飯田 泰浩 村田 龍 井上 航 重松 康彦 板橋 豊
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.70, no.1.2, pp.9-17, 2021-01-05 (Released:2021-04-04)

Using high-resolution capillary gas chromatography with flame ionization detection, we determined the fatty acid compositions of each ten sample of the margarines, fat spreads and butters currently consumed in Japan, with special reference to trans fatty acids. The total trans fatty acid contents of the margarines, fat spreads and butters examined were 0.19–1.49 g 100 g−1 (av. 0.71 g 100 g−1), 0.16–0.88 g 100 g−1 (av. 0.51 g 100 g−1), and 2.49–3.37 g 100 g−1 (av. 2.74 g 100 g−1), respectively, clearly showing lower levels of trans fatty acids in all the samples of margarines and fat spreads than those of butters. In addition, the total saturated fatty acid contents of the margarines, fat spreads and butters were 17.3–45.6 g 100 g−1 (av. 29.7 g 100 g−1), 4.51–25.6 g 100 g−1 (av. 16.2 g 100 g−1), and 48.8–54.8 g 100 g−1 (av. 52.4 g 100 g−1), respectively, also showing lower levels of saturated fatty acids in all the samples of margarines and fat spreads than those of butters. The most predominant trans fatty acid of butters is vaccenic acid (11t-18 : 1), comprising av. 30.4 % of total trans fatty acids, while in margarines and fat spreads trans 18 : 2 (9c,12t- and 9t,12c-isomers) and trans 18 : 3 (9c,12c,15t- and 9t,12c,15c-isomers) were the major ones, suggesting that they were derived from refined vegetable oils as raw materials. The present study demonstrates that modern Japanese margarines and fat spreads have significantly lower levels of trans fatty acids and saturated fatty acids than butters.
行平 真也 髙間 雄斗 村田 龍 米田 誠司
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.137, pp.81-89, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

The Ehime and Oita prefectures are connected by three ferry routes: Yawatahama-Beppu, Misaki-Saganoseki, and Yawatahama-Usuki. The Shikoku and Kyushu islands are linked by these routes. Each route is important in various aspects such as freight and passenger transportation. Passengers especially use these routes to ply between the Shikoku and Kyusyu islands for tourism as well as business. This study aims to investigate the travel behavior of passengers, which promotes the use of these routes.As a result of the questionnaire survey, 1,649 effective responses were obtained including 471 from the Yawatahama-Beppu route, 610 from the Misaki-Saganoseki route, and 568 from the Yawatahama-Usuki route .The results are as follows:(1)Attributes of the passengers and the actual conditions of the use of routes were aligned with each other.(2)The passengers' purposes varied with each route; for example, the Yawatahama-Beppu route was especially used for sight-seeing.(3)Based on the place of departure and the destination of passengers, the total migration between the Ehime and Oita prefectures accounted for 32.3%.
勝田 優 小阪 直史 村田 龍宣 舩越 真理 井上 敬之 山下 美智子 杉田 直哉 勝井 靖 澤田 真嗣 大野 聖子 清水 恒広 藤田 直久
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.30, no.5, pp.354-361, 2015 (Released:2015-12-05)

病棟での輸液調製では,調製時の汚染防止により注意を払う必要がある.病棟での輸液調製の現状把握のため,空気清浄度,調製環境,輸液メニューについて血液内科と外科病棟を対象に多施設間調査を実施した.空気清浄度調査は,5施設9部署にて実施し,パーティクルカウンターとエアーサンプラーを用いて浮遊粒子数と浮遊菌の同定・コロニー数を測定した.環境と輸液メニューの調査は,9施設13部署を対象に,調製現場の確認と10日間の注射処方箋(7,201処方)を集計した.空気清浄度は,0.5 μm以上の粒子数が,最も多い部署で3,091×103,少ない部署で393×103個/m3であった.浮遊菌は,黄色ブドウ球菌は3部署のみの検出であったが,コアグラーゼ陰性ブドウ球菌,Micrococcus属,Corynebacterium属やBacillus属は全部署より検出された.調製台は,9部署で空調吹き出し口の直下にあり,10部署でスタッフの動線上に設置されていた.混合のあった4,903処方のうち,3時間以上の点滴が31%を占めた.病棟での輸液調製マニュアルを整備していたのは,9施設中3施設のみであった.調査から,輸液調製台エリアの空気清浄度は低く,3時間を超える点滴が3割以上を占めるなど,細菌汚染が生じるリスクが高い可能性が示唆された.輸液汚染リスク軽減のため,日本版の病棟での輸液調製ガイドラインの策定が望まれる.
大野 恵一 村田 龍宣 近藤 篤 尾上 雅英 松本 公佑 渡邊 裕之 星田 唯史 眞下 惠次 平 大樹 角本 幹夫 菅野 清彦 本多 伸二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.7, pp.367-372, 2020-07-10 (Released:2021-07-10)

Albumin-bound paclitaxel (Abraxane®) is a lyophilized preparation that takes time to dissolve. Previously, we used a metal needle for dissolving Abraxane®. We then transitioned to a side hole-type plastic needle to prevent accidental needle-stick injuries. There is no literature regarding the ideal needle type, according to the material it is made of, for dissolving Abraxane®, and the effect on the characteristics of Abraxane® after dissolving with each needle is unknown. Therefore, we investigated the efficacy of the plastic needle for dissolving Abraxane®. The formulation was dissolved in three ways: by injecting saline for 30 s with a metal needle (M30s), injecting saline for 15 s with a plastic needle (P15s), and injecting saline for 30 s with a plastic needle (P30s). Each group was kept at rest for 5 min after saline infusion, and then the dissolution time was estimated. The median dissolution time was 82.5 (15 - 210) s for M30s, 75 (30 - 135) s for P15s, and 45 (15 - 120) s for P30s. P30s had a significantly shorter dissolution time than M30s (P < 0.01) and P15s (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the dissolution time between M30s and P15s; however, P15s tended to have a shorter dissolution time than M30s. We measured the diameter of Abraxane® particles after dissolving with each needle and found that the diameter was almost the same. Therefore, a side hole-type plastic needle might reduce the dissolution time compared with a metal needle without affecting the characteristics of Abraxane®.
村田 龍太郎 海老澤 直美
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.71, no.5, pp.226-231, 2021-05-01 (Released:2021-05-01)

村田 龍 徳田 祥子 平山 雅之
vol.2015, pp.119-120, 2015-10-14
