森本 壮亮
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.237-269, 2016-03-03

This paper introduces the full story of the Okishio theorem. Although it has been considered to be an objection to Marx's law of the tendential fall in the rate of profit, the real purpose of the theorem was to clarify an absurd character of the capitalist choice of technique. Also Okishio argued that the reason of the constant or falling rate of profit should be the rise in the real wage rate. When Okishio submitted the theorem, the rate of profit was not clearly falling in Japanese economy. However Japanese economy considerably changed. The surge of the real wage rate from the mid 1960s to 1973 caused the rise of the organic composition of capital and the fall in the rate of profit. Contrary to the popular interpretation of the Okishio theorem, this scenario was precisely what Okishio supposed. The bubble burst caused one more fall in the rate of profit and capital turned surplus. The result is the helplessness of the monetary policy. Even though the Bank of Japan has tried to supply money by extraordinary ways, neither capital accumulation nor "money stock" has increased. Although economists including Marxists have not been able to work out this mysterious situation, it is just what Marx wrote in Volume III of Capital .
大槻 貴司 尾羽 秀晃 松尾 雄司 森本 壮一
一般社団法人 エネルギー・資源学会
エネルギー・資源学会論文誌 (ISSN:24330531)
vol.44, no.3, pp.115-125, 2023-05-10 (Released:2023-05-10)

The authors’ previous assessment indicated that the marginal electricity cost in 2050 in Japan is more than doubled in an energy system based on a 100% renewable power supply compared to the cost-optimal system. However, some assumptions may be conservative given the recent developments, including the cost of variable renewable energy (VRE) and energy storage technologies and the availability of dispatchable renewable power generation (such as biomass-fired). Therefore, to test the robustness of the previous assessment, this study conducts a sensitivity analysis with a focus on these factors, using an energy system optimization model with a detailed temporal resolution. Simulation results imply that the high marginal electricity cost in the “100% renewable power system” is partially due to the costs of managing VRE’s seasonality. Low-cost energy storage and dispatchable renewable power plants can curb the marginal electricity cost. However, the results also suggest that the marginal cost in these sensitivity cases remains high compared to the cost-optimal system, still posing economic challenges to the system based on a 100% renewable power supply.
森本 壮亮
vol.58, no.4, pp.101-128, 2017-03-07

This paper examines the critique of the Okishio theorem by thetemporal single system interpretation.The orthodox interpretation of Marx’s value theory determines thevalue/price magnitudes by using simultaneous equations. In this process,the magnitude of constant capital is calculated as current cost, and atechnical innovation results in the increase in the rate of profit (Okishiotheorem). Even though it is diametrically opposite to Marx, this story hasbeen widely supported by not only neo-classical economists but alsoMarxian economists.However, the temporal single system interpretation (TSSI) has criticizedthe Okishio theorem since the 1980 s. The TSSI rejects simultaneousequations to determine the magnitudes of values/prices, and uses the logicof the circuit of capital. In this process, the magnitude of constant capital iscalculated as historical cost. Because the magnitude of constant capitaldoesn’t re-valued, the rate of profit falls in case of a technical innovation.The difference between the orthodox interpretation and the TSSIbecomes apparent when technical innovations are incessant. Especiallywhen incessant technical innovations occur in the sector producing fixedcapital, the gap between current cost and historical cost becomes critical.Such incessant technical innovations are characteristic in the moderncompetition of the global capitalist economy, and we see many capitalsstruggling with losses from incessant technical innovations. In this processcapitals face the fall in the rate of profit, and the TSSI reflects the reality.When Okishio submitted the theorem, the rate of profit of Japaneseeconomy did not fall and the Okishio theorem had the economic base.However, the rate of profit of Japanese economy has been falling since the1970 s and the Okishio theorem does not have the economic base any more.From the viewpoint of the historical materialism, the economic base callsfor a change of the superstructure: from the orthodox interpretation andthe Okishio theorem to the TSSI.
大槻 貴司 尾羽 秀晃 川上 恭章 下郡 けい 水野 有智 森本 壮一 松尾 雄司
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.142, no.7, pp.334-346, 2022-07-01 (Released:2022-07-01)

This study investigated cost-effective energy mix for realizing net zero CO2 emissions in Japan by 2050, employing an energy system optimization model with hourly electricity balances. The detailed temporal resolution enables the model to capture intermittency of variable renewable energy (VRE) and costs of system integration measures. Siting constraints on VRE, such as prohibiting solar PV and onshore wind developments in forest and offshore wind developments inside fishery rights area, are incorporated in the model to reflect the environmental protection and social acceptance perspectives. Simulation results imply that a well-balanced power generation mix, combining renewables, nuclear, gas-fired with carbon capture and storage, as well as ammonia-fired, would contribute to curbing mitigation costs. In contrast, a simulation case with very high VRE penetration poses economic challenges. Average shadow price of electricity in 2050 in a 100% renewables case (RE100) is projected to be more than doubled from a reference case which is based on middle-of-the-road assumptions. Marginal CO2 abatement cost in 2050 increases from 49,200 JPY/tCO2 in the reference case to 75,300 JPY/tCO2 in the RE100 case. The economic viability of high VRE penetration is improved by relaxing the siting constraints, although it may raise environmental and social concerns.
曽根原 寿明 井澤 康哲 祁 華 神津 和磨 向山 浩行 広田 雅和 遠藤 高生 神田 寛行 森本 壮 不二門 尚
視覚の科学 (ISSN:09168273)
vol.38, no.4, pp.114-121, 2017 (Released:2017-12-29)

眼疲労を定量化するための方法として, 自然な両眼視下での測定を利用した報告はあまりされていない。そこで我々は, 18名の被験者に視負荷として市販の携帯型3Dゲーム機を30分間使用させ, 両眼波面センサーを用いて視負荷前後での調節および輻湊応答の変化を調べた。測定時の固視標の動きは, 奥行き方向に反復する定屈折駆動刺激(±0.25D/秒)およびステップ状刺激(2.0/0.2D)を与えた。定屈折の反復刺激において, 輻湊と開散の潜時が視負荷後に統計的に有意に長くなることがわかった(P<0.05)。ステップ状刺激では, 調節弛緩応答量の80%から10%に変化するのに要する時間が視負荷後に長くなった(P<0.05)。以上より, 両眼波面センサーによって測定された調節と輻湊の応答は, 眼の疲労の客観的評価に適用できることが示唆され, とくに年齢の影響を受けにくい輻湊は中高年者への適用に有望であると考えられる。
森本 壮

研究代表者は、網膜神経節細胞(RGC)に対して電気刺激が神経保護作用を有することを初めて見出した。以来、RGCが障害される難治性視神経症に対する新しい治療法として電気刺激治療の確立を目指してこれまで研究を継続してきた。難治性視神経症は眼科疾患のうち未だ治療法が確立されていない疾患の一つで中途失明原因の上位を占める。本研究ではこれまでの研究をさらに発展させ電気刺激治療の確立を目指した。 本研究の結果、電気刺激によって網膜の血流に変化が生じた。また実際に多くの患者に対し電気刺激治療を行い、視力や視野が改善することを見出した。この成果は、難治性視神経症に対する電気刺激治療の確立につながると考える。
岡本 紀夫 森本 壮 松下 賢治
眼科 (ISSN:00164488)
vol.61, no.9, pp.975-981, 2019-09-05

要 約目 的:長期経過観察できた外傷性視神経症の2例の光干渉断層計所見について報告する。対象および方法:急性期の外傷性視神経症1例と陳旧期の外傷性視神経症1例に対して,光干渉断層計で平均全網膜厚および黄斑部ganglion cell complex厚について経時的に計測を行った。結果および結論:既報と同じく黄斑部ganglion cell complex厚は受傷後早期から減少し,数か月後には減少傾向がプラトーに達した。一方の平均全網膜厚は1年以上経っても軽度であるが菲薄化が進行していた。陳旧期の外傷性視神経症の光干渉断層計所見は鑑別診断の一助になると考えられた。
森本 壮亮
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.51, no.3, pp.54-64, 2014-10-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

This paper examines Dumenil and Foley's "New Interpreta-tion(NI)" of Marx's value theory as an interpretation of Capital. We can summarize the NI as follows. First, it bridges the dimensions of labor values and prices by the concept of the "value of money," which is defined as the ratio of aggregate labor time to aggregate money value added. Second, it interprets Marx's value theory as a macroeconomic labor theory and the equality between total value and total price as the net one in a given period. Third, it defines the value of labor power as the money wage multiplied by the "value of money," and argues that exploitation is an issue of the distribution of the net value added between workers and capitalists. Although Dumenil and Foley claim that the NI is just what Marx tried to argue in Capital, Marx's texts and manuscripts of Capital show the opposite. Marx's starting point was to criticize classical economists who explained that wage was a proportion of the net value added and exploitation was a distributional issue. The argument of the NI is totally the same with the one of classical economists. In contrast, Marx argues that the capitalist exploitation is for workers to be absorbed into the circuit of capital whose sole aim is to increase the value. Also Marx points out that variable capital, which is used for wage, is the value that workers created not in the present but in the past. These Marx's arguments show that Marx's value theory is quite similar to the "temporal single-system interpretation (TSSI)." Therefore the orthodox(or Sraffian)interpretation of Marx's value theory and the transformation problem is also invalid as an interpretation of Marx. First, although the orthodox interpretation claims that Marx considers exploitation as an issue of the distribution of labor for production, Marx doesn't. Marx's exploitation theory is constructed based on the concept of the circuit of capital, and it is irrelevant to the distribution of labor for production. Second, although the orthodox interpretation claims that the dimension of the transformation is labor time, such claim is both unrealistic and alien to capitalism. Capitalists'criteria are their rates of profit or amounts of profit, not their "rates of profit" of labor time. There is no reason for such "rates of profit" to be uniformed at least in a capitalist society. Thus we conclude that the most appropriate new interpretation of Marx's Capital is the TSSI.
森本 壮亮
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.110, no.2, pp.145(49)-166(70), 2017-07

セミナーでは, 欧米で近年提起されている労働価値説の新解釈が報告・議論の対象となった。本稿は, 新解釈にも大別して, New Interpretation, Macro-Monetary Interpretation, Temporal Single System Interpretationの三種が存在することを示すとともに, それぞれの労働価値説について検討し, New Interpretationはスミス的な労働価値説であるものの, 資本循環論を基礎とする後者二つはマルクス的な「資本主義社会の労働価値説」として評価すべきだと主張している。Reviewing both old and new interpretations of Marx's labor theory of value and examining recent discussions thereof, which were the central issues in the seminar as well, this study reconsiders the labor theory of value. From the perspective of the history of economic thought, this paper argues that (i) the labor theory of value is a theory of distribution of labor in a society, (ii) the labor theory of value as interpreted by the "new interpretation" school is not Marx's but Smith's, and (iii) the "macro-monetary interpretation" and the "temporal single system interpretation" are labor theories of value in capitalist society that Marx argued in Capital.特集 : 『資本論』数理化研究の最先端