中見 立夫
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1980, no.66, pp.109-127,L5, 1980-11-05 (Released:2010-09-01)

The purpose of this article is to clarify China and Russia's attitudes toward the Russo-Chinese negotiation concerning Mongolia in 1913.In 1911, the Mongols declared independence, and organized the Bogdo Khan government. Bogdo's Mongolia aimed to be a comlete independent state which united all Mongolians. However, Russia, just after the Mongol declaration of independence, aimed at creating an Autonomous Outer Mongolia. Opposed to these, China categorically opposed to the independence or autonomy of Outer Mongolia, but consented only to abolish the “New Policy” and reinstate the old Ch'ing administrative system in Mongolia.At first, Russia planned to mediate between Mongolia and China, but abandoned the plan because of China's over bigoted attitude. Then, Russia changed her attitude toward establishing a tentative diplomatic relations by concluding an agreement with Mongolia. Russian aim was to force China into negotiation with Russia.The Russo-Chinese negotiation concerning Mongolia, as Russia wished, was started in Reking in November 23, 1913, just after the Russo-Mongolian Agreement of November 3, in which Russian rights and interests in Outer Mongolia were widely recognized. In this negotiation, Russia, in exchange of her support of China's suzerainty over Mongolia, demanded China to recognize Outer Mongolia's autonomy and the validity of the Russo-Mongolian Agreement. China not only refused to recognize the Russo-Mongolian Agreement, but also demanded Russia to confirm China's sovereignty over Mongolia. Moreover, China wanted only to continue the old administrative system in Mongolia. The negotiation, once, was about to be settled. However, China's inordinate persistence to the reinstatement of the old system in Mongolia brought the rupture of the negotiation.Mongolia herself, kept an eye on the Russo-Chinese negotiation about her future status, and demanded Russia for Mongolia's participation in any negotiation which concern her fate.After an interruption, the Russo-Chinese negotiation was held again on September, 1913. Russia, at this negotiation, sought to establish only the principles to resolve the problems concerning Mongolia between China and Russia. The final settlement of the questions was to be entrusted to a future conference among Mongolia, Russia and China.In November 5, 1913, the Russo-Chinese Declaration was signed. The content of this declaration was that China gave up the reinstatement of the old regional system in Mongolia and confirmed the new one or the Autonomous Outer Mongolia under China's suzerainty. At th same time, the declaration also proclaimed the begining of the so-called Tripartite conference among Mongolia, Russia and China for the final settlement of the Mongol problems.

2 0 0 0 OA I 歴史研究

臼井 勝美 安岡 昭男 池井 優 波多野 澄雄 増田 弘 宇野 重昭 横山 宏章 中見 立夫 植田 隆子 佐々木 雄太 油井 大三郎 福田 茂夫 草間 秀三郎 佐藤 信一
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1979, no.61-62, pp.2-107,L4, 1979-05-25 (Released:2010-09-01)

The Japan Association of International Relations, which was established in 1956, considers one of its main objectives to contribute to the progress of the study of the history of international relations, in paticular to research into the history of Japanese diplomacy. Japan's Road to the Pacific War is a representative example of what can be done by the joint endeavour of this association.We would like to point out, as a specific characteristics of recent research on the history of international relations, firstly, a tendency to remove the limitations which are encountered by a study of so called “diplomatic history” in isolation from everything else.We would like to examine the change from the move traditional approaches, which have emphasized only bilateral or multilateral relations between states, to the more modern, original approaches. The interest of researchers will be to cover a wide area of historical phenomena, such as the political decision-making process, public opinion, economic pressure groups and the process of communication amongst other things.The second characteristic has been the flowering of collaborative reserch between Japanese and foreign scholars, and we are now receiving the excellent results of their labours. For instance, the conference at Lake Kawaguchi in 1969, the result of which was, “The history of Japanese-American Relations, 1931-41” is a representative example of this trend. However, it is regrettable that the participants in these collaborative research projects have been mainly limited to Japanese and American scholars. It is to be hoped that, in future, there will be further opportunities for collaborative research and conferences not only with American scholars, but also with scholars from China, England, Korea, the Soviet Union and South East Asia.We hope the future tendency of research will be for the themes of the role and limitation of the individual in international affairs, as well as the problem of individual responsibility, to become the common interest of scholars.We hope that, in future, the increasing variety of scholarship will not become merely scattered and diffused.
原 暉之 有馬 学 中見 立夫 酒井 哲哉

中見 立夫
北東アジア研究 (ISSN:13463810)
no.7, pp.43-56, 2004-03

Where is "Northeast Asia" located in the world? The answers to that question are different by the disciplines or interests of the scholars at least in Japan. For instance, historians on premodern Asia recognize "Northeast Asia" as a historical cultural zone of the Tungus people. It covers East Siberia, Russian Far East, Northeastern China and Korea. The group of cultural anthropologists, linguists and archaeologists refer "Northeast Asia" to the living area of Palaeo-Siberian people in Siberia. The researchers of international relations, using the regional concept of "Northeast Asia", are discussing today's political issues and their international environment in Korean Peninsula. Moreover, in Japanese, there are two words for "Northeast Asia"; Tohoku Ajia (East-North Asia) and Hokuto Ajia (North-East Asia). Although the name of "Northeast Asia" has been used since the end of 19^<th> century in Russian works, it would be rare for English speaking people to use the words. At first stage, it showed the northeastern part of "Asiatic Russia". In 1931-41, when Robert Kerner founded the Northeast Asian Seminar in University of California, Berkeley, he intended to combine Russian studies with East Asian studies and put a new point of view to "Northeast Asia". In his understanding of "Northeast Asia", that words means "frontier" region between Russia, China and Japan. In the USA after the Second World War, among most of Asian researchers, "Northeast Asia" includes Korea and Japan, while "East Asia" means the wide area between China, Korea and Japan. In Japan, until 1945, a few anthropologists as like Torii Ryuzo utilized the words on their articles, introducing ethnic relations in East Siberia. Since 1950s, Mikami Tsuguo started to use the words for explaining the activities of the Tungus in the ancient time instead of the word Man-Sen (Manchuria and Korea). In 1951, just before the San Francisco Peace Conference, the end of Occupation time, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following the example of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs in the USA's Department of States, organized Department of Northeast Asia. The Office of Northeast Asian Affairs in the USA takes cares of South Korea, Japan and Republican China, anti-Communist states in East Asia, while the Department of Northeast Asia in Japan covers all the Korean issues including North Korean. Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs avoided using the name of Department of Korea for political consideration, because there are two words for Korea, Chosen and Kankoku, in the Japanese. The words "Southeast Asia" has been also popularized over the world since 1945, and well recognized where that words indicate the area. However, in the case of "Northeast Asia" there is no consensus of indicating which range on the world map among the writers.
細谷 良夫 ELIOT M STARY G 成 崇徳 蒲地 典子 王 鐘翰 陳 捷先 石橋 崇雄 楠木 賢道 PAN A.T 加藤 直人 中見 立夫 松浦 茂 岸本 美緒 江夏 由樹 松浦 章 香坂 昌紀 河内 良弘 松村 潤 神田 信夫 STARY Gioban ELOT Mark TATIANA A.Pang WANG Zhong-han CHEN Jiw-xian CHENG Chong-de 王 禹浪 関 嘉禄
