廣田 照幸 森 直人 寺脇 研 二宮 祐 丸山 和昭 冨士原 雅弘 小野 方資 末冨 芳 佐久間 亜紀 徳久 恭子 荒井 英治郎 布村 育子 植上 一希 筒井 美紀

廣田 照幸 佐久間 亜紀 筒井 美紀 徳久 恭子 荒井 英治郎 植上 一希 末冨 芳 布村 育子 森 直人 小野 方資 宇内 一文 丸山 和昭 冨士原 雅弘 長嶺 宏作 古賀 徹 岩田 考 太田 拓紀 清水 唯一朗 二宮 祐 冨士原 雅弘 佐藤 晋平 田中 真秀 金子 良事 長嶺 宏作 香川 七海 中嶋 亮太 高木 加奈絵

末冨 芳
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.79, no.2, pp.156-169, 2012

末冨 芳
高等教育研究 (ISSN:24342343)
vol.11, pp.207-228, 2008-05-26 (Released:2019-05-13)

大学立地政策とは工場等制限法における大学新増設規制とともに,文部行政による設置認可や定員管理といった複合的な法・政策を意味する.本稿では大学立地政策の規制効果を検証するために,東京都所在大学を対象とし,大学の立地動向の質的分析と学部学生数および大学移転の変動に関する量的分析を行った.対象年度は1955,1965,1975,1985,1995,2005年度の6時点である. 先行研究においては日本における大学進学率の上昇とそれとともに浮上した地域間の進学機会格差,その是正のための大学地方分散の必要性といったことがらへの関心から,文部省の高等教育計画・政策に関する政策研究や,大学立地政策が大学生の地域間移動におよぼした影響の計量的評価等の分析が蓄積されてきた.ただし,大学立地政策の規制対象となった都市に中心的に着眼し,大学の立地や学生数がいかなる変動を見せてきたのか,という視点からの研究が不足しており,この分野での研究の蓄積が必要とされる状況にある. こうした課題意識のもとで,東京都に所在した大学について学部・学科・学年別に所在地と学部学生数をデータベース化し(東京都所在大学データベース),所在地に関する質的分析と,学部学生数と大学移転パターンに注目した量的分析を行った. その結果,(1)先行研究ではあきらかとはなっていなかった東京都規制対象地域における学部の新増設抑制効果は1975-85年度に顕著であったこと,(2)1995年度と2005年度データの比較から学部学生の「都心回帰」はまだ確認されないこと等が判明した.
廣田 照幸 佐藤 晋平 森 直人 二宮 祐 丸山 和昭 香川 七海 冨士原 雅弘 長嶺 宏作 太田 拓紀 小野 方資 末冨 芳 神代 健彦 田中 真秀 徳久 恭子 岩田 考 宇内 一文 荒井 英治郎 金子 良事 筒井 美紀 布村 育子 古賀 徹 植上 一希

竹内 洋 稲垣 恭子 細辻 恵子 目黒 強 末冨 芳 佐藤 八寿子 細辻 恵子 目黒 強 末冨 芳 佐藤 八寿子 冨岡 勝 高山 育子 井上 好人 石井 素子 野口 剛 山口 晃子

末冨 芳
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.77, pp.5-25, 2005-11-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

Why do parents pay to have their children educated? The aim of this article is to clarify parental awareness and motives for paying for their children's education, focusing on the parents of high school and college students.Firstly, a theoretical framework is proposed for parental fund-injection behavior into their children's education. This behavior can be defined using two criteria. The first is Investment, Consumption or Gift, and the other is Child-Oriented or Parent-Oriented.Secondly, a statistical analysis is performed using survey questionnaires targeting parents of high school and college students, and the following results are obtained.1. Over 50% of parents agree with the two statements, “College life is valuable for acquiring life knowledge, ” and “Studying at university will improve a child's ability and skills.” Many parents have a strong awareness toward their children finding employment and making progress. These results demonstrate that a relatively high rate of parents have the awareness of “Child-Oriented Consumption” and “Child-Oriented Investment.”2. The results of the factor analyses are as follows. Four factors are derived from high school student's parent data: “producer of child's ability, ” “gift inter vivos, ” “necessary costs, ” “expectation of returns, ” and three factors are derived from college student's parent data: “producer of child's ability, ” “assessment of profitability, ” and “gift inter vivos.”3. The model of parents as sponsors of educational expenses can be determined from the positive and negative signs of the factor scores. The largest group of parents of high school students is the “Living Wallet”(16.1%) whose factor scores are all negative. The second largest group is the “Devoted Self-seeker”(15.4%) whose factor scores are all positive. Looking at parents of college students, the largest group is the “Devoted Self-seeker”(31.2%), and the second largest group the “Living Wallet”(29.4%).Finally, based on these findings, parents as the sponsors of educational expense can be separated into two types. One fits the theoretical framework of this article and the other does not. The motives and awareness of the first type can be explained as Investment, Consumption or Gift. However, we cannot explain the latter type, or “Living Wallet.” The motives of the “Living Wallet” do not fit within the framework developed in this paper. It is likely that they have extremely negative motivations, such as risk aversion strategies or educational expenses as insurance. Further research is necessary to clarify this issue.
末冨 芳
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.31, pp.133-150, 2005-10-14 (Released:2018-01-09)

Delegation of power from the central government to local governments or each public compulsory school is now proceeding. The Ministry of Education, therewith, has emphasized "participation" of residents and parents in community. In this article, such a situation is called educational reform with decentralization. Educational reform is interesting because an austere fiscal policy is included in this decentralization and residents participation included in education reform makes an especially powerful impact on the school. From the financial perspective, this reform may benefit from allocating a limited educational budget efficiently thorough participation of residents and parents in public schools. On the other hand, residents and parents may be used as a cheap manpower to compensate for the lack of educational resources. From a political perspective, this reform may be a good opportunity to regenerate a social network in the community and empower residents, parents and children. On the other hand, this reform may stir up conflicts between residents. In this article, methods of residents and parent's cooperative management of a public school and children's education which ensure the diversity of residential and parental membership in "participation" are examined. First, in education reform with decentralization, which emphasizes the character of parents and inhabitants as "cooperative managers," the features of recent public schools which improve the adaptability to "club goods" as set up by James Buchanan is established. Therewith, it is pointed out that the limit of the "club goods" concept is in the assumption of "homogeneous membership." In theories of social science, discussion of the assumption of "homogeneous membership" is maturing. Putnam, who insists that "participation of parents and community to school improvement" is important for education in public schools and children, emphasizes the importance of "active membership." On the other hand Selle and Stromsnes criticize Putnam because a "passive member" is important to keep political pluralism as a basis of democracy. Such discussion about "membership" is important to enable us to consider how to treat various members in collective decision-making about the cooperative management of public schools and children's education. Second, quantitative feature of "active members" and "passive members" of public elementary school parents, differences of expectation level in schools between these two membership groups and factors that influence membership are grasped. As a result of this analysis, it is clear that 19.2% of parents are "active members" (205 parents) and that 25.4% are "passive members" (270 parents). Moreover, it turns out that the "passive members" have a high concern with public schools and children's education, almost at the same level as "active members." Thirdly, the method of cooperative management of public schools and in education in terms of various memberships is considered, including treatment of "passive members."
末冨 芳
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.34, pp.160-178, 2008-10-10 (Released:2018-01-09)

This article aims to clarify the importance of the devolution of power and authority to schools in the Japanese educational finance system. With this goal in mind, the systems of educational finance in Japan, the United Kingdom, and Sweden are analyzed from the perspective of authority distribution between the central government, local government, and schools. "School" here is defined as public compulsory primary and secondary schools. In the United Kingdom's educational finance system, the central government has great power, while in Sweden local government is the main authority in the educational finance system, yet both countries promote reform decentralization at the school level. There is, however, the reality that in the Japanese educational finance system the school is not actually given much authority or power. Japanese elementary and secondary schools thus have many difficulties facing them in terms of acquiring adequate school budgets for school administration and effective budget allocation. In recent years, contract research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has shown that approximately 70-80% of Japanese head teachers feel a deficiency of budget and a lack of authority. On the other hand, MEXT has been emphasizing a policy of building up "attractive schools." Not surprisingly, this policy has not made much progress because of this lack of ultimate authority. In the international context countries such as the U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, and various EU nations have seen decentralization at the school level in terms of teacher salaries, the right of employment, and allocation of the school budget. The actual situation of school decentralization, especially the political context in the U.K. and Sweden, are clarified here with the aim of promoting Japanese decentralization to schools. Nowadays, the Japanese government promotes not so much decentralization to schools but to local governments to build up effective and attractive schools. The importance of school-based management and budgets must therefore be recognized. Comparative analysis of the U.K, Sweden and Japan points to the importance of schools in the system of educational finance and administration. This paper first outlines the educational finance system of Japan, the U.K. and Sweden. Then the relevancy between the level of decentralization at the school level and the features of educational finance systems in general are examined. One finding is that there is little direct relevance, in terms of the level of decentralization for schools, concerning the political context of each country. The political background and context of decentralization to school are then investigated, followed by a discussion of the theoretical importance of decentralization to the school level, referring to the theory of School Based Management (SBM) and School Based Budget (SBF). Finally, the importance of the promotion of decentralization to schools, and the conditions needed to achieve this, are examined.
末冨 芳
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.77, pp.5-25, 2005-11-15

Why do parents pay to have their children educated? The aim of this article is to clarify parental awareness and motives for paying for their children's education, focusing on the parents of high school and college students. Firstly, a theoretical framework is proposed for parental fund-injection behavior into their children's education. This behavior can be defined using two criteria. The first is Investment, Consumption or Gift, and the other is Child-Oriented or Parent-Oriented. Secondly, a statistical analysis is performed using survey questionnaires targeting parents of high school and college students, and the following results are obtained. 1. Over 50% of parents agree with the two statements, "College life is valuable for acquiring life knowledge, " and "Studying at university will improve a child's ability and skills." Many parents have a strong awareness toward their children finding employment and making progress. These results demonstrate that a relatively high rate of parents have the awareness of "Child-Oriented Consumption" and "Child-Oriented Investment." 2. The results of the factor analyses are as follows. Four factors are derived from high school student's parent data : "producer of child's ability, ""gift inter vivos, ""necessary costs, ""expectation of returns, " and three factors are derived from college student's parent data : "producer of child's ability, ""assessment of profitability, " and "gift inter vivos." 3. The model of parents as sponsors of educational expenses can be determined from the positive and negative signs of the factor scores. The largest group of parents of high school students is the "Living Wallet"(16.1%) whose factor scores are all negative. The second largest group is the "Devoted Self-seeker"(15.4%) whose factor scores are all positive. Looking at parents of college students, the largest group is the "Devoted Self-seeker"(31.2%), and the second largest group the "Living Wallet"(29.4%). Finally, based on these findings, parents as the sponsors of educational expense can be separated into two types. One fits the theoretical framework of this article and the other does not. The motives and awareness of the first type can be explained as Investment, Consumption or Gift. However, we cannot explain the latter type, or "Living Wallet." The motives of the "Living Wallet" do not fit within the framework developed in this paper. It is likely that they have extremely negative motivations, such as risk aversion strategies or educational expenses as insurance. Further research is necessary to clarify this issue.