井上 孝 森本 健弘
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.43, no.5, pp.479-492, 1991

This study examined how population density and agricultural land productivity in a metropolitan area varied spatially by discussing the case of the Kanto district. A mathematical model was presented for describing the relationship of these two values. Population density values were calculated from grid-cell data of the population census of 1980. Values of agricultural land productivity were represented by agricultural income per hectare estimated from grid-cell data of the agricultural census of 1980. Figure 3 shows distribution of these values.We attempted to find the complicated spatial patterns of these values by analyzing the covariation of them in two aspects: the covariation with distance from the city center (Fig. 4) and with azimuth angle in distance belts (Fig. 5).The facts that we found are summarized as follows:The covariation with distance showed a tendency to correlate positively in the inside range of 35km and showed a tendency to correlate negatively in the outside range of 35km, except the non-agricultural city core and the mountainous area beyond 95km.The variation with azimuth angle, both of density and of productivity, consisted of long waves and short waves. The long waves of density and productivity showed similar curves. By contrast, the short waves of them showed inverse curves. This inverse relationship was weaker in the outside range of 35km than the inside.A mathematical model was then presented on the basis of these facts. This model consists of the following two parts:1) The covariation with distanceThe following formulation describes the covariation of population density fP and agricultural land productivity fA with distance. Equation (1) shows the productivity fA (r, p) at a place where distance from the edge of the city center is r and deviation of density is p. Variables fA (r, p), gA (r), and hA (p) in (1) correspond to curves FA, G, and H in Figure 6 respectively. The variable gA (r) is a component declining exponentially with distance r; gA (r)>0 and (d/dr) gA (r)<0 for r>0. The variable hA (r) is a component increasing with decreasing deviation p; (d/dp) hA (p)<0; hA (p)≈0 at p=0. Let fP(r) be the population density at distance r and fP be the mean value of fP(r) with respect to overall r, we get p=fP(r)-fP and (d/dr)fP(r)<0. Thus hA (p) becomes a function of r and (d/dr)hA(p(r)) becomes positive. Let r0 be a constant distance, the relationship between gA (r) and hA (p) is given by inequalities (2) and (3).2) The covariation with azimuth angleThe following formulation describes the covariation of population density up and agricultural land productivity uA, with azimuth angle in a specific distance belt Both uP and uA are standardized values with respect to overall angle in the distance belt. The density uP(θ) at angle θ can be written in equation (4). Variables uP(θ) and vP(θ) in (4) correspond to curves UP and VP in Figure 7 respectively. The variable vP(θ) is a component representing long periodic variation; vP(θ+λ1)=vP(θ) for a constant λ1(>0)
森本 健弘
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.66, no.9, pp.515-539, 1993-09-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

本研究では,大都市周辺の集約的農業地域における不耕作農地の形成について,その実態と形成要因の解明を土地利用と個別経営の調査によって試みた.研究対象地域とした千葉県市川市柏井町四丁目では, 1970年代から兼業化・脱農化の一方,残存した専業農家・第1種兼業農家は経営の重点を施設園芸や梨栽培へ移してきた.この変化と並行して不耕作農地が形成され,台地では不耕作農地が施設と混在し,低地ではその大部分が不耕作農地となる景観が形成された.研究対象地域の農家による不耕作農地のおもな形成要因は,施設園芸や梨栽培への集約的な労働投入による農業労働力の相対的な不足であり,また田の環境の悪化,および農外就業の進展であった.不耕作農地の形成の基盤には,市街化調整区域における農地の転用規制,圃場条件の悪さ,農地地価の上昇と農地貸借の困難さがあった.研究対象地域以外の居住者へ所有権の移転した不耕作農地も多く存在した.この場合には,兼業化・脱農化がおもな形成要因であること,農地転用に伴う代替農地の取得が関与した事例の多いことが推測された.
村山 祐司 山下 清海 森本 健弘 兼子 純 呉羽 正昭 松井 圭介 仁平 尊明 山下 亜紀郎 田林 明 手塚 章
