佐藤 達雄 塩原 由紀江 大森 明文 芳野 未央子 久芳 慶子 高田 圭太 池田 由紀 元木 悟 小倉 秀一 工藤 光夫
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.8, no.3, pp.303-307, 2009 (Released:2009-07-25)

黒色の液状マルチ資材が地温ならびにコマツナの生育,収量に及ぼす影響を明らかにするため,処理量を1,0.5,0.25 L・m−2区および無処理区の4水準3反復,播種日を2007年9月21日,10月5日,10月20日および2008年1月22日の4水準として組み合わせ,栽培試験を行った.その結果,液状マルチ資材は,散布量に関わらず無処理に比較して増収することが明らかになった.地下5 cmの温度を解析したところ,液状マルチ散布により最高地温は上昇するが,9月21日播種を除き最低地温は低下した.この現象はコマツナの生育初期に顕著であったが,生育に伴って,その差は小さくなった.播種後10日間の毎正時積算地温に有意な差は認められなかった.地温の日較差の増大はコマツナの増収に寄与した可能性が考えられた.
竹田 大輔 藤野 滋弘 澤井 祐紀 松本 弾 高田 圭太
堆積学研究 (ISSN:1342310X)
vol.81, no.1-2, pp.3-17, 2023-02-28 (Released:2023-06-17)

津波堆積物を河川の氾濫など他のイベントで形成された層と区別するためには堆積物から遡上流・戻り流れを識別することが重要である.過去の津波の古流向を復元するため,Takada et al.(2016)が報告した礫質津波堆積物のX線CT画像を対象にして統計的仮説検定を用いた粒子インブリケーション解析を行なった.解析はTakada et al.(2016)のTSd1に相当する層(S1)に対して行い,2地点で採取した3本のコアを使用した.解析の結果をローズダイアグラムで示し,さらに得られた長軸方向角度データが従う分布型や,長軸方向角度データが統計学的に有意な集中を持つかを調べるために統計学的仮説検定を行った.その結果,S1層には遡上流と戻り流れのユニットが存在することが示された.S1層の中において遡上流のユニットは戻り流れのユニットよりも厚く,より頻繁に観察された.
藤原 治 小松原 純子 高田 圭太 宍倉 正展 鎌滝 孝信
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.115, no.5, pp.569-581, 2006-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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The temporal development of a late Holocene strand plain system along the western Shizuoka Prefecture was reconstructed based on facies analyses and 14C dating for core samples excavated in a back marsh using a geo-slicer, 6.0-m-long, 0.35-m-wide, and 0.05- to 0.1-m-deep wedge-shaped stainless steel case. The strand plain system consists of beach, sand dune, and back marsh. Stratigraphic succession of the strand plain system, up to 4.4 m thick, is composed of upper shoreface sand, foreshore sand, backshore sand, and back marsh mud, in ascending order. The succession shows three development stages of the strand plain system.Stage 1 (before the 13th century) : The study area was under a wave-dominated beach environment. The beach system was developed by progradation of shoreface, foreshore, and backshore deposits in the later period of this stage.Stage 2 (from the 13th century to the 16th century) : Sand dune and back marsh developed, covering the beach deposit. Humic mud was thickly deposited in the back marsh with low sand supply from seaward across the dune.Stage 3 (after the 17th century) : The back marsh has been infilled mainly by washover sand and debris from the hinterland. The AD 1707 Hoei Earthquake Tsunami, which destroyed villages on the dune, possibly promoted reactivation of sand movement from ruined dune to the back marsh.
高田 圭太 中田 高 野原 壯 原口 強 池田 安隆 伊藤 潔 今泉 俊文 大槻 憲四郎 鷺谷 威 堤 浩之
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2003, no.23, pp.77-91, 2003-06-30 (Released:2012-11-13)

Large inland earthquakes bigger than Mj 7.2 during the historical past on Japanese islands have mostly been generated from active faults (Matsuda,1998). The 2000 Tottoriken-seibu earthquake of Mj 7.3 (Mw 6.6), however, occurred in the area where distinctive active faults were not mapped before the earthquake, and the surface ruptures associated with the earthquake were small and sparse. Active faults are hardly recognized even by detailed interpretation of aerial photographs after the earthquake but sharp lineaments. In Chugoku district in southwest Japan is characterized by less densely-distributed active faults with lower activities than other areas in Japan, and the 1943 Tottori earthquake of M 7 occurred by reactivation of the Shikano fault with rather obscure fault traces.Taking this condition, in mind, we carried out detailed mapping of active faults and lineaments, and compared with their topographical, geological, seismological and tectonic settings, in order to develop a new technique to find potential seismogenic faults.The results obtained are as follows;1) Active faults and lineaments were not evenly distributed, and the dense zone is recognized along the Japan Sea while the sparse zone in the central part of the district. The active faults known before are mainly located in the dense zone (Fig.1).2) The lineaments mapped are mostly less than 10km long, and half of them strike to NE-SW or ENE-WSW and 30 per cent to NW-SE or WNW-ESE (Fig.2). NE-SW lineaments prevail in the western part of the district, and NW-SW lineaments are systematically distributed only in the western-most and eastern-most area of the district probably reflecting their tectonic setting under the present stress condition.3) Lineaments with poor topographical manifest were not commonly recognized by individual geologist, and were generally short, scattered, isolated, random in strike, and independent from geological structures. These lineaments will not be considered as potential seismogenic faults.4) Epicenters of the small earthquakes are characteristically distributed to the north of the backbone range probably coincided with the past volcanic front. On the contrary, the area to the south of the backbone range the seismicity is sparse, except for several swarms. These seismic condition well matches with the distribution of active faults and well-defined lineaments (Fig.3).5) Most of the active faults and lineaments follow the pre-existed geological faults that had moved opposite direction to the active faulting, indicating their inversion movements under the present stress field.6) Surface ruptures reported as earthquake faults associated with the 2000 Tottoriken-seibu earthquake are considered as results of subsidiary shallow-sheeted faulting spontaneously caused by stain release around the seismogenic faulting in depth, because many of them appeared spontaneously, and not always along rather well-defined lineaments. They are small in extent and displacement. Therefore, it is rather difficult for evaluate such minor surface fault ruptures, but such ruptures may not displace the surface in large extent.
佐藤 達雄 塩原 由紀江 大森 明文 芳野 未央子 久芳 慶子 高田 圭太 池田 由紀 元木 悟 小倉 秀一 工藤 光夫
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.8, no.3, pp.303-307, 2009-07-15

黒色の液状マルチ資材が地温ならびにコマツナの生育,収量に及ぼす影響を明らかにするため,処理量を1,0.5,0.25 L・m<sup>−2</sup>区および無処理区の4水準3反復,播種日を2007年9月21日,10月5日,10月20日および2008年1月22日の4水準として組み合わせ,栽培試験を行った.その結果,液状マルチ資材は,散布量に関わらず無処理に比較して増収することが明らかになった.地下5 cmの温度を解析したところ,液状マルチ散布により最高地温は上昇するが,9月21日播種を除き最低地温は低下した.この現象はコマツナの生育初期に顕著であったが,生育に伴って,その差は小さくなった.播種後10日間の毎正時積算地温に有意な差は認められなかった.地温の日較差の増大はコマツナの増収に寄与した可能性が考えられた.<br>