高畑 直人 尾上 哲治 佐野 有司 磯﨑 行雄
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.4, pp.667-679, 2019-08-25 (Released:2019-09-20)

It is important to know the influx of extraterrestrial material on old Earth in order to understand global environmental changes. Helium is suitable for detecting extraterrestrial material in marine sediments, as well as platinum group elements, because there is more helium in extraterrestrial matter than on the Earth's surface. Extraterrestrial material is detected in old sedimentary rocks collected from a Permian/Triassic (P/T) boundary section in the Mino Belt, central Japan, which accumulated in a deep seafloor environment in the ancient Pacific Ocean. Much higher 3He/4He ratios (up to 150 Ra; 1 Ra = the atmospheric ratio) are observed in the samples. These high 3He/4He ratios may infer the existence of extraterrestrial helium carried in fullerenes or interplanetary dust particles. Moreover, the distribution of 3He concentrations indicates a significant increase in the influx of extraterrestrial material before the P/T boundary, which is equivalent to the influx at the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary, because of the long duration. This increase may have caused global cooling leading to mass extinction.
寿円 晋吾
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.75, no.5, pp.266-281, 1966-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
目代 邦康
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.2, pp.367-383, 2012-04-25 (Released:2012-05-29)
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IWATA Shuji and KOIZUMI Takeei initiated Japanese geoecology studies in the 1970s. The Colloquium of Cold Region Landform (Kanrei Chikei Danwakai) contributed significantly to Koizumi's studies. Early geoecological studies have been classified into two categories: analysis of landscape structure and research on phytogeography. The former is similar to the general system theory. This concept is a good method for understanding the natural landscape and for resolving regional issues. The latter relates to systematic geography. These studies are mainly conducted in mountain areas. While studies on natural environments in mountain areas have advanced, Japanese geoecological studies seem to have focused on special areas. Furthermore, research trends of Japanese geoecological studies were analyzed by examining competitive funding practices. The results illustrate that there have been three types of study since the 1980s: (1) phytogeographical studies and analysis of the landscape structure in cold regions such as polar and high mountain areas; (2) comprehensive geographical overseas studies; and, (3) problem-solving research on regional issues such as resource management and countermeasures for natural disasters. Currently, phytogeographical studies and problem-solving research are advancing. However, Japanese geoecological studies have not appealed to researchers in different fields until now. The future development of geoecological research requires interdisciplinary research.
荒川 秀俊
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.65, no.1, pp.55-56, 1956-01-30 (Released:2009-11-12)
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盛谷 智之
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.87, no.4, pp.181-200, 1978-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Ocean floor manganese nodules have attracted worldwide attention as the possible future resources. However, many problems in the distribution and origin of the nodules remain still unsolved, because of the lack in reliable seabed information. Thus, several leading ocean-oriented countries are now carrying out, or have plans about the systematic research programs on manganese nodules, including both prospectings mainly by industry groups, and scientific studies by the governmental and university groups, in which the results of the latter scientific studies are expected to serve as the guideline for the former prospectings. The representative programs are as follows : In Japan, “Basic researches on the deep sea mineral resources” is being conducted by the Geological Survey of Japan, for the northern Central Pacific Basin, using R/V Hakurei-Maru (1, 821 tonnage), with participation of the NIPR (National Institute for Pollution and Resources) in each cruise on their own program, “Technological study on the development of deep sea mineral resources”. Also, the industries group, DOMA (Deep Ocean Minerals Association), is engaged in a program of “Development of new prospecting technology for manganese nodule deposits”, with the objective areas south of Hawaii Islands of the Pacific.In the United States, there are three categories of research programs, being actively conducted by the groups of universities, Federal organizations, and industries respectively. The first is “MANOP (Manganese Nodule Program) of NSF (National Science Foundation) Seabed Assesment Program, carried out by the interuniversities group. This is now concentrated on the detailed studies of the sea floor to obtain its real physical, geochemical and biological informations by means of the in-situ measurement instruments, deployed in each representative area of different sedimentological condition of the Pacific. The second is “DOMES (Deep Ocean Mining Environmental Studies)” of the Office of the Marine Minerals, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), in which the research groups from the Federal organizations such as NOAA and U.S. Geological Survey are in charge of conducting its geological aspects. The third are the programs of the industry groups related to the commercial development of manganese nodules, including prospecting, mining and processing. Four major international consortiums, Deepsea Ventures Group (OMA, Ocean Mining Association), INCO Group (OMI, Ocean Management Inc.), Kennecott Group (Kennecott Exploration), and Lockeed Gr oup (OMC, Ocean Minerals Co.) are now developing their programs, aiming at mining operation tests in the Pacific as immediate objectives.In West Germany, a program, “Researches on manganese nodules”, is actively promoted under the coordination and sponcering of the Ministry of Research and Technology, with participation of the Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources, universities and industries association (AMR, Arbeitsgemeinschaft meerestechnisch gewinbare Rostoffe), using R/V Valdivia (1, 317 tonnage), for the objective areas between Clarion and Clipperton fracture zones of the Pacific.In France, CNEXO (Centre National pour L'Exploitation des Oceans) and its research group, AFERNOD (Association Francais d'Étude et de Recherche des Nodules océaniques) are carrying out “Rsearches on polymetallic (manganese) nodules”, mostly for the southern Central Pacific Basin.In England, a research group has done recently some research cruises on the manganese nodules and metalliferous sediments for the Indian Ocean.
日本地学史編纂委員会 東京地学協会
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.6, pp.835-860, 2018

<p> The development of geomorphology, human geography, history and methodology of geography, regional geography, and geographic education in Japan from 1945 to 1965 are described. Research objectives and methodologies of geomorphology diversified during this period. A series of natural disasters triggered by earthquakes and typhoons raised social demands for disaster prevention and national land-use management. Full-scale geomorphic studies, fused with geology and engineering, started. Historical geomorphology of lowland plains and process geomorphology began to develop, adding to traditional descriptive geomorphology. The Research Institute for Natural Resources and the Geographical Survey Institute contributed to the postwar reconstruction of geomorphology. Aerial photo interpretation and quantitative land surface analyses developed. A hierarchical landform classification for lowland plains was established and applied to many plains in Japan and developing countries, in order to predict areas subject to flooding and land use planning. The postwar education system increased the number of physical geographers. They contributed to the land classification of Japan as a whole and increased interest in Quaternary environmental changes such as climate and sea level changes, as well as crustal movements, which have produced landform diversity. In 1956, they established the Japan Association for Quaternary Research in cooperation with geologists, anthropologists, and archaeologists. Human geographical research in postwar Japan was far more active and diverse than in the prewar years. This was partly the result of an increase in academic posts devoted to human geography in relation to curriculum reforms in secondary and higher education. Initially, settlement geography was a major field of study. Subsequently, historical geography and economic geography were gradually popularized with the establishment of specialized academic societies, which were dedicated to both fields of study. Among the newly emerging fields were urban, social, and cultural geography. The history and methodology of geography were viewed as overarching fields connected to both physical and human geography. Despite ongoing diversification within geographical research, various topics in these fields were addressed by Japanese geographers. This reflected long-lasting debates concerning the disciplinary identity of geography itself. Regional geography and geographic education concerned both physical and human geography. These research fields were invigorated because of the relative importance of geography in Japan's secondary and higher education systems up to the early 1960s.</p>
DEMAREE Gaston R. MAILIER Pascal BEILLEVAIRE Patrick 三上 岳彦 財城 真寿美 塚原 東吾 田上 善夫 平野 淳平
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.4, pp.503-511, 2018

<p> ルイ・テオドール・フュレ神父(1816-1900年)は,パリ外国宣教会の宣教師として極東に派遣された。日本の琉球諸島・沖縄の那覇における彼の気象観測原簿の発見は,19世紀日本の歴史気候学に新しい進展を開くものである。フュレは,1855年2月26日に沖縄の主要な港である那覇(19世紀の文献ではNafaと綴っていた)に到着した。1856年12月から1858年9月まで,彼は1日5回(午前6,10時,午後1,4,10時)の気象観測を行った。水利技師アレクサンドル・デラマーシュ(1815-1884年)は,フランス海軍兵站部によってフュレ神父に委託された気象測器の検定を行った。気象観測は,1850年代のフランスで使われていた気象観測方式に従って実施された。気圧観測データは,気圧計の読みとり値,気圧計付随温度計の読みとり値,そして温度補正した気圧の数値で記載されている。気圧データは,必要に応じて,1850年代に使われたデルクロスとハイゲンスの公式を用いて検定・補正された。この歴史的な気圧観測データを現在の那覇における気圧平年値と比較した。観測期間中の1857年5月に台風が接近通過したことが,ルイ・フュレ神父によって目撃されている。ほかにも何度か気圧の低下が観測されているが,おそらく発達した低気圧の通過によるものであろう。そうしたなかで,オランダ船ファン・ボッセが多良間諸島の近くで難破したことがあったが,船長と彼の妻や船員達は島民に救助された。その後,彼らは沖縄の那覇に移送されたが,そこで3名のフランス人宣教師と出会い,最終的に出島のオランダ交易所からバタビア(現在のジャカルタ)へと航行した。</p>
GROSSMAN Michael J. 財城 真寿美 三上 岳彦 MOCK Cary
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.4, pp.457-470, 2018

<p> 歴史文書は,気象官署による測器を用いた公式気象観測が開始される以前の台風復元において,貴重な情報源となる。本稿では,1877年の日本(北海道,本州,四国,九州)に影響をおよぼした台風について,詳細な情報を含む5つの資料(1:日本で出版された英字新聞,2:歴史天候データベース,3:日本の灯台気象観測記録,4:イギリスおよびアメリカ合衆国の船舶の航海日誌,5:中央気象台の気象観測表)の検証を行った。そしてこれらすべての資料から,1877年において日本に上陸もしくは接近した4つの台風事例(6月11日,7月26-27日,8月25-27日,10月11日)が明らかとなり,歴史文書は,日本における暴風雨の位置,移動経路,風速,気圧,被害などに関する詳細な情報を含んでいることが裏づけられた。歴史文書に記録された台風に関する情報は,台風の襲来頻度や強度,挙動に関する理解を,気象観測や台風観測の詳細な数値データが十分に得られない過去の時代にまで,さかのぼる可能性を有しているといえる。</p>
小泉 武栄
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.98, no.1, pp.73-81, 1989-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
斎藤 実篤
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.100, no.4, pp.616-627, 1991-08-25 (Released:2010-11-18)

Structural characteristics of Recent forearc regions can be divided into three types (shelf type, terrace type, slope type) in terms of the morphology of forearc basins and the topography of basements. The differences in forearc structure seems to correspond with the difference in deformation style of forearc lithospher by subduction. Supply and/or subduction of sediments at trench are secondary factor of forearc deformation. High plate convergence rate leads to widely uplifting of island arc less subsidence of forearc basin (shelf type). Conversely, low plate convergence rate leads to one-sided subsidence of trench side and increasing in undulation of forearc topography (slope type).Sediments from forearc basin can reconstruct the subsidence rate of forearc basin and the vertical movement of island arc and by use of planktonic microfossils and benthic for eminifera which determine the changes in sedimentation rate and paleobathymetry. Thus, forearc basins are tectonic recorder to estimete the arc evolution and the change in subduction styles.
安田 喜憲
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.94, no.7, pp.586-594, 1986-01-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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小池 拓矢 菊地 俊夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.125, no.6, pp.857-870, 2016-12-25 (Released:2017-01-25)
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The objective of this study is to clarify how the landscape is evaluated by participants of geo-tours on Izu-Oshima Island. The Visitor-employed photography (VEP) method is used to identify places where landscape evaluations are concentrated and objects are photographed frequently. Further, this study discusses the impact of interpretations by tour guides on the landscape evaluations of participants. Izu-Oshima Island, located 120 km south of Tokyo, is a volcanic island which was certified as a geopark in 2010. In this study, university students, who were part of a field excursion, were divided into two groups and accompanied by two tour guides. The results of a Kernel density estimation shows that the locations of photographs taken by the tour participants are concentrated in areas where the tour guides provide interpretations. These locations differ by tour group, which indicates that landscape evaluations are influenced interpretations. Each participant chose five favorite photographs from among their own photographs. Photographs of people were preferred. Tour participants took photographs of geological and geographical features as records; however, photographs of people were preferred as happy memories with friends during the tour. It is important to have both academic and entertaining contents in interpretations during educational activities of Geoparks.
戎崎 俊一
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.5, pp.577-607, 2018-10-25 (Released:2018-11-14)
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“Tandem” planet formation, a new theory of planet formation, is described. A steady-state, 1-D model of the accretion disk of a protostar is obtained taking into account magneto-rotational instability (MRI) and porous aggregation of solid particles. The disk is found to be divided into an outer turbulent region, a MRI suppressed region, and an inner turbulent region. The outer turbulent region is fully turbulent because of MRI. However, MRI is suppressed around the midplane of the gas disk, and a quiet area without turbulence appears at rout ( 8-60 AU) from the central star, because the degree of ionization of gas becomes sufficiently low. The disk becomes fully turbulent again at rin ( 0.2-1 AU), because the midplane temperature becomes sufficiently high (> 1000 K). Planetesimals are formed through gravitational instability at both outer and inner MRI fronts. At the outer MRI front, icy particles grow through low-velocity collisions into porous aggregates with low densities (down to ≃ 105 g cm−3). They eventually undergo gravitational instability to form icy planetesimals. Rocky particles, on the other hand, accumulate at the inner MRI front due to the local maximum in gas pressure. They undergo gravitational instability in a sub-disk of pebbles to form rocky planetesimals. They are likely to be volatile-free because of the high temperature (> 1000 K) at this formation site. This is consistent with a model in which the Earth was initially formed as a completely volatile-free planet. Water and other volatile elements came later through the accretion of icy particles with occasional scatterings in the outer regions after solidification of the planet surface. Our new proposed tandem planet formation regime shows that planetesimals are formed at two distinct sites. The former is likely to be the source of outer gas giants and the latter of inner rocky planets. The tandem regime also explains the gap in the distribution of solid components (2-4 AU), and therefore a relatively small Mars and a very small mass in the main asteroid belt. This tandem regime is found not to take place when the vertical magnetic field of the disk is five times weaker than that assumed, because the outer MRI front shifts outward beyond 100 AU. Such a “dispersed planetary formation” regime may explain high eccentricity planets, which are detected in exosolar planetary systems. On the other hand, when the ionization rate due to galactic cosmic-rays is 100 times larger than that of the present value, the outer MRI front shifts down to the inside of the water sublimation zone. Such a “single star formation” regime might explain super Earths or hot Jupiters, because almost all of the rock components in the disk transported to the inner MRI front contribute to planetary formation.
鈴木 康弘 渡辺 満久 廣内 大助
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.6, pp.861-870, 2004-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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The surface faults of the Mid Niigata prefecture Earthquake in 2004 appeared along preexisting active fault traces (lines) of the Obirou fault, as well as the northern part of the western marginal fault of the Muikamachi basin. The vertical displacement of surface faults are within 30 cm, and the three areas with distinct faults can be summarized as follows. At Obirou, in Hirokami village (Uonuma city), the road surface is vertically displaced by approximately 30 cm just along the active fault line, and the waterways located on the fault line are compressed and broken. At Shitakura, in the Horinouchi town (Uonuma city), the surfaces of both the highway and the old road are cracked and vertically displaced by approximately 20 cm. At Aoshima, in Koide town (Uonuma city), the surface faults clearly extend over 500 m in length. Paddy fields, gardens, waterways, roads, and houses are vertically displaced by approximately 20 cm. The facts mentioned above indicate that the Mid Niigata prefecture Earthquake in 2004 (probably the main shock) was caused by the rejuvenation of these active faults.
吉井 敏尅
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.94, no.7, pp.648-655, 1986-01-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
平内 健一 片山 郁夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.124, no.3, pp.371-396, 2015-06-25 (Released:2015-07-10)
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Serpentine minerals (lizardite, chrysotile, and antigorite) are a major group of hydrous phyllosilicates resulting from the hydrothermal alteration of mantle peridotite. Their distinct rheological properties mean that serpentine minerals have a strong influence on the mechanical and seismogenic behavior of faults and plate boundaries in both continental and oceanic settings. In this paper we review the results of laboratory experiments performed to understand the frictional and mechanical properties, and deformation mechanisms of serpentinite. Frictional sliding experiments at low slip rates show that antigorite exhibits velocity-strengthening behavior (a−b > 0) over a wide range of temperature (25-400°C) , while values of (a−b) for chrysotile become negative as temperature increases (25-281°C) . This indicates that the stability of slip along serpentinite-bearing faults depends on the serpentine species and fault depth. Frictional sliding of antigorite at seismic slip rates leads to weakening by flash heating. Axial compression experiments at confining pressures of up to 4 GPa show that antigorite is stronger than lizardite by at least a factor of two. The flow law for dislocation creep of antigorite based on stress values at 〜15% strain also predicts differential stresses that are substantially lower than those for the dislocation creep of olivine at natural strain rates (10−10 to 10−14 s−1) . This suggests that the viscosity of serpentinite promotes slab–mantle decoupling. However, the antigorite flow law should be used with caution because antigorite starts to deform by semi-brittle flow after 〜20% strain. Large-strain simple-shear deformation of antigorite aggregates at high pressure (1 GPa) results in a strong alignment of antigorite c-axes normal to the shear plane. This observation explains the trench-parallel anisotropy beneath the Ryukyu subduction zone. Although dehydration embrittlement is considered a primary cause of intermediate-depth earthquakes, recent high-pressure experiments on antigorite show stable sliding behavior or detect no acoustic emissions during dehydration reactions. We emphasize that the presence of talc derived from the metasomatic alteration of serpentine further weakens and stabilizes the slab–mantle interface and promotes long-lived ( > 1 Ma) detachment faulting.