1 0 0 0 日本財閥史

中蔵 伊知郎 木原 理絵 阿部 正樹 河合 実 関本 裕美 廣畑 和弘 山内 一恭 小森 勝也
一般社団法人 日本腎臓病薬物療法学会
日本腎臓病薬物療法学会誌 (ISSN:21870411)
vol.2, no.1, pp.11-16, 2013 (Released:2018-04-02)

liposomal amphotericin Bは、低カリウム血症の発生が問題となる。L-AMB投与による低カリウム血症の発現頻度が腎機能の程度によって異なるか否かを明らかにすることを目的とし、我々は、L-AMBによる低カリウム血症の発現頻度を腎機能別で確認したので報告する。国立病院機構大阪医療センターにおいて、L-AMBを3日以上投与された成人の入院患者46名を対象とした。今回の検討では、腎機能の程度によらず、低カリウム血症の発現が認められた。また、腎代替療法を施行されている患者においても低カリウム血症が認められた。しかし、腎機能別での発症頻度に差はなかった。このため、L-AMBを使用する際には、腎機能の程度に関係なく、早期から血清カリウム値のモニタリングをすることが望ましい。
森脇 靖子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.49, no.255, pp.163-173, 2010 (Released:2021-08-02)

In 1891, Silk Association of America warned Japanese vice-consul in New-York that the quality of Japanese raw silk was sub-standard. It advised both an improvement of silkworm breeds and a reduction in Japan's more than 300 silkworm breeds. In 1893, the engineers at the Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade (I.M.A.T.) began applying themselves to the task, though there was little scientific knowledge of breeding by crossing. By 1910, I.M.A.T. could not develop suitable silkworm breeds. However silkworm breeders had achieved some improvements through hybridization. When Kametaro Toyama who had known the breeder's breeding by crossing, began to interbreed in 1900, he did not know Mendelism. But Toyama had learned about the heredity and variation of hybridization, through the book, 'The Germ-Plasm' of A. Weismann. In 1901, he read the paper of H. de Vries and found out about Mendelism. From 1902 to 1905, he continued silkworm cross-experiments in Thailand (then Siam). In 1906, he confirmed that Mendel's law could be applied to silkworm in his doctoral dissertation. And he insisted on making f_1 hybrid for improvement of silkworm. In 1909, he published the book, 'Sansyuron' which he presented his method of breeding based on Mendelism. Only in 1910 did the engineers at the I.M.A.T., including S. Ishiwata, accept Mendelism and Toyama's methodology. After that, under the leadership of Toyama, I.M.A.T. began improving silkworm breeds and succeeded in producing an excellent f_1 hybrid by 1913. As a result, the Japanese raw silk was rapidly improved in quality.
高橋 浩 赤羽 明 所澤 潤 玉置 豊美 森下 貴司 滝沢 俊治
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.43, no.230, pp.74-82, 2004 (Released:2021-08-12)

In Japan, education in modern Western science started with the Meiji era (1868-1912). Midway through the Meiji era, a change occurred in the science curriculum in Japan. During the early Meiji years, individual subjects, such as physics and chemistry, had been taught in elementary schools. However, a new and comprehensive subject, termed "rika " in Japanese, was then instituted. So far, evaluations of this change have been carried out from mainly a national perspective, based on analyses of educational statutes enacted by the Japanese government and the contents of the widely used textbooks of those days. For a deeper understanding of the significance of the change, however, it is essential to examine it at the level of prefecture, or district, and individual elementary school, as well. We report on the process of this change in science education in Gunma Prefecture. We draw on sources from the archives of Gunma Prefecture and also examine the teaching materials (tests and text books) actually used at the elementary schools of Gunma Prefecture in those days in order to paint a detailed picture of the change. The change in science education in Gunma Prefecture was accomplished considerably later than its official announcement in national statutes. The Normal School of Gunma Prefecture had an overwhelming influence on education in Gunma Prefecture in the Meiji era. Thus, we also discuss the Normal School's views on science education, based on Meiji - era archives kept in the Gunma Prefectural Archives and at Gunma University. These archives suggest that the Normal School regarded the subject physics as playing an important role in the acceptance of Western scientific thought, and that the school was critical of the new comprehensive science subject, "rika ".
池 睦美 中村 勝 小西 健一 津畑 豊 五十嵐 宏三 齋藤 徳子 森岡 哲夫 島田 久基
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.54, no.11, pp.561-570, 2021 (Released:2021-11-28)

河本 啓助 森本 茂雄 武田 洋次
パワーエレクトロニクス研究会論文誌 (ISSN:09167269)
vol.26, no.2, pp.168-174, 2001-03-01 (Released:2010-03-16)

This paper presents a sensorless control of IPMSM using an estimated axis error on the basis of an extended emf. In the sensorless control method using a rotational axis model, the approximated model is generally used, thus some problems exist in the sensorless control at IPMSM with a large saliency ratio. In this paper the use of a rotational axis model using an extended emf can accomplish a sensorless control on the basis of an IPMSM model without any approximation. Moreover to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method this paper shows simulation results of some kinds of drive situations and IPMSMs with various saliency ratios.