Alvin Sanjaya Taiki Kobayashi Ryo Nishijima Harue Shinoyama Yusuke Kazama
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.88, no.3, pp.265-272, 2023-09-25 (Released:2023-09-25)

The popular ornamental flowering plant Dianthus hybrida cv. Telstar Scarlet has been found to exhibit two populations, each with distinct flower morphology: female-like and hermaphroditic. In this work, flower development of D. hybrida was characterized through scanning electron microscopy, light- or stereo- microscopy, from flower meristem formation to the fully matured, open flower. The difference between hermaphrodite and female-like plants was initially marked by the phenomenon of anther shrinking in the latter, which was closely associated with pollen shrinking phenomenon, and soon followed by differential elongation rates of pistils and stamens. Furthermore, the female-like anther, albeit exhibiting delay in pollen development initially, could produce microspores, resembling its hermaphrodite counterparts at some point, before shrinking. However, female-like’s pollen and cell wall size never became as large as the hermaphrodite’s.
Kotomi Kikukawa Ryota Sato Masaaki Iwamoto Takumi Higaki
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.86, no.3, pp.189-194, 2021-09-25 (Released:2021-09-25)

Cell segmentation from microscopic images is conventionally used to investigate cell morphology. However, the time expense for manual segmentation becomes extreme with increasing numbers of cells to be analyzed. Recent progress in automated image analysis techniques can facilitate efficient and accurate cell segmentation in wide-range confocal images. Pavement cells, which mainly comprise the epidermal tissue of plant leaves, show jigsaw puzzle-like shapes and provide a model for elucidating the mechanisms underlying the complex morphology of plant cells. This mini-review demonstrates the effectiveness of using a confocal image processing pipeline for morphometric analysis and mechanical simulation using Arabidopsis thaliana cotyledon pavement cells as an example. We examined A. thaliana cotyledon surfaces using wide-range confocal images and used an image processing pipeline in ImageJ software to extract epidermal cell contours. We then used the segmented epidermal cell images to provide examples of how this information can be used for morphometry and mechanical simulation. The use of this high-throughput segmentation method is not limited to plant epidermal tissue and can be applied to various biological materials. Therefore, our approach to microscopic image analysis will hopefully contribute to the advancement of quantitative cell morphology research.
Kasumi Hashimoto Yusuke Kazama Hiroyuki Ichida Tomoko Abe Koji Murai
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.86, no.4, pp.297-302, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-24)

A mutant showing extra early-flowering and named extra early-flowering4 (exe4) was induced in a previous study by heavy-ion beam mutagenesis of Triticum monococcum strain KU104-1. The exe4 mutant shows heading about 45 days earlier than wild-type KU104-1 in the field. In the present study, we sought to identify the gene that was mutated in exe4 by performing a modified whole-genome sequencing analysis. This analysis exploited a short-read library preparation that uses a modified adaptor and duplex-specific nuclease (DSN) for the efficient elimination of highly repeated sequence elements within genomes. The whole-genome sequence analysis and PCR analysis using an M2 segregation line indicated that the extra-early flowering phenotype of exe4 is associated with a deletion of a gene for a WD repeat protein, named here WHEAT WD REPEAT 1 (WWDR1). Phylogenetic analysis of amino acid sequences showed that the gene is a homolog of Arabidopsis LIGHT-REGULATED WD1 (LWD1) and LWD2, which are circadian clock regulatory genes.
Ayaka Matsuta Takahiro Mayuzumi Hajime Katano Masanori Hatashita Keiichi Takagi Yoriko Hayashi Tomoko Abe Koji Murai Yusuke Kazama
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.86, no.4, pp.317-322, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-24)

A high-LET heavy-ion beam has a severe effect on survival and effectively induces chromosomal rearrangements. In this study, the effect of high-LET heavy-ion irradiation on mutation induction in the M1 generation was investigated in an inbred line of Torenia fournieri, which is a widely used horticultural plant. Dry seeds of the inbred line ‘Zairai murasaki’ were irradiated with a C-ion beam (LET: 50 keV µm−1) or Ar-ion beams (LETs: 184 keV µm−1 or 290 keV µm−1) at different doses, and then sown on 1/2 MS plates. After determining the survival rates from each irradiation condition, appropriate doses of each beam were roughly determined to produce a survival rate of 90%: 300, 75, and 50 Gy for the C-ion beam with a LET of 50 keV µm−1, Ar-ion beam with a LET of 184 keV µm−1, and Ar-ion beam with a LET of 290 keV µm−1, respectively. In the screening of branches with aberrant flowers, one and two aberrant plants were isolated from 16 and 30 M1 plants after irradiation with LETs of 184 keV µm−1 and 290 keV µm−1, respectively. However, no aberrant plants were identified in M1 plants after irradiation with a LET of 50 keV µm−1. We concluded that high-LET heavy-ion beam irradiation is effective in inducing mutations even in the M1 generation of inbred ornamental plants. This technique could be widely used for breeding ornamental plants that can be propagated vegetatively.
Taiki Kobayashi Masako Takahashi Ryo Nishijima Ryuji Sugiyama Kotaro Ishii Shigeyuki Kawano Yusuke Kazama
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.86, no.4, pp.323-328, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-24)

Cytology requires chromosome specimens, thus, effective preparation methods are needed. Chromosome specimens are frequently prepared from plant root tips. Furthermore, cell cycle synchronization using chemical reagents is applied to obtain a large number of metaphase chromosome specimens. In this study, we focused on the timing of root tip sampling, which is optimal for the preparation of chromosome specimens of the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. The timing was determined from the time seeds were subjected to a germination treatment. Observation of metaphase chromosomes using microscopy revealed that the number of mitotic cells peaked 54 h after the germination treatment. This trend was also observed when the DNA synthesis inhibitor aphidicolin was administered from 24 to 9 h before sampling time points. We used ice-cold treatment for 8, 16, and 32 h as a chromosome condensation method. The 16 h treatment produced suitable chromosome specimens showing satellite ends of chromosomes, whereas the 32 h treatment produced well-condensed chromosome specimens, which were suitable for counting chromosome numbers. Our findings suggest that the timing of root tip sampling is essential for effectively producing plant chromosome specimens.
Taiki Kobayashi Moe Kitoh Dmitry A. Filatov Yusuke Kazama
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.88, no.2, pp.91-94, 2023-06-25 (Released:2023-06-24)

White campion (Silene latifolia, Caryophyllaceae) is a classical model species for studies of sex determination and sex chromosome evolution in dioecious plants. Deletion mapping in this species revealed the presence of two Y-linked sex determining genes—the stamen promoting factor (SPF) gene and a gynoecium suppressing factor (GSF), which inspired the development of the classic ‘two genes’ model for dioecy evolution. We recently identified a Y-linked GSFY gene that encodes a CLAVATA3 homolog and causes gynoecium suppression in S. latifolia via WUSCHEL-CLAVATA feedback loop. Interestingly, the WUSCHEL homolog in S. latifolia (SlWUS1) is also sex-linked and both GSFY and SlWUS1 are located in the oldest part of the sex chromosomes, suggesting that selection to prevent recombination between these genes may have contributed to the origination of sex chromosomes in this species. The WUS-CLV3 pathway is also involved in the sexual differentiation of gynoecium development in kiwifruits and melon, indicating that this pathway plays central role in gynoecium suppression in dioecious and monoecious plants.
Shamimul Alam Sheikh Katsuhiko Kondo Yoshikazu Hoshi
vol.60, no.1, pp.43-47, 1995-03-25 (Released:2009-03-19)
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Drosera dichrosepala was exposed to different doses of Gamma radiation. Fragmented and fused chromosomes were observed as a consequences. Diffused centromeres in every fragment chromosome was detected by centromeric banding (Cd-banding) and was supported by its typical disjunction and totally lack of lagging chromosomes or micronuclei from anaphase to telophase. C-banding revealed that the fragment chromosomes were highly heterochromatic and fragmentation might be occurred at the terminal regions of chromosomes. Fluorescent banding suggested that most of the fragment chromosomes were rich in GC base composition in the species. Alteration of karyotype due to Gamma irradiation also indicated that spontaneous fragmentation or fusion of chromosomes might be a possible factor for promoting the bimodal karyotype in this genus.
Xiaoyan Liu Prakash Babu Adhikari Ryushiro D. Kasahara
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.88, no.1, pp.35-39, 2023-03-25 (Released:2023-03-25)

Sexual reproduction in angiosperms is a complex and precise process of regulation, which includes the pollen tube guidance, double fertilization, and the seed development process. The previous report identified that for seed development, there is a period of preparation for fertilization (between pollen tube guidance and double fertilization) that is called pollen-tube-dependent ovule enlargement morphology (POEM). It has been shown that the pollen tube content (PTC) plays a crucial role in the enlargement of ovules and the initiation of seed coat formation. However, we did not investigate the potential of endosperm proliferation in autonomous mutants at a later stage. Here, we investigated this phenomenon using vanillin staining and transparent experiments to examine the manner, in which the PTC affects the potential of endosperm formation. Interestingly, the PTC increased the number of endosperm nuclei without fertilization equally and synchronously in mea and fis2 ovules. This finding might help improve the study of apomixes and our understanding of how the molecular mechanisms that regulate this phenomenon will contribute to plant reproductive science in the future.
Bingyi Liang Hikaru Sato Sachihiro Matsunaga
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.88, no.4, pp.283-288, 2023-12-25 (Released:2023-12-25)

Gene editing technology based on the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) system has garnered widespread use in plant genomes because of its cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and simplicity. To avoid the integration of foreign genes and any DNA fragments into target cell genomes, researchers have developed a system that introduces in vitro-assembled ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) consisting of guide RNA (gRNA) and Cas protein into target cells, enabling direct genome editing. This system was designed to deliver RNPs through four distinct methods: polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated cell transfection, particle bombardment, electroporation, and lipid transfection. In recent years, CRISPR technology has been extensively applied for the genetic modification of plants, providing a strategic response to environmental challenges. Researchers have successfully established RNP genome editing systems in various plant species. Despite some remaining issues, the RNP genome editing system still shows significant promise for future applications in the production of non-genetically modified (non-GM) crops.
Manami Ichita Takumi Higaki
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.88, no.3, pp.169-173, 2023-09-25 (Released:2023-09-25)

The plasma membrane H+-ATPase in plant cells functions as a critical transporter, propelling protons against an electrochemical gradient. This action generates pH and potential differences across the plasma membrane, contributing to various plant physiological processes, including cell growth, nutrient absorption, and stomatal movements. Plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity is tightly regulated in response to a multitude of abiotic and biotic environmental cues. Recent studies have shed light on the multi-level regulation of H+-ATPase, extending beyond its proton transport activity and recognizing the importance of its abundance at the plasma membrane, achieved by a balance of endocytosis and exocytosis in response to environmental factors. This review provides an overview of the cell biological regulation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase by balancing its exocytosis and endocytosis. As key factors in regulation of the abundance of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase at the plasma membrane, the membrane trafficking proteins PATROL1 and SYP132 have been identified. The intracellular dynamics and functions are suggested to be tightly associated with the environmental response of plant cells. Despite substantial progress in deciphering the intracellular traffic regulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, a comprehensive molecular understanding remains elusive. Elucidating the molecular pathways linking environmental factors with the regulation of membrane trafficking is pivotal for comprehending the cell biological regulation of environmental responses in plants.
Yumi Hirakawa Seiichiro Hasezawa Takumi Higaki
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.83, no.3, pp.289-293, 2018-09-25 (Released:2018-10-12)

We previously established an experimental system for efficient pathogenic signal induced-cell death using tobacco BY-2 cells and culture filtrate of a plant pathogenic bacterium, Erwinia carotovora. Using this experimental system, cytoskeletal and vacuolar changes during the process of filtrate-induced cell death were characterized in detail. However, the initial events induced by the filtrate were largely unknown. In this study, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and endocytosis stimulation were examined in BY-2 cells treated with the filtrate of E. carotovora. Transient ROS production within 2 min was observed after the filtrate treatment. Treatment with the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA or the protein kinase inhibitor K252a significantly inhibited ROS production in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that ROS production depends on Ca2+ influx or protein phosphorylation. In addition, internalization of the endocytic marker FM4-64 was promoted by filtrate treatment within 30 min, suggesting that the filtrate treatment stimulated endocytosis. These results showed that ROS production and subsequent endocytosis stimulation are the initial events induced by culture filtrate of E. carotovora in BY-2 cells.
Mina Ohtsu Daisuke Kurihara Yoshikatsu Sato Takuya Suzaki Masayoshi Kawaguchi Daisuke Maruyama Tetsuya Higashiyama
vol.82, no.3, pp.251-259, 2017-06-25 (Released:2017-09-06)

Nematode infection of plant roots is a paradigm of host–parasite interactions. Although nematodes can be labeled with fluorescent dyes, migration of the worms into the deep regions of host roots makes them difficult to track. Here we report the use of two fluorescent dyes, FM4-64 and SYBR green I, to intensely label the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) Heterodera glycines for one week in host plants. Continuous monitoring of the labeled SCN juveniles was achieved with two-photon microscopy. Additionally, we developed a transient transformation system consisting of the non-model leguminous plant (fabaceous) roots, Astragalus sinicus and Agrobacterium rhizogenes to observe the cellular structures of the plant during SCN infection. By the combined use of fluorescent dyes and two-photon microscopy, clear images of infecting SCNs were obtained even in deep regions of A. sinicus roots. The fluorescent labeling described herein can also be used in detailed monitoring of the infection processes of other non-model nematodes, as well as the associated morphological changes in the host plant roots.
Daniel Luis Zanella Kantek Alberto Sergio Fenocchio Marta Margarete Cestari
vol.68, no.1, pp.19-24, 2003 (Released:2003-10-10)
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The characids belong to the greater freshwater fish family of the world with around 700 recognized species. Whithin this group the genus Astyanax includes several species with unclear phylogenetic relationships, showing a wide karyotypic diversity. In the highly endemic Iguaçu river basin these problems are also observed being distinguished 6 unnamed Astyanax species (A to F). In the present work were cytogenetically studied 2 populations of A. sp. C from the first plateau of the Iguaçu river (Paraná State, Brazil). Fishes of both populations are similar in chromosome number, having 2n=50, however were evidenced clear differences in C-banding and nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) patterns. With the use of the restriction enzyme Alu I were obtained the same results as C-bands. These results indicate the complexity of Astyanax and the importance of further taxonomic revisions joining morphological, cytogenetic and molecular approachings.
Lana Cristina Fazoli Valquíria de Almeida Bernardo da Silva Ana Luiza de Brito Portela-Castro Horácio Ferreira Júlio Júnior
vol.68, no.4, pp.389-394, 2003 (Released:2003-12-30)
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Cytogenetics studies on Astyanax sp B, an endemic species of the Iguaçu River (Paraná, Brazil) were carried out. The specimens showed a standard diploid number of 2n=50 chromosomes with a karyotype consisting of 6 metacentric, 24 submetacentric, 6 subtelocentric and 14 acrocentric chromosomes. In addition to the basic karyotype, all the specimens presented 1–2 supranumerary or B chromosomes in mitotic metaphases. Three morphological types of B chromosomes have been identified in population under analysis: an acrocentric-type microchromosome; a metacentric macrochromosome smaller than the first pair of the normal karyotype complement; a small submetacentric chromosome. C-band analysis shows discrete markings in the centromeric regions of various chromosomes which contrast with strongly heterochromatic blocks in the telomeric regions of the long arms of chromosome pairs 20, 21 and 22 (acrocentric). Heterochromatic block-sized heteromorphism has been among homologues of pair 20. The chromosome characterisitics of Astyanax sp B indicate similarity with other species of the genus Astyanax with regard to karyotypic macrostructure, distribution of constitutive heterochromatin (C-band pattern) and occurrence of B chromosomes. Some aspects related B chromosomes in this species are discussed.
Junko Hasegawa Takumi Higaki Yuki Hamamura Daisuke Kurihara Natsumaro Kutsuna Tetsuya Higashiyama Seiichiro Hasezawa Sachihiro Matsunaga
vol.79, no.4, pp.467-474, 2014-12-25 (Released:2015-01-16)
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Vacuoles occupy 80–90% of a mature plant cell and mainly contribute to all types of cell expansion. Zeocin, an inducer of DNA double-strand breaks, causes cell expansion with endoreduplication. The vacuolar structure after zeocin treatment was examined in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cultured cells expressing GFP fused to a vacuole membrane protein. We found that the genotoxic stress induced the cell expansion with subdivision of the vacuolar lumen by cytoplasmic strands. When a femtosecond laser was used to cut off the cytoplasmic strand, mitochondrial transport along the strand stopped. This suggested that in the elongated cells under the genotoxic stress, the transport of subcellular materials was activated for DNA repair within the damaged cell nucleus by the construction of a network of cytoplasmic strands in the vacuolar lumen.
Rubens Pazza Horácio Ferreira Júlio Jr.
vol.68, no.2, pp.159-163, 2003 (Released:2003-10-20)
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Cytogenetical studies on Hoplias malabaricus, intensive in the last few years, have determined that it does not represent only 1 species, as it is classified, but a complex of species with 7 cytotypes , some of them living in a sympatric condition with no hybrids. In this study, for the first time, 3 cytotypes were found in sympatry and sintopy in the Upper Paraná River floodplain. Cyytotaxonomy and geographical aspects are discussed.
Sofia Samaropoulou Eleni Liveri Pepy Bareka
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.85, no.3, pp.219-222, 2020-09-25 (Released:2020-09-25)
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The current study aims to contribute to the further karyological knowledge of the very diverse species Cyclamen hederifolium. The species is represented in Greece by two subspecies, C. hederifolium subsp. hederifolium and C. hederifolium subsp. crassifolium, which are not widely accepted as taxonomically distinct taxa. The subspecies are analyzed karyologically and morphometry of the most important karyological features is used to compare them, attempting to reveal the taxonomic relationships between the two subspecies. However, the karyological analysis proved that all karyotypes are symmetrical and both subspecies have both diploid and tetraploid populations. The applied karyomorphometry and multivariate analysis provided no special pattern and it was unable to differentiate the subspecies from a karyological point of view.
Sanjeev Kumar Santosh Kumari Raghbir Chand Gupta Vikas Kumar Sharma
Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology
vol.82, no.4, pp.355-361, 2017-09-25 (Released:2017-12-16)
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At present, population-based meiotic studies were carried out on six species of genus Clematis for documenting the genetic diversity from selected localities of Himachal Pradesh in the Western Himalayas (India). All the populations are found to be diploid with meiotic chromosome number as 2n=16. Impaired male meiosis was noted in all populations of C. buchananiana, C. connata, C. gouriana, C. grata, C. montana, and C. orientalis. However, male meiosis shows variation in meiotic behaviour in the different populations. The presence of B chromosomes in C. orientalis is reported for the first time, previously, the species is also known to have 2n=16 but without B chromosomes. These anomalous species were marked with meiotic abnormalities in the form of cytomixis, chromosomal stickiness, unoriented bivalents, formation of laggards and bridges resulting in abnormal microsporogenesis, and production of heterogeneous-sized fertile pollen grains along with reduced pollen fertility.