森 幹彦
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.16, no.6, 2001-11-01

本論文は, ユーザによりフィルタリングされた情報の共有と, Web検索エンジンの特徴の利用によって, より質の高いWeb検索への実現を論じたもので, 全6章より構成される.第1章「序論」に続き, 第2章「情報検索」では, 情報検索を行ううえで必要な基礎的技術について述べ, 第3章「Web検索」では, 従来のWeb検索に関する現状と課題について述べている.第4章「ブックマークエージェント:協調的情報フィルタリングによる情報検索」では, ユーザの特徴を表す情報がブックマークであると考え, 協調的情報フィルタリングを用いてユーザグループ内での情報検索の質的向上を実現する手法としてブックマークエージェントを提案している.実験を行った結果, ユーザの記憶を補い, グループ内における知識の貯蓄に適していると結論づけている.第5章「MetaWeaver:検索エンジンの専門分野に適応するメタ検索エンジン」では, 暗黙的な検索エンジンの専門分野を発見し, それを利用して検索エンジンの結果を有効利用するメタ検索エンジンMetaWeaverを提案している.MetaWeaverは, その検索語のヒット数によって検索エンジンの専門性が測れるとし, それを検索エンジンの特徴を表す情報として利用している.MetaWeaverは, 検索エンジンの専門性を考慮して, 適合するWebぺージを検索して上位に提示できることから, さまざまな分野における情報検索に適用できることを述べている.最後に第6章「結論」では, 本研究で得られた知見をまとめ, 結論を述べている.
佐藤 浩 久保 正男 福本 力也 廣岡 康雄 生天目 章
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.15, no.6, pp.974-981, 2000-11-01
土屋 俊 堀内 靖雄 石崎 雅人 前川 喜久雄
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.14, no.2, pp.231-242, 1999-03-01
小方 孝 堀 浩一 大須賀 節雄
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.11, no.1, pp.148-159, 1996-01-01

In this paper, we describe a basic framework of the narrative generation system for supporting human creative tasks. The narrative generation process by computer is divided into the conceptual representation level and the surface language generation level, and we deal with only the former level here. The conceptual representation is divided into three aspects; story, plot, and construction. While the story is an events sequence that was arranged according to a temporal order, the plot is an events sequence that was reorganized by an order which each event is introduced into a narrative. These three levels in a narrative are constructed as tree structures. Terminal nodes in the tree structures are events and all nodes other than them are relations that connect subordinate nodes. Narrative generation is performed by expanding or transforming a tree structure. In the story and construction generation, the system enlarges each tree by expanding events or partial trees using appropriate relations, and in the plot generation, a story tree is transformed into a plot tree through the connection relations among nodes in it are rearranged. We call narrative techniques the procedures to expand a tree through applying relations to nodes or to transform a tree using actors" viewpoints or plot patterns. On the other hand, we call narrative strategies the rules to decide a current executable narrative technique and the node to which it is applyed according to narrative parameters that define the features of a narrative to be generated through narrative generation process. The system generates a narrative by executing appropriate narrative techniques under the control of narrative strategies based on a set of events and narrative parameters were given by user. This narrative generation mechanism has some remarkable characteristics. First, the system can flexibly generate a variety of narratives from one input. Next, the system has an ability that integrates a variety of theories or knowledge representations and that extends the system itself. These advantages are relate to clear separation among narrative techniques, narrative strategies, and knowledge base. Lastly, by above reason, the system has potentiality that can use for various purposes. We can change or add each modules in it to apply to specific areas.
陳 慧 ファー ベルーズ 河野 善彌
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.12, no.4, pp.616-626, 1997-07-01

This paper reports on a systematic construction method of an expert system for automatic software design. The systematic construction requires: 1. systematic knowledge acquisition; and, 2. systematic method for the design and the implementation. For the former, a software development organization with high maturity is taken as a target expert, and its hierarchical design work process is chosen as the knowledge model. The hierarchical design work process intersects with hierarchically organized documents. As design knowledge is thus hierarchically sectioned, systematic acquisition of the design knowledge becomes possible, resulting in a hierarchical framework with respective design process knowledge in each part. Based on this knowledge model, the model of an expert system for automatic design may be derived. Architecture design on this model is the first part of the systematic construction. For the latter, detail of systematic construction of an expert system unit, corresponding to a work process, is explained. Throughout the design, major Software Engineering practices are followed and further care has been taken to detail the design hierarchically in a small step. This systematic construction leads to a standardized procedures for actual design work. The expert system's characteristics of detailing of design and the learning effect of design knowledge are also reported.
赤間 清 繁田 良則 宮本 衛市
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.12, no.2, pp.266-275, 1997-03-01

We propose a new framework for solving problems based on equivalent transformation of logic programs, where equivalent transformation is defined as changing programs preserving their declarative semantics. In the conventional logic programming, we (1) represent the knowledge in the given problem in terms of a logic program, (2) formalize the given problem as proving the given query from the knowledge, and (3) solve it in use of inference rules, such as resolution. In contrast, our new method does not use inference but equivalent transformation of logic programs. In the new method we (1) represent the knowledge together with the given query in the given problem as a logic program, (2) formalize the given problem as finding its equivalent logic program in a certain form, and (3) solve it by equivalent transformation of logic programs using equivalent transformation rules. Many problems, including the kind of problems which Prolog solves, are formalized and solved in the new method. The computational framework given here is called the Rule Based Equivalent Transformation (RBET). The validity of computation is strictly guaranteed by use of equivalent transformation rules, even if extralogical predicates are used in rules. Transformation rules are more expressive than Horn clauses in Prolog. RBET has the flexibility in the applications order of equivalent transformation rules, which makes efficient computation possible by the control of rule application based on rule preference.
神田 陽治 渡部 勇 三末 和男 平岩 真一 増井 誠生
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.8, no.5, pp.601-610, 1993-09-01
25 11

GrIPS is a groupware that aims to enhance people's creative abilities by assisting them in the creation and organization of ideas. The prototype of GrIPS works on three workstations connected by LAN and supports creative meetings, such as planning meetings. The methodological basis of GrIPS is diagram drawing, which consists of two stages, the idea divergence stage and the idea convergence stage. In the first stage, the participants of the meeting are encouraged to collect ideas in a brain-storming manner. In the second stage, they create a set of cards, each of which describes a collected idea, and draw a diagram that illustrates the groupings of the cards and the connections between them. The effective presentaion to the others could be done with the final diagram. GrIPS never substitutes the computation for human creativity, but it helps human activity, providing three new functions : associative keyword retrieval, automatic diagram drawing and individual-basis sound mixing. The associative keyword retrieval lists up lots of relative words, which can be picked up as elements of ideas in the first stage. The automatic diagram drawing converts a complex diagram into an easy-to-understand diagram that has the same structure as the original in the second stage. The redrawing is done by heuristics. The individual-basis sound mixing simulates the acoustic effects of a meeting room, by mixing the voice of each participant in appropriate proportion. It aims to compensate for the loss of communicating reality due to the distributed working environment.
岡山 将也 真野 芳久 村本 正生
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.11, no.1, pp.86-95, 1996-01-01

Consider the situation that an analogical reasoning model is investigated considering the practical application, it is necessary to consider the effective knowledge retrieval to solve given problems. In most of the analogical reasoning models which have been proposed, knowledge is retrieved with some criteria from knowledge base, and problems are solved by using of the retrieved and/or general knowledge. However, these models were using the search and combination of all the elements in the knowledge base, impricitly. So, the knowledge retrieval often becomes explosively complex. In our method at first one problem is divided into several sub-problems, then they are analized individually with appropriate knowledge base and the results are harmonized to solve. As the sub-problems can refer several different knowledge base, the combination of the targets will not be complicated. Thus it is not necessary to deal with the large targets all at once and the retrieval time is reduced. In this paper, we propose analogical reasoning model based on knowledge classification. Further-more, we applied the pilot system to the domain of mathematical problems such as equation problems. By using this system, we compared the time during problem solving with our model to the time without ours, and show the efficiency of our model.