桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
no.45, pp.119-128, 2012

[Synopsis] The biodiversity in Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony is presented for discussion. The season of this symphony was inferred to be early summer, according to the song of birds (2nd movement), and the other motives of this symphony. Beethoven had recognized at least three species of birds; nightingale, quails, and cuckoo, and might have had a great interest in many plants and animals based on the many motives of this symphony. In this symphony, especially the final movement, Beethoven arrived at a conclusion of coexistence of nature and humans. [要約] ベートーヴェン作曲交響曲第6番「田園」における生物多様性について、考察した。初めに「田園」の季節について考察してみたが、よく言われていように、初夏の情景と考えられた。ベートーヴェンは少なくともサヨナキドリ(ナイチンゲール)、ウズラ、カッコウ、の3種類の野鳥を識別でき、これ以外にホオジロにも関心があったと思われる。その他にも、曲想からして、いろいろな生物をこの曲に取り入れていたと思われ、それらに対する、いつくしみの感情も強かったと思われた。第5楽章では、自然と人間の調和という結論に達していたように推察された。
尾園 暁 桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
vol.38, pp.71-155, 2005-03-31

The Odonata fauna in Nara Prefecture, western Honshu, Japan, were investigated in 1998-2003. Ninety-one species of 11 families of Odonata were recorded from Nra Prefecture by present research. Their distributions in Nara Prefecture were presented every municipality, and were shown in distribution maps. The characteristics of Odonata fauna and natural environments in Nara Prefecture were also discussed.記事区分:資料
久光 彩子 曽我部 陽子 寺田 剛 大隅 有理子 寺田 早百合 平野 綾香 杉田 麻衣 松尾 扶美 片山 涼子 荻野 直人 高見 晋一 桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
no.43, pp.91-104, 2010

On 22 July 2009, partial solar eclipse was observed in most regions in Japan and a total solar eclipse was observed in the Southwest Islands. At the Nara Campus of Kinki University, located in Nara Prefecture, central Japan, the sun fell into eclipse at 9:46, the maximum eclipse occurred at 11:05 (82% eclipse) and the eclipse finished at 12:25. The weather was cloudy and occasionally the sun peeped through the clouds.At the maximum eclipse, the following phenomena were observed:1) The ratio of singing individuals of two species of cicada, Platypleura kaempferi, and Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata, singing in daylight was reduced, hereas he higurashi cicada, Tanna japonensis, which sings at early morning and evening, began to sing actively.2) The katydids, Gampsocleis buergeri ,which sing in daylight, were silent.3) Two species of bird, Hypsipetes amaurotis and Cettia diphone were silent.4) The activities of flight butterfly species, Zizeeria maha, declined.5) The leaves of the silk tree, Albizia julibrrissin., which normally close at night, begun to close.6) The amount of solar radiation decreased and the air temperature declined.The response of some animals and plants to the eclipse may be coused by these weather factors which caused by solar eclipse.
戸田 裕子 桜谷 保之
日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 第52回日本生態学会大会 大阪大会
pp.798, 2005 (Released:2005-03-17)

杉本 毅 桜谷 保之 山下 美智代
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
no.17, pp.p13-20, 1984-03

[Author abstract]In mid September in 1982 and 1983 the hopperburn by the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (STÅL) occurred in many paddy fields in Iwakura, Kyoto city. We compared the degree of the hopperburn occurrence in the paddy fields applied neither of fertilizer and pesticide for more than ten years with that in neighbouring ones applied them conventionally. Hopperburn scarcely occurred in the former fields. Such a difference between these two kinds of paddy fields might be ascribed to two density-suppressing factors; the larger tolerance to feeding by the brown planthopper of the rice plants grown in the former fields and the greater predation by spiders living with higher densities in those fields.[著者抄録]1982年と1983年の秋に京都市岩倉地区の水田でトビイロウンカによる坪枯れが多発したので,同地区の2ケ所に位置する自然農法田と慣行農法田における坪枯れの発生状況を調査,比較したところ,自然農法田で坪枯れが起りにくいことが分かった.その理由は,トビイロウンカによる吸汁・増殖に対する,自然農法田で育ったイネ自身の耐性とその水田に高密度で生息するクモ類による捕食圧という2つの密度抑制要因の働きによってウンカの増殖が抑えられたためであろうと推論した.
戸田 裕子 桜谷 保之
日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 第51回日本生態学会大会 釧路大会
pp.186, 2004 (Released:2004-07-30)

フタモンテントウ(〈I〉Adalia bipunctata〈/I〉)は、1993年に大阪市南港において日本で初めて発見され、外来種と考えられている。1993年以降これまで発見地を中心に継続的に調査を行ってきた。本研究では発見地および周辺の公園・緑地等において、侵入後の分布や生活史、在来テントウムシとの種間関係を調査した。分布については、最初の発見地である南港中央公園(350m×500m)において発見以来ほぼ毎年発生が確認されているが、他の場所では2001年まで発生がみられず、分布の拡大は起こっていないと考えられた。しかし、2002年には2から3kmほど離れた2ヶ所で発生がみられるようになり、2003年には新たに2ヶ所で分布が確認された。2004年には南港地区(約3km四方)のほとんどの調査地で発生が確認され、南港以外の大阪府内や、約20km離れた兵庫県神戸市でも発生が確認された。発生密度は南港中央公園で最も高く、そこから離れるに従って減少する傾向にあった。したがって、南港中央公園が最初の侵入地で、発生の中心と推察された。この2から3年で分布がかなり広がり、さらに飛び火的に拡大する傾向にあると考えられる。種間関係については、フタモンテントウと同じ樹上(シャリンバイやトウカエデ)に生息する在来種ナミテントウとの個体数関係を中心に調べた。その結果、フタモンテントウの生息密度が高い地域の方が低い地域よりもナミテントウの個体数の割合が低い傾向がみられ、フタモンテントウの個体数増加や分布拡大はナミテントウやダンダラテントウ等、在来テントウムシの生存に影響を与えつつあると推察される。
鈴木 勇祐 桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University (ISSN:04538889)
no.43, pp.81-90, 2010-03-01

In this study we investigated ground beetles living in the Nara Campus of Kinki University, central Japan. In threeenvironments (pound edge, grassland, forest), ground beetles were collected using pitfall traps. A total of 1641 beetleswere collected, representing 18 families and 74 species. Of these, 298 beetles, representing, 11 families and, 39species, werecollected at the pound edge. The dominant species at this site were Onthophagus nitidus, Eusilpha japonica, Carabusyaconinus yaconinus, Amara chalcites, Pheropsophus jessoensis and Platydracus inornatus. A total of 248 beetles, including 12 families and 47species, were collected in the grassland. The dominant species of this site were Synuchus congruous, Pheropsophus jessoensis, Harpalus niigatanus, nisodactylus punctatipennis, Agrypnus scrofa and Bradycellus subditus. A total of 1097 beetles, representing 13 families and 42species, were collected in the forest. The dominant species of this site were Onthophagus nitidus, Synuchus congruous, Nebria chinensis and Nebria chinensis. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H') was 5.23 at the pound edge, 4.85 in the grassland and 3.55 in the forest. The Simpson diversity index (SID) was 11.14 at the pound edge, 18.28 in the grassland and 7.87 in the forest. The Kimoto similarity index (Cπ) was 0.654between the pound edge and the grassland, 0.495 between the forest and the grassland and 0.455 between the pound edge and forest. Ochiai similarity(OI) was 0.375 between the pound edge and the forest, 0.349 between the pound edge and the grassland and 0.236 between the grassland and the forest. The disturbance degree index( ID) was 1.81 at the pound edge, 1.42 in the grassland and 1.28 in the orest. These plots are subject to disturbance; that at the pound edge and in the grassland is similar to that reported for riversides, and that in the forest is similar to that reported for mountain forests.
堀内 洋平 岡野 めぐみ 石川 裕貴 植田 浩史 高良 真佑子 松田 すみれ 千田 海帆 竹本 雅則 藤井 太基 桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
no.46, pp.309-323, 2013

前平 拓也 桜谷 保之
no.46, pp.91-100, 2013 (Released:2014-02-21)
久光 彩子 曽我部 陽子 寺田 剛 大隅 有理子 寺田 早百合 平野 綾香 杉田 麻衣 松尾 扶美 片山 涼子 荻野 直人 高見 晋一 桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University (ISSN:04538889)
no.43, pp.91-104, 2010-03

桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
no.45, pp.119-128, 2012

[Synopsis] The biodiversity in Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony is presented for discussion. The season of this symphony was inferred to be early summer, according to the song of birds (2nd movement), and the other motives of this symphony. Beethoven had recognized at least three species of birds; nightingale, quails, and cuckoo, and might have had a great interest in many plants and animals based on the many motives of this symphony. In this symphony, especially the final movement, Beethoven arrived at a conclusion of coexistence of nature and humans. [要約] ベートーヴェン作曲交響曲第6番「田園」における生物多様性について、考察した。初めに「田園」の季節について考察してみたが、よく言われていように、初夏の情景と考えられた。ベートーヴェンは少なくともサヨナキドリ(ナイチンゲール)、ウズラ、カッコウ、の3種類の野鳥を識別でき、これ以外にホオジロにも関心があったと思われる。その他にも、曲想からして、いろいろな生物をこの曲に取り入れていたと思われ、それらに対する、いつくしみの感情も強かったと思われた。第5楽章では、自然と人間の調和という結論に達していたように推察された。
鳥居 憲親 桑原 崇 鈴木 賀与 寺田 早百合 杉田 麻衣 平野 綾香 錦 一郎 桜谷 保之
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
no.43, pp.47-74, 2010

The structure of wild bird communities in two areas of the Nara Campus of Kinki University was observed from June, 2008 to May, 2009. Pond A, Coppice, Farm and School Site A were the observation points in one area. The observation route in this area was named A-course. Pond E, East Ground, West Ground and School Site E were the observation points in the second area. The observation route in this area was named E-course.Among these environments, the greatest number of species was recorded at Pond A, where the wild bird fauna mostly consisted of waterfowl and rassland birds. The Index of species diversity H' at Coppice was the highest of this survey, where the wild bird fauna mostly consisted of forest birds. The number of species from the Red List of Endangered Animals at Farm was the second highest of this survey. The number of species at School Site A, where the wild bird fauna mostly consisted of common species, was the lowest among these environments. The total population of wild birds counted at Pond E, where the wild bird fauna mostly consisted of waterfowl and grassland birds, was the highest among these environments. The total population of Red List species found at East Ground, where the wild bird fauna mostly consisted of grassland birds, was the lowest among these environments.The Index of species diversity H' was the lowest at East Ground. The overlap indices Cπ at School Site E was the highest in combination with School Site A. The wild bird fauna at these sites mostly consisted of arboreal birds.