堤 孝晃
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.147-156, 2013-03-10

What should we teach in education? This question has been one of the central concerns in places of education and social scientific study in education. The “relevance” can be utilized as a key concept when one tries to reveal the answer to that question. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the assumptions about the “relevance,” not in a normative but in an empirical way. For this purpose, I examine the relation between the vocational education and the political attitudes, which have not been examined in prior studies, through an analysis of the data from a questionnaire survey to high school students in vocational courses and general courses in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. / The analysis shows the following three points. First, compared with the general school students, more students in the vocational courses tend to have orientation toward political independence. Second, comparing subjects in vocational courses, studying the special subject hard doesn't reflect students ’ orientation toward political independence, but it could mediate studying the social studies hard and their orientation toward political independence. Finally, the relation between the vocational education and the students’ orientation toward occupational independence is not found. / These findings are contrary to our conventional expectations. In conclusion, we should reconsider thoroughly our common assumptions about the “relevance”.
本田 由紀 堤 孝晃
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.56, no.3, pp.23-33, 2014-04-30 (Released:2017-08-30)

Since the 1970s, Japan's high-school system has been characterized by a lack of institutional diversity, or in other words by an oversupply of general studies programs and undersupply of vocational programs. This paper reexamines the social context of the 1970s policy shift and proposes an alternative to the dominant view that the striking decline of high-school vocational courses in the 1970s and '80s was the inevitable result of their dysfunctions. In the 1960s, Japan's educational policy-makers pursued the institutional diversification of high schools in response both to the high demand for trained manpower in developing industries and to the increase in the proportion of students advancing to high school. Around 1970, however, educational policy made an about-face, depreciating vocational programs and promoting the flexible and individualized approach of general coursework. One possible explanation for this abrupt change in policy is that just when the Japanese government was facing serious financial challenges following the oil shock in 1973, it was also confronted with the need to establish more and more high schools, especially in metropolitan areas which had seen significant population increases during the high-growth years of the '60s. The only way to reconcile these conflicting circumstances was to establish general studies programs, the construction and operation of which were far cheaper than those of vocational courses. Another possible factor was the demand for general-studies high schools by members of the upper and middle classes, including government officials, teachers and academics, who most highly valued the path to university and white-collar careers. These factors together served to counteract and overwhelm the demand for vocational education that persisted from small and medium-size enterprises and from families that expected their children to take stable jobs after graduating high school. The result was the establishment of vertical diversification among schools and among students within general courses and the steady decline of the relevance of high-school education to occupational training. This study suggests the need for a thorough reconsideration of Japan's high-school policies, both past and present.
本田 由紀 濱中 義隆 中村 高康 小山 治 上西 充子 二宮 祐 香川 めい 小澤 昌之 堤 孝晃 河野 志穂 豊永 耕平 河原 秀行 西舘 洋介

加野 芳正 吉田 文 飯田 浩之 米澤 彰純 古賀 正義 堤 孝晃

本研究課題は4つのパートからなっていて、それを研究代表者(加野芳正)と4人の研究者の共同研究として進めてきた。それらの作業は、(1)学会の歴史に関する資料の収集と整理、そして分析、(2)日本教育社会学会の先輩会員(教育社会学第2世代、第3世代)へのインタビュー調査、(3)教育社会学の学術的課題(学問的課題、現代的的課題)による日本語論文集=全2巻の刊行、(4)日本の教育社会学の学問的水準を広く世界に発信することを目的とした英語論文集の刊行、である。(1)については資料がほぼそろい、8月下旬までに報告書として刊行する予定である。(2)については、18人に対するインタビューを完了するとともに読み物風に整理して、『日本の教育社会学と18人の軌跡-オーラルヒストリーによる語り』東洋館出版社、2018年8月刊行予定である。原稿はほぼ出そろっている。(3)については『教育社会学のフロンティア1-学問としての展開と課題』(日本教育社会学会編、本田由紀、中村髙康責任編集、2017年10月)、『教育社会学のフロンティア2-変容する社会と教育のゆくえ』(日本教育社会学会編、稲垣恭子、内田良責任編集、2018年3月)として、いずれも岩波書店から刊行した。4)英語論文集については、Japan’s Education in the Global Age-Sociological Reflection and Future Direction-(Akiyoshi Yonezawaほか責任編集)として今年中には刊行される予定である。すでにすべての審査を終え、原稿を出版社であるSpringer に送付している。本研究は順調に進展しているが、図書の刊行に向けての調整が必要なため、研究期間を1年間延長することにした。また、研究成果は『教育社会学事典』(丸善、2018年1月刊行)にも活用されている。
本田 由紀 齋藤 崇德 堤 孝晃 加藤 真
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.87-116, 2013-03-10

The sociologists of education in Japan have continuously engaged in self-reflections on the definition and the character of the field through some conflicting points of view. By conceptualizing Kyosya size indexes to clarify the structure of the institutional basis, this article offers an institutional analysis of the state and history of the discipline in 1) the methodology of the papers, 2) the content of education in universities, and 3) the identity of the researchers. The analyses in this article demonstrate the distortion and the dispersion of the institutional basis of the sociology of education in Japan, which obstruct the self-definition of the field.
堤 孝晃 増田 勝也 齋藤 崇德
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2014, no.27, pp.109-121, 2014-09-10 (Released:2015-09-01)

This article clarifies the relationships between three academic disciplines through a text mining analysis of journals of sociology, the sociology of education, and pedagogy. Through analyses of word frequency and the extent of the similarity among these journals, results reveal that these three disciplines are different in complicated and multi-dimensional ways in terms of their viewpoints and concepts. This article proposes the concept of content-related differentiation for these disciplines.
本田 由紀 堤 孝晃
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.56, no.3, pp.23-33, 2014-04-30

Since the 1970s, Japan's high-school system has been characterized by a lack of institutional diversity, or in other words by an oversupply of general studies programs and undersupply of vocational programs. This paper reexamines the social context of the 1970s policy shift and proposes an alternative to the dominant view that the striking decline of high-school vocational courses in the 1970s and '80s was the inevitable result of their dysfunctions. In the 1960s, Japan's educational policy-makers pursued the institutional diversification of high schools in response both to the high demand for trained manpower in developing industries and to the increase in the proportion of students advancing to high school. Around 1970, however, educational policy made an about-face, depreciating vocational programs and promoting the flexible and individualized approach of general coursework. One possible explanation for this abrupt change in policy is that just when the Japanese government was facing serious financial challenges following the oil shock in 1973, it was also confronted with the need to establish more and more high schools, especially in metropolitan areas which had seen significant population increases during the high-growth years of the '60s. The only way to reconcile these conflicting circumstances was to establish general studies programs, the construction and operation of which were far cheaper than those of vocational courses. Another possible factor was the demand for general-studies high schools by members of the upper and middle classes, including government officials, teachers and academics, who most highly valued the path to university and white-collar careers. These factors together served to counteract and overwhelm the demand for vocational education that persisted from small and medium-size enterprises and from families that expected their children to take stable jobs after graduating high school. The result was the establishment of vertical diversification among schools and among students within general courses and the steady decline of the relevance of high-school education to occupational training. This study suggests the need for a thorough reconsideration of Japan's high-school policies, both past and present.
本田 由紀 齋藤 崇德 堤 孝晃 加藤 真
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.87-116, 2012

The sociologists of education in Japan have continuously engaged in self-reflections on the definition and the character of the field through some conflicting points of view. By conceptualizing Kyosya size indexes to clarify the structure of the institutional basis, this article offers an institutional analysis of the state and history of the discipline in 1) the methodology of the papers, 2) the content of education in universities, and 3) the identity of the researchers. The analyses in this article demonstrate the distortion and the dispersion of the institutional basis of the sociology of education in Japan, which obstruct the self-definition of the field.
堤 孝晃 増田 勝也 齋藤 崇德
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2014, no.27, pp.109-121, 2014

This article clarifies the relationships between three academic disciplines through a text mining analysis of journals of sociology, the sociology of education, and pedagogy. Through analyses of word frequency and the extent of the similarity among these journals, results reveal that these three disciplines are different in complicated and multi-dimensional ways in terms of their viewpoints and concepts. This article proposes the concept of content-related differentiation for these disciplines.