平岡 一幸 阿部 はる奈 田島 滉太
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.44, no.1, pp.6-15, 2021-06-30

この小文は本学における初等数理教育の素材提供の試みとして、「歌声」に おける「母音」に焦点を当て、その倍音の成分を実験的に解析します。同じ高さの音でも、例えば「ラ ; La ; A」 に相当する440 Hz の周波数の高さの音でも、我々は、「あ」、「い」、「う」、「え」、「お」の5母音の歌を歌い分けます。 それではその5母音の違いはどこから来るのでしょうか?この疑問に答えるため、「フーリエ級数」や「フーリエ級数展開」という数学の手法を用います。このフーリエ解析により各母音の特徴を比較・整理し、「美しい声」で歌うための研究課題を明確にすることがこの小文の目的です。 更に重唱や合唱における母音の重なりを取り上げます。
清水 智 坂田 修一 福田 聖斗 辛 徳
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.43, no.1, pp.15-20, 2020-06-30

小沢 一仁 Kazuhito OZAWA 東京工芸大学大学工学部基礎・教養
東京工芸大学工学部紀要. 人文・社会編 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.23, no.2, pp.94-106, 2000

The purpose of this study was to understand the concept of Identity Understanding the concept of Identity for self-understanding, it was pointed out that Identity was "I" was "Me." What is "I"and what is "me?". It pointed that "I" was the heart, the soul of a person and "me" was the physical person, with all of one's environment, personality, limits, destiny, and potentials that lay within. And a person had some "ibasyo"-places in a society". It was discussed that in the places In a society he or she had a sense of identity.
坂田 修一 清水 智 福田 聖斗 辛 徳
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.43, no.1, pp.10-14, 2020-06-30

近年,深層学習を活用することでロボットによるピッキング作業の自動化が進んできており作業の効率化が行われている。本研究では深層学習を用いて一般物体認識を行い、物体との距離を深度カメラで測定し、ピッキングを行うシステムを制作することを目的とする。実験では、認識システムのモデル選定実験、深度カメラの性能実験、ピッキング実験を行った。結果、認識システムは YOLOv3·Tinyを採用した。深度カメラは実距離との誤差が平均 0.2cm だった。ヒ゜ッキング実験では物体をピッキングすることに成功した。課題として、座標に問題があるため修正が必要である。
植野 義明
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.42, no.1, pp.14-24, 2019-12-25

海老澤 模奈人
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.41, no.1, pp.27-44, 2018-06-30

本稿は、1920年代のドイツにおいて、集合住宅の住戸平面の研究を科学的な分析に基づいて行った建築家アレクサンダー・クラインを対象とする。前半では、1920年代後半に彼がドイツの建築雑誌に発表した一連の住戸平面研究の成果を整理し、解説した。さらに同時期の日本におけ るクラインの受容の一面についても言及した。後半では、クラインがドイツ で設計した大規模ジードルク(住宅団地)である大ジードルンク・バート・ デュレンベルクを取り上げ、当時の雑誌記事などの資料をもとに、建築の特徴を明らかにすることを試みた。また、クラインの住戸平面研究と実際 に建設されたジードルンクの住戸との関係を検討した。さらに建設後から現在に至るジードルンクの変遷についても補足した。This paper discusses Alexander Klein's research on dwelling unit plan and his largest project of housing estate, Gross-Siedlung (large housing estate) Bad Dürrenberg, near Leipzig in Germany.Alexander Klein (1879-1961), a Russian-born architect, dealt with study to improve residential environment in small dwellings in Germany during Weimar period. He developed the graphical methods to evaluate plan of dwelling unit objectively, for example the diagram to analyze the motion of dweller in rooms and so on. His studies were published in many German architectural journals in the late 1920s and introduced also in Japanese architectural journals in 1930.In 1928 Klein designed the large housing estate consisting of 1000 dwellings in Bad Dürrenberg. In this project he designed six types of dwelling units which reflected his studies and had such characteristics as functional layout of rooms with original furniture, improvement in dark entrance room, widening of room by use of balcony and so on. Although all of the Klein's planning had not completely realized, the apartment blocks by Klein have been maintained until now and accept inhabitants as before.
植野 Yoshiaki UENO 東京工芸大学工学部基礎・教養
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.21, no.1, pp.86-92, 1998

This paper will present an overview plot of a new discrete mathematics course. Its intended audience is non-science majors. The unique feature of this course is its use of computer algebra. After creating some super magic squares of size 5 by hand, super magic squares of size 4 are classified with the aid of Mathematica. Then the mathematical structure of these magic squares will be examined through an innovative approach by the author. Students can learn the use of arithmetic of modulo m, and the 4-dimensional geometry over the field with two elements. Overall, the goal of this course is to make the student a critical consumer of mathematical games, to understand what a mathematical structure is and how it works. We also mention that magic squares will provide good examples 'in nature' to motivate the student in a linear algebra course.
植野 義明 Yoshiaki UENO 東京工芸大学工学部基礎・教養
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.21, no.1, pp.86-92, 1998

This paper will present an overview plot of a new discrete mathematics course. Its intended audience is non-science majors. The unique feature of this course is its use of computer algebra. After creating some super magic squares of size 5 by hand, super magic squares of size 4 are classified with the aid of Mathematica. Then the mathematical structure of these magic squares will be examined through an innovative approach by the author. Students can learn the use of arithmetic of modulo m, and the 4-dimensional geometry over the field with two elements. Overall, the goal of this course is to make the student a critical consumer of mathematical games, to understand what a mathematical structure is and how it works. We also mention that magic squares will provide good examples 'in nature' to motivate the student in a linear algebra course.
野呂 浩 Hiroshi NORO 東京工芸大学工学部基礎教育研究センター
東京工芸大学工学部紀要. 人文・社会編 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.24, no.2, pp.30-38, 2001

Scholars of American literature have produced innumerable interpretations on Nathaniel Hawthorne's masterpiece The Scarlet Letter. Notably, each different approach to the work has revealed a different viewpoint hidden within the story. Here, the story is to be analyzed in relation to the lifelong inner angst of author Nathaniel Hawthorne. This new approach shows the main characters to be individuals into whom the depth of Nathaniel Hawthorne's psychological mindset has been projected. Arthur Dimmesdale, a young minister, reflects the author's internal struggle over his ancestor's past involvement in the judgement of witches, including at the Salem witch trial in 1692. Chillingworth, a diabolical man, represents Nathaniel Hawthorne's sense of guilt, and shows his commitment as an artist to observing people's inner souls. Hester's freethinking manner and way of life can be seen as Nathaniel Hawthorne's strong determination to become an independent artist, and one who is never to fall victim to the stains of the past and society. Nathaniel Hawthorne's longing for British culture is reflected in Pearl. The particular end that each character meets can also be interpreted as carrying its own unique message. Nathaniel Hawthorne is very negative about Chillingworth; the author shows no sympathy for his own inevitably sinful fate of peeping into people's inner souls. The implications of Dimmesdale's death after his final confession on the scaffold are somewhat ambiguous. It is uncertain whether he was saved or severely judged. More likely, there is a mixture of both elements, and his death clearly shows us that the sinful lifestyle of Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestors must end. Hester ultimately returns of her own free will to the puritan society of Boston, after having lived for a while in the Old World with her daughter Pearl. Hester's return tells us that Nathaniel Hawthorne's desire for freedom includes the possibility of serving the puritan society. Pearl is the only character alive at the end of the novel, happily married, and possibly in England. Nathaniel Hawthorne's decision to live as an artist includes aspirations of British heritage. Dimmesdale's inherited strong animal nature is the root of the persecuting spirit in the history of the author's' ancestors. Therefore, the scarlet letter A in the story can be interpreted as the initial letter of the word 'animal.'
平岡 一幸
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-8, 2018-06-30

この小文は本学における初等数学の教育の素材提供の試みとして、音楽の「音」 の規則である「音律」に焦点を当てます。 近代・現代の音楽は平均律が主流ですが、純正律の方がハーモニーが美しいと言われます。 その美しさにアプロ ー チするため、 純正律と平均律を数理科学的に解析し、 両者を比較・整理するの がこの小文の目的の一つです。更に、純正律で奏でられる機会が多い「合唱音楽」を取り上げ、 具体的な演奏について考察します。