加藤 恒昭 松下 光範
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.22, no.5, pp.553-562, 2007 (Released:2007-07-17)
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Information compilation is a novel technology that allows it to compile various information intelligently, and to make it easy to understand and to access. In this paper, as an instance of the possibilities of information compilation, we show a framework that extracts and visualizes given time-series information and its changes, and provides users with a multi-modal summarization and also an interactive interface for accessing that information. It can meet information requests, in which users need to comprehend some trend and movement, and access a series of documents containing specific time-series information related. We emphasis the importance of changes of data during some time period rather than data points, as the unit of information extracted and represented. Based on this idea, we propose a visualization method in which qualitative and quantitative characteristics of changes of a given time-series information are plotted with textually represented comments, and a widely applicable information extraction method that regards the changes of time-series information as information primitives and extracts those for the visualization.
市村 哲 紙田剛 岡田 謙一 松下 温
vol.1994, no.12, pp.149-156, 1994-01-27

個人用アプリケーションの場合は,随時そのアプリケーションを起動できることが望ましいが,在席会議システムの様なグループウェアを起動する場合は,あらかじめ協同作業者間で作業開始時刻の了解ができているのが普通である.他の人の見ているスクリーン上に突然アプリケーション画面が出現し,その人に仕事を押し付けることになるのを避けるためには,作業開始時刻を情報ならびにアプリケーションと関連づけて管理しなければならない.この視点から,ファイル管理システムとスケジュール管理システムを融合するグループウェアプラットフォームTeamDeskを開発した.TeamDeskは,作業,情報,時間の関係を一括管理できる.We are not permitted to work together impolitely; nevertheless, the windows of a multi-user application suddenly appear on collaborators' screens in an intrusive way. There have been few discussions about how we should start real-time groupware applications. Obviously we all know how to initiate a collaborative session. We have to make an appointment with collaborators before we work with them. In this paper, a groupware platform named TeamDesk is proposed. The system integrates a group-data management function with a group-schedule management function in a seamless way.
丸山 祐太 吉光康大 重野 寛 岡田 謙一 松下 温
情報処理学会研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.31, pp.55-60, 2004-03-18

本研究では,遠隔講義中に受講者が起こしたイベントに,受講者のストリーミング映像を対応させて講師に提示する,講師支援システムを提案する.講師がPCを利用して講義を行い,受講者も独自に自宅などでリアルタイムに受講する同期分散型の遠隔講義を想定環境としており,そのような環境では受講者の様子を講師が把握しにくいという問題点がある.そこで,受講者の発言や受講者間コミュニケーションといった受講者の行動を講義イベントとして扱い,受講者の映像をイベントに対応して効果的に切り替えて提示できるようにした.評価実験により講師に提示する手法について,講師のアウェアに要する時間が短いことも確認することができた.In this paper, we describe a teacher supporting system which effectively switches the students' streamed image by using the "Lecture Events" received from the students. We made an assumption that distance education takes the following form; the teacher gives a lecture in a remote place and the students takes that lecture in real-time at home. In this case, it is difficult for the teacher to recognize the reactions of the students. In our system, the students' images are displayed in response to events. From the results of the evaluation experiments, we confirmed that the time for the teacher to grasp the state of the students is shortened when the "Lecture Events" are displayed.