Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.4, no.1, pp.43-44, 1892
菊地 俊夫 岩田 修二 渡辺 真人 松本 淳 小出 仁
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.6, pp.Erratum6_1-Erratum6_1, 2011-12-25 (Released:2012-01-28)

地学雑誌120巻5号(2011)掲載の菊地俊夫・岩田修二・渡辺真人・松本 淳・小出 仁著「特集号『ジオパークと地域振興』―巻頭言―」(p.729-732)に誤りがありましたので,お詫びし訂正いたします。p.731 右段最終行:(誤)尾形 → (正)尾方
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.30, no.3, pp.201a-202, 1918
豊蔵 勇 岡田 篤正 牧野内 猛 堀川 義夫 長谷川 淳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.5, pp.589-615, 1999-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Construction of the Chubu International Airport has started off Tokoname City (Chita Peninsula) in Ise Bay. Various surveys such as bathymetry, seafloor drilling, sonic prospecting, and geologic examinations of recovered borehole core samples, have been performed to reveal soil engineering characteristics, submarine topography, and submarine geology at the airport site (Chubu Kuukou Chousakai=The Chubu International Airport Research Foundation, 1994). Many fruitful results on the submarine geology have been obtained in these surveys, as follows : (1) The submarine topography is divided into the inshore “Upper submarine terrace”, “Offshore gently sloping sea floor”, and “Submarine scarp” between the two. A submarine channel is trenched southwards on the inshore submarine terrace.(2) The bay area is underlain by the A, B, C1, C2, and T Formations, in descending order. The T Formation is Mio-Pliocene Tokoname Group, the basement of the bay area. The Tokoname Group forms a buried wave-cut platform of a peninsular shape, which extends southwards. On the east side of the peninsular wave-cut platform, a submarine buried valley stretches southwards under the submarine channel and is mostly filled with the A Formation. On the west side of the wave-cut platform runs the Ise Bay Fault, and the A, B, C1, and C2 Formations thicken offshore.(3) The A Formation, which is divided into the A1 (upper), A2 (middle), and A3 (lower) Members, consists of marine muddy strata of the present bottom surface and is correlated with the Nanyo Formation below the Nohbi Plain (north of the Ise Bay). The A Formation is 25 to 35 meters thick, and the 14C ages range from 9, 400 to 5, 200 y. B.P. of Holocene age.The A3 and A2 Member intercalates the U-Oki and K-Ah tephra, respectively, both are widespread tephra layers in Japan.(4) The B Formation, which is divided into the B1 (upper), B2 (middle), B3 (lower), and B4 (base) Members, consists of sand beds and gravelly beds. The B1, B2, and B3 Members are correlated with the Nohbi and First Gravel Formations below the Nohbi Plain, respectively. The B4 Member forms a buried terrace on the west slope of the peninsular wave-cut platform and is correlated with the Toriimatsu or Ohzone Formations, Lower Terrace Deposits in the eastern margin of the Nohbi Plain. The B Formation is of late Pleistocene age.(5) The C1 Formation consists mainly of marine clay beds about 40 meters thick. The fossil pollen composition indicates that the C1 Formation is correlated with the lower part of the Atsuta Formation in the Nohbi Plain and is of middle Pleistocene age.(6) The C2 Formation consists of sand (upper) and gravelly (lower) beds and exceeds 50 meters thick. The fossil pollen composition indicates that the C2 Formation is correlated with the Ama Formation below the Nohbi Plain and is of middle Pleistocene age.(7) The basement T Formation (Tokoname Group) consists of alternating sand and compact mud beds and intercalates two volcanic ash layers, which are correlated with the Souri (upper, Sr) and Higashitani (lower, Hg) Volcanic Ash Layers from the conformity in index of volcanic glass. The Souri and Higashitani V. A. Ls are intercalated within the upper horizon of the Tokoname Group in the Chita Peninsula.(8) The Ise Bay Fault (faults and flexure zone), trending in the NNW-SSE direction, extends in the western margin of the bay area. The Tokoname Group on the east side of the fault trends northwest and gently dips northeast. The Utsumi Fault, trending in the WNW-ESE dircction, extends in the southern margin of the peninsula.The geological relationship between the Chita Peninsula and airport site in the above-mentioned results brings the following problems for further study.
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.4, no.10, pp.485-485, 1892
鈴木 毅彦 藤原 治 檀原 徹
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.1, pp.38-61, 2004
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This study shows the revised stratigraphy and correlations of the middle Pleistocene tephras in and around the Aizu area, Northeast Japan. Significant marker tephras in this area are as follows, in descending order of stratigraphy : Nm-SB, TG, Hu-TK, and Kn-KD from volcanoes adjacent to Oze, So-OT, and APm. Stratigraphic positions of Sn-MT and Sn-SK are not clear, but they seem to be positioned near Kn-KD.<BR>Nm-SB (110 ka) from Numazawa caldera is mainly a plinian pumice fall deposit distributed in the central to western part of Fukushima Prefecture and northern part of Tochigi Prefecture. Eruption producing Nm-SB associated with ash fall, plinian eruption, and pyroclastic flow or pyroclastic surge. TG (125-135 ka), which is characterized by volcanic glass shards with a low index, was probably derived from the Sunagohara caldera. The distribution of fall-out tephra of TG is similar to that of Nm-SB, and pyroclastic flow deposit of TG is recognized southwest to west of the Numazawa caldera and along the western margin of the Aizu basin. The eruption process of TG comprises plinian eruption, pyroclastic flow, and plinian eruption.<BR>So-OT (300-330 ka) is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra derived from the Shiobara caldera. This ignimbrite is known as Otahara pyroclastic flow deposit. On the other hand, fall-out tephra of So-OT has been newly identified. APm tephra beds are significant widespread tephras derived from volcano in the Hida mountains at 330-400 ka. This study corrects a correlation of APm in this area, which was shown by Suzuki (1993). Tephras identified as APm in this study are Nm-13, -14, -16 tephras below So-OT.<BR>Sn-MT (180-260 ka : FT ages) is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra derived from the Sunagohara caldera. The former is part of the Sunagohara-Kubota tephra reported by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996) and the Pyroclastic Flow Deposit I reported by Mizugaki (1993). The latter is the Sunagohara-Kachikata tephra along the western margin of Aizu basin reported by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996), and the Okayaji Volcanic Ash Layer at the eastern foot of Adatara volcano reported by Soda and Saijo (1987). Sn-SK (220 ± 50 ka : FT age), originating from the Sunagohara caldera, was defined by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996). Sn-SK is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra characterized by abundant accretionary lapilli. The latter is correlative to the Minowa Volcanic Ash Layer (Soda and Saijo, 1987) distributed at the eastern foot of Adatara volcano.<BR>All pyroclastic deposits derived from the Numazawa caldera are Nm-NM (5 ka), Nm-KN (50-55 ka), and Nm-SB (110 ka), and those from the Sunagohara caldera are TG (125-135 ka), Sn-MT (180-260 ka), and Sn-SK (220 ka). This means that, at both caldera, explosive eruptions occurred three times over 260, 000 years, and it appears that the active period of explosive eruptions moved from the Sunagohara caldera to the Numazawa caldera. This resulted in the preservation of volcanic landforms with more dissected caldera landforms at the Sunagohara caldera. Intervals between eruptions at the Numazawa caldera range from 50, 000 to 60, 000 years, and the volumes of the three products are similar, indicating periodic and regular activities with a discharge rate of 0.02-0.06 DRE km<SUP>3</SUP>/1, 000 years. On the other hand, the mean interval of eruptions at the Sunagohara caldera is 70, 000 to 40, 000 years, and the discharge rate is estimated to be 0.05-0.08 DRE km<SUP>3</SUP>/1, 000 years : the latter is equivalent to or a little larger than that of the Numazawa caldera.
吉山 昭 柳田 誠
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.104, no.6, pp.809-826, 1995
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In this paper the new methodology for quantitative estimation of uplift rates at inland region was discussed using fluvial terrace surfaces and deposit bases. Previous studies have revealed that river profiles regularly changed according to the cyclic fluctuation of climate and sealevel ; therefore, in the interglacial ages (the marine isotope stage 5e and the present) similar profiles with large concavity formed, and in the glacial ages (stage 6 and 2) linear profiles appeared on the contrary. In upper reaches of rivers, stage 5e valley bottoms were filled with the deposit accumulated in the subsequent glacial stages. Based on these observations, the value of relative height between the stage 5e burned valley bottom and the present river floor (BV value) is considered to indicate uplift during those stages (120-130 ky). Similarly, the value of relative height between the stage 6 terrace and the stage 2 terrace (TT value) can be used as an indicator of uplift during the period between those two stages.<BR>The BV values and TT values distributed along Japanese major rivers were reviewed on the basis of previous studies on terrace development and tephro-chronology. In middle reaches of most of rivers, the TT and BV values at the same sites are concordant to each other. The BV values remarkably decrease upstream in spite of no reduction of the TT values in the upper reaches or branches. This implies that present river profiles have not completely been in equilibrium and are now degrading in the upper streams and branches. As an indicator of long-term uplift rate, the TT values have the advantage of applicability to upper reaches and availability of field data in comparison to the BV value. However, it is impossible to apply these methods in the upper reaches or branches where fluvial terraces are not well developed.<BR>Up until now, the uplift rates in mountainous region were presumed from the outlined altitude of mountains or the amount of eroded material trapped in reservoirs, but have not been examined by direct data. The uplift rates obtained by using TT values and BV values are 0.10.8 mm/year in large number of sites, which are not located in very high mountainous area. Large uplift rates more than 1 mm/year were estimated from TT values at the Kurobe river basin, in the northern part of Chubu mountainous region.
柏木 洋彦 鹿園 直建
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.112, no.4, pp.473-488, 2003-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Climate change and variations of atmospheric CO2 during Cenozoic have been discussed by many studies. The model results for global carbon cycle and climate change are generally consistent with those of many analytical studies concerning climate events in early Cenozoic, e.g., early Eocene warming events. However, the climate events proposed by analytical studies in late Cenozoic are not wholly inconsistent with the results of the model studies, e.g., Miocene climatic optimum (warming), cooling events in Eocene/Oligocene boundary and middle Miocene (15 Ma). Many problems remain in relation to evaluating CO2 flux by hydrothermal solutions at mid-ocean ridges, island-arc, and back-arc basins in the models. Also, the discrepancy may be derived from errors in estimating weathering flux, organic carbon burial, and change in vegetation. Moreover, another greenhouse effect gas such as methane, land-sea distribution, albedo variations due to the formation of ice-sheets, and temperature distribution attributed to changes in the ocean circulation system should be considered. Recent analytical studies reveal that the CO2 level since Miocene has remained relatively low in spite of the suggested climate events in this period. The mechanism of oceanic environmental change, as well as atmospheric CO2, is especially important to elucidate climate change during Cenozoic.
若林 芳樹 小泉 諒
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.123, no.2, pp.249-268, 2014-04-25 (Released:2014-05-16)

This study examines the spatial patterns of population change in the 23 Special Wards of Tokyo after the period of the bubble economy in the late 1980s. To this end, we analyze grid square data suitable for time-series analysis between 1985, when the bubble economy started, and 2005, the latest year for which data are available, using the geographic information system (GIS). After selecting major indicators representing three dimensions of the social area analysis—family status, socioeconomic status, and ethnic status—we map each indicator and make quantitative comparisons of six zones, classified by distance from the city center, and of four sectors classified by direction from the city center. The indicators used in this study are three variables representing family status (ratio of young population, ratio of elderly population, and ratio of single-person families), three variables representing socioeconomic status (ratio of blue collar workers, ratio of managers and officials, and ratio of professional and technical workers), and one variable representing ethnic status (ratio of non-Japanese people). Before analyzing these data, we examine the spatial pattern of population change in the 23 Special Wards between 1985 and 2005. This analysis reveals that a population recovery has occurred since the latter half of the 1990s in central Tokyo, where a previous population decline had continued until 1995. On the basis of this trend of population change, we examine the spatial pattern of each indicator in the social atlas. Concerning age and household composition (representing family status), spatial distribution has gradually shifted from a zonal pattern to a sectoral pattern due to the migration of nuclear families to the area surrounding the city center. The spatial distribution of socioeconomic status represented by the occupational structure maintained a sectoral pattern characterized by a contrast between the eastern and western parts of Tokyo although this distinction has blurred. In particular, the number of managers and officials in the 23 Special Wards has decreased, and the distribution shifted to a zonal pattern, which indicates a polarization of white-collar workers. The distribution of non-Japanese shows a zonal pattern in which the highest value appears in the area surrounding the city center. However, spatial autocorrelation analysis of the distribution of four major ethnic groups by nationality reveals a clustered pattern, supporting the findings of previous studies in Western countries.
吉田 明夫 高山 博之
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.103, no.6, pp.696-705, 1994-12-10 (Released:2009-11-12)
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We show that seismic activity decreased clearly in a wide area before the 1953 Boso-oki earthquake and the 1972 Hechijojima-toho-oki earthquake. In both cases the seismic quiescence extended to the Tokyo Metropolitan area. Marking precursory activity appeared several years before the Boso-oki earthquake in the Chiba prefecture and in the sea region off-Ibaraki prefecture. It is also noted that the seismicity in the Kanto region as well as in the sea region south off-Boso Peninsula decreased conspicuously after the Boso-oki earthquake. On the contrary an increase of the seismicity was observed after the Hachijojima-toho-oki earthquake, although deep seismic activities decreased remarkably. We show that seismic quiescences preceding the Boso-oki earthquake and the Hachijojima-toho-oki earthquake were detectable before their occurrences, and no other statistically significant quiescence has appeared in the south off-Kanto region since 1926. It is proposed that the occurrence of a large earthquake may be predicted by monitoring changes of the seismicity in a wide area.
武村 雅之
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.4, pp.440-457, 1999-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Immediately after the 1923 Kanto Earthquake (M=7.9), two large aftershocks of M=7.2 and 7.3 occurred in succession somewhere in the southern Kanto district. The first aftershock occurred about 3 minutes after the main shock and the second about 4.5 minutes after the main shock. Strong ground motions from these events and locations of their epicenters were examined mainly from data of 548 descriptions of personal experiences. It was deduced from them that shaking due to the first aftershock was severe in the Tokyo Metropolis and eastern Kanagawa prefecture. In consequence, there were many descriptions in the Tokyo Metropolis that the shaking was as strong as that due to the main shock and caused extensive damage.On the other hand, there were few descriptions for the first aftershock in the western area of the southern Kanto district, which is western Kanagawa prefecture, Yamanashi prefecture, and eastern Shizuoka prefecture. However, shaking due to the second aftershock was strong in this area. Some people living near the boundary of the three prefectures described that its shaking was as strong as that due to the main shock. Comparing the facts described in these personal experiences with the distributions of seismic intensities from other M=7 class earthquakes occurring in the southern Kanto district after the 1855 Ansei Edo Earthquake, it was concluded that the epicenter of the first aftershock was located in and around northern Tokyo Bay and that the epicenter of the second aftershock was in eastern Yamanashi prefecture. The result for the second aftershock was consistent with the epicenter determined from the seismic records by the Kumagaya Meteorological Observatory and with the epicentral distance estimated from data of S-P time at the Gifu Meteorological Observatory. The characteristics of the sequence of strong shakings within 5 minutes after the 1923 Kanto Earthquake could be elucidated in the southern Kanto district from the results of the present study.
浦辺 徹郎 沖野 郷子 砂村 倫成 石橋 純一郎 高井 研 鈴木 勝彦
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.118, no.6, pp.1027-1036, 2009-12-25
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Since the discovery of rich microbial communities at and around seafloor hydrothermal sites, their extension towards the oceanic crust beneath the seafloor is of great interest not only for microbial physiology/ecology but also for a wide range of Earth and planetary sciences. How can the communities survive in such an extreme environment? What kinds of metabolism are in action? It is proposed that the sub-seafloor ecosystems are characterized by different kinds of chemosynthetic primary production (carbon fixation), all of which are supported by chemical energy supplied from the sub-seafloor aquifers. We designate the unseen aquifers as sub-seafloor TAIGAs (great rivers) which are responsible for a geochemical flux equivalent to or even larger than that of terrestrial river runoff (<i>e.g.</i> Wheat and Mottl, 2000). Besides, they are responsible for supplying nutrients to microbes beneath the seafloor. We hypothesize that there are four representative TAIGAs based on the chemical energy of compounds of sulfur, carbon (methane), iron, and hydrogen, all of which are supported by the TAIGAs. It is important to note that the sub-seafloor ecosystems are controlled extensively by or are mutually related to the types of TAIGA that flow at the site. The hypothesis can be tested through cooperative research among microbiologists, geochemists, geophysicists, and geologists.
青木 健一
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.111, no.6, pp.849-855, 2002-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Aspects of cultural transmission in humans are reviewed with special reference to evidence for and against vertical (parent-to-child) and non-vertical transmission. Henrich's (2001) model of biased horizontal transmission may satisfactorily account for the S-shaped adoption curves (e.g., for the spread of hybrid seed corn). The demic expansion hypothesis for the spread of early farming in Europe (Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza, 1971, 1973) is reevaluated in the light of new theoretical results (Aoki et al., 1996). Hewlett et al.'s (2002) test of the demic expansion, acculturation, and cultural-materialistic hypotheses on 36 African ethnic groups is described.
越谷 賢 丸井 敦尚
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.3, pp.421-440, 2012-06-25 (Released:2012-07-09)

Three-dimensional earth sciences information is being made available in digital formats because such information is useful and understandable to various users. In this study, we develop a three-dimensional hydrogeological model of Tsukuba City and the surrounding region, and develop a method for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of aquifers in combination with the three-dimensional hydrogeological model and other related hydrogeological information with the primary objective of proposing a method for evaluating groundwater resources. The three-dimensional hydrogeological model was developed using a geological map and drilling data with data interpolated using a geostatistical method. The model developed reproduced the data used well, and it was found to be accurate for practical use. Moreover, this model could be used for various types of visualization, from which information could be extracted and applied immediately to numerical simulations; this provided information that was useful and understandable for evaluating groundwater resources. The proposed method for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of aquifers was developed from hydraulic conductivities obtained from various drilling surveys, which were grouped together taking geology and stratigraphy into consideration based on a three-dimensional hydrogeological model, and using a statistical analysis. This method can be used to rapidly evaluate trends in hydraulic conductivity by integrating data distributed over a broad area. In addition, if a columnar section of an evaluated point is obtained, this method can be used to determine the actual hydraulic conductivity of aquifers. Therefore, these methods were found to be effective for evaluating groundwater resources.

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