荷宮 文夫 鎌田 政秀 松尾 梅雄 久保田 瑞恵 久保田 孝文
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.32, no.4, pp.510-519, 1978-11-30

In the subjects of Down's syndromes from 3 to 22 years of age (48 males, 26 females), we examined the appearance rate of morphological abnormalities about the giant teeth, microdont and peg-shaped teeth. 1. The appearance rate of morphological abnomalities of the permanent teeth crown for the male was 57.8% (26/45), for the female 52.2% (12/23), very high frequency. The sexual difference was not almost acknowledged. 2. It was showed that the frequency of morphological abnormalities about the present permanent teeth for the male was 17.4% (135/775), for the female 13.6% (57/419), in upper jaw the male 19.3% (70/362), the female 17.5% (38/217), in lower jaw the male 13.7% (65/413), the female 9.4% (19/202). The sexual difference in the maxilla was hardly showed. In the appearance rate of the mandible the male was higher than the female, the rate was higher in the upper jaw than in the lower jaw through both sexes. 3. In the morphological abnormalities of the tooth crown, the giant teeth appeared only the male 0.3% (2/775), the microdont teeth the male 16.5% (128/775), the female 11.9% (50/419). Peg-shaped teeth appeared in the male 0.6% (5/775), in the female 1.7% (7/419). 4. The tooth of high frequency about morphological abnormalities was in the upper lateral incisors in both male and female subjects, the male 52.8% (28/53), the female 51.4% (19/37), after this the upper second premolar, the lower second premolar and the upper and lower first premolar.
元島 博信
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.36, no.1, pp.26-39, 1982-02-25

The circumvallate papillae and foliate papillae of the pigs tongue were studied with an optical and an electron microscope. The materials was obtained from 15 individuals (original country ; Hampshire and Landrace) ages 6-7 months. Main results obtained were as follows. 1. The circumvallate papillae, showing ellipse in shape, were found in a pair symmetrically located near the indistinct border between the tongue root and body. The secondary papillae, which were well developed were observed over 10 in number on their dorsal surface. There were the mucous glands, opening to their dorsal epithelium surface, and solitary lymphonodules in the lamina propria mucosae. 2. The foliate papillae, showing oval bulges on the mucous membrane, were found in a pair symmetrically located on the tongue margin opposed to the circumvallate papillae. They consisted of parallel ridges with 3-6 grooves. There were the mixed glands, opening to the bottom of the furrows, and solitary lymphonodules in the lamina propria mucosae. 3. Occassionally, a cell-like structure which filled the taste canal was found in the buds. Its appearance was suggestive of either wandering of a leucocyte or discharge of a cell of the buds. 4. There occassionally occurred buds with two pores among the large-sized ones. 5. Three cell types, I, II and III, except undifferentiated cells in the basal portion were clearly discriminated in the buds, as in other mammalia. 6. There were sometimes recognized the dark cored nuclear bodies in the nucleus of the type II cell, and isolate cilium in the lateral surface of the type III cell. 7. Some of the taste hairs, microvilli, appeared to be had club-like with bulged tip.
一田 利道 冨山 望 田村 仁美 永野 茂紀 藤田 邦彦 山口 和憲
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.56, no.5, pp.201-207, 2002-10-25

体位の変化により下顎位が前後的に移動することは知られているが, それに伴う下顎位の変化が咬頭嵌合位の咬合接触状態に及ぼす影響を数量化したものは少ない.今回の研究では, 体位の変化に伴う下顎位の相違が, 咬合力や咬合接触関係に及ぼす影響について, 咬合力測定システムを用いて, 定量的に検討することを目的とした.顎関節症状や咬頭を被覆するような補綴物がなく, 第3大臼歯以外に欠如歯がない, OverjetおよびOverbiteが2∿4mmの良好な咬合を有する本学学生男性10名, 女性13名, それぞれの平均年齢 : 25歳4ヶ月, 23歳3ヶ月, 年齢幅 : 22歳11ヶ月∿28歳3ヶ月, 19歳3ヶ月∿31歳5ヶ月の計23名を対象とした.計測に当っては内容をよく理解してもらい同意を得た.咬合力測定システム用プレスケールの内からDental prescale 50H R typeを用い, 座位における自然頭位と, 水平位において仰臥位で被験者がリラックスした頭位で, 2秒間の最大咬みしめを1回ずつ行った.同様に日を変えて一人につき計3日間の計測を行った.データは専用測定器Occluzer FPD 703により解析し, 25MPaから120MPaの範囲で体位別の咬合状態を数値化し, 統計処理を行った.その結果, 咬合力, 咬合接触面積, 平均咬合圧, 咬合バランスについては有意な個人差があり, 日を変えて測定しても座位, 水平位間に有意差は認められなかった.以上より, 良好な咬合を有する成人では計測値に個人差はあるが, 座位, 水平位間で咬合力や咬合接触関係に有意な差が見いだせないことから, 頭位に影響を受けず咬合が安定していることが示唆された.
中島 民治
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.40, no.4, pp.787-806, 1986-08-25

Topographic anatomical study of the cranial base around the foramen magnum of 52 male Middle Kyushuites (9 in 20-29 year-old, 6 in 30-39 year-old, 11 in 40-49 year-old, 17 in 50-59 year old, 9 in 60 and older) was done from both the scopical and the metrical points of view. The data were obtained not only by the others' methods including the Martin-Saller's, but also by the author's own. The author statistically compared these data with those of the other Japanese local groups, Mongolians, Ainus, Germans and the French. Regarding the foramen magnum of the male Middle Kyushuites, the two-semicircular shape was observed most frequently, and this was the same as Germans. And the means of its length and its breadth were smaller than those of the Kantoites of Sudo (1952). The mean of the area of the foramen magnum was 827.6mm^2. The complete oval shape of the external orifice of the canalis caroticus occurred more frequently on the right side than on the left side. The complete bony bridging of the foramen jugulare tended to be more frequent on the right side than on the left side. And this was the same as the Kantoites. The double complete bony bridging of the foramen jugulare was observed on the left side of 48-year-old male. These divided foramen must be separately penetrated by the internal jugular vein, the glossopharyngeal n., the vagus n., and the accessory nerve, respectively. The cases of the bony bridging of the canalis hypoglossi of the male Middle Kyushuites were also observed and its frequency was lower than that of the male Ainu of Dodo (1974). The absence of the canalis condylaris was observed more in the male Middle Kyushuites than in the Ainu. The antero-posterior ratio of the double jugular foramen was 6.2, and the posterior part was larger than the anterior part. The antero-posterior ratio of the double hypoglossal canal was 2.3, and the posterior part was larger than the anterior part.
清末 徹治
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.54, no.6, pp.510-520, 2000
3 7

Tooth crown traits of the Hui of Liao-ning province, China, were examined and compared with 23 East Asian populations in order to clarify the anthropological position of the Hui based on Mongoloid dental variation. Plaster models were taken from 81 male and 87 female students, 16 to 19 years of age, of the Hui tribe middle high school in Sheng-yang. Nineteen non-metric traits of tooth crown were classified using the Arizona State University dental anthropolpgical system and counted with the individual count method. The frequencies of 19 traits in the Hui were compared with 23 East Asian populations. On comparing the eight crown traits that indicated high frequencies were Double shoveling (UI1), Canine medial ridge (UC), Lingual cusp variation (LP2), Hypocone (UM2), Carabelli's trait (UM1), Protosylid (LM1), Deflecting wrinkle (LM1) and Cusp 7 (LM1), and low frequencies Winging (UM1^2), Interruption groove (UI2), Tuberculum dentale (UI2), Cannine distal accessory groove (UC), Odontome (UP1), Cusp 5 (UM1), distal trigonid crest (UM1), Cusp 6 (LM1) and Y-groove pattern (LM2). On comparing the eight crown traits that indicated significant differences between Sinodonty which is typical of Northeast Asia, and Sundadonty which is typical of Southeast Asia, the Hui had six Sinodont-like traits : Shoveling, Double-shovel, Carabelli's trait, Cusp 5, Deflective wrinkle and Y-groove pattern, and two Sundadont-like traits : Winging and 4 Cusp. Two major clusters were obtained from a cluster analysis on the Ward method among 23 East Asian populations and the Hui, based 19 crown traits. One was Sinodonty cluster, and the other Sundodonty cluster. The Hui was included in the Sinodonty cluster. The Sinodonty cluster were divided into two subclusters, one was the Han and Japanese group, and the other the Chaoxian and the Man group. The Hui was included in the latter. Furthermore, the multidimensional scaling analysis showed that the Hui was closest to the Chaoxian and the Man, and nearest to Sundadonty as contrasted with typical Sinodonty. Judging from the above analysis, it was proved that the dentition of the Hui was characteristic of both Sinodonty and Sunndadonty, and the Hui was the closest to the Chaoxian and the Man in the East Asian Mongoloid populations.
中村 修一 河野 博之 松延 彰友 久保田 浩三 庄野 庸雄 冨永 和宏 牧 憲司 椎葉 俊司 小野 堅太郎 岡部 幸子 森本 泰宏
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.58, no.5, pp.178-186, 2004

The aim of this study was to elucidate the significance and problems of Kyushu Dental College Hospital as a key hospital for neighborhood dental offices. We sent out questionnaires to 322 dentists in neighboring dental offices. Within 2 weeks, we received the questionnaires by mail, and analyzed them. A total of 128 questionnaires were returned (response rate, 40%). Of the respondents, 89% had attended dental-related lectures within the previous year. A total of 95% of respondents had at least one patient a year for whom they could not carry out the care alone. The majority of these patients received care related to oral surgery, and 67% of these patients were transported to Kyushu Dental College Hospital. The major reason for choosing Kyushu Dental College Hospital was that the dentists working there had good skills and also had personal communication with the referring dentists. Systematic improvement and skill preparedness in all departments, and in particular, oral surgery, and establishment of personal communication between our hospital's dentists and dentists in neighborhood dental offices should lead to success for our hospital and for neighborhood dental offices.
六反田 篤 真鍋 義孝 村上 守良 伊東 励
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.37, no.2, pp.479-484, 1983-04-25

The authors conducted the somatological measurement of head and face, and the impression taking of the upper and lower dental arches on 85 adults who lived in North Kyushu Region. After examining the correlations between the measured values of the head and face, and the dental arch, we have reached the following conclusions : 1. In terms of lengths, there is a positive correlation in the total of males and females, between head length and upper dental arch length. 2. In terms of lengths and heights, there is a positive correlation in the total of males and females, between head length and palatal vault height. 3. In terms of breadths, there is a positive correlation in the males and the total of males and females, between head breadth and upper and lower dental arch breadth, between bizygomatic breadth and upper and lower dental arch breadth, and between bigonial breadth and upper and lower dental arch breadth. 4. In terms of breadths and lengths, there is a positive correlation in the males, between bizygomatic breadth and lower dental arch length, in the females, between head breadth and upper dental arch length, between bizygomatic breadth and lower dental arch length, in the total of males and females, between head breadth and upper and lower dental arch length, between bizygomatic breadth and upper and lower dental arch length. 5. In the terms of breadths and heights, there is a positive correlation in the males, between bizygomatic breadth and palatal vault height, in the total of males and females, between head breadth and palatal vault height, between bizygomatic breadth and palatal vault height. 6. In the terms of heights, there is a positive correlation in the males, between auricular height and palatal vault height, in the females, between morphological face height and palatal vault height, in the total of males and females, between auricular height and palatal vault height, between morphological face height and palatal vault height. 7. In terms of heights and lengths, there is a positive correlation in the females and the total of males and females, between morphological face height and upper and lower dental arch length. 8. In terms of heights and breadths, there is a positive correlation in the males, between morphological face height and upper dental arch breadth, in the females, between morphological face height and upper and lower dental arch breadth, in the total of males and females, between auricular height and upper dental arch breadth, between morphological face height and upper and lower dental arch breadth. As descrived in the above, the correlation between the head and the face, and the dental arch showed more positive results in the maxilla than in the mandible, and more positive results in the face than in the head. The Person in North Kyushu Region was more balanced between the head and the face, and the dental arch than in the Person of Miiraku and Katumoto.
高田 豊
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.62, no.6, pp.231-237, 2009-02-25

真鍋 義孝
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.43, no.3, pp.489-522, 1989-06-25

Nineteen tooth crown traits of Yami tribe, Taiwan Aborigine, were examined and compared with 16 East Asian populations in order to clarify an anthropological position of Yami based on Mongoloid dental variations. In the eight traits which show considerable difference between Sinodonty which is typical of Northeast Asia, and Sundadonty which is typical of Southeast Asia, shoveling (UI1), Y-groove (LM2) and deflecting wrinkle (LM1) of Yami were similar to those of Sinodonty, while winging (UI1), cusp 5 (UM1) and Carabelli's trait (UM1) of Yami were similar to those of Sundadonty. Double shovel (UI1) and 4-cusp (LM2) of Yami lie midway between Sinodonty and Sundadonty. Two major clusters were obtained from a cluster analysis on Smith's MMD among 16 East Asian populations and Yami, based on 19 crown traits. One was a Sinodonty cluster, and the other was a Sundadonty cluster. Yami was included in the Sinodonty cluster. Furthermore, the principal co-ordinate anlysis showed that Yami, in Sinodonty, was nearest to Sundadonty, in contrast to typical Sinodonty. Judging from the above analyses, it was proved that the dentition of Yami was characteristic of both Sinodonty and Sundadonty, and had more resemblance, if anything, to Sinodonty rather than to Sundadonty.
熊谷 恒雄 野代 平治 和田 正紀 緒方 大象
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.6, no.2, pp.1-4, 1952-06-15

主として泥鰌を使用し, その味覚神経を露出し, 髯の味蕾に味覚剌戟を作用さして, 其際現れる神経の活動電圧を電磁性並びに陰極線オシログラフで記録した。用いた剌戟は酸, 鹹, 苦甘で, 前2者は作用強く, 后2者は弱い。溶液の濃度は著明な影響を及ぼす。尚陰極線オシログラムの調和分析を試みた。神経と髯との連絡には安全地帯の法則が見られる。
伊東 励 金 晧 久保 博英 金子 政則 小林 繁 富 成志 張 庭〓 王 文奎
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.6, pp.947-956, 1996-12-25

In August to September of 1995 the authors conducted an anthropometry of the head and face and measurement of the dental arch on Chinese Liao-Ning (66 males and 83 females), and the results were discussed. Furthermore, the correlations between the measurements of head and face, and those of dental arches and palate height were studied. The main results obtained are as follows : 1) Head length : the mean value for the male is 181.0mm and for the female 170.4mm. Both belong to Middle type. 2) Head breadth : the mean value for the male is 155.3mm and for the female 151.6mm. Male belong to Middle type and females belong to Wide type. 3) Bizygomatic breadth : the mean value for the male is 140.3mm and for the female 133.5mm. Both belong to Middle type. 4) Morphological face height : the mean value for the male is 124.0mm and for the female 114.6mm. Both belong to High type. 5) The head-type of the Chinese Liao-Ning belongs to Hyperbrachycephalic type and the face-type to Leptoprosopic type. 6) Correlation : The significant positive correlation is noted between the morphological face height and lower dental arch length only in the male, while that between morphological face height and palate heght is noted in both male and female.
荷宮 文夫 末原 靖弘 矢野 健一郎 上田 茂治
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.22, no.2, pp.119-136, 1968-09-30

A dental morphological study was investigeted on the population in the Kyushu district. Items of measurement concerning the male and female in the magnitude are as follows : the breadth of dental arch, breadth of mandible alveolar, circumscribing length of dental arch, anterior and posterior palatal height, palatal breadth, length of palatal arch and length of median suture of palate.
植田 英澄
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.38, no.4, pp.629-653, 1984-08-25

Difference by sex in human tooth was investigated with regard to the followings : size of the upper central incisors, cuspids, first premolars, and upper and lower first molars ; measurement of each part of the occlusal surface of the upper and lower first molars and upper first premolars ; hardness of the hard tissue and measurement of the hard tissue and dental pulp chamber of the upper central incisors, cuspids, and first molars. The results were as follows : 1. Men showed greater measurement for every item than women. The greatest difference was seen for the upper cuspids and first molars. In contrast, the difference was slight for the upper central incisors and first premolars. The greatest difference by site was in the longitudinal length and the least difference was in the crown width. 2. Of the measurements of the upper and lower first molars, inter cuspal peak distance and occlusal surface area were significantly greater in men than in women. However, little difference was seen for talonid as compared with trigonid of the lower first molars. 3. Microhardness of the hard tissue of tooth was higher in men than in women. That is, enamel was harder in men than in women for all of the upper central incisors, cuspids, and first molars, Similarly, dentin showed greater hardness in men for all the measured items. The crown showed higher hardness than the root, and the hardest site in the crown was at about 300-500μm deep from the enamel-dentin border. Hardess of cementum was considerably lower than that of enamel and dentine. Men showed higher values than women for the upper first molars, but very little difference was seen for the upper central incisors and cuspids. 4. Although little difference by sex was seen in thickness of enamel, women tended to show higher values. This suggested that attrition and abrasion are greater in men than women. No difference at all was seen in dentine thickness for the upper central incisors. For the upper cuspid and first molars, no great difference was seen, although significant diffirence was seen in part. Thickness of cementum showed no difference for the upper central incisors and first molars. Thickness was significantly greater in men than in women for the upper cuspids. 5. Size of the pulp chamber showed no difference for the upper central incisors and first molars. For the upper cuspid, only the labiolingual distance of the pulp canal was significantly greater in men than in women.
村岡 衛
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.62, no.5, pp.126-131, 2009-01-25

歯科領域では口腔顔面痛は避けて通れない問題である.さらに苦痛である以上,心理的な側面が表面化する場合が有る.九州歯科大麻酔科と8年にわたって病診連携を行ってきた.これらの症例の経過,予後について報告し,歯科領域でみられる精神障害に対する考察を行った.その内訳はうつ病性障害,妄想性障害,PTSD,不安性障害,疼痛性障害,身体表現性障害,恐慌性障害などであった.DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)-IVはアメリカ精神医学会が編集した精神疾患の診断基準集であるが,上記の精神疾患の分類はこの診断基準に従った.これらの診断基準を示し,うつ病性障害,妄想性障害,PTSD,疼痛性障害の症例を提示した.病診連携の延長上に麻酔科と4年間にわたって口腔心身症の勉強会を行ってきた.この結果として,歯科医にとって理解しがたいと考えられていた心因が主である病態も診断基準に照らし合わせれば共通の認識をもちうることが解った.元来精神科領域である患者さん,二次的に起こる不安,情動の不安定さに至った患者さん達も歯科と共有できる診断基準を利用することによって症状を緩和する手段がみつかり,解決に向かいうることが解ってきた.また,薬物療法について症例を通して解説し,比較的容易にとりかかれるBrief psychotherapyについても触れてみた.
永松 有紀
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.3, pp.515-531, 1996-06-25
13 1

B型肝炎ならびにエイズの知識が広まるに伴って, 院内感染対策に大きな関心がもたれるようになった.印象は血液あるいは唾液の混入による感染の危険性が高いため確実に滅菌する必要があるが, 消毒・滅菌方法の中には, 印象および模型の寸法ならびに表面性状に影響をおよぼすものがある.本実験では, 顕著な殺菌効果であり, 歯科臨床においても広く用いられるようになった電解酸性水のアルジネートおよびシリコーンゴム印象に対する適切な滅菌方法を考察するために, 種々の処理を施した場合の殺菌効果を調べた.印象採得時に, プラスチック原板(1.0×10^6個の生菌を塗布)からアルジネート印象に4.0×10^5個(40.0%), シリコーンゴム印象表面には2.1×10^5個(21.0%)の生菌が付着した.蒸留水によりこれらを処理した場合に, シリコーンゴム印象では物理的作用により4.5×10^2個(0.2%)まで除菌可能であった.電解酸性水は, アルジネート印象に対して浸漬・超音波洗浄あるいは洗浄後浸漬の処理で, シリコーンゴム印象ではこれらに洗浄・スプレー噴霧およびガーゼによる拭き取りを加えたすべての処理により100個以下に生菌数は低下しており, 顕著な殺菌効果を示した.電解酸性水によるアルジネート印象材の練和を行った場合には殺菌効果はまったくみられなかった.印象の採得時に, ほとんどの菌はアルジネート印象の表面から1mm深さまで浸入しており, 1∿3mm深さではわずかな菌が点在しているだけであった.一方, シリコーンゴム印象では菌の浸入は認められなかった.電解酸性水への単純な浸漬はわずか1分間で被検菌を数個までに減少させており, 超音波洗浄の物理的効果を付加した場合と比較して有意差はみられなかった.浸漬処理を行う前に洗浄による前処理を行うことで, いずれの印象でも菌は検出されず, この組合わせ処理により印象表面を無菌状態にできた.以上の結果より, 電解酸性水はアルジネートおよびシリコーンゴム印象に高い殺菌効果を示すことが示唆された.
永松 有紀
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.3, pp.515-531, 1996
13 8

B型肝炎ならびにエイズの知識が広まるに伴って, 院内感染対策に大きな関心がもたれるようになった.印象は血液あるいは唾液の混入による感染の危険性が高いため確実に滅菌する必要があるが, 消毒・滅菌方法の中には, 印象および模型の寸法ならびに表面性状に影響をおよぼすものがある.本実験では, 顕著な殺菌効果であり, 歯科臨床においても広く用いられるようになった電解酸性水のアルジネートおよびシリコーンゴム印象に対する適切な滅菌方法を考察するために, 種々の処理を施した場合の殺菌効果を調べた.印象採得時に, プラスチック原板(1.0×10^6個の生菌を塗布)からアルジネート印象に4.0×10^5個(40.0%), シリコーンゴム印象表面には2.1×10^5個(21.0%)の生菌が付着した.蒸留水によりこれらを処理した場合に, シリコーンゴム印象では物理的作用により4.5×10^2個(0.2%)まで除菌可能であった.電解酸性水は, アルジネート印象に対して浸漬・超音波洗浄あるいは洗浄後浸漬の処理で, シリコーンゴム印象ではこれらに洗浄・スプレー噴霧およびガーゼによる拭き取りを加えたすべての処理により100個以下に生菌数は低下しており, 顕著な殺菌効果を示した.電解酸性水によるアルジネート印象材の練和を行った場合には殺菌効果はまったくみられなかった.印象の採得時に, ほとんどの菌はアルジネート印象の表面から1mm深さまで浸入しており, 1∿3mm深さではわずかな菌が点在しているだけであった.一方, シリコーンゴム印象では菌の浸入は認められなかった.電解酸性水への単純な浸漬はわずか1分間で被検菌を数個までに減少させており, 超音波洗浄の物理的効果を付加した場合と比較して有意差はみられなかった.浸漬処理を行う前に洗浄による前処理を行うことで, いずれの印象でも菌は検出されず, この組合わせ処理により印象表面を無菌状態にできた.以上の結果より, 電解酸性水はアルジネートおよびシリコーンゴム印象に高い殺菌効果を示すことが示唆された.