水田 馨 三好 潤也 黒田 くみ子 井手上 隆史 田中 義弘 松岡 智史 吉松 かなえ 荒金 太
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:18849938)
vol.34, no.1, pp.123-127, 2018 (Released:2018-07-21)

Ectopic pregnancy is considered as a possible diagnosis in cases in which women experience acute abdominal pain and a urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test produces a positive result. However, we present a case of ruptured ectopic pregnancy involving a negative urinary pregnancy test result. A 34-year-old nulliparous woman was admitted to the emergency room of our hospital due to the sudden onset of lower abdominal pain. Rebound pain in the lower abdomen was detected during a physical examination. Since transabdominal ultrasonography showed massive ascites, and a urinary pregnancy test produced a negative result, we performed a contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan and found a 5-cm right-sided ovarian cyst and extravasation around the left adnexa. We diagnosed the patient with left ovarian hemorrhaging and a right ovarian hemorrhagic luteal cyst. Two hours later, hemorrhagic shock occurred, and an emergency laparoscopic operation was carried out. We detected a swollen left fallopian tube, which had ruptured and was bleeding. We performed left salpingectomy. After the operation, the patient's preoperative serum sample was re-examined to re-assess her hCG level. As a result, her serum hCG level was found to be 23.3 mIU/ml. Pathological examinations showed a very small number of chorionic villi. The final diagnosis was ectopic pregnancy. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful. This case report illustrates the difficulty of diagnosing ectopic pregnancy. Clinicians should include ectopic pregnancy in the differential diagnoses for cases of acute abdominal pain involving women of reproductive age, regardless of the results of urinary pregnancy tests.

3 0 0 0 OA 緒言

松岡 智之
物語研究 (ISSN:13481622)
vol.1, pp.1-2, 2001-03-30 (Released:2018-03-27)
小町 太郎 三枝 英人 愛野 威一郎 松岡 智治 粉川 隆行 中村 毅
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.56, no.3, pp.286-291, 2005 (Released:2006-02-17)
1 1

われわれは, 高齢発症の重症筋無力症 (以下MG) による嚥下障害および構音障害を呈した1例を経験した。症例は79歳女性。転倒後から嚥下障害が出現し, 一時改善を繰り返しつつ悪化した。この患者ではMGに典型的な日内変動や易疲労性を認めず, また, 眼瞼下垂などの典型的症状も有していなかった。このため, 診断に苦慮した。しかし, 訓練開始直後は訓練に対する反応性がよいが, その後徐々に悪くなること, 午前中より午後に嚥下訓練に対する反応性が悪いことから, MGが疑われた。そこで, 抗AChR抗体を測定したところ陽性であり, エドロフォニウム2 mg投与後に上記症状は速やかに改善したため, MGと診断できた。最近, 高齢発症の重症筋無力症の存在が注目されており, 注意が必要と考えられた。
松岡 智之
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.57, no.4, pp.2-11, 2008-04-10 (Released:2017-08-01)

この論文で私は、森谷明子氏の推理小説『千年の黙 異本源氏物語』(二〇〇三年)が二〇世紀前半までの古典学の成果を再生させたことについて考察した。『千年の黙』は、『源氏物語』研究の成立論で生まれた仮説-「かかやく日の宮」という現存しない巻が元来あった-を素材とする。現在の研究ではこの仮説はあまり注目されないものの、森谷氏は大野晋氏の研究書(一九八四年)によって成立論を知り、その後風巻景次郎氏の説(一九五一年)に感銘して小説の素材にした。風巻説の論証過程と推理小説の型の類似性が森谷氏の感銘の原因とみなせる。『源氏物語』の成立論は、和辻哲郎が一九二〇年代にドイツ文献学のホメロス研究の方法を導入して始まったが、後にその方法は確実性を欠いてしまった。しかし、その不安定性こそが創作を導いたのであり、新たな研究の可能性を拓くとも考えられる。

1 0 0 0 OA 視覚と想像力

松岡 智之
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.60, no.4, pp.38-39, 2011 (Released:2016-12-09)
松岡 智之
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2016, no.184, pp.184_117-184_131, 2016-03-30 (Released:2016-11-22)

With the ending of the Cold War, the U.S. has failed in coercing far weaker states – such as Serbia,Afghanistan and Iraq – to comply with its demands, despite its overwhelming military superiority. Conventional wisdom holds that a stronger state’s superiority ensures the credibility of its threat, and that the weaker state will accept the demands because the ex-ante uncertainty of any conflict’s outcome (namely,the target’s defeat) almost does not exist. In reality, however, weaker states frequently resist stronger states’ threats, sometimes fighting hopeless wars instead of complying with their demands peacefully. This paper explores this puzzle of asymmetric compellence failure and asymmetric war.Commonly, asymmetric compellence failures are explained by focusing on other states’ interventions or the domestic factors which reduce or extinguish asymmetry. Alternatively, they are regarded as reassurance failures, in which commitments to future self-restraint are deemed incredible. The weaker state resists the threat to defend its reputation for resolve. In contrast, this paper argues that power asymmetry undermines the credibility of the threat itself.Why do such counter-intuitive phenomena occur? This paper argues that an asymmetry in relative capability necessarily implies an asymmetry in mutual threat perception. When power is symmetrical,each state’s power represents a serious threat to the other. If conflict occurs, the threat is automatically prioritized by both states. Therefore, in securing their existence (and as the vital interests of both are at stake), they will symmetrically display the maximum levels of resolve and willingness. In the instance of power asymmetry, however, the stronger state’s existence is unquestioned, with lesser conflicts not receiving priority. Contrastingly, the weaker state’s resolve will be stronger, as its existence is at stake. This asymmetry undermines the stronger state’s compellent threat, constructing it as incredible, precisely because the coercer’s resolve is in doubt.In instances of power symmetry, it is not a balance of resolve but capabilities that affects the conflict’s outcome – the balance of resolve remains symmetrical. Ex-ante uncertainty is chiefly concerned with the competitor’s relative capability, not resolve. However, in instances of power asymmetry, the balance of resolve is uncertain. Ex-ante uncertainty is here principally concerned with relative resolve – capability is materially objective, while resolve is psycho-subjective, and thus less measurable. This variability/flexibility and invisibility leads to mutual misperceptions, which contribute to the failure of negotiations in cases of power asymmetry.For example, while a stronger state’s increase in resolve – which originates from changes in its perception of the threat presented by a weaker target – may be clear to itself, this may remain unclear to the opponent. Consequently, the coercer may overestimate its own credibility (because it knows its true resolve) while the target underestimates its credibility (because it sees the coercer’s resolve as weak). These differences in credibility perception lead to asymmetric compellence failures. This logic is illustrated with reference to the 2003 Iraq War.
須藤 浩孝 伴 和敏 西脇 健二 河本 裕司 森 淳英 迫 和博 岡本 隆太 稲毛 亮太 川北 裕司 松岡 智生 今井 匡弘 北野 修二
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.14, no.1, pp.1-10, 2012 (Released:2012-06-29)

松岡 智之
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2016, no.184, pp.184_117-184_131, 2016

<p>With the ending of the Cold War, the U.S. has failed in coercing far weaker states – such as Serbia,Afghanistan and Iraq – to comply with its demands, despite its overwhelming military superiority. Conventional wisdom holds that a stronger state's superiority ensures the credibility of its threat, and that the weaker state will accept the demands because the <i>ex-ante</i> uncertainty of any conflict's outcome (namely,the target's defeat) almost does not exist. In reality, however, weaker states frequently resist stronger states' threats, sometimes fighting hopeless wars instead of complying with their demands peacefully. This paper explores this puzzle of asymmetric compellence failure and asymmetric war.</p><p>Commonly, asymmetric compellence failures are explained by focusing on other states' interventions or the domestic factors which reduce or extinguish asymmetry. Alternatively, they are regarded as reassurance failures, in which commitments to future self-restraint are deemed incredible. The weaker state resists the threat to defend its reputation for resolve. In contrast, this paper argues that <i>power asymmetry undermines the credibility of the threat itself</i>.</p><p>Why do such counter-intuitive phenomena occur? This paper argues that an asymmetry in relative capability necessarily implies an asymmetry in mutual threat perception. When power is symmetrical,each state's power represents a serious threat to the other. If conflict occurs, the threat is automatically prioritized by both states. Therefore, in securing their existence (and as the vital interests of both are at stake), they will symmetrically display the maximum levels of resolve and willingness. In the instance of power asymmetry, however, the stronger state's existence is unquestioned, with lesser conflicts not receiving priority. Contrastingly, the weaker state's resolve will be stronger, as its existence is at stake. This asymmetry undermines the stronger state's compellent threat, constructing it as incredible, precisely because the coercer's resolve is in doubt.</p><p>In instances of power symmetry, it is not a balance of resolve but capabilities that affects the conflict's outcome – the balance of resolve remains symmetrical. <i>Ex-ante</i> uncertainty is chiefly concerned with the competitor's relative capability, not resolve. However, in instances of power asymmetry, the balance of resolve is uncertain. <i>Ex-ante</i> uncertainty is here principally concerned with relative resolve – capability is materially objective, while resolve is psycho-subjective, and thus less measurable. This variability/flexibility and invisibility leads to mutual misperceptions, which contribute to the failure of negotiations in cases of power asymmetry.</p><p>For example, while a stronger state's increase in resolve – which originates from changes in its perception of the threat presented by a weaker target – may be clear to itself, this may remain unclear to the opponent. Consequently, the coercer may overestimate its own credibility (because it knows its true resolve) while the target underestimates its credibility (because it sees the coercer's resolve as weak). These differences in credibility perception lead to asymmetric compellence failures. This logic is illustrated with reference to the 2003 Iraq War.</p>