周 国龍 Guo Long ZHOU
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.16, pp.15-25, 2010-03-20

横井 一之 Kazuyuki YOKOI
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 (ISSN:13428802)
no.17, pp.139-148, 2010

平成22 年度前期「特別活動指導法」の授業で、一昨年度NHKで放映された土曜ドラマ「フルスィング」と昨年度NHKで放映された土曜ドラマ「チャレンジド」を視聴した。視聴した学生は3年生1名であったが、その学生が課題として、他大学教育系1年生100余名が視聴し、チャレンジドの主人公塙先生の教師像について記述したアンケートをまとめた。担当教師として、塙先生を教育者として分析し、本講義の教材としての妥当性を検討したい。まず、第1章では山本有三、間瀬正次、斎藤喜博、近藤益雄、須永博士、石山茂利夫、河上亮一、水谷 修、高畠導宏の教育観についてまとめる。第2章では、チャレンジドの主人公塙啓一郎の教師像について、前述した教育系1年生100 余名が記述したアンケートを元に筆者があらためてまとめた。第3章では、教師を目指す学生が「チャレンジド」を本授業で視聴する意義をあらためて問いたい。
清水 利宏 Toshihiro SHIMIZU
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 (ISSN:13428802)
no.14, pp.87-102, 2007

This paper examines English speech education based on comparisons of the writing techniques in English persuasive speeches and Japanese radio commercials. Reviewing the technical characteristics of radio commercial copywriting from a viewpoint of visualization technique, the similarities between radio commercials and persuasive speeches are explored. It also introduces a classroom practice which uses "radio shopping" in English speech education to help students learn the importance of the visualization technique in their own English speeches. Several "revised" sentences by the students, which contain new visualization ideas, derived from the previous study of radio commercials, are shown along with the original sentences found in their English speeches. This demonstrates how visualization techniques in radio commercials enable students to enhance their awareness and ability to express their ideas so that the audience may easily visualize and comprehend the key points in the speeches.
齋藤 千恵 Chie SAITO 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International University
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.15, pp.45-63, 2009-03-20

The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami devastated Aceh, Indonesia. Tsunami remarks and experiences have created a variety of narratives. A leaflet of tsunami tourism issued by the Indonesian government is one of them. Through an analysis of the leaflet, this paper examines what meanings the sate gives the disaster and Acehnese tsunami experiences and how it depicts the past and future of their society in an elaborate Islamic context. I also discuss an implied meaning of the Acehnese independent struggle ended by the tsunami.
Wang Ting Ting WANG 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International University
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 (ISSN:13428802)
no.16, pp.101-116, 2009

Unexpectedly, there is not much research on loanwords in Chinese. The references which thispaper has quoted and introduced are the standard and basic materials to be used by those who wantto pursue the problem of loanwords in Chinese. This paper shows there are more loanwords in Chinese than expected. Also, Japan is the source of many Chinese words. These words have intoduced modern Western concepts in China. However, most Chinese are unaware of the foreign source of these words.
原 仁志 Hitoshi HARA 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International Universitiy
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 : Suzuka International University journal : campana (ISSN:13428802)
no.21, pp.139-158, 2014

栗原 輝雄 Teruo KURIHARA 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International University
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.17, pp.13-24, 2011-03-20

This study aims at examining the core, or radical, aspect of the "Zest for living" (IKIRUCHIKARA) in children, considering deeply the meaning involved in the word "Zest". To approach the above problem,the author found a useful key in some well known basic theories in education (nursing) and human development. As a result, it is suggested that when we used the word "Zest for living" with children, we must lay more stress on the core, or radical, aspect, especially in education (nursing) and developmental support for children. As it is believed that the core, or radical, aspect of the "Zest for living" in children is strengthened by intimate communication with others, competence in listening for teachers is very important.
Himi Kiyoshi 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International University
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.14, pp.169-180, 2007-01-01

In Critique of Practical Reason (1788) Kant elaborates on his idea of freedom. According to him, freedom is cognizable only through the awareness of the moral law. Therefore the moral law is the ratio cognoscendi of freedom, while the latter is the ratio essendi of the former. Although such reciprocal substantiation sounds quite paradoxical, we can understand his idea when we look back on his Critique of Pure Reason (1781), examine the development of his conception of freedom and then put his statement in Critique of Practical Reason into its proper context. In this paper I explicate two types of Kant's concept of freedom that are regarded as representing by turns the stages of his philosophical development: (1) practical freedom, (2) transcendental freedom. In the 1770's Kant mainly talked about the former and expected that he could manage with it in his moral philosophy. This expectation was also carried over into Critique of Pure Reason, as is typically found in the chapter 'The canon of pure reason'. Yet he also argued in Critique of Pure Reason about antinomy of pure reason and elaborated in consequence of the resolution of the third antinomy the concept of transcendental freedom in its probability. On account of that some people describe Critique of Pure Reason as a patchwork. However, I argue in this paper that we can learn from the whole text of Critique of Pure Reason the decisive development of Kant's thinking on freedom. Namely, practical freedom is completely excelled by transcendental freedom. Then I consider how he could succeed in demonstrating transcendental freedom in its peculiar reality. In my opinion Kant drew for that purpose in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785) an important distinction between the hypothetical and categorical imperative. It was in consequence of this elaborate consideration that he could propose the reciprocal substantiation between the moral law qua categorical imperative and freedom in Critique of Practical Reason.
大本 達也
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.21, pp.103-118, 2015-03-10

In this paper we will examine Shintaishi-sho (Selection of New-style Poems, 1883). The "Shintaishi" had an impact on the formation of Japanese "poetry", and became the mainstream of it. Firstly, we will assess the situation surrounding "poetry" in Japan before the publication of this poetic anthology. Secondly, we will categorize and examine the poems in this book. Thirdly, we will investigate the meaning of the book's publication.
木之内 秀彦
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.21, pp.55-75, 2015-03-10

The purpose of this article is to understand the robustness and resilience of contemporary authoritarian regimes. Since the collapse of Communist regimes in the Soviet Russian region including eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War, most of the democratic theorists and researchers on regime transition have tended to regard today's authoritarianism as inherently fragile, and then often fail to recognize the resilience of authoritarianism. However, many of twenty-first-century authoritarianism continue to exist, even flourish and expand its power in an age of democratization. This article argues what factors contribute to the survival of today's autocracy. Although essentially authoritarian, contemporary authoritarian regimes also adopt democratic institutions such as election, but use (abuse?)these institutions for their authoritarian purposes. This article discusses the new, sophisticated skills and techniques of today's dictators' survival strategies.
笠原 正夫
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.16, pp.43-57, 2010-03-20

Koyasan surrendered to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's invasion of Kishu in Tenshou 13 (1583).However, it was deprived of a wide range of Kishu's territory.Ogo MOKUJIKI is said to have played a great role in this event. Thereafter, Hideyoshi continued to rule Koyasan. Koyasan as a feudal lord governed and administered Kishu's territory, and survived into the early modern society until the Meiji Restoration
笠原 正夫
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.13, pp.71-85, 2007-03-20

大本 達也
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.19, pp.95-106, 2013-03-01

This paper aims to clarify the activities of novelists (Gesakusha) in the early Meiji era. First, we will assesstheir actions before and after the proclamation of the three educational constitution articles (Sanjou no kyouken).Next, we will discuss the social situation of Gesakusha during this time. Third, we will determine the causes of thechanges in their activities that were accompanied by the publication of newspapers aimed towards the general public(Ko-shinbun). Fourth, we will interpret their understanding of imagination and fact in their writings. Fifth, wewill examine the meaning of the appearance of their serials (Tsuzuki-mono) in Ko-shinbun.
富田 寿代 水谷 令子
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.11, pp.213-226, 2005-03-20

水環境の現状と保全について検討することを目的として,トルコの黒海沿岸,中部アナトリアおよびイスタンブールとその周辺の生活用水を調査した.黒海沿岸地域は温暖でトルコで最も雨が多い.この地方の水は,Na^+,Cl^-含有量,電気伝導度ともに低く,ほとんどは総硬度100 mg/L 以下の軟水であった.パイプで導水された湧水は,同様の軟水で,細菌学的にも問題はなかった.中部アナトリア地方は乾燥ステップ気候で,年間を通して降水量が少ない.この地方で使われている水は,pH値,総硬度,電気伝導度が高く, Na^+,Cl^-含有量も多い.これは,石灰岩質の土壌の影響によるものであろう.一部のレストランやドライブインでは井戸水を利用していると推測される結果が得られた.イスタンブール近郊は降雨量が少なく,季節により寒暖の差が大きい.この地方では,Na^+,Cl^-含有量が幾分多く,総硬度が200 mg/L以下の中硬水が使われている.トルコの水道水は,細菌学的に問題はなく,CODや遊離炭酸の含有量は日本の快適水質項目の基準値を満たしていることから,通常の浄水処理がおこなわれていることがわかる.いずれの水道の蛇口でも残留塩素は認められなかった.また,いくつかの試料のDOは幾分低い.以上の結果から,使われている消毒剤の量は多くなく,浄水処理過程において硬度調整等の高度処理はなされていないと思われる.イスタンブールの大手ホテルでは独自にイオン交換による軟水化処理がおこなわれていた.
立松 信孝
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.12, pp.45-69, 2006-03-20

山中 雅子
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.10, pp.47-60, 2004-03-20

梅田 肇
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.15, pp.219-232, 2009-03-20

This paper focuses on issues facing foreign students currently studying in a junior high school in Japan. A questionnaire was given to these students to determine what issues they face and the results are discussed below. The author introduces some measures to support the students by the school. In addition, the author makes some suggestions for creating a better environment of the "internationalized classrooms" and how it can be maintained.This questionnaire, as a pilot study, was conducted in a junior -*high school of Mie Prefecture in February through March 2007. The questions the subjects were asked are (1) what language(s) they use to talk with their parents/families at home, (2) how much they use Japanese daily, (3) how much they usually understand the contents in social studies class, (4) how much they usually understand the contents in mathematics class, (5) if they are interested in studying Japanese, (6) if they are studying Japanese in a supplementary class, (7) if they are interested in studying English, and (8) if they are studying the languages of their own countries.The results demonstrate the students' multi-nationalization with a variety of their native languages. They also imply the necessity of comprehensive educational measures to help these students acquire/study Japanese as the instructional medium at school.
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.15, pp.135-148, 2009-03-20

In December, 2007, the Revised Act of the National Holidays in China was published by the Government. This was a result of heated discussions about the slighted traditional holidays in the bustle of Western ones in many Chinese cities, which occurred on websites and in newspapers in the past two years. These discussions are a reflex of the problem on the recipience and conflict of foreign cultures brought in China in recent years. This paper shows the recent flow of those discussions and topics including exploration of young people's positive feelings to Western cultures.
クマーラ アーナンダ
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.12, pp.19-34, 2006-03-20

Poverty has been a main developing issue in Sri Lanka for decades, and the government had been introducing various programs to respond to this issue. However, the poverty remains as a significant social problem in many parts of the country. Poverty is also related to the high unemployment rate of the youth. This paper has identified education as one of the main reasons for the poverty in this country. The unemployment rate of the youth who have completed the higher secondary level has been on increase in the recent years. The general education up to the secondary level in Sri Lanka has shown a satisfactory situation within the country and, this situation is superior to many other developing countries in Asia. However, the situation of tertiary level of education has been extremely weak. In addition, vocational education also has been poor, both in terms of "quantity" and "quality". The higher level of achievement in the secondary education has not geared to the development of the country as the number of jobs available for the educated youth is insufficient. Likewise, the youth are unable to start their-own business enterprises due to the lack of "applied knowledge" required to manage a business. In addition, it seems that the issue of poverty has been misused by the politicians to gain and maintain the power, without showing a keen interest to resolve this problem of the country. The author conducted an empirical survey in several "least developed villages" in the North Western Province, which represents the 3rd largest provincial poverty population, for searching an effective mean for addressing the poverty problem. Vocational training programs conducted by a Japanese NGO were focused for this survey. It was found that those training programs organized according to the real requirements and the demands of the rural youth had been successfully contributed to the empowerment of the youth in the both economical and social aspects. The author suggests that the empowerment of the youth can be more effective for solving the poverty problem than introducing income- or food-supplementary assistance programs linked with the short-sighted political objectives and, more attention is needed to introduce suitable vocational and higher learning programs for the youth who have completed the secondary education. International cooperation activities, both by foreign governments and NGOs, can be considered very significant in the solving of poverty problem in this country.