河井 亨
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.55, no.1, pp.39-55,134, 2010-05-31 (Released:2015-05-13)

Recently, issues related to the self have become increasingly prominent in sociology, as a result of the emphasis on the construction of the self. The issues at stake are how the self is constructed through interaction, and how society relates to that. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider that construction. Firstly, the concepts of the self are organized in terms of the relationship between the self and the interaction. Secondly, the process of the construction of the self is examined through discussion of role and narrative. There has been much discussion of the actual process of the construction of the self through interaction. However, insufficient attention has been paid to the relationship between the self and the process of construction through interaction. This paper examines the problem through G. H. Mead’s discussions of the self and of time. From the perspective of Mead’s discussion of the self, it is clarified precisely that 1) the self is constructed through interaction, and 2) the constructed self and the constructing self are related. From the perspectives of Mead’s discussion of time, it is clarified that the interaction is constructed in the passages of the present referring to emergence. This emergence is enabled not merely by generation of novelty, but by an occupation of different systems in passing, and by a relationship between interactions (an interaction of interactions). In conclusion, it is shown that it is necessary for sociologists analyzing concepts of the self to focus both on the relationship between the self and interaction, and on the relationship between interactions.
河井 亨
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.641-653, 2011-04-25

This paper attempts to clarify the lives of people that socially were becoming individualized by reviewing theories of G. H. Mead and E. H. Erikson of the relationship between individual and society. They were organizing their own lives rather than adapting them to their life course provided by society. The theories of Mead and Erikson, though they had been proposed in the early 20th century, were still eff ective to consider their own lives to be organized. Because of this, it was valuable to review and consider these theories. As a result, I found that the relationship between self and community could be located in the relationship between individual and society by reviewing Mead’s interactional social psychology, Erikson’s identity theory, and Mead’s social theory of practice. In this mediation, individuals’ selves were constructed in the communities and those communities consisting of society were also reconstructed by people’s involvement.
河井 亨
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.453-465, 2012-04-27

Education researchers have long been interested in the relationship between practice and research. The purpose of this paper was to reconsider this relationship through a critical review of cultural historical activity theory, especially focusing on the works of Y. Engeström. First, I present an overview of the history of cultural historical activity theory. This is followed by a discussion of "developmental work research" and the method (change laboratory) used in Engeström's project. Third, I discuss the methodology of formative intervention adopted by Engeström and that of double stimulation by Vygotsky in laboratory experiments, which is the source of formative intervention. Engeström himself considered the methodology of double stimulation and reactivated it as that of formative intervention. The practices engaged by Engeström, however, were not laboratory experiments but collaborative practice with practitioners. This study indicated that Engeström had not developed his methodology fully because he underestimated the role of the researcher. Engeström actually pointed out that researchers could aim "at provoking and sustaining an expansive transformation process led and owned by the practitioners," but this was meant as an in-practice role, not an out-of-practice role that could open up practices to society, make them accountable, and share responsibility among them. In conclusion, for the construction of a formative relationship between practice and research, it is important for practitioners and researchers to consider both in-practice and out-of-practice roles of researchers.
河井 亨 岩井 雪乃 兵藤 智佳 和栗 百恵 秋吉 恵 加藤 基樹 石野 由香里 島崎 裕子 KAWAI Toru IWAI Yukino HYODO Chika WAGURI Momoe AKIYOSHI Megumi KATO Motoki ISHINO Yukari SHIMAZAKI Yuko
名古屋高等教育研究 (ISSN:13482459)
vol.17, pp.245-265, 2017-03

本研究は、早稲田大学オープン科目「体験の言語化」という同一科目複数クラス開講型授業の授業開発を対象とし、共同の授業リフレクションの場で、どのように授業実践へのふりかえりが語られるかを明らかにすることを目的とし、同一科目複数クラス開講型の授業リフレクションのあり方を考察する。2015年7月と2016年2月の2回の共同の授業リフレクションの記録を分析した。共同での授業リフレクションの役割は、授業者間で共通理解を形成していくことにある。まず、学生のつまずきについての共通理解が形成された。具体的には、どのように自分の言葉にしていくか、社会課題を当事者意識を持って考えていくかといったつまずきが見られた。また、そうしたつまずきについてどのように教師が働きかけていくかについて共通理解が形成された。その際には、実際の授業で生じる具体的な状況とそこでの学生の学習に即すことによって授業リフレクションが深まることがわかった。共同での授業リフレクションの場は、暗黙知的に行っていることを共有していく場である。そのような共同での授業リフレクションを土台とすることで、授業改善が可能になると展望された。This study focuses on the class “Contextualizing Self in Society,” provided as six lectures at Waseda University. This paper aims toinvestigate how these lectures reflect collaboratively on theirteaching practices. We analyzed reflection sessions from July 2015and February 2016. The framework of teachers’ reflections consistedof students’ learning (contexts/contents) and results (success/failure).Our results showed that collaborative reflection fostered sharedunderstanding of practice and of students’ learning. The challenges tostudent performance that they shared concerned how students maketheir own narratives, how they thought about social problems withtheir own authorship, and what teachers could do when studentsencountered difficulties. Although we did not find a final solution, wecould agree on what the problems were and come up with trialsolutions. The most effective measure for practice improvement is toconvert tacit knowledge with common understandings. The resultsalso showed that relating concrete student performance to the classcontext enabled deep class reflection. We concluded that collaborativereflection can improve the classroom experience for lectures.
溝上 慎一 森 朋子 紺田 広明 河井 亨 三保 紀裕 本田 周二 山田 嘉徳
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.22, pp.151-162, 2016-12-01

本研究では、アクティブラーニング(AL)の効果検証において大きな課題の一つとなっている、アクティブラーニングそれ自体の質を測定する「アクティブラーニング(外化)尺度(AL(外化)尺度)」を開発した。研究1 では、作成された12 項目を因子分析し、最終的には、第1 因子の12 項目から成る「AL」(一般因子)とAL に寄与する外化3 項目だけの「AL 外化」(グループ変数)の2 因子からなるBifactor モデルによって解を見いだした。確認的因子分析をおこなった結果も、Bifactor モデルがもっとも適合度が高く、妥当なモデルだと判断された。研究2 では、異なるサンプルに研究1 の結果を適用し、同様の因子構造、確認的因子分析、信頼性を確認し、そのうえで外部変数として学習向上、能力向上、成績との相関関係を検討した。妥当な相関関係があると認められた。The purpose of this study is to develop the "Active Learning (Externalization) Scale" that measures the quality of active learning—a task central to testing the effects of active learning. In Study 1, the factors were analyzed against 12 active-learning items, and we finally found out, in the Bifactor model, the first general factor, "AL" consisting of 12 items and the second group factor consisting of 3 items, "AL-externalization" that contributed to AL. That Bifactor model is ultimately identified as a more viable model, more suitable by the Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA). In Study 2, these findings were further confirmed by using different samples: we also identified valid correlations when using learning and competency or achievement as the outer variables.
河井 亨
ボランティア学研究 (ISSN:13459511)
no.12, pp.91-102, 2012-07-31
