小島 拓 長谷部 大地 加藤 祐介 倉部 華奈 船山 昭典 新美 奏恵 加納 浩之 齊藤 力 小林 正治
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.26, no.3, pp.237-242, 2016-08-15 (Released:2016-09-14)
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Peripheral facial nerve palsy following orthognathic surgery is a rare complication. We discuss the incidence of this complication, its possible causes, subsequent treatment and ultimate outcomes.A total of 910 patients underwent orthognathic surgery in our department during the period from 2001 to 2015. Five (0.55%) of those patients had peripheral facial nerve palsy postoperatively. The postoperative day when facial nerve palsy occurred ranged from day 1 to day 13. All of the cases were unilateral and included lip motility disturbance, difficulty in closing the eyes and inability to wrinkle the forehead. All of the patients received medication with an adrenocortical steroid and vitamin B12. Stellate ganglion block and physical therapy were also used for the patients who had moderate to severe facial nerve palsy. Complete recovery was achieved in all but one of the patients, in whom slight palsy remained. There were several possible causes of facial nerve palsy including abnormal bleeding, postoperative swelling, and handling of operating instruments.In conclusion, peripheral facial nerve palsy after orthognathic surgery is relatively rare. If it occurs, however, complete recovery can be expected in most cases.
加藤 祐介
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.121, no.11, pp.1901-1922, 2012-11-20

This article analyses the relationship between the Minsei party's policy advocating a return to the gold standard and the activities of the party's rank and file, focusing in particular on a political leadership faced with balancing two different demands imposed on it: 1) achieving its policy objective and 2) generating the political strength to keep it in power. By adopting this perspective, the author aims to coherently explain the political situation of the time, by dividing the policy-making process into the four phases of policy formation, development, modification, and ultimate abandonment, centering his attention on the "modification" stage and the role of political leadership in it. There were Minsei party members who were sympathetic to requests from their provincial branches to advocate budgetary measures for expanding public utility projects. However, the Hamaguchi Osachi cabinet's objective was to implement a strict policy of retrenchment centered around cutting or postponing public works projects, resulting in tension arising between the government and its own party's machine. It was Minister of Home Affairs Adachi Kenzo who tried to reconcile the two sides, by increasing the budget for unemployment relief projects ("exceptional" public works) by reclassifying a portion of the "normal" public works projects that had been cut as relief efforts. This is what the author means by the "modification" stage of the policymaking process. Adachi by no means unconditionally acceded to the demands of his party's rank and file, but rather stayed in line with the government's principle of cutting and postponing "normal" public works projects, which was the key measure to the success of retrenchment. In his attempt to balance government principles with the political demands of his party, Adachi resorted to the idea of a return to the gold standard in the two-fold mandate of 1) achieving policy objectives (retrenchment) while at the same 2) preserving his party's strength and loyalty (through more public works projects). In the end, due to Great Britain's international renunciation of the gold standard and the chaotic stalemate over passing the domestic budget for fiscal year 1932, Adachi removed himself as a leading figure in the government, resulting in the failure of his attempt.
加藤 祐介
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.130, no.4, pp.64-92, 2021 (Released:2022-04-20)

本稿は、明治中・後期(1888~1912年)における皇室財政の制度と実態について、基礎的な検討を行うものである。 1888~1893年度においては緊縮財政路線がとられた。一方、この時期の宮内省内蔵頭の杉孫七郎は、平常の財政運営に関しても伊藤博文の指導力に依存する傾向があり、また主に元老によって構成される皇室経済会議が皇室財政を監督する体制を支持していた。 1894年度以降、皇室財政は次第に膨張へと転じていく。そうした中で内蔵頭の渡辺千秋は、御料地経営の収益を組み込んだ統一的な財政制度の確立や、借入金の完済などを提起した。また渡辺は、杉内蔵頭の時代とは異なり、平常の財政運営に関しては、宮内省は自ら問題を処理する能力=専門性を備えつつあると認識していた。 1903年以降、帝室制度調査局において皇室法の検討が活発化していった。同局および宮内省内での検討を経て、1910年に皇室財産令が、1912年に皇室会計令が制定・公布された。皇室財産令によって、皇室経済会議は宮相の「諮詢機関」である帝室経済会議へと縮小再編され、宮内省の専門分化が進展した。また皇室会計令によって、御料地経営の収益を組み込んだ統一的な財政制度が確立した。 一方で、田中光顕(宮相)・渡辺体制下の宮内省は、財政基盤強化のためのアドホックな資金獲得に走るところがあった。日清戦争賠償金の皇室財政への編入(1898年)や国庫支出の皇室費の増額(1910年)はその典型である。宮内省は、前者によって借入金の完済に成功し、後者によって日露戦後の財政逼迫に対処したが、こうした対応は議会(国民)との間に一定の緊張を生じさせた。こうした明治中・後期における宮内省の対応のあり方は、議会(国民)との間の緊張を回避するという志向が明確に見られた1920年代のそれとは、大きく異なっている。
加藤 祐介
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.121, no.11, pp.1901-1922, 2012-11-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

This article analyses the relationship between the Minsei party's policy advocating a return to the gold standard and the activities of the party's rank and file, focusing in particular on a political leadership faced with balancing two different demands imposed on it: 1) achieving its policy objective and 2) generating the political strength to keep it in power. By adopting this perspective, the author aims to coherently explain the political situation of the time, by dividing the policy-making process into the four phases of policy formation, development, modification, and ultimate abandonment, centering his attention on the "modification" stage and the role of political leadership in it. There were Minsei party members who were sympathetic to requests from their provincial branches to advocate budgetary measures for expanding public utility projects. However, the Hamaguchi Osachi cabinet's objective was to implement a strict policy of retrenchment centered around cutting or postponing public works projects, resulting in tension arising between the government and its own party's machine. It was Minister of Home Affairs Adachi Kenzo who tried to reconcile the two sides, by increasing the budget for unemployment relief projects ("exceptional" public works) by reclassifying a portion of the "normal" public works projects that had been cut as relief efforts. This is what the author means by the "modification" stage of the policymaking process. Adachi by no means unconditionally acceded to the demands of his party's rank and file, but rather stayed in line with the government's principle of cutting and postponing "normal" public works projects, which was the key measure to the success of retrenchment. In his attempt to balance government principles with the political demands of his party, Adachi resorted to the idea of a return to the gold standard in the two-fold mandate of 1) achieving policy objectives (retrenchment) while at the same 2) preserving his party's strength and loyalty (through more public works projects). In the end, due to Great Britain's international renunciation of the gold standard and the chaotic stalemate over passing the domestic budget for fiscal year 1932, Adachi removed himself as a leading figure in the government, resulting in the failure of his attempt.
倉部 華奈 隅田 好美 小島 拓 加藤 祐介 齋藤 功 小林 正治
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.66, no.4, pp.178-187, 2020-04-20 (Released:2020-06-22)

Patients with jaw deformities frequently have psychological and social problems. There have been many reports on psychological status and satisfaction following orthognathic surgery as determined by quantitative methods. However, only limited information can be obtained by using a quantitative method because the patient’s psychological problems are complex. On the other hand, qualitative studies are suitable for clarifying the hypothetical construction of the phenomenon and patients’ experiences and processes. The purpose of this study was to examine the process by which patient’s psychological and social problems change from pre-treatment to post-treatment. The subjects were 6 female patients who had undergone orthognathic surgery 18 months ago. We conducted semi-structured interviews and performed analysis by a grounded theory approach. The patient’s anxiety started from the period of adolescence and was affected by the patient’s friends. Information on orthognathic surgery gave the patients hope and reduced their anxiety. The processes of psychological and social changes during and after treatment were affected by friends, family, and patients with the same disease. Patients had feelings of accomplishment, happiness, and confidence because they overcame various hardships, and they acquired active attitudes in social life.
日和 裕介 下里 哲弘 加藤 祐介 小野 秀一 木村 雅昭 中野 麻衣子
公益社団法人 土木学会
構造工学論文集 A
vol.66, pp.388-399, 2020

<p>Bridge girder ends were the major weak points against corrosion. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the anticorrosion technique for them. In this study, we focused on Cold Spray technique, which can form a metallic film, as a corrosion protection film-forming method. In this study, we applied the mixed particles of zinc particles and alumina particles to the corroded steel bridge girder ends in the Cold Spray method to verify the corrosion protection performance and field applicability. Cold Spray Corrosion protection technology was applied to the corroded steel bridge girder ends, and corrosion monitoring was performed to verify the effectiveness in a corrosive environment.</p>
森 暢平 河西 秀哉 茂木 謙之介 舟橋 正真 松居 宏枝 加藤 祐介
