山梨 裕美 徳山 奈帆子 赤見 理恵 乾 真子 土手 結月 石井 愛夏 佐々木 伶奈 松浦 有花 高野 華花 奥村 逞人 池田 義知
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
pp.38.019, (Released:2022-11-18)

Live pet trade has become one of the greatest threats to wild primate populations. Many primates were imported to Japan, and the country is considered to be a large pet primates market. Among the primates, slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) were among the most popular species for live pet trade. However, there is not much awareness in Japan about the problems associated with live pet trade, especially among the young generation. In this study, a comic book about slow lorises was created, and its effectiveness as a teaching material for young people was evaluated. The participants, who answered an online survey, included 596 high school students from two high schools in Osaka, Japan. The participants accessed a comic book, short text, or long text, which served as teaching materials, and answered several questions before and after reading the materials such as their experience with pet primates and awareness of the problems. The results revealed that although the participants’ awareness related to infectious diseases, animal welfare, and conservation increased after reading any of the three teaching materials, the comic book did not increase their awareness more than the texts. Approximately 75 % of the participants found each of the materials interesting. Furthermore, approximately between 32.0 and 40.9% of respondents were willing to share information directly with others and between 14.5 and 16.5% of those with SNS (Social Network Service). No differences were found among the three conditions. In addition, while actual experience with primate pets prevented them from promoting awareness about the problem, their level of interest toward animals and experience with primate pets in SNS did not reveal such an effect. These results suggest the importance of providing information, but effective ways to convey information requires further investigation.
山梨 裕美 徳山 奈帆子 赤見 理恵 乾 真子 土手 結月 石井 愛夏 佐々木 伶奈 松浦 有花 高野 華花 奥村 逞人 池田 義知
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.38, no.2, pp.99-109, 2022-12-09 (Released:2022-12-10)

Live pet trade has become one of the greatest threats to wild primate populations. Many primates were imported to Japan, and the country is considered to be a large pet primates market. Among the primates, slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) were among the most popular species for live pet trade. However, there is not much awareness in Japan about the problems associated with live pet trade, especially among the young generation. In this study, a comic book about slow lorises was created, and its effectiveness as a teaching material for young people was evaluated. The participants, who answered an online survey, included 596 high school students from two high schools in Osaka, Japan. The participants accessed a comic book, short text, or long text, which served as teaching materials, and answered several questions before and after reading the materials such as their experience with pet primates and awareness of the problems. The results revealed that although the participants’ awareness related to infectious diseases, animal welfare, and conservation increased after reading any of the three teaching materials, the comic book did not increase their awareness more than the texts. Approximately 75 % of the participants found each of the materials interesting. Furthermore, approximately between 32.0 and 40.9% of respondents were willing to share information directly with others and between 14.5 and 16.5% of those with SNS (Social Network Service). No differences were found among the three conditions. In addition, while actual experience with primate pets prevented them from promoting awareness about the problem, their level of interest toward animals and experience with primate pets in SNS did not reveal such an effect. These results suggest the importance of providing information, but effective ways to convey information requires further investigation.
赤見 理恵 高野 智
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.33, pp.72, 2017

<p>日本語では「サルまね」,英語でも「Ape(動詞)」「Monkey see, monkey do.」などの言葉があるように,サルはヒトのまねをするというイメージがあるようだ。多くの霊長類は学習によりさまざまな行動を習得するが,模倣による学習の対象は主に同種他個体である。それではなぜ,ヒトのまねをするというイメージがあるのだろうか。調査1では日本モンキーセンター附属世界サル類動物園の来園者を対象に,霊長類に対して抱くイメージを入園前に調査した。調査に協力した192名の来園者のうち89%が,「サルはヒトのまねをするのがうまい」に〇か×で回答する設問に〇と回答した。調査2では大学生132名を対象に,個体追跡法により行動観察を学ぶプログラムを体験する前と後に自由連想法により霊長類に対するイメージを調査した。「ヒトのまねをする」に類似した回答は見られなかった。「ヒトに近い」に類似した回答は観察前も観察後も約20%で見られた。「賢い,頭がよい」に類似した回答は観察前27.7%に対して観察後6.9%と有意に減少した。一方で「仲間がいる,家族想いだ」に類似した回答が5.3%から37.4%に有意に増加した。「サルまね」のイメージは,ヒトに近く賢い霊長類のイメージから類推されるものだと考えられるが,一部ではテレビや動物園などのメディアが霊長類を擬人的に扱ってきた影響もあるのではないかと考える。しかし本調査により,野生とは異なる動物園の環境であっても,野生に近い群れで飼育し種内関係をつぶさに観察できるようにすることで,霊長類に対するイメージを変えることができる可能性が示唆された。霊長類に関する正しい知識やイメージを伝えていくために,今後も動物園だからできることを模索していきたい。</p>
吉川 泰弘 長谷川 寿一 赤見 理恵 落合 知美 倉島 治 斎藤 成也 数藤 由美子 高見 一利
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.20, pp.vi, 2004
