與古田 孝夫 石津 宏 秋坂 真史 名嘉 幸一 高倉 実 宇座 美代子 長濱 直樹 勝 綾子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.65, no.2, pp.81-91, 1999-03-31 (Released:2011-10-21)

To clarify Japanese university students' attitude toward suicide and to relate it with their views on life and death, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 1, 366 students of University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa Prefecture in 1992 The major findings were as follows.1. The subjects who had thought about suicide (called "suicide awareness" group) accounted for 6.3% ; compared between the students from Okinawa and those from other prefectures this rate was significantly higher in the latter (p<0.01).2. The suicide awareness group thought about death earlier in their lives and had more positive attitude toward death such as "release from suffering, " "beautiful" and "peaceful" than other two groups.3. The association between attitude toward suicide and consciousness about death in the homeland was recognized by the suicide awareness group (a half of the students) more than by other two groups (p<0.001) and the suicide awareness group showed higher proportions in justification of suicide (p<0.001) and in courageous behavior for suicide (p<0.05).4. Compared with other two groups, the suicide awareness group had a higher proportion in positive feeling on the effect of religion on death (p<0.001) and a lower proportion in belief of metempsychosis (remigration of souls) (p<0.001).5. Regarding the association with terminal situation, the suicide awareness group showed a higher proportion in recognition of cerebral death as human death (p<0.001) and differed from other two groups in desired place at death and desired treatment in the terminal period.
德元 裕子 豊里 竹彦 眞榮城 千夏子 平安名 由美子 遠藤 由美子 照屋 典子 玉城 陽子 髙原 美鈴 與古田 孝夫
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.1, pp.3-11, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-02-16)

Objective: This study aimed to clarify the association between sense of filial responsibility, local residents’ subjective economic status, and attachment to the local community, and to contribute to local community policies and measures including support systems for elderly in need of care and family.Methods: We conducted in-home interviews in 2015 in Okinawa, Japan. A total of 2,663 local residents were selected, and after invalid responses were excluded, 1,656 responses (62.2%) were analyzed. Participants were asked about demographic variables (sex, age, marital status, birth order, subjective health, living arrangement), subjective economic status, attachment to the local community, and sense of filial responsibility (such as caring for and supporting their elderly parents).Results: Age, marital status, birth order, and attachment to the local community were positively associated with sense of filial responsibility. Participants with low subjective economic status had low sense of filial responsibility. Even if subjective economic status was low, participants with high attachment to the local community had significantly high sense of filial responsibility. Moreover, participants with high attachment to the local community provided and received more instrumental support than participants with low attachment to the local community.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that high attachment to the local community can form a support system in local areas, and that support systems in turn help local residents when they support their parents. In light of these findings, measures for creating networks between local residents, as well as improvement of the physical environment, are necessary for local community planning.
石津 宏 下地 紀靖 與古田 孝夫 宇良 俊二 与那嶺 尚子 下地 敏洋 柳田 信彦 仲本 政雄 比嘉 盛吉 秋坂 真史 名嘉 幸一 吉田 延
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.40, no.5, pp.347-355, 2000-06-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

ICUに入室した患者でも, ICU症候群を発症する者としない者である.ICUに3日以上在室し, 安静I度を強いられた患者のうち, せん妄, 不穏, 失見当, 幻覚, 独語などのICU症候群をきたした患者30名(男性22名, 女性8名)とICU症候群をきたさなかった患者30名(男性21名, 女性9名)の両群について, ICU症候群の発症に関わると思われる諸要因について比較検討した.その結果, 原疾患, 既往歴, 職業, 喫煙, 飲酒歴, 入室状況, 栄養状態などでは, 両群に有意な差はみられなかったが, ICU症候群では, 睡眠状態の不良(p<0.01), 6本以上の接続ライン(p<0.01), 家庭における同居数が多い患者(p<0.001)において有意差がみられた.これらを説明変数とし, ICU症候群発症者を目的変数として重回帰分析を行ったところ, 「同居家族数」「睡眠状態」の2項目に有意な関連がみられた.精研式INVでは, Z因子に有意な関連がみられ(p<0.05), エゴグラムでは, 有意ではないがM型にやや多い傾向がみられた(p<0.10).虚血性心疾患とタイプAとの関連は従来述べられているが, ICU症候群発症者とINVとZ因子との関連も注目すべきである.また同居家族の多い者は孤独になった時のコーピング能力になんらかの弱さがあるのではないかと推測され, 前もって家族の面会を多くするなど孤独を防ぐ対策は, 発症予防に役立つことが示唆される.
照屋 典子 砂川 洋子 豊里 竹彦 伊波 華 知念 正佳 木村 安貴 與古田 孝夫
Palliative Care Research
vol.13, no.1, pp.49-56, 2018

<p>本研究は,喉頭摘出者の不安・抑うつ傾向と個人属性および日常生活における困難感との関連性を検討することを目的とした. A県患者会に所属する135名を対象に無記名の質問紙調査を行った.調査内容は基本属性,日常生活における困難感,不安・うつ尺度(NAS-J-L 6項目)である.有効回答が得られた43名を対象として重回帰分析を行った結果,年齢(β=-0.369,p=0.004),外出・趣味に関する困難感(β=0.419,p=0.002)は不安・うつ尺度得点と有意な関連性が認められ,若年,中年者および外出・趣味に困難を有する者では不安・抑うつ傾向が高いことが明らかとなった.看護者はこれらの対象者に対し,より注意深く心理状況や生活環境のアセスメントを行い,継続的な心理社会的支援を行う必要性が示唆された.</p>
德元 裕子 豊里 竹彦 眞榮城 千夏子 平安名 由美子 遠藤 由美子 照屋 典子 玉城 陽子 髙原 美鈴 與古田 孝夫
vol.84, no.1, pp.3-11, 2018

<p><b>Objective: </b>This study aimed to clarify the association between sense of filial responsibility, local residents' subjective economic status, and attachment to the local community, and to contribute to local community policies and measures including support systems for elderly in need of care and family.</p><p><b>Methods: </b>We conducted in<tt>-</tt>home interviews in 2015 in Okinawa, Japan. A total of 2,663 local residents were selected, and after invalid responses were excluded, 1,656 responses (62.2%) were analyzed. Participants were asked about demographic variables (sex, age, marital status, birth order, subjective health, living arrangement), subjective economic status, attachment to the local community, and sense of filial responsibility (such as caring for and supporting their elderly parents).</p><p><b>Results: </b>Age, marital status, birth order, and attachment to the local community were positively associated with sense of filial responsibility. Participants with low subjective economic status had low sense of filial responsibility. Even if subjective economic status was low, participants with high attachment to the local community had significantly high sense of filial responsibility. Moreover, participants with high attachment to the local community provided and received more instrumental support than participants with low attachment to the local community.</p><p><b>Conclusions: </b>Our findings suggest that high attachment to the local community can form a support system in local areas, and that support systems in turn help local residents when they support their parents. In light of these findings, measures for creating networks between local residents, as well as improvement of the physical environment, are necessary for local community planning.</p>
照屋 典子 砂川 洋子 豊里 竹彦 伊波 華 知念 正佳 木村 安貴 與古田 孝夫
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.13, no.1, pp.49-56, 2018 (Released:2018-02-20)

本研究は,喉頭摘出者の不安・抑うつ傾向と個人属性および日常生活における困難感との関連性を検討することを目的とした. A県患者会に所属する135名を対象に無記名の質問紙調査を行った.調査内容は基本属性,日常生活における困難感,不安・うつ尺度(NAS-J-L 6項目)である.有効回答が得られた43名を対象として重回帰分析を行った結果,年齢(β=-0.369,p=0.004),外出・趣味に関する困難感(β=0.419,p=0.002)は不安・うつ尺度得点と有意な関連性が認められ,若年,中年者および外出・趣味に困難を有する者では不安・抑うつ傾向が高いことが明らかとなった.看護者はこれらの対象者に対し,より注意深く心理状況や生活環境のアセスメントを行い,継続的な心理社会的支援を行う必要性が示唆された.
近藤 功行 安保 英勇 江崎 一朗 簗瀬 誠 與古田 孝夫 木ノ上 高章
