藤澤隆史 NormanD Cook 長田典子 片寄晴弘
情報処理学会研究報告エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.39, pp.9-14, 2006-05-03

和音/和声(chord/harmony)は,メロディ(melody),リズム(rhythm)とともに音楽を形作る重要な要素である.音楽の物理的な音響的特徴とその心理的な印象や感性との関連性について定量的に評価するために,本研究では和音性についての評価モデルを構築した.和音性は,(1)協和度(心地よい-わるい,澄んだ-濁った),(2)緊張度(緊張した-落ちついた),さらに長調か短調かといった性質を決定する(3)モダリティ(明るい-暗い,うれしい-悲しい)から構成される.本研究において提案されたモデルと,これまで経験的に知られている様々な和音タイプおよび得られた実験データとの整合性を確認し,妥当性の検討を行なった.A psychophysical model designed to explain the phenomena of resolved/unresolved harmonies and the major/minor modalities in traditional Western diatonic music is presented. The model uses solely the acoustical features of the pitch combinations for calculation of the total"dissonance","tension"and"modality"of chords. Dissonance is defined as a 2-tone effect, similar to the model of Plomp&Levelt. Tension is defined as a3-tone effect due to the relative size of intervals,following the"intervllic equivalence" by Leonard Meyer. The total sonolity of any number of tonal combinations can be computed on the basis of these two concepts.
吹田 義一 正箱 信一郎 佐藤 順子 黒川 哲平 高井 大輔 佃 芳行 寺嶋 昇 藤澤 正一郎 黄地 尚義 増渕 興一
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.21, no.1, pp.33-38, 2003-02-05
6 8

As a welding method in space, the authors have proposed the GHTA (Gas Hollow Tungsten Arc) welding method in the previous papers, where some GHTA welding experiments have been conducted under the condition of low pressure (10^-2 Pa) and/or the micro-gravity. In the present paper, a feasibility study has been conducted whether the method can be used under such a high vacuum condition (10^-5 Pa) as on the space station orbit. As a result, it is made clear that the GHTA method is quite feasible under the high vacuum condition and its melting process strongly depends on the operating gas species such as Ne, Ar and Kr. Increasing the flow rate of operating gas decreases the mass of metal vapor from molten pool and the use of a heavy operating gas such as Kr also decreases the mass of metal vapor.
藤澤 誠 三浦憲二郎
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.49, no.3, pp.1480-1488, 2008-03-15

この論文では,熱力学・流体力学に基づいて氷解現象のアニメーションを生成する手法を提案する.提案手法は,熱伝導・対流熱伝達・熱輻射を考慮し,融解後の液体の挙動も計算する.対流熱伝達を考慮する場合,融解する氷(固体)と融解後の水(液体)だけでなく,周囲の空気(気体)の振舞いも考慮しなくてはならず,この気液固三相を流体力学で計算することは非常に難しい問題である.我々は,VOF(Volume-of-Fluid)と呼ばれる単純なカラー関数を液体自由曲面追跡に用い,RCIP(Rational-Constrained Interpolation Profile)法と改良した界面数値拡散の制御手法(STAA 法)を用いることで,レンダリング時に現れる液体表面のエイリアスの問題を解決する.また,気液固の三相を同じ計算空間内でシミュレーションし,各相間の質量の変化量を明示的に扱える簡潔で分かりやすい相変化シミュレーション法を提案する.さらに,熱輻射現象は,フォトンマッピング法を用いて効率的に計算し,レーザによる融解現象などもアニメーション化する.This paper proposes a fast and efficient method for producing physically-based animations of the ice melting phenomenon, including thermal radiation as well as thermal diffusion and convective thermal transfer. Our method adopts a simple color function called VOF (Volumeof-Fluid) with advection to track the free surface, which enables straightforward simulation of the phase changes, such as ice melting. Although advection of functions that vary abruptly, such as the step function, causes numerical problems, we have solved these by the RCIP (Rational-Constrained Interpolation Profile) method. We present an improvement to control numerical diffusion and to render anti-aliased surfaces. The method also employs a technique analogous to photon mapping for calculating thermal radiation. By the photon mapping method tuned for heat calculation, the thermal radiation phenomenon in a scene is solved efficiently by storing thermal energy in each photon. Here, we report the results of several ice melting simulations produced by our method.