高坂 康雅 池田 幸恭 葉山 大地 佐藤 有耕
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.22, pp.1-16, 2010-08-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

Psychological functions of sharing among junior high school friends were examined and the relationship between shared objects and psychological functions of sharing was investigated. Participants were junior high school students (N=1068). The result of factor analyzing items on psychological functions of sharing indicated the following six factors: "motivation", "increased pleasure", "friendly evaluation from others", "increased feeling of burden", "achievement evaluation from others", and "increased negative evaluations from others." Descriptions of objects shared with friends were classified into eight categories and psychological function of sharing scores was compared for the most important shared object. Result indicated the following; 1) "psychological sharing" such as "feelings" and "goals" had positive functions. 2) "Material sharing" such as "things" did not have either a positive or negative functions. 3) "Behavioral sharing" such as "chatting" and "school activities" had negative functions. These results suggest that friendships that included "psychological sharing" increased "motivation" and "pleasure" in junior high school students, and was deeper than friendships based on "behavioral sharing" and "material sharing".
葉山 大地 櫻井 茂男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.79, no.1, pp.18-26, 2008 (Released:2011-03-16)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the relation between joking behaviors with friends and personality factors (preference for humor, self-esteem). Also the study examined whether relational factors (cognitions of the joking relationship) affect joking behavior. In Study 1, undergraduates (n=238) completed a questionnaire concerning joking behaviors and personality factors. The results indicated that the scale has sufficient reliability and validity. In Study 2, questionnaire date from undergraduates (n=208) were used to examined (a)difference in joking behaviors between best friends and ordinary friends of the same sex, as well as (b)the effect of cognitions regarding the joking relationship (understanding the friend and being accepted by the friend) on joking behaviors. The results indicated that participants used aggressive jokes, self-enhancing jokes and everyday jokes significantly more with best friends compared to ordinary friend. Covariance structure analysis indicated that the sense of being accepted by an ordinary friend promoted aggressive jokes, whereas the sense of being accepted by the best friend reduced the need for other-enhancing jokes.
葉山 大地 櫻井 茂男
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.56, no.4, pp.523-533, 2008-12-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
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本研究は, 冗談に対して親和的意図を知覚せずに, 聞き手に怒りを感じさせる冗談を過激な冗談として取り上げ, こうした過激な冗談の話し手が, 親和的意図が聞き手に伝わるという期待を形成する過程を関係スキーマの観点から検討した。大学生159名を対象とした予備調査から, 過激な冗談として,“倫理的・性的タブーに関する冗談”,“聞き手の悩みに関する冗談”,“聞き手の外見や行動に関する冗談”,“聞き手の好きな人や物に関する冗談”が同定された。次に大学生251名を対象とした本調査を行い, これらの過激な冗談の親和的な意図が聞き手に伝わるという期待は, 冗談関係の認知 (“冗談に対する肯定的反応に基づく他者理解感”と“冗談に対する被受容感”) に基づいていることが明らかとなった。特に,“冗談に対する被受容感”は全ての冗談において親和的意図が伝わるという期待に正のパスが見られた。“冗談に対する肯定的反応に基づく他者理解感”は性的タブーに関する冗談と聞き手の友人や恋人に関する冗談にのみ正のパスが見られた。また, 本研究から, 冗談関係の認知は, 冗談行動に相手が笑った頻度を背景として形成されることが示唆された。
櫻井 茂男 葉山 大地 鈴木 高志 倉住 友恵 萩原 俊彦 鈴木 みゆき 大内 晶子 及川 千都子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.2, pp.123-131, 2011 (Released:2011-12-06)
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The purposes of this study were to develop and validate the Empathic-Affective Response Scale, and to examine the relationship of empathic-affective responses with prosocial behaviors and aggressive behaviors. Undergraduate students (N = 443) participated in a questionnaire study. The results of factor analysis indicated that empathic-affective responses involved three factors: (a) sharing and good feeling toward others' positive affect, (b) sharing of negative affect and (c) sympathy toward others' negative affect. Correlations with other empathy-related scales and internal consistency suggested that this scale has satisfactory validity and reliability. Cluster analysis revealed that participants were clustered into four groups: high-empathic group, low-empathic group, insufficient positive affective response group and insufficient negative affective response group. Additional analysis showed the frequency of prosocial behaviors in high-empathic group was highest in all groups. On the other hand, the frequency of aggressive behaviors in both insufficient positive affective response group and low-empathic group were higher than others' groups. The results indicated that empathic-affective responses toward positive affect are also very important to predict prosocial behaviors and aggressive behaviors.
葉山 大地

池田 幸恭 葉山 大地 高坂 康雅 佐藤 有耕
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.24, no.2, pp.111-124, 2013-02-15 (Released:2017-05-22)

This study aimed to clarify undergraduate students' styles of sharing with close friends at their university. Participants were 972 undergraduate students who responded to a 75-item questionnaire relating to styles of sharing, satisfaction, and depth of relationship with university friends (acquaintances, good friends, or best friends). The results were as follows. (1) Six styles of sharing with friends were identified: sharing relationships, places, feelings, intentions, items, and sensitivity. (2) Scores for all six styles of sharing were higher in the order of best friends, good friends, and acquaintances. (3) Irrespective of level of intimacy, sharing in relationships increased satisfaction and depth of relations. On the other hand, sharing worries or negative feelings decreased satisfaction with all three types of friends, but stimulated deeper relations with both good and best friends. In addition, sharing items decreased satisfaction with good friends and depth of relations with best friends. Results show that close friendships among undergraduate students involving sharing relationships, places, feelings, intentions, and sensitivity was based on psychological bonds, and such sharing might decrease satisfaction but deepen relations with close friends.
葉山 大地 髙坂 康雅 池田 幸恭 佐藤 有耕
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.30, no.2, pp.99-113, 2019-03-22 (Released:2019-05-04)

The purpose of this study was to examine how sharing styles and social skills relate to the development of same-sex friendships in universities. In 2011 and 2013, longitudinal surveys were conducted in July (Time1), November (Time2), and January (Time3). Fifty freshmen participated fully in these surveys.Cross-lagged effects models including “degree of satisfaction” indicated that “degree of satisfaction with their friendships” (Time2) decreased “sharing intentions” (Time3), while “degree of satisfaction” (Time1) promoted many styles of sharing (Time2). These findings show that some participants avoid sharing intentions because they prefer to maintain moderately satisfactory relationships. In addition, a negative effect of “sharing goods” was estimated from the result that “sharing goods” (Time1) decreased “degree of satisfaction” (Time2).A cross-lagged effects model including “depth of relationship” showed that “sharing relationships” (Time2) promoted “depth of relationship” (Time3). Moreover, the findings that “depth of relationship” (Time1) promoted “sharing feelings” (Time2) and “sharing feelings” (Time2) promoted “depth of relationship” (Time3) showed a mutual causal association.
葉山 大地 櫻井 茂男
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.56, no.4, pp.523-533, 2008-12

本研究は,冗談に対して親和的意図を知覚せずに,聞き手に怒りを感じさせる冗談を過激な冗談として取り上げ,こうした過激な冗談の話し手が,親和的意図が聞き手に伝わるという期待を形成する過程を関係スキーマの観点から検討した。大学生159名を対象とした予備調査から,過激な冗談として,"倫理的・性的タブーに関する冗談","聞き手の悩みに関する冗談","聞き手の外見や行動に関する冗談","聞き手の好きな人や物に関する冗談"が同定された。次に大学生 251名を対象とした本調査を行い,これらの過激な冗談の親和的な意図が聞き手に伝わるという期待は,冗談関係の認知("冗談に対する肯定的反応に基づく他者理解感"と"冗談に対する被受容感")に基づいていることが明らかとなった。特に,"冗談に対する被受容感"は全ての冗談において親和的意図が伝わるという期待に正のパスが見られた。"冗談に対する肯定的反応に基づく他者理解感"は性的タブーに関する冗談と聞き手の友人や恋人に関する冗談にのみ正のパスが見られた。また,本研究から,冗談関係の認知は,冗談行動に相手が笑った頻度を背景として形成されることが示唆された。The purpose of the present study was to examine the process that speakers follow when forming expectations of communicating to listeners that an extreme joke has benign intentions. "Extreme jokes" are defined as jokes that make a listener angry. A pilot study with university students (87 men, 72 women) indicated that extreme jokes could be classified into 4 categories: jokes about ethical or sexual taboos, jokes about the listener's distress, jokes about the listener's appearance or behavior, and jokes about people or objects that the listener likes. University students (106 men, 145 women) were asked to imagine an actual friend when completing a questionnaire about that friend. In relation to the formation process of the speaker's expectations, structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that the "sense of being accepted by one's friend about the joke" positively influenced the speaker's expectations of communicating the benign intentions of all extreme jokes. The "sense of understanding one's friend's preference for jokes based on positive reactions" only influenced "jokes about sexual taboos" and "jokes about one's friend's friends or lover." Structural equation modeling also indicated that the cognitions of joking relationships were formed through experience with the listener's laughter following joking behavior.
葉山 大地 櫻井 茂男
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.58, no.4, pp.393-403, 2010-12

本研究の目的は,友人から冗談を言われて怒りを感じる場面での聞き手の反応を規定する要因を,パーソナリティ要因(拒否に対する感受性)と状況要因(話し手との親密さ,冗談に対する周囲の友人の反応)の観点から検討することである。聞き手の反応には「迎合的反応」,「回避的反応」,「感情表出反応」が含まれる。本研究では場面想定法を使用し,大学生417名(男性169名,女性247名,性別不明1名)を4つの状況(たとえば,「親友が話し手であり,周囲の友人は冗談に対して笑っている」)のうちのひとつに割り当て,その状況において冗談に対してどのように反応するかを回答するよう求めた。分散分析の結果,拒否に対する感受性が高い回答者は,親友が話し手で,かつ周囲の友人が笑っていない状況において,迎合的な反応を行わないと評定することが示された。しかしながら,拒否に対する感受性が高い回答者は,周囲の友人が笑っている場合は,迎合的反応をする頻度を高く見積もっている。この結果は,拒否に対する感受性が高い回答者は,状況によって拒否される可能性を考慮し,自己防衛的な反応を選択していることを示唆している。The purpose of the present study was to examine a personality factor (Rejection Sensitivity: RS) and situational factors (e.g., the relation between the speaker and the listener, and reactions of surrounding friends) as determinants of listeners' reactions to aversive jokes. In the present study, listeners' reactions included compliant reactions, avoidant reactions, and emotionally expressive reactions. University students (169 men, 247 women, 1 person gender not reported) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 specific situations, such as one in which the listener's best friend is the speaker, and surrounding friends laugh at the joke. The participants were then asked to estimate the frequency of their reactions to aversive jokes in the situation to which they had been assigned. A 3-factor ANOVA mainly showed that participants who were high on rejection sensitivity estimated a low frequency of complaint reactions in situations in which their best friend was the speaker and surrounding friends did not laugh at the joke, whereas those participants estimated a high frequency of compliant reactions in situations in which their best friend was the speaker and surrounding friends did laugh. These results indicate that the participants high on rejection sensitivity assessed the possibility of rejection in each situation and selected their reaction in relation to self-protection.