菊地 栄治 永田 佳之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.68, pp.65-84, 2001

One of the outstanding phenomena of Japanese education in the last few decades has been the increasing number of children with a psychological hatred toward attending school. These "school-refusers" have rapidly increased in number, coming to exceed 130,000 in the 1990s. In order to resolve this newly emerging problem, the government has implemented a number of educational reforms at various levels. However these efforts based on "operationalism" have not brought the problem settled. The present authors believe that it will be impossible to find a solution without regarding the phenomena not as a burden to the existing systems of our society, but rather as a mirror image of modern society. Therefore, our attention should be directed not to discovering the causes of "school-refusing" and to shifting the responsibility onto their mental defects, but to creating "public spheres" in pluralistic educational systems. This paper, which focuses upon various forms of alternative learning for "school-refusers" in Japan, endeavors to depict the whole picture of Japanese alternative education. First, it begins by reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of some thoughts on "publicness" by several thinkers such as H.Arendt, J.Habermas, N.Fraser, R.Sennett. Second, the authors attempt to give a picture of the present situation of alternative education in Japan with quantitative and qualitative analysis from the findings of a questionnaire survey conducted in 1999. Third, in order to take an objective view of the existing educational system, the paper describes some trends in alternative education and supporting systems in countries as the United States, Denmark, Republic of Korea and Thailand. It is indispensable to examine these actual movements in and outside the country and search for possibilities for creating our own "public spheres." In conclusion, the paper attempts to discuss some portions of the "message" we receive from these alternative practices and finally the authors stress the importance of taking a self-reflective attitude towards the creation of "public spheres."
菊地 栄治
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.41, pp.136-150, 1986-10-15

Some complicated factors are causing many Japan's high schools to homogenize classroom composition. Under the circumstances, tracking is regarded as one of the most useful concepts. Having widened its range of application, tracking remains to be used as a "metaphor". Thus, this paper has three interrelated matters as follows. First of all, the conceptual refinement of "tracking" and "differentiation" leads us to redefine the former as a sub-category of the latter. Then, many kinds of tracking can be understood in light of some "anatomical" features, which are comprised of criteria of selection, locus of decision-making, scope, visibility, and so forth. Secondly, the intervening processes are examined. Tracking is followed by two different processes before and after track placement. Each of them is summarized as anticipatory socialization and sequences of some tracks, and as differential distribution of three major "resources" ......instruction, peers, and label (expectation). Finally, what we call "grass-roots" research is conducted. Using intensive data from two high schools, we examine the differentiation processes of educational expectations. Our findings suggest that institutionalized internal tracking per se (eg. "banding" in "A" High School) can be operated as a "sorting machine", and that such a function is fulfilled mainly through the differential distribution of various "resources", although not automatically caused. Hereafter, an attempt to grasp the dynamics of tracking-construction could help us to have a proper understanding of such a practice.
菊地 栄治
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.51-70, 2016

<p> 本論文では,グローバル化社会における「能力」の社会的定義に焦点を合わせ,「質保証」問題を手がかりにしながら,高校と大学の教育実践と接続関係に与える影響について吟味する。高校教育の多様な実態との齟齬等を中心に,これまでの改革の言説と実践の問題点を批判的に考察する。最後に,具体的な実践事例の知見にもとづきながらもうひとつの改革モデルを提案する。一連の考察によって得られた知見は,以下の通りである。<BR> 第一に,「質保証」問題は,低成長時代に特有の功利主義に影響されながら語られている。大学での「教養」の解体とともに経済ニーズが直接に教育のありように影響し始めている。<BR> 第二に,「学士力」の定義は,有用性と広範さを特徴としており,実体論的な定義と線型的な自己成長が含意される点で旧来の理論の域を出ていない。<BR> 第三に,新接続テスト(=二種類の共通テスト)が政策提案されているものの,矛盾と齟齬を抱えている。かつ,多様化した高校の実態とは大きく乖離した内容にとどまっている。<BR> 第四に,実際の高校教育の実態は,学力と規律の点で向上しているが,職務多忙化の中で生徒・教師間の関係性の深さは浅くなってきており,教師の自律性も減衰している。<BR> 最後に,主に大阪の高校の事例研究をふまえて,〈一元的操作モデル〉から〈多元的生成モデル〉へと学びの構造転換を図ることの重要性が浮き彫りになる。</p>
越智 康詞 菊地 栄治 加藤 隆雄 吉原 惠子
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.32, pp.119-146, 1993-03-30

Many gender studies are based on the concept of patriarchy which stresses the dichotomous distinction between women and men and which focuses on men's domination over women. But, in reality, women cannot be understood by the single category of "women" which is implicitly presupposed in the theory of patriarchy. They consist of multiple and differentiated layers. And the mechanisms through which femininity and domesticity are produced and reproduced should be reconsidered from the point of both feminine culture and the pratique or strategic actions of women. In this paper, the data from the survey of the women undergraduate students (for details, see Section I) are analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In Section II, quantitative data are analyzed from the viewpoints of feminine socialization and housework practices (chapter A), feminine culture of consumption, domesticity and object-favoritism (chapter B), relationships between marital and professional perspectives (chapter C) and "conservatization" by two types of feminine strategic actions (chapter D). In Section III, the qualitative data (free description) are analyzed concerning the future expectation (chapter A), advantageous and disadvantageous experiences of being women (chapter B), and transformation of notions about males and marriage (chapter C). The perspective of "differentiation and ambivalence of femininity" is effective to analyze the (post-) modern gender relations.
菊地 栄治

菊地 栄治 池田 賢市 亀田 温子 栗原 真孝 白川 優治 高田 研 高橋 亜希子 永田 佳之 仁平 典宏 丸山 英樹 宮古 紀宏 椋本 洋 吉田 敦彦 吉本 圭一 和井田 清司 平塚 眞樹
