10 pieces of feces from some latrines were collected every month and analyzed the indigestible contents in the sampled feces. The food items identified consisted of animal, plant and man-made materials, suggesting that the raccoon dogs were highly omnivorous. The animal materials found from the feces included mammals (4% of total feces), birds (37%), reptiles (2%), amphibians (3%), insects (95%), chilopods (56%), isopods (2%) and gastropods (12%). Invertebrates were the most abundand food item throughout the year. Three coleopteran families, the Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Scarabaeidae, accounted for a large proportion of the insects and they showed seasonal fluctuations. These suggest that the raccoon dogs fed on them as major animal food resources in the study site, and perhaps the seasonality is related to the temporal changes of availability of the insects. The majority of plant materials found in the feces was a variety of seeds, suggesting that the raccoon dogs fed on berries and fleshy fruits throughout the year. The occurrence of seeds decreased from March to April, which coincided with a low availability of fruits. The seeds found in feces were categorized into three types : (1) the short-term berry type including Prunus (Cerasus) spp., Moms spp., Rubus hirsutus and Machilus thunbergii, which occurred only a short term after their fruiting periods ; (2) the long-term berry type, including Celtis sinensis, Aphananthe aspera and Swida controversa, which occurred continuously for three or more months after the fruiting periods ; (3) the acorn type, including Castanopsis spp., Quercus spp. and Ginkgo biloba, which occurred in early spring (January to April) when the other fruits are scarce. The seasonal change of the three fruit types implies that the raccoon dogs consume the available fruits in relation to the successive fruiting periods. The proportion of artificial materials found in the feces was considerably lower than in previous studies carried out in the suburbs of Tokyo, suggesting that the raccoon dogs in the study site strongly depend on natural foods. Most of the natural food items were native to Japan since the past Edo period. Thus we conclude that the preservation of biodiversity in the Imperial Palace grounds was essential for the re-colonization by the raccoon dogs of the Tokyo metropolitan area after the 1970s.
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.18-044, (Released:2019-04-05)

Hybrids of Rhinogobius biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven Rhinogobius specimens had R. biwaensis haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of Rhinogobius sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between R. biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in Rhinogobius fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid Rhinogobius specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid R. biwaensis (0–6) and Rhinogobius sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to R. biwaensis than Rhinogobius sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from R. biwaensis in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.22, no.3, pp.127-142, 1975-12-29 (Released:2010-06-28)

フタゴハゼGlossogobius giuris (Hamilton) と見なされていたウロハゼ属の1型は新種と認められたのでG.aureus (新称: コンジキハゼ) として記載した.本種の最も重要な特徴は孔器の配列にある.ウロハゼ属の他の種と比較し, その特徴を明らかにした.
中澤 毅 大畑 尚子 石塚 貴紀 高田 萌々 小松 泰生 直海 玲 石川 裕子 諸井 明仁 大橋 容子 高橋 慶行 橋口 幹夫 青柳 藍 源川 隆一
一般社団法人 日本周産期・新生児医学会
日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 (ISSN:1348964X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.96-100, 2020 (Released:2020-05-13)

目的:2018年に沖縄県を訪れた外国人観光客は290万人と過去最高を更新している.これに伴い当院救急室を受診する外国人旅行者妊婦も増加している.今回当院を受診した外国人旅行者妊婦症例の実際に対応した際の特徴や問題点・今後の課題について検討した. 対象および方法:2014年1月1日から2018年12月31日の5年間に当院救急室を受診した外国人旅行者妊婦の診療録を後方視的に検討した. 結果:当該期間に受診した外国人旅行者妊婦は37例だった.多くは軽症だが,入院・分娩の症例も存在し入院費は母児を含めて300万円前後であった.また異なる言語・文化・保険システムが現場対応となる事も多く診療・治療に支障となる事例が確認された. 考察:外国人旅行者妊婦症例は増加しており緊急の対応が必要となる場合もある.限られた医療資源の中で対応の難しい症例もあり,今後の環境整備が重要だと考えられた.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.27, no.3, pp.215-236, 1980-11-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

Six species of the genus Bathygobius collected in Japan were compared with each other and with the type specimens of nominal species considered as synonyms of three species of the genus Bathygobius: B.petrophilus, B.scapulopunctatus, and B.fuscus listed by Koumans (1953).The genus Bathygobius has the following combination of characters: a protuberance below the anterior nostril bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 6 on the upper side and by a groove containing pit organ line 7 on the posterior side, a median longitudinal groove containing pit organ line 10, which runs from the anterior margin of the cheek and divides into two posteriorly, the trapeziform mental flap bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 13 on the lateral side and by a groove containing pit organ line 14 on the posterior side, and free branched rays on the upper part of the pectoral fin.Six species of the genus Bathygobius were found in Japan, i.e., B. fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.petrophilus, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps.The differences between B.fuscus and B.padangensis are the least among the six species.Clearcut differences between them are only in the number of free branched rays on the pectoral fin and in coloration, although there are some specific differences in the number of pectoral fin rays and the angle between the lower and posterior axes of the first pterygiophore of the first dorsal fin. The number of differences between B.padangensis and B. cocosensis and between B.fuscus and B.cocosensis are only slightly greater. Although more differences are found between B.cyclopterus and B. cotticeps than those among the three species mentioned above, both of them have many common characteristics, some of which are specialized and are only found in these two species.Based on the number of common and distinctive characteristics, the six species are divided into three types: B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis; B.petrophilus; B.cyclopterus and B.cotticeps.B.fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps are found in the tidal zone of rocky beaches, while B.petrophilus is collected near shore on substrates of sand or mixed mud and sand. B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis are collected north of 35°N, but specimens of B.padangensis and B.cocosensis collected in the northern area of their range are extremely small in number compared with those of B.fuscus.B.petrophilus is collected between 33° and 35°N in Japan, but as the type specimens of Gobius petrophilus and Gobius villosus were collected in Indonesia, it is conjectured that B.petrophilus inhabits southern Japan south of 33°N.The examination of the type specimens revealed that Gobius poecilichthys should be synonymized with B.fuscus which is different from Mapo fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder (1913).M. fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder is presumed to be synonymous with B.padangensis from the description of M.fuscus sensu Snyder (1912a) from Tanegashima, in which the difference between M.fuscus and Mapo poecilichthys was recorded, and from the specimens of M. fuscus sensu Snyder (1912b) from Naha.Bathygobius sp.reported by Arai and Ida (1975), Zama and Fujita (1977), Hayashi and Itoh (1978) was identified as B.cocosensis on the basis of comparison with three specimens of that species (RMNH 4533) collected and identified by Bleeker.
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.66, no.1, pp.53-62, 2019-04-25 (Released:2019-04-25)

Hybrids of Rhinogobius biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven Rhinogobius specimens had R. biwaensis haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of Rhinogobius sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between R. biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in Rhinogobius fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid Rhinogobius specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid R. biwaensis (0–6) and Rhinogobius sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to R. biwaensis than Rhinogobius sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from R. biwaensis in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)

<p>Hybrids of <i>Rhinogobius biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens had <i>R. biwaensis</i> haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between <i>R. biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in <i>Rhinogobius</i> fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid <i>R. biwaensis</i> (0–6) and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to <i>R. biwaensis</i> than <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from <i>R. biwaensis</i> in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.</p>
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.24, no.2, pp.113-127, 1977-09-15 (Released:2011-07-04)

Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner) is newly recorded from Japan;Callogobius moroanus (Seale) is synonymized with Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker) and Callogobius snyderi (Fowler) is synonymized with Callogobius okinawae (Snyder), after comparison with the types.Therefore the species of Callogobius found in Japan are five species: C.snelliusi Koumans, C.sclateri, C.hasseltii, C.okinawae and C.tanegasimae (Snyder).
明仁 坂本 勝一
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.36, no.1, pp.100-112, 1989

The striped goby was characterized by having more than 50 scales in a longitudinal row and 2 black longitudinal bands from the head to the tail. It has been regarded as 1 species since Tomiyarna (1936) grouped several nominal species into one, <I>Tridentiger trigonocephalus</I> (Gill, 1858). But detailed study has revealed that it can be classified into 2 separate species, <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> and <I>Tridentiger bifasciatus</I> Steindachner, 1881, on the basis of the difference mainly in the forms of the sensory canals and pectoral fins and in the coloration. <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> has been collected from Hokkaido to Kyushu in Japan, and in Korea, China, and Hong Kong abroad. It has immigrated into both California, U.S.A., and New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. <I>T. bifasciatus</I> has been collected in the same area as <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> in Japan, and in the Soviet Union, Korea, China, and Taiwan abroad. Both species inhabit brackish and sea water with stony bottoms, and are often found in the same place. However, <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> has seldom been found in very dilute brackish water, and <I>T. bifasciatus</I> has not been found in undiluted sea water. The type specimen of <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> has not been found, but the identification to <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> was decided on the basis of the closeness of the numbers of the 2nd dorsal and anal fin rays to those of the original description, which were 14 and 13, respectively. In addition, the type specimen was collected in the port of Hong Kong, where the water is not diluted and is unlikely to be suitable as habitat for <I>T. bifasciatus</I>.
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.11, no.1-2, pp.1-26, 1963-12-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

1. 肩胛骨の有無, 形態をハゼ科魚類67種についてアリザリン染色によって調べた。これらは次のように分類された。有肩胛骨型47種肩胛骨はよく発達し背方から肩胛骨孔をかこんで二叉するが, 完全に孔をとりかこむものはない。射出骨のうすく染まる体長の小さい時期から肩胛骨は染色点或は棒として現われる。特殊型2種有肩胛骨型より肩胛骨の発達の不十分な型で無肩胛骨型との中間に位する。射出骨の十分に染まった体長の大きな個体でも染色されないものがあり, 又肩胛骨のある場合でも二叉はしないように思われる。無肩胛骨型18種肩胛骨を欠く型である。シロウオを除き射出骨, 烏喙骨の骨化は他の型と変りがない。2. 肩胛骨の形は個体変異が著しく, 種の特徴として重要視することはむずかしいが, 肩胛骨の有無は十分に成熟した個体では特殊型を除き種によって決まっており, 種を区別するには安定した一形質とみなされる。3. 肩胛骨の有無は属を区別する一つの特徴として取り上げ得ると考えられる。
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.34, no.4, pp.409-420, 1988

ロクラハゼ属の2種キマダラハゼ<I>Astrabe flavima-culata</I>とシマシロクラハゼ<I>A. fasciata</I>を新種として記載し, シロクラハゼ属の模式種であり, 今まで知られていた唯一の種であるシロクラハゼ<I>A. lactisella</I>についても前2種と比較して再記載した.キマダラハゼは日本産魚類大図鑑の中でキマダラハゼ<I>Astrabe sp</I>.として明仁親王 (1984) が解説を付したものである.キマダラハゼはシロクラハゼとは眼の上縁にある皮摺の上後部が突出しないこと, 縦列鱗数が少ないこと, 第1背鰭前方と腹部に鱗があること, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 生時には胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯を除き, 暗褐色地に黄色模様が見られることによって区別される.シマシロクラハゼはシロクラハゼとは横列鱗数が少ないこと, 体側の鱗のある部分の幅が狭いこと, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 第1背鰭前部から体の腹側に向かう白色横帯があることによって区別される.この度の標本の調査により, Snyder (1912) が記録した種子島産の<I>A. lactisella</I>はキマダラハゼであり, 本間・田村 (1972) が記録した佐渡島達者産のシロクラハゼはシマシロクラハゼであることが判明したので, これらの標本はそれぞれの種の副模式標本とした.また道津.塩垣 (1971) がシロクラハゼとして扱ったものの中, 標本を調べることが出来た鹿児島県馬毛島産のものはキマダラハゼであった.長崎県野母崎産の標本は図から判断するとシマシロクラハゼと考えられる.明仁親王 (1984) のシロクラハゼとキマダラハゼの解説は訂正しなければならない.
明仁 坂本 勝一
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.36, no.1, pp.100-112, 1989-06-28 (Released:2011-02-23)

The striped goby was characterized by having more than 50 scales in a longitudinal row and 2 black longitudinal bands from the head to the tail. It has been regarded as 1 species since Tomiyarna (1936) grouped several nominal species into one, Tridentiger trigonocephalus (Gill, 1858). But detailed study has revealed that it can be classified into 2 separate species, T. trigonocephalus and Tridentiger bifasciatus Steindachner, 1881, on the basis of the difference mainly in the forms of the sensory canals and pectoral fins and in the coloration. T. trigonocephalus has been collected from Hokkaido to Kyushu in Japan, and in Korea, China, and Hong Kong abroad. It has immigrated into both California, U.S.A., and New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. T. bifasciatus has been collected in the same area as T. trigonocephalus in Japan, and in the Soviet Union, Korea, China, and Taiwan abroad. Both species inhabit brackish and sea water with stony bottoms, and are often found in the same place. However, T. trigonocephalus has seldom been found in very dilute brackish water, and T. bifasciatus has not been found in undiluted sea water. The type specimen of T. trigonocephalus has not been found, but the identification to T. trigonocephalus was decided on the basis of the closeness of the numbers of the 2nd dorsal and anal fin rays to those of the original description, which were 14 and 13, respectively. In addition, the type specimen was collected in the port of Hong Kong, where the water is not diluted and is unlikely to be suitable as habitat for T. bifasciatus.
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.18, no.2, pp.57-64, 1971-09-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

Among the 109 species of gobiids listed at the end, the supratemporals were found in six species: five out of sixteen species in Group 1 and one species in Group 3 (Table 1).No supratemporal was found in Group 2 and Group 4 (for the characteristics of the four groups, see Prince Akihito, 1969). These bones were found between the sensory canal groove of the pterotic and the post-temporal (Fig.1).These species had a continuous sensory canal from the anterior tip of the head to the area of the supratemporals and the supratemporal canal.The supratemporals consisted of three pieces, anterior, median, and posterior, which I named without particular consideration for the homology of Tominaga's (1968: 59) anterior and posterior supratemporals on the Pempheridae.They were all separated in three species, Oxyeleotris marmorata (Figs.1.A and 2.A), Bostrichthys sinensis (Fig.2.C), and Ophiocara porocephala (Fig.2.D), and each piece usually had one nerve foramen.In two species of the genus Butis, B.butis (Fig.2.E, F) and B. gymnopoma (Fig.2.G), the median and posterior supratemporals were fused. In Xenisthmus clarus (Figs.1.B and 2.H) the anterior and median supratemporals were fused.The fused bone had two nerve foramina.Wide individual variations were observed in the shape, including loss of a bone (Fig.2.B), separation of a fused bone, loss of a nerve foramen, or an additional foramen on the upper lateral side.The presence or absence of supratemporals was dependent on the presence or absence of the sensory canal on that part, except in the cases of Bathygobius petrophilus and Syciopterus japonicus (both belonging to Group 4) which had a continuous sensory canal but no supratemporal canal. Although the presence or absence of sensory canals was sometimes inconsistent, it seems that the systematic value of the supratemporal is signifcant, considering that the most unspecialized Oxyeleotris marmorata and Bostrichthys sinensis (which are the only species having a suborbital) have the most complete sensory canal systems with three supratemporals.
中川 明仁 佐藤 豪
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.24, no.2, pp.1-8, 2012-03-10 (Released:2013-09-06)

Relationships between multidimensional self-oriented perfectionism, defense mechanisms and anxiety were investigated. Participants were university students (n = 169: 68 men and 101 women). They completed the following questionnaires: Multidimensional Self-oriented Perfectionism Scale (MSPS), Defense Style Questionnaire 42 (DSQ42) and State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Path analysis indicated that Personal Standards positively affected mature defense mechanisms; and moreover, mature defense mechanisms had negative effect on trait anxiety. Moreover, Concern over Mistakes had a positive effect on immature defense mechanisms, and furthermore, immature defense mechanisms had positive effect on trait anxiety.
新原 寿志 古瀬 暢達 上原 明仁 菅原 正秋 山﨑 寿也 山下 仁
社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.65, no.2, pp.64-78, 2015 (Released:2015-08-19)

我々、 公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 研究部安全性委員会は、 同学会が主催する第 63 回 学術大会 (愛媛大会) において、 鍼灸の安全性の向上、 なかでも鍼による有害事象の防止を目的に臓器損傷および神経損傷を対象としたワークショップを開催した。 ワークショップでは 「安全性向上のための局所解剖 Q&A」 と題し、 1) 開業鍼灸師および整形外科医師を対象とした鍼の有害事象に関するアンケート調査と、 2) 国内の鍼臨床に関連した気胸や神経損傷等に関する文献を紹介すると共に、 3) 経穴の解剖学的研究を基礎とした刺鍼部の局所解剖 (上半身) について Q&A 形式による特別講義を行った。 気胸を中心とした臓器損傷や神経損傷など鍼による重篤な有害事象の発生頻度は、 国内の鍼臨床全体からみれば極めて低いと推定されるがほぼ毎年報告されていること、 また、 実際には論文等で報告されているよりも多く発生していることが示唆された。 これら有害事象の発生を防ぐためには、 人体の構造、 特に刺鍼部の解剖学的知識が極めて重要であり、 加えて安全な刺鍼技術の修得が必須である。 本ワークショップを契機に施術者自身の知識と技術を再確認し、 安全で安心な鍼治療を実践していただければ幸いである。
vol.77, no.10, pp.107-114, 1999-10
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.22, no.2, pp.63-67, 1975-12-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

ゴマハゼPandaka lidwilliに類似する小型のハゼの新種Pandaka trimaculataを記載し, ミツボシゴマハゼの和名を附した.本種は沖縄県石垣島と西表島およびフィリピンのミンダナオ島で採集された.ミツボシゴマハゼとゴマハゼの相違は縦列鱗数と腹部の斑紋にある.ゴマハゼの属名として用いられたBerowraはPandaka属との類似のため, Pandaka属のシノニムとした.