石村 満宏
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.94, no.4, pp.256-265, 1985-08-25 (Released:2010-10-13)

1 0 0 0 臺湾の地震

公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.7, no.7, pp.400a-401, 1895
立見 辰雄 菊池 徹 久野 久
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.17-33, 1957-03-30 (Released:2009-11-12)

1 0 0 0 OA 黄尾島

宮島 幹之助
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.12, no.11, pp.647-652_1, 1900-11-25 (Released:2010-10-13)
大崎 晃
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.109, no.1, pp.87-105, 2000
2 1

Various studies have been carried out on whaling mainly by American vessels throughout the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans in the 18th and 19th centuries. The studies cover firstly the natural history of whales; secondly, an enlarged geographical view in accordance with the expansion of operating areas, almanac of whaling activities, and studies on whaling from the standpoint of the social sciences. Naturally, there are many unsolved problems in social science studies with their relatively short history. Nevertheless, the writer seeks to identify-by approaching new resources and references-the conditions that made New England the center of whaling in the 18th and 19th centuries.<BR>The writer wishes to point out that the favorable environment for investors made it possible for them to acquire enough funds to start whaling businesses. In those days, new vessels were built and used ones were purchased by consortiums supported by joint small investments in each vessel. A consortium, unlike companies today, did not try to increase the number of vessels. It dissolved itself when a vessel was no longer used or was sold. There are two explanatory theories; deficiency of capital for ship building and losses due to various accidents. These two theories do not necessarily seem to match the facts. As for the former case, investors allocated small amounts for many vessels at the same time. As for the latter, there already existed insurance to cover sea accidents although not a poor hunt. Accordingly, many consortiums were repeatedly established or dissolved. At the same time, each consortium provided good opportunities for investors.<BR>Under these circumstances, no individual risked owning a whaling vessel by investing a substantial amount. Instead, investors left the management of their vessels to an agent. The agent was one of the investors in a consortium, but his investment was modest. He was also a merchant who handled supplies of necessities for voyages of vessels, and sales of whale products upon a vessel's return. Therefore, an agent, like other investors, tried to expand his sales by investing small amounts in many vessels, and at the same time protected himself from a poor catch. Even if a loss was incurred, it was covered by profits from other vessels and sales. Thus the fund provided by other investors was also protected.<BR>Profits from whaling to the crew members were distributed by a lay system. According to this system the crew had to share the risks of fluctuating whaling fortunes, but even in this case the investors' fund was always protected.<BR>Conventional social restrictions upon employing crew members had already been removed, and a new employment custom based on a distribution of profit was established. The contract between the whaling management and the crew was renewed at each voyage. In this case, head hunters were active. They provided crew members with information on the personal experience of each master of a vessel, and on the productivity of each vessel. These facts were very important because they affected the distribution of profits, and the crew selected the next vessel based on such information provided by head hunters.<BR>Under such circumstances, investments encouraged further investments in New England, and whaling developed into an industry. New England attracted many people with professional skills and knowledge, and became the center of the American whaling business. It lasted much longer in the region than in any other parts of the country.
中田 高 堤 浩之 PUNONGBAYAN Raymundo S. RIMANDO Rolly E DALIGDIG Jessie DAAG Arturo
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.99, no.5, pp.515-532, 1990
5 13

The Philippine Earthquake (Ms=7.8) broke out in July 16, 1990 along the Philippine Fault in Central Luzon. The Philippine Fault is seismically very active and large earthquakes of M 7 class have occurred during this century along this fault. However large earthquakes have not taken place along the active traces of the fault in the Central Luzon during this century, while two large historical earthquakes occurred along its southern trace in 1645 and its northern trace in 1796. Therefore it is considered that the 1990 earthquake was caused by the surface faulting in the seismic (aseismic) gap along the Philippine Fault.<BR>The total length of the surface fault is over 120 km and the fault is divided into two segments by the major bend near Rizal. The surface fault is rather straight and linear and general orientation of the northern segment is N 25 W and the southern segment N40W. Left-lateral displacement is dominant along most of the fault traces and the maximum horizontal displacement is about 6 m in the 60-km-long northern segment and the maximum vertical displacement is 2.0 min the 50-km-long southern section. Sense of vertical displacement changes in places and is consistent with the sense of the displacement along the pre-existing active fault traces. Average displacement along the northern segment is 5-6 m, while 2-3 m along the southern segment.<BR>Along most of the surface fault, ruptures appear exactly along the pre-existing active fault traces. Offsets of roads, foot-pass, streams are common earthquake-induced features. Local extensional and compressional jog forms related to slight change in fault strike creates characteristic features such as depressions, trenches, mole tracks, bulges etc.<BR>The rupture propagated bilaterally northward and southward from hypocenter east of Bongabon near the major bend. The source process of the earthquake deduced from the slip distribution along the surface fault from the epicenter well coincides with that deduced seismologically from the source time function.
尾留川 正平 山本 正三 佐々木 博 金藤 泰伸 朝野 洋一 高橋 伸夫 斎藤 功
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.76, no.5, pp.229-256, 1967-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Suburbanization is very phenomenal in the western suburbs of Tokyo, nevertheless a. sizable area is still devoted to agriculture and the agricultural output is quite large. The aim of this research is to survey the ecological aspects of human occupance of the land which is well characterized by the ever intensive urban as well as agricultural use and also to analyze operational structure of farm households that has strongly led the study area to such a suburbanized occupance pattern in terms of interviews of farmers and various statistical materials.Results : 1) Sale of agricultural land is quite limited because of rise of land price, resulting in the juxtaposition of built-up areas and farmlands. 2) Agriculture in these mostly built-up areas has the following characteristics : a) to increase labor productivity rather than land productivity, b) to increase household or personal income whether by specialization on arboriculture, lawn growing, specialized vegetable growing and chicken and pig raising, or by incorporating them in agricultural management so as to improve total agricultural productivity, or from other sources than farming such as management of filling stations, driving, schools, and public baths, and also as white color, c) to hold agricultural land as assets probably for a relatively long period, since the farmers here can get stable income from rent and apartment houses they have built recently, although increment of so-called socially fallow lands is to be seen frequently, and d) to ship out vegetables and eggs to nearby markets or to sell them directly at farmsteads. 3) It is urgently needed to conserve as much farmland as possible and also even to encourage farm management to a degree that the farmers are able to compete with ever-developing urban industries, otherwise the critical shortage of green open spaces in the metropolitanized regions will be further accelerated.
平野 直人
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.126, no.2, pp.195-206, 2017-04-25 (Released:2017-06-12)
2 5

Geoscientists, who previously had limited direct knowledge of the petrological/geochemical mantle below oceanic regions, were largely restricted to areas near mid-ocean ridges, back-arc spreading centers, and hotspots. Petit-spot lavas and xenoliths provide direct information on the asthenosphere and the lithosphere of subducting plates because the magma that erupts from petit-spot volcanoes originates from the asthenosphere and ascends along the concavely flexed zone prior to the outer-rise along the trench. Such volcanoes have been reported at subduction zones worldwide (e.g., the Japan, Chile, Java, and Tonga trenches). The isotopic composition of petit-spot lavas indicates a heterogeneous asthenosphere, and geobarometric analyses of xenoliths show a higher geothermal gradient in the lithosphere than that predicted previously by the GDH1 model, meaning that conventional theory about the subducting lithosphere needs to be revised in the light of recently obtained petit-spot data. Melt fractionation is thought to occur in the middle lithosphere, given that bulk compositions show fractionation trends in the absence of phenocrysts, in spite of raising lherzolitic xenoliths from ∼45 km depth. The most important indicators of petit-spot input to the lithosphere are high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in petit-spot magma, which might explain the low seismic velocity and high electrical conductivity of the oceanic asthenosphere just below the subducting oceanic plate. Because carbon-rich melt ascends through the lithosphere to the seafloor as a petit-spot, it is likely to metasomatize the lithosphere just prior to its subduction.
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.21, no.12, pp.847a-848, 1909
菅原 正巳
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.94, no.4, pp.209-221, 1985-08-25 (Released:2010-12-22)
3 4

The tank model is very simple as shown in Fig. 1. We can consider that it corresponds to the zonal structure of groundwater as shown in Fig. 2. In spite of its simple outlook, the behaviour of the tank model is not so simple. Corresponding to various types of input rainfall, it shows various types of response as shown in Fig. 5 by its nonlinear structure caused by the positions of side outlets which are set somewhat higher than the level of the bottom.The tank model shown in Fig. 1 is used to calculate the daily discharge from the daily precipitation for Japanese river basins. For the flood analysis, data of short time unit are necessary and an appropriate time unit is suggested to be given asT.U.=0.05√A, where T.U. is the time unit (hour) and A is the catchment area (km2). Table 1 shows some examples of appropriate time unit for various catchment areas. For the flood analysis the tank model with two tanks shown in Fig. 6 is applicable.In Japan, the tank model without soil moisture structure can give fairly good results because it is always very humid in Japan. However, for most river basins, the tank model with soil moisture structure shown in Fig. 7 must be applied. The assumed soil moisture structure is composed of two parts, the primary and the secondary soil moisture storages. When the primary soil moisture storage is not saturated, the water is absorbed from the lower tank and there is water transfer between the primary and the secondary soil moisture storages. These two kinds of water transfer are given as shown in Fig. 7c.In regions with long dry season, there is no tree on mountain area or trees have no leave in dry season and vegitation covering can be found on plains or along rivers. In such regions, mountain areas become dry during the dry season, because water moves to lower part of the basin by gravitation. To simulate such a basin, the basin is divided into zones each of which is simulated by the tank model. The tank model of 4X4 type shown in Fig. 8 is derived under such a consideration. During the dry season, zones become dry from mountain side and no evapotranspiration occurs in dry zones. In this model real evapotranspiration from the basin decreases with time corresponding to the dry condition of zones, i.e. areal real evapotranspiration of the basin decreases automatically.The tank model is considered as a black box model without physical meaning by most hydrologists. However, we can ask ourselves, if it is a mere black box, how can such a simple tank model successfully simulate river discharge from high flood to low base flow? There must be some physical meaning in the tank model. Very recently, we were able to find the phenomenon to prove the existence of two kinds of water storage corresponding to the top and the second tank of the tank model by analysing the record of crustal tilt meters affected by rainfall (Fig. 9). The crust is some sort of spring balance which weighs' and so measures the groundwater storage (Fig. 10).
佐渡 耕一郎 亀尾 浩司 小西 健二 結城 智也 辻 喜弘
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.101, no.2, pp.127-132, 1992-04-25 (Released:2010-10-13)
8 7

Three nannofossil datum planes of the Early Pleistocen e are identified in the cores from subsurface at Irabu Island, South Ryukyus. The result allows for the first time to date the initial sedimentation of the reef-related Riukiu Limestone there. It represents the age (1.2M a) turning from siliciclastics to shallow-water carbonate regime. Implication of this transition time is discussed briefly in relation with both local neotectonis m resulting in the birth of a backarc basin (Okinawa Trough) and regional to global reor ganization of paleoceanographic environments.