森本 康太郎
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.46, no.1, pp.22-32, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-10-31)

There is a chance of Japanese university students experiencing emotional problems such as anxiety and depression while seeking employment. These issues may have a negative effect on students' performance and accomplishment in job hunting and career development activities. This study focused on career beliefs in order to develop effective career support. Career beliefs are assumptions and generalizations individuals hold about the self and the world of work, which affect their career decision-making and career development. According to existing literature, intervening and modifying career beliefs can be done using cognitive approaches such as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. The Career Beliefs Inventory (CBI) was developed as an assessment tool for career counseling. This study examined whether the Japanese version of the CBI would be an effective measure. There was insufficient internal consistency and test-retest reliability, and factorial and concurrent validity was open to question. Further research is necessary to develop an assessment tool to measure career beliefs accurately, based on reliability, validity, utility, and construct of irrationality.
大森 哲至
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.45, no.2, pp.95-104, 2019-11-30 (Released:2020-02-29)

After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, which was triggered by Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th of 2011, mandatory evacuation was issued on residents in many villages, towns, cities and administrative districts sorrounding the plant. Residents of Okuma-machi were among those who were urged to evacuate, and later were brought to temporary shelters in Aizuwakamatsu. At the time of this study, most evacuees lived with uncertainty due to the ongoing decontamination of radioactive materials in their hometown, and, hence, their indefinite displacement from their homes. In this study, GHQ28 was used to evaluate the mental health conditions of the evacuees from Okuma-machi and residents of the host city, Aizuwakamatsu of Fukushima prefecture. This study was conducted two years and five months after the accident. The main results were as follows. Individuals who scored above threshold of 6 points are considered to be at high risk of mental disorder. 78.4% of the evacuees from Okuma-machi were found be high-risk individuals.
森 浩典
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.5, no.1, pp.24-35, 2008-12-05 (Released:2016-01-01)

In June 2006, the world's largest company, Mittal Steel (Netherlands), merged with the second largest, Arcelor (Luxembourg), forming a massive steel manufacturer occupying a 10% share of global steel production.Global-scale restructuring continues to accelerate, likely exerting a great influence on the Japanese iron and steel industry. Important issues are to preserve growth and to survive in the 21st century. As a necessary action of that purpose, it is important to maintain improvement against huge material suppliers and influential users to take the effective purchase preventive measures from huge competitors, and to build appropriate partnership with other companies.It is expected not to plan cost competitiveness predominance and scale expansion but also to take action on new issues such as the environmental safeguard in order to realize sustainable development. New value creation is demanded from the Japanese iron and steel industry.
小森 正彦
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1-10, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

Based on the framework of four fields in knowledge creation, three government financialinstitutions have been investigated.At the Development Assistance Fund of Viet Nam, only exercising field has been developed.Knowledge utilization is limited to the realm of explicit knowledge.At the Development and Infrastructure Bank of Malaysia, merely systemizing field andexercising field have been developed. Knowledge utilization is also limited to the realm of explicitknowledge.At the Development Bank of Japan, originating field and dialoguing field, as well assystemizing field and exercising field, have been developed. Both explicit knowledge and implicitknowledge are utilized for knowledge creation.There are two types of collective learning loop. Shallow loop ends only within explicitknowledge. Deep loop circulates into implicit knowledge, too. Utilization of implicit knowledge makessuch difference.Collective learning, based on the utilization of organizational knowledge, helps forecastchanges in circumstances, thereby enabling agile actions toward self-transformation.
森 浩典
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.35-46, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

The profit structure of Japanese iron and steel industry ought to be sustainable, not temporary one.The industry should not expect the demand exceeded the supply of steel, nor depend on specialprocurements, but it is necessary to accelerate thoroughness of rationalization of the industry itself andstructural reform.Amid ongoing globalization of the markets, both in production and consumption, competitions in theindustry extends not only domestic but also all over the world. In this regard, the importance and thevalidity of "reorganization" are shared concerns among the industry.This paper examines about the measures for "reorganization" of Japanese iron and steel industry.
小森 正彦
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.2, no.1, pp.37-49, 2005-06-18 (Released:2017-01-02)

Japan’s industrial clusters are sometimes projected in inconvenient sites apart from existingagglomeration. MEXT’s Knowledge-intensive Clusters are dispersed to eighteen local regions,excluding the capital region which retains many of the country’s scientists and research facilities. In thecapital region, several state-of-the-art research centers are not networked well, making face-to-facecommunication difficult. Mobilization of knowledge-worker stocks is not always easy in such artificiallocations. They need to be equipped with quality of life and proximity to facilitate knowledge workers’sustainable interaction.Many of the current cluster projects target at life science, which tend to be more risky than ITand other industries. The United States mitigate such risks through venture business utilization andample fund provision by NIH and venture capital firms. Japan’s clusters need to effectively mobilizestartup companies and government budgets that are currently dispersed among related ministries.For region’s endogenous development, universities should provide necessary human capital andknowledge. Market needs must be closely monitored, and startups should be further mobilized.Supporting institutions should network the related parties and integrate the individual efforts. Japan’smatured and high-standard market would sophisticate life-oriented products and services. Life scienceand other technologies are to improve our quality of life.
小森 正彦
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.25-36, 2005-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

Industrial clusters in the US, Europe and Asia are equipped with provisions for “quality of life” (QOL), while those in Japan are often artificially located in isolated areas and lack QOL.Knowledge workers appreciate urban convenience, life amenities, open culture, natural environment, leisure activities, and other aspects of QOL, on top of challenging and rewarding jobs; therefore, a region’s QOL, among other factors, can attract and sustain knowledge workers, thereby promoting innovation and strengthening the industrial cluster’s competitiveness. In return, an industrial cluster can create employment, increase a region’s revenues from personal income and other taxes, provide “civic entrepreneurs” who take the leadership of regional development, and improve a region’s QOL.This productive cycle between QOL and industrial clusters can be a key factor in improving a region in a sustainable way. Local governments should not forget to improve the region’s QOL when developing industrial clusters in the age of inter-regional competition in the knowledge economy.