飯田 剛史
フォーラム現代社会学 (ISSN:13474057)
no.5, pp.43-56, 2006-05-27

飯田 剛史 芦田 徹郎
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.25, no.2, pp.83-118,149, 1980-12-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

Oomoto, a new religion founded in 1892, is notable for its charismatic leaders and two harsh suppressions by militarist governments (1921, 1935). after World war II the order has been rebuilt,and now has about 160,000 affiliates. The findings of our research (in 1979; number of the subjects: 76 families, 181 persons) are as follows. There is not much difference in social characterbetween our subjects and the rest of the citizens. Our subjects comprise members of the first generation (43%), second (29%) and third (21%). They have the fundamental beliefs common to Japanese traditional religious patterns. Those beliefs and services are practised among them at a high rate. The membership of the families is almost stationary. ' The deprivation theory" of conversion is not applicable to most of the members. Through the influence of the family, most of them accept Oomoto as the family religion. As for the degrees of the commitment,these fall into three groups. 1. Deeply committed (24%). They have the title "Missionary", but are not necessarily eager about the mission. Their average age is high. 2. Committed (54%) Theyobserve everyday services strictly or loosely. Two-thirds of them are women. 3. Indifferent (23%). One of the most notable teachings of Oomoto is "to renew and rebuild theworld". It was a messianistic appeal and wasconnected with the Buddhist millenarian belief in the world of "Miroku". There have been various interpretations of this teaching in the order. Today the most dominant (33 %) is one that lays emphasis on the renewal of each individual'ssoul.(A few have the eschatological interpretation : 5%). This interpretation does not deny logically the implication of social change. But practically, most of our subjects have lost interest in social change. Most of them are content with their life and work. And the belief in their god is characterized by the gratitude and intimacy foward him who support^their everyday life and the continuity of their amcestry. The portrait of the Oomoto affiliates by our research is much different from that of the prewar period, based mainly on literary documents. We can see at least that the teachings' once considered "the most radical idea of reformation by modern Japanese populace", have, in the interpretation and practice of the affiliates, been reconciled with the everyday life of today. We do not intend to estimate negatively this state of belief. We might then not study the problem of belief from the dualistic vieue,ie. sacred vs profane, but inguire into everyday life as something which embraces the sacred, dynamically and historically.
飯田 剛史
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.22, no.3, pp.49-66,134, 1978-03-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

P.L.Berger's 'Social Reality of Religion' (1967), from the phenomenological point of view, gives us a new perspective in the sociology of religion, and urges us to reconsider its methodology. This essay first tries to diagram the theoretical frame with some modification, regarding his theoretical framework as a compromise of the two views; both phenomenological and dialectical. Then, I try to make mutual and critical examinations of the theory of Durkheim and that of Berger. The following are the points. Berger's fundamental concept, "reality", cannot develop itself out of the limit of the subjectivism. On the other hand, in Durkheim's "faits sociaux" we find an ambiguity or a dualism of ontological perspective and phenomenological one. Our subject will be to resystematize these two perspectives on the problems of the object and the method of the sociology of religion.
飯田 剛史
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.35, no.2, pp.178-192, 1984-09-30 (Released:2009-10-19)

デュルケームの儀礼論を、サイバネティクスの観点より、「集合力-象徴モデル」を構成することによって、分析する。サイバネティクスとは、パーソンズによると「高情報・低エネルギーのシステムが、高エネルギー・低情報のシステムに有効な制御を行いうる諸条件に関わるもの」とされる。ここで、前項に宗教的信念体系を、後項に「集合力」を当てることによってモデル化を行う。集合力とは、人々のエネルギーが、社会的事実として客体化されたものである。またここで、象徴作用は、記号の媒介によって、集合力を喚起するはたらきと定義される (記号は、なんらかの物質的形式によって、イメージあるいは観念を、指示するはたらきと定義される) 。集合力は、象徴的制御のもとに、種々の社会機能に変換される。伝統社会の諸儀礼において、集合力は、宗教的象徴作用を介して、社会統合機能、集合表象維持機能に転換される。しかし、集合力は本来、無名のカオスの力であり、新たな象徴に方向づけられて、社会の変革・再統合の力にも転化しうるのである。
飯田 剛史 玄 善允 山口 健一 金 希姃 宮本 要太郎 小川 伸彦 片岡 千代子 石川 久仁子 李 定垠 北村 広美 田島 忠篤 金 賢仙 渡辺 毅 池田 宣弘 藤井 幸之助 稲津 秀樹

研究成果報告書『民族まつりの創造と展開』(上巻・論考編 287頁:14名の寄稿者による13編の論文と7本のコラム、 下巻・資料編 350頁:9編の資料)を作成した。学会報告を行った(研究連携者 田島忠篤「戦後北海道における民族マツリの展開」、韓国日本近代学会)。民族まつり実施団体および研究者のインフォーマルネットワークを形成し、今後の民族まつりの実施および研究上の連携にそなえた。