大月 三郎 秋山 一文 森本 清
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.103, no.3, pp.187-196, 1991-06-18 (Released:2009-08-24)

Abuse of psychostimulants such as methamphetamine by humans leads to psychotic symptoms which are virtually indistinguishable from those of paranoid schizophrenia. A similar progressive augmentation was observed in locomotion and stereotyped behavior of animals receiving chronic administration of methamphetamine. Thus, such behavioral sensitization or reverse tolerance phenomenon has been well established as an animal model of susceptibility to exacerbation of methamphetamine-induced paranoid psychosis and schizophrenia. On the other hand, kindling refers to a phenomenon whereby a progressively increasing epileptiform discharge emerges after repeated electrical stimulation in a limbic area and finally culminates in a generalized seizure. Kindling has been best characterized as a model of human temporal lobe epilepsy. This review summarizes the studies on reverse tolerance and kindling phenomenon so far conducted in our department. Acute exacerbation following a re-challenge of methamphetamine in the methamphetamine-treated animals is associated with enhancement of dopamine release in the striatum. The pharmacological and electrophysioloical studies of kindling revealed cumulative evidence that excitatory amino acids play an important role in the induction mechanism of kindling, but that the seizure triggering mechanism may be related to collapse of inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid function. Further studies are necessary to understand these two important phenomena for psychiatry.
渡邊 裕子 小山 尚美 流石 ゆり子 河野 由乃 萩原 理恵子 森本 清 水口 哲
山梨県立大学看護学部紀要 (ISSN:18806783)
vol.12, pp.9-18, 2010-03-01

「活力に満ちた地域づくりの指導者養成を目指す」が目的の高齢者のための生涯学習大学校に在学し,看護学生との交流事業に参加した24 名を対象に,若者イメージと事業に対する期待感について調査を実施した.対象の地域リーダー高齢者は「世間一般の今どきの20 歳代の若者」イメージとして,「話やすいが何を考えているかわからない」という傾向を持っていた.また「若者との交流」への期待度は95.8%と高く,分かり合いたい思いがある一方,自分から知恵を伝授するという意識を持って参加した人は少なかった.交流では,高齢者が老年期の意味を理解し,歳を重ねたからこそ備えている知恵を若い世代に伝授するという意識を持って参加できるような導入と,若者に対する理解し難い感情を払拭し,若者から求められているという実感を持って,自発的,積極的かつ自然に交流を求める姿勢が持てるような企画・調整が必要である.
片山 隆 宅間 雅彦 森本 清 中村 征四郎 高島 史男 丸山 剛郎
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.34, no.1, pp.191-196, 1990-02-01 (Released:2010-08-10)

In order to evaluate the effect of titanium diameter on reinforcement of titaniumhydroxyapatite implant and calculate the diameter of the implant under loading, stress analysis was performed using the finite element method. In finite element model, 100% or 70% of root length was supported by PMMA in place of bone and the implant was loaded 15 kgf at 45° of the implant axis.The results were obtained as follows, 1. In the case of 100% support, the titanium diameter had little effect on the reinforcement of the implant, whereas in the case of 70% support, it had much effect.2. The diameter of this implant was calculated to be more than 3.7mm under loading.From these results and the view point of manufacturing techniques, the diameter of this implant was supposed to need 4.0mm and that of titanium was to be 2.0mm.