仲田 康一
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
vol.52, pp.96-110, 2010-05-30 (Released:2017-07-06)

Though recent educational reforms have led to decentralised school management and parental participation in school administration, the basis of these reforms is thought to be vulnerable. In particular, some researchers express concerns about the relative inferiority of parents. Sociologists in the United Kingdom indicated the marginalization of parent governors by governors from other categories such as co-opted governors from industry or local governors (Vincent 1996; Deem et al. 1995). Thus, this paper aims to clarify the following two issues in Japanese context; (i) to affirm the existence of inactiveness of parents in School Management Committee's discussion and (ii) the reason of parental inactiveness. To approach these issues, I use a case study method in a specific school, which has a School Management Committee (shorten as SMC). I use the following three data sources; the minutes of SMC, interview transcripts, and field notes of the transaction in SMC. There were three main findings from my analysis, (i) There are so-called "silent members" in the formal discussion within SMC, who rarely, if ever contribute to the transaction, and they are unevenly concentrated in parent category. (ii) These "silent members" felt the restrictive condition which has resulted from following two points; 1) Local power relations affect the atmosphere of SMC discussion. 2) Parent members felt the difficulty to represent the large diversity of parents' views to education. (iii) However, across the years, the difference of activity between categories has been maintained and reproduced by the following two points; 3) Local residents become good advisers for the head teacher so that the agenda of SMC come to be preset between the head teacher and local residents, excluding parent members. 4) Local residents also become enthusiastic school supporters. In contrast, parent members are relatively busy because of everyday child rearing, their own job and regular PTA tasks so that the attitude of parents is seen somewhat "unsupportive". As a result, preferential value-adding to locals silenced parent members. As a proposition, I assert that the position of parents among the actors in governing schools reflect the micro social relationship within the school community.
神林 寿幸
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
no.57, pp.79-93, 2015-06-15

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether engagement in non-teaching work causes heavy workloads of elementary school and junior high school teachers in Japan. Today, teachers' heavy workloads are focused on in Japan. Japanese teachers have longer hours for non-teaching work (for example, paperwork). This is policy issue in Japan. Moreover, some research of Educational Administration points out engagement in non-teaching work (paperwork, dealing with complaints from parents etc.) causes teachers' overloads in Japan. On the other hand, some studies point out involvement in instructions for extracurricular activities (for example, club activities, student counselling) causes Japanese teachers' heavy workloads. Based on the above, we can have a question: what kind of work causes overloads of Japanese teachers? In order to solve the question, several regression models are constructed whose dependent variables are teachers' senses of workloads and whose independent variables are the amount of working hours per a week of 20 each work (teaching, instruction for club activities, paperwork etc.). And then comparison among the values of 20 regression coefficients is conducted, which show how much teachers' senses of workloads rise when the teachers engage in 20 each work for an hour. Through this analysis, we can realize what work makes Japanese teachers feel heavy burdens. The results are as indicated below. 1) Workloads of junior high schools teachers are heavy who have more hours to deal with parents' complaints and paperwork. 2) Moreover, workloads of junior high school teachers are heavy who have more hours to involve in instructions for extracurricular activities. And workloads of elementary school teachers are heavy who have more hours to involve in school events and students counselling. 3) Workloads of female teachers are heavier than those of male teachers. Moreover, workloads of teachers are heavier who a familymember requiring long term care. According to above, in order to lighten Japanese teachers' workloads, we need pay more attention to the amount of teaching in schools and teachers' work-life balance.
古田 雄一
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
no.57, pp.110-124, 2015-06-15

Many disadvantaged youth in the United States are suffering not only from an academic achievement gap, but also from a profound civic empowerment gap- a widespread marginalization of those youth from civic engagement. Those who are in the low socioeconomic status are much less likely to be civically or politically engaged. The purpose of this study is to explore the significance and possibility of school-based citizenship education to empower youth in poverty and to overcome the civic empowerment gap. Specifically, a case of an urban school which has implemented Public Achievement is investigated. Public Achievement is a grass-roots, project-based citizenship education program, in which teams of young people discuss and solve problems in schools, neighborhoods, or broader communities. Poor neighborhoods tend to shape a hidden curriculum that instills powerlessness in youth and keeps them away from civic engagement. Schools, on the one hand, may reproduce and reinforce the disempowering hidden curriculum in the surrounding community; by not providing adequate civic learning opportunities, schools would send a message to students that they are not expected as productive citizens. On the other hand, the case in this study also suggests the strong possibility of school-based citizenship education; by providing an authentic civic learning opportunity like Public Achievement, schools may be able to empower students, teachers and community members by showing "the world they have never seen", and thus transform the hidden curriculum. Since most poor neighborhoods have many obstacles and very few resources to combat civic empowerment gap, it is significant that schools in such neighborhoods actively promote school-based citizenship education.
日永 龍彦
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
vol.57, pp.40-50, 2015-06-15 (Released:2017-07-06)

This study traces the process of the establishment and transformation of university autonomy in Japan. The concept of autonomy is defined by the combination of self-governance and self-government. This study focuses on the latter, especially self-government against the power of the state, because the state has repeatedly tried to intervene in university autonomy since the Meiji era. In order to trace this process, the author divided these approximately 150 years into three periods. The first is from the beginning of the Meiji era to 1952. In this period the modern universities were established, autonomy was gradually forming as a custom before World War II, and the bureaucratic control of universities so far was eliminated after the war. The second is from the end of the occupation by the Allied Powers to the end of the 20th century. In this period the government colluded with industry to try classifying the universities into several types of higher education institutions, but they were finally forced to abandon this attempt and leave the universities to diversify themselves. The government also had to abandon the higher education policy of strictly regulating the numbers of universities and students because the number of children was rapidly declining. The last period is from the start of this century to the present. In this period the Prime Minister led deregulation and used evaluation as a tool for allocating financial resources to universities. At the start of university evaluation, the government clearly stated considering university autonomy and regarded the mission and objectives of each institution as evaluation standards. Recently the government has intensified intervening in the missions and objectives of the universities and is forcing university classification, making a distinction in financial support among the universities.
青木 栄一
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
vol.57, pp.24-39, 2015-06-15 (Released:2017-07-06)

This article investigates why educational administration bodies in Japan receive criticism for being highly independent from local governors or governments, when educational administrations are more dependent on governing bodies than police and firefighting administrations. Until recently, in the field of educational administration, it was regarded as axiomatic that educational administrative bodies are highly independent from local governments. However, we find the following: (1) The independence of the educational administration is lower than that of the police and firefighting administrations. A person who is appointed superintendent of education may either have teaching experience, or be an administrative officer within a governor's bureau. In contrast, only police officers may become chiefs of prefectural police headquarters, and only fire department officers may be appointed as a fire chief. Additionally, the number of personnel exchanges between governor's bureaus and secretariat of education boards is larger than those between governor's bureaus and either prefectural police headquarters or fire departments. Therefore, educational administrations are more dependent on local governments than police firefighting administrations. (2) Educational administrations have more posts for branch office heads (principals) than police administrations (chief of police station) or firefighting administrations (fire station chief). Educational administrations thus have more positions and policy resources within local governments. Though educational administrations are not actually highly independent from local governments or governor's bureaus in terms of personnel management, especially at the levels of branch office head positions within local government, they receive severe criticism from local politicians and heads of government. The notion that these bodies are highly independent may result from primarily considering educational administrations in terms of boards of education, which themselves exist as administrative committees independent of a governor's bureau.
河野 和清
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
vol.30, pp.91-106, 1988

During the 1950's and the early 1960's, the so-called "theory movement" in American educational administration was initiated and actively developed under the influence of logical positivism. The theory movement provided us with the positivistic paradigm which attempted to study administrative phenomena in the mode of scientific inquiry. This paradigm, until very recently, has dominated inquiry and discourse in educational administration. But, as early as the 1970's, serious questions have been raised about the usefulness of hypothetico-deductive theory and research developed or conducted during the movement. Though there was already critique of the theory movement from its early years, according to J. Culbertson, T. B. Green-field was the first scholar to criticize systematically the presuppositions underlying the core ideals of this movement from phenomenological point of view. The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics and the significance of phenomenological approach proposed by Greenfield. The contents are as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Characteristics of the theory movement 3. Epistemological question 4. The view of organization and the research methodology of phenomenological approach 5. The significance of phenomenological approach The debate between the theory movement's pioneers and those who questioned the pioneers is much needed and to be welcomed, for it opens new avenues for pursuing the study of educational administration. The phenomenological approach gives a good deal of impetus to the methodological self-examination and self-awakening in educational administration studies.
坂野 慎二
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
vol.57, pp.51-62, 2015-06-15 (Released:2017-07-06)

After the government change to FDP (Free Democratic Party) in 2012, the process of the educational policy making in Japan is changing. The educational committee of FDP shows the guidelines at first. Then the educational committee of the minister president discusses the contents of the FDP committee. After that the central educational committee in the educational ministry can make detail concepts. That means the central educational committee will have less power than in the past. After World War II, the concept of check and balances by the layman control and the professional leadership was imported in the educational administration from the U.S. to Japan. The educational committee law was built in 1948, but because of the much power of the educational board, the law was quitted and the new law was built in 1956. The change of local educational administration law in 2014 will bring a new relationship between the governors/ mayors and the boards of education in each prefecture/ city. The educational policy evaluation is developing not only in the state level but in the local level. In 2001 the Japanese Parliament regulated the mid-term policy evaluations. The educational ministry makes a report of self-evaluation and a new policy plan every year. In addition to such policy evaluation activities the cabinet must decide a five years educational policy plan. In the local level most of the prefectures and cities are evaluated by themselves every year. The educational policies must be evaluated since 2008. The problems of the policy evaluations are developing of the indicators, which must clarify the results and the effects of the educational policies. In many countries the Evidence-based policy making is a popular tendency. In the educational policies the results of the standardized tests are used for the evidences of the educational policies.
牧田 章
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
no.37, pp.59-67, 1995-06-01

A new relationship between school and community is now on a desirable stage. The rapid urbanization in the last decade loses its speed in 90's. However drastic change has been observed in the population structure and the style of living in many local communities. Schools are expected to build far more improved curricula in regard to the community involvemet. The pilot schools, we may call them leading schools in this respect, show some similar features in improving school curricura utilizing the various resources in the community. They are making necessary internal effort with effective support from the school board and relevant institutions in the community. The current problems we are facing now are as follows: (1) Working strategies should be developed for the support to each school, (2) School leaders should be encouraged cope with the community resources in making the school curricula adequate to the student needs, (3) Linkage among schools in the community should be promoted to find effective devices in order to improve school of each, (4) School board and education center should play a leading role in further development of school improvement.