加野 芳正 吉田 文 飯田 浩之 米澤 彰純 古賀 正義 堤 孝晃

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新井 邦二郎 飯田 浩之 藤生 英行

子どもの自己決定権意識の構造を解明するために,小学生(5年生),中学生(2年生),高校生(2年生)と小学生・中学生の保護者(親)を対象に質問紙調査を行った.調査内容は,自己決定権意識(子どもが自分のことは自分で決定してよいと考える程度),自己決定欲求(自分で決定したいと考える程度),自己決定能力(自分で決定する自信の程度),自己決定環境(自分に決定が任されている程度)の4つである.その結果,次のような結果が見い出された.【子どもの結果】1 小学生・中学生・高校生とも,自己決定権意識よりも自己決定欲求のほうが高いレベルにある.(2)小学生・中学生・高校生とも,自己決定能力を自己決定欲求よりも,低く認知している.中学生・高校生は自己決定能力を自己決定権意識よりも低く認知している.(3)小学生・中学生・高校生とも,自己決定欲求や自己決定権意識よりも,自己決定環境を低く認知している.自己決定能力との関係では,小学生は自己決定能力よりも自己決定環境を低く認知し,中学生ではそれらを同レベルに捉えるが,高校生では自己決定能力よりも自己決定環境を高く認知している.【保護者の結果】(1)小学生・中学生の保護者は,子どもの自己決定権意識よりも自己決定欲求を高めに認知している.(2)小学生・中学生の保護者は,子どもの自己決定能力を自己決定欲求よりも低く,自己決定権意識とほぼ同レベルに認知している.(3)小学生・中学生の保護者は,子どもの自己決定欲求や自己決定権意識ならびに自己決定能力よりも,自己決定環境を低く認知している.以上のように,日本の小・中・高等学校の子どもに自己決定欲求が特に日常生活上の身近な出来事について高く見られるが,自己決定権意識はそれほどの高さではなく,自己決定能力は低く認知されている。このような結果をふまえて、小学校高学年までに放任ではなく指導的観点から自己決定環境を用意し,自己決定能力を身につけ,この自己決定能力とバランス(調和)のとれた自己決定権意識を発達させることが重要と思われる。
篠原 徹 飯田 浩之 井上 透 金山 喜昭 杉長 敬治 濱田 浄人 佐久間 大輔 戸田 孝 桝永 一宏 松田 征也 佐々木 秀彦 五月女 賢司 半田 昌之 守井 典子 田中 善明 石川 貴敏 水澤 喜代志 佐々木 亨 柏女 弘道 大川 真 高田 みちよ 神田 正彦 岩井 裕一 土居 聡朋

飯田 浩之 Hiroyuki IIDA 筑波大学 The University of Tsukuba
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.41-60, 2007-05-31

In Japan, disparities in high schools showed an increasing tendency until the end of the 1970s. Since that time, attempts have been made to analyze and reduce these disparities, both in the field of sociology of education and educational reforms. This paper aims to re-examine the challenges in both fields and to elucidate their positive outcomes and limitations, and in addition, to point out a new perspective for future challenges in this area. Academically, the study of disparities began with the application of the concept of "tracking." At the beginning, many types of evils caused by disparities were problematized, and the concept of "tracking" was adopted to document the situation. The concept of "tracking" was compatible with functionalism, which was the main theoretical stream in the sociology of education at that time. The concept of "tracking" was originally used in studies of high schools in the United States to reveal the fact that there were invisible mechanisms for the selection of students in open curriculum systems. However, in Japan, the concept was used to report the fact that there were great differences in the inner processes of schools and subjective aspects of students based on school disparities. In other words, the concept was used to point out the effects of the disparities. As a result, the study of disparities has been developed as the study of "tracking effects." It can be said that studies of the tracking effect could have contributed to investigations of the inner processes of schools and subjective aspects of students. But instead, they took a macro perspective from the studies of school disparities. As a result, disparities were not examined in relation to social structures. Politically, there are two ways to reduce disparities in schools. One is to control the level of achievement of new students in order to prevent the emergence of differences among schools (input control). The other is to control educational activities in the schools to ensure that tracking effects do not take place in each school (through-put control). Since the late 1970s, input controls have been carried out through reforms of the entrance examination system of high schools and improvements of the guidance system of junior high schools. However, these controls were too indirect to reduce school disparities. In other words, whether they could reduce the disparities or not depended on their ability to change students' standards for school choice, which were indeed subjective. Through-put controls have been carried out as reforms of high schools. High school reforms after the 1980s were generally seen as an attempt to weaken classifications and frames of education. Logically, it seemed that these efforts led to a limitation of tracking effects in each school and to a reduction in school disparities as a whole. However, these attempts were not effective as they lacked a grand design and were done separately for each school. Challenges to the school disparities in both fields mentioned above seems to be homologous. They share the fact that they look at the disparities from a narrow perspective, only in relation to inner processes of each school or the subjective aspect of students. School disparities are social disparities. For example, they involve class differences among the enrolled students, and are related to regional differences. Consequently, in order to reduce school disparities, it is necessary to see them in their social context. The conclusion of this paper, by introducing recent challenges to school disparities, proposes this new perspective.