2 0 0 0 OA I 歴史研究

臼井 勝美 安岡 昭男 池井 優 波多野 澄雄 増田 弘 宇野 重昭 横山 宏章 中見 立夫 植田 隆子 佐々木 雄太 油井 大三郎 福田 茂夫 草間 秀三郎 佐藤 信一
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1979, no.61-62, pp.2-107,L4, 1979-05-25 (Released:2010-09-01)

The Japan Association of International Relations, which was established in 1956, considers one of its main objectives to contribute to the progress of the study of the history of international relations, in paticular to research into the history of Japanese diplomacy. Japan's Road to the Pacific War is a representative example of what can be done by the joint endeavour of this association.We would like to point out, as a specific characteristics of recent research on the history of international relations, firstly, a tendency to remove the limitations which are encountered by a study of so called “diplomatic history” in isolation from everything else.We would like to examine the change from the move traditional approaches, which have emphasized only bilateral or multilateral relations between states, to the more modern, original approaches. The interest of researchers will be to cover a wide area of historical phenomena, such as the political decision-making process, public opinion, economic pressure groups and the process of communication amongst other things.The second characteristic has been the flowering of collaborative reserch between Japanese and foreign scholars, and we are now receiving the excellent results of their labours. For instance, the conference at Lake Kawaguchi in 1969, the result of which was, “The history of Japanese-American Relations, 1931-41” is a representative example of this trend. However, it is regrettable that the participants in these collaborative research projects have been mainly limited to Japanese and American scholars. It is to be hoped that, in future, there will be further opportunities for collaborative research and conferences not only with American scholars, but also with scholars from China, England, Korea, the Soviet Union and South East Asia.We hope the future tendency of research will be for the themes of the role and limitation of the individual in international affairs, as well as the problem of individual responsibility, to become the common interest of scholars.We hope that, in future, the increasing variety of scholarship will not become merely scattered and diffused.
植田 隆太 今 裕史 和久井 洋佑 阪田 敏聖 蔵谷 大輔 武田 圭佐 小池 雅彦 鈴木 昭
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.53, no.12, pp.985-991, 2020-12-01 (Released:2020-12-26)
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症例は63歳の男性で,糖尿病性腎症による末期腎不全で血液透析を19年間施行し,高カリウム血症のためポリスチレンスルホン酸カルシウム(calcium polystyrene sulfonate;以下,CPSと略記 商品名:カリメート散)を内服していた.進行する貧血と黒色便に対する精査で下行結腸癌の診断となり,腹腔鏡下結腸部分切除術(下行結腸),D3郭清を施行した.術後経過は良好で第11病日に退院したが,その後も貧血の進行と血便を認めたため,第43病日に下部消化管内視鏡検査を施行した.吻合部に全周性の出血する潰瘍を認め,その他に縦走潰瘍を1か所認めた.潰瘍からの生検では,潰瘍底に好塩基性多菱形の沈着物を認め,CPSの関与が疑われた.そのためCPSの内服を中止したところ,貧血の進行は止まり,その後の下部消化管内視鏡検査でも潰瘍は改善していた.それ以降3年間,癌および潰瘍の再発なく生存中である.
打越 将人 植田 隆史 楫 靖 辻 昭夫 和田 昭彦 今岡 いずみ 松尾 導昌 丸山 克也 岡本 淳 滝沢 修
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.57, no.6, pp.639-644, 2001-06-20 (Released:2017-06-30)

Studies have shown that diffusion MR imaging is a reliable method for the diagnosis of central nervous system diseases, especially acute cerebral infarction. Although echo planar imaging (EPI) is a promising tool for that purpose, it is vulnerable to susceptibility artifacts that are responsible for image distortion or signal loss. Our purpose in this study was to evaluate the usefulness of diffusion MR imaging with PSIF (reversed fast imaging SSFP) and split acquisition of fast-spin-echo signals for diffusion imaging (SPLICE) in the central nervous system (CNS). First, PSIF and SPLICE were applied to the phantoms. Each phantom, including acetone, acetic acid, and water, was analyzed for ADC based on SPLICE and for diffusion related coefficient (DRC) based on PSIF. The ADCs based on SPLICE were 4.36±0.89 * 10^<-3> mm^2/sec, 1.25±0.04 * 10^<-3> mm^2/sec, and 2.35±0.04 * 10^<-3> mm^2/sec, and the DRCs based on PSIF were 0.353±0.25, 0.178±0.07, and 0.273±0.018 for acetone, acetic acid, and water, respectively. These calculated ADCs based on SPLICE were well correlated with known diffusion coefficients, showing a correlation coefficient of 0.995. Second, PSIF and SPLICE were applied to the CNS. The advantage of PSIF and SPLICE was that susceptibility artifacts were reduced in the images of spinal cord and brain stem. PSIF was especially useful for diffusion MR imaging in the spinal cord. The disadvantage of SPLICE was the decreased SN ratio. We conclude that PSIF or SPLICE may be helpful when EPI diffusion MR imaging is insufficient.