合屋 十四秋 寺本 圭輔 松井 敦典 下永田 修二 土居 陽治郎 モラン ケビン
愛知教育大学研究報告. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学・創作編 (ISSN:18845150)
vol.60, pp.35-46, 2011-03-01

The causes of drowning must dictate especially what we teach, content, and to a lesser degree, how we teach. Therefore, an project was conducted among Japanese university students in order to explore the relationship between swimming competency, students estimates of their competency, and their perception of the risk of drowning. Sixty five males and 48 females university physical education students enrolled at three institutions were the subjects of the study. The questionnaire consisted of a) perception of their ability, b) perception of their ability to perform these in open water and c) their perception of risk in five specific scenarios. Practical tests consist of seven aquatic skills. No significant differences were found in actual swimming-related abilities between male and female students, although more females than males did not complete the tests of: dive entry into pool (female 23%; male 11%), surface dive to 2m (female 33%; male 19%), and 100m swim on back (female 28%; male 9%). Similarly, no differences were found in self-estimated swimming abilities by gender. More females than males estimated higher risk of drowning for each of the 5 drowning scenarios that students were asked to estimate the personal degree of risk. This study found that male students tend to underestimate the potential dangers in the risk of drowning.
塩野 宏之 齋藤 寛 今野 陽一 熊谷 勝巳 永田 修
一般社団法人 日本土壌肥料学会
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.87, no.2, pp.101-109, 2016-04-05 (Released:2017-06-17)

In cold regions of Japan, rice straw residues cut and scattered in late autumn are often incorporated into paddy soils the next spring. Generally, emissions of methane (CH4) from such paddy fields are very high owing to rapid anaerobic decomposition of the straw under flooding. We investigated the effects of incorporating straw by shallow tillage in autumn to decompose under aerobic conditions for reducing emissions of the greenhouse gases CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O). Three plots were prepared: shallow tillage in autumn by plowing at 5–8 cm depth (STA), conventional tillage in autumn by plowing at 18–20 cm depth (CTA), and conventional tillage in the next spring by plowing at 18–20 cm depth (CTS). The study was conducted from 2010 to 2013. In the STA and CTA plots, the straw was incorporated in October, and the plots were plowed the next April. In the CTS plot, the straw was incorporated at plowing in April. All plots were irrigated and rice seedlings were transplanted in late May. CH4 and N2O fluxes were measured by the closed chamber method throughout the cropping period. Tiller number, grain yield, and brown rice quality were also measured. The cumulative CH4 emissions increased in the order of STA (19.9–85.6 g CH4 m-2) < CTA (24.8–107.6 g CH4 m-2) < CTS (45.6–134.1 g CH4 m-2). N2O emissions in all plots were negligible. Tiller number was higher in the STA plot than in the other plots. There were no significant differences in grain yield or brown rice quality. From the time of snowmelt in March to plowing in April, the soil moisture and the concentration of ferrous iron (Fe2+) in soil were lower in the STA plot than in the CTA plot. Consequently, shallow tillage in autumn by plowing at 5–8 cm was the most effective technique for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from paddy fields with incorporated rice straw in a cold region of Japan.
合屋 十四秋 寺本 圭輔 松井 敦典 下永田 修二 土居 陽治郎 モラン ケビン
愛知教育大学研究報告. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学・創作編 (ISSN:18845150)
vol.60, pp.35-46, 2011-03-01

The causes of drowning must dictate especially what we teach, content, and to a lesser degree, how we teach. Therefore, an project was conducted among Japanese university students in order to explore the relationship between swimming competency, students estimates of their competency, and their perception of the risk of drowning. Sixty five males and 48 females university physical education students enrolled at three institutions were the subjects of the study. The questionnaire consisted of a) perception of their ability, b) perception of their ability to perform these in open water and c) their perception of risk in five specific scenarios. Practical tests consist of seven aquatic skills. No significant differences were found in actual swimming-related abilities between male and female students, although more females than males did not complete the tests of: dive entry into pool (female 23%; male 11%), surface dive to 2m (female 33%; male 19%), and 100m swim on back (female 28%; male 9%). Similarly, no differences were found in self-estimated swimming abilities by gender. More females than males estimated higher risk of drowning for each of the 5 drowning scenarios that students were asked to estimate the personal degree of risk. This study found that male students tend to underestimate the potential dangers in the risk of drowning.
豊田 和隆 永田 修一 今井 康貴 瀬戸口 俊明 小野 圭介
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.13, pp.67-74, 2011 (Released:2011-09-08)
2 1

Fixed type pendulum wave energy converter is a kind of movable body type wave energy converter and it was invented by Kondo with Muroran Institute of Technology in Japan. Some researches on this device were carried out experimentally and theoretically, and its high energy conversion efficiency was shown. However, this device was not practical used yet, because the initial cost is so expensive as it needs heavy construction in the sea. And also, it is difficult to keep it safety under the critical weather condition like a typhoon is another main reason. So, as a solution strategy for above problems,Furusawa proposed the uplifting type pendulum wave energy converter. Furthermore Watabe proposed the floating type pendulum wave energy converter (FPWEC) which is moored to the seabed with some lines as another solution. Changing from fixed type device to floating type device, we can expect the reduction of initial costs and emergency measures. Watabe carried out some research on FPWEC, but it is not enough to say that the design method for this device was established.In this paper, we have made a test model of FPWEC for tank test and some tests were carried out as a first step of development for this device.To estimate the performance of this device, we have measured power output and body motion in regular waves.
木上 洋一 永田 修一

永田 修 矢崎 友嗣 柳井 洋介
農業氣象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.66, no.1, pp.23-30, 2010-03

今井 康貴 永田 修一 豊田 和隆

本研究では,高い精度を有する,渦法による浮体構造物の非線形波浪中挙動解析法の開発を目的に,自由表面下で振動する2次元没水平板の問題に,Random-Wal k法およびCore-Spreading法に基づく渦法計算を適用し,平板に作用する流体力について検討を行った.その結果,Core-Spreading法および物体近傍での渦層モデルを用いることで,これまでの波浪問題に適用されてきたRandom-Walk法に基づく手法より実験結果と近い結果が得られた.