片平 幸
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.125-142, 2016-07-22

This essay examines how Puccini's Madame Butterfly has been perceived in Japan since the early 20th century. Composer Giacomo Puccini (1858_1924) wrote the opera Madame Butterfly, which premiered in Italy in 1904. The story is about a tragic love between 15-year-old Japanese girl Cio-Cio-san and American naval officer B. F. Pinkerton. The setting is in Nagasaki in the early Meiji period. This story derives from the Western imagination of the 19th century, when great interest emerged in the West toward Japan due in part to international exhibitions of the time and the influence of Japonisme in Europe. Consequently, the Japanese people and customs represented in Madame Butterfly were exotic if not awkward based on a Western fantasy of the 19th century. Madame Butterfly is an opera production of the early 20th century, and eventually very popular, performed on stage all through the 20th century. This means, then, that there were newly directed or interpreted versions of it. Nevertheless, "Japan" in Madame Butterfly has been often represented in a peculiar manner for today's audiences in Japan. So how have Japanese people reacted to the representation of Japan in Madame Butterfly ? The aim of this essay is to investigate how Madame Butterfly has been perceived in Japan. Through this, I will analyze Japanese newspaper articles from the 1910s and onward. In addition, I will argue how Madame Butterfly can be an effective material to study the issue of representation as well as cross-cultural understanding. I also report how Madame Butterfly can be explored in lectures based on my educational practice.
岸本 裕一
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-23, 1999-09-30

In this study, it is analyzed that in Japan 1990's, marketing and popular music have had mutual close relations through Tie-up songs. The term of "Tie-up-song" is defined a popular song which has some tie-up relations or contracts for commercial purposes as a theme song to movies, TV dramas, TV shows, etc., and/or as an adverting song for particular brands, firms, campaigns, etc.. For example, Celine Dion's "The Hearts Will Go On" for "Titanic", Whitney Houston's "I Always Love You" for "The Body Guard". In 1990s, in Japan, most of hit popular songs have held tie-up relations so as to increase their opportunities to public appearance. Some says that without tie-up, there is no hit. In this context, hit making mechanism in Japanese pop scene is analyzed from the aspects of business marketing. Finally, it is emphasized that a discipline of music marketing should be established in order to develop popular music business.
坂 昌樹
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.177-195, 1999-03-31

Diese Arbeit ist der erste Teil meines dreiteiligen Aufsatzes uber die philosophische Fakultat der Universitat Gottingen in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Dieser erste Teil gliedert sich in zwei Kapitel: einerseits behandle ich den allgemeinen Zustand der Universitaten im 18. Jahrhundert, andererseits wird von mir die Vorgeschichte der deutschen Universitaten vor der Grundung der Gottinger Universitat erortert. Im ersten Kapitel ist die besondere Situation der deutschen Wissenschaften und Intellektuellen im Zeitalter der Aufklarung zu erwahnen. Da Deutschland in jener Zeit kein Zentrum der Herrschaft und der Kultur, wie z. B. London oder Paris, besaβ, gab es fur die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften besondere Schwierigkeiten. So bestanden beispielsweise Sprachprobleme. Solange das Deutsch in verschiedene Dialekte zersplittert war, wurde es noch nicht als intellektuelle Sprache anerkannt. Dazu behielt das alte Latein nach wie vor seine wissenschaftliche Prioritat, und auch das Franzosisch wurde an den deutschen Hofen wie z. B. bei Friedrich dem Groβen als wichtiger als die heimische Sprache angesehen. Erst in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts konnte sich das Deutsch mit der Verbreitung der wissenschaftlichen Literatur allmahlich in der intellektuellen Welt durchsetzen. Das ist gerade der Prozeβ der kulturellen Integration der deutschen Nation, wie Friedrich Meinecke meinte, obwohl sie sich politisch bis zum Zusammenbruch des Reichs (1806) mehr und mehr auseinander entwickelt hatte. Fur diese kulturelle Integration spielten die Universitaten und deren Professoren neben den nichtstandischen Organisationen wie z. B. der "deutschen Gesellschaft" eine entscheidende Rolle, wie dies Norbert Elias in seinem Buch, "Uber den Prozeβ der Zivilisation" dargestellt hat. Nun muβ man der Rolle der Universitaten in der damaligen deutschen Gesellschaft Aufmerksamkeit widmen. Das zweite Kapitel zur Vorgeschichte der Gottinger Universitat hat zwei Schwerpunkte: die Entwicklung der Fakultaten, bs. der theologischen, juristischen und philosophischen seit dem 16. Jahrhundert; die Charakteristik der damaligen Art der Wissenschaften, namlich den Pragmatismus. Bei dem ersten Thema handelt es sich um die sogenannte "Territorialisierung" der Universitaten. Anlaβlich der Reformation fingen hauptsachlich die protestantischen Lander des Reichs an, alles, was vorher zu den Rechten und Funktionen der Kirche gehort hatte-vom Gutsvermogen bis zur geistigen Bevormundung des Volkes-sich anzueignen. Aufgrund des Landeskirchentums erstrebten die Lander, sich zum vormundschaftlichen Polizeistaat zu reformieren, um die Territorialherrschaft absolutistisch zu vervollkommnen und sie gegenuber dem Reich zu legitimieren. In den Universitaten trugen im 16. die theologischen und im 17. Jahrhundert die juristischen Wissenschaften nicht nur unmittelbar zu dieser Staatsreform bei, sondern auch zur Ausbildung der reformerischen Beamten. Durch die pragmatische Art der Wissenschaften war es gewahrleistet, daβ die auf solchen Wissenschaften gegrundete Verwaltung sich am "gemeinen Nutzen" d. h. der Wohlfahrt und dem Gluck des Volks orientieren konnte. Daraus ergab sich, daβ, wie Christian Thomasius sagte, die Nutzlichkeit der groβte Sinn der Wissenschaften war, und daβ die absolutistische Herrschaft nur durch die Sicherung der Volkswohlfahrt legitimiert werden konnte. Folglich kritisierten die Wissenschaften der Aufklarung sehr scharf die damalige "Sektenlehre" der Theologie. Sie warfen ihr und den sogenannten Fachern des "Brotstudiums" vor, nur eigene Zwecke zu verfolgen und keine gesamtgesellschaftlichen. Wissenschaften und Universitaten sollten ihre raison d'etre im "Nutzen" fur das Volk finden. Anders gesagt, war der christliche Altruismus stark ausgepragt in der deutsch-obrigkeitsstaatlichen "Nutzlichkeit" der Wissenschaften, die sich von dem englisch-individualistischen Utilitarismus des 19. Jahrhunderts unterschied. Dementsprechend war dem aufklarerisch-absolutistischen Staat nur moglich, die Herrschaft christlich-polizeilich zu legitimieren.
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko KOBAYASHI
vol.25, no.2, pp.35-50, 2000-01-24

In ancient India, the Buddhist samgha as a self-governing community maintained order by means of its own law called "vinaya." Violators were punished according to vinaya. On the other hand, all Buddhists, whether monks or laymen, were expected to follow particular customs called "sila." Unlike vinaya, this was not compulsory and did not carry penalties. In Japan far away from the original land of Buddhism, no one paid attention to the distinction between vinaya and sila, because temples were the apparatus of government and there was no samgha to be governed by vinaya. Under such circumstances, Saicho (766-822) openly repudiated vinaya and replaced it with sila. From that time down to this day, the Japanese have been convinced that the essence of true Buddhism consists in the repudiation of vinaya.
小野 達也
vol.46, no.3, pp.9-27, 2021-03-22

In recent years, community-based welfare has been advanced as a policy, and social workhas been conducted in communities. However, discussions on the quality of support achievedthrough social work are not active. This study was focused on the attainment of high qualityof social work in communities. I interviewed community social workers(CSWs)to grasp thecurrent situation of the practice in communities and the elements to attain a high quality of support. The results revealed that(1)CSWs work within several constraints;(2)although CSWsare unclear about the high quality of support, they have a certain interest in it; and(3)CSWscan be the starting point for attaining high quality of support. In the Discussion section, I highlight three points that need to be considered to achieve high quality of support, namely, considering the idea of welfare adopted by CSWs, developing goal attainment-type support methods,and developing resources for support.
[シン] 東風
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.36, no.1, pp.179-194, 2010-06-30

Earthquakes are one of the extraordinary natural phenomena that strike people with terror. Quite a few accounts of this phenomenon can be found in Buddhist scriptures, which help us understand how earthquakes, a great force of nature, were perceived in Buddhism. With precise analyses of earthquake behavior and accompanying phenomena, each of these scriptures interprets earthquakes as a desirable phenomenon for people living on earth, attributing the tremors to mysterious supernatural powers possessed by Buddha, bodhisattvas, other Buddhist deities or venerable monks. This interpretation of earthquakes as auspicious cannot be seen in other religions, and is unique to Buddhism. Given that the Zai-yi Theory in Confucianism, which developed in the same region as Buddhism, regards earthquakes as a disaster caused by deities expressing strong criticism of earthly rulers, the uniqueness of Buddhism's view of earthquakes is more clearly identified. By analyzing and interpreting earthquake-related documents found in Buddhist scriptures, this paper demonstrates that Buddhism acknowledges earthquakes not as a mere phenomenon of nature, but as a phenomenon of religious significance. In particular it shows that the causes and functions of earthquakes serve a religious purpose, and that Buddhist accounts of earthquakes represent the religion's unique perspective on this phenomenon, based on its view of world and mythology.
徐 龍達/伊代田 光彦 伊代田 光彦
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.167-207, 2016-07-22

This paper deals with the history of academic, education and cultural exchange between Momoyama Gakuin (Osaka) and Keimyung (Daegu) University (1981-2016). Ever since they established their sister university relationship on 14 December 1981, the two universities developed multi-level exchanges among academics, students and administrative staffs and have obtained rich results. This is perhaps not only the longest but also the most worthwhile and unique example of the sister university-exchange between Japan and Korea. We explore this accomplishment by tracing the development of each individual exchange. The paper also includes (1) the prehistory of exchange agreement, and (2) professors' opinions from the perspective of Keimyung University. Finally, we have included a tentative conclusion with evaluation comments. [This issue covers Preface, Chap. 1, Chap. 2, Chap. 3, and Resources I.]
卞 載雄
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.38, no.3, pp.41-59, 2013-03-29

1974年に設立されたスペインを代表するブランド,ザラ(ZARA) は親企業Inditex 社の中で最も人気の高いブランドであり,現在の中・低価格ファストファッション(SPA) 企業の代表格である。ザラは現在世界82ヵ国1900余の売場で年間2万5000点の製品を発売している。親企業であるInditex 社は2011年20兆8000億ウォンの売上を記録した世界ファッション小売業1 位の企業で,時価総額基準でスペイン第一の企業である。ザラ韓国は,2008年進出という短い期間にもかかわらず,現在27の売場を営業しており,国内売上800億ウォン(2010年),当期純利益36億ウォンと成功のうちに著しい成長を遂げている。2011年全世界の売上は12兆9976億ウォンである。この成功したザラの戦略は,強力なグローバルブランドの認知度を見ても明らかで,最近44位(2011年) に上昇した。本研究では,4Ps 戦略,競合社ユニクロとの比較,ポジショニング分析を通じて,ザラのグローバルマーケティング戦略を分析する。ザラのグローバルマーケティングが成功した秘訣は,実用的なデザインと素早い流行の反映高級イメージの構築,ブランド戦略,スピード第一主義,生産時間を最小化する秘訣,多品種少量生産方式の採用,大規模自社工場の運営,趣の異なる売場雰囲気の演出等様々なマーケティング促進技法を効率的に用いる点にある。このような戦略はSPA 競合社ユニクロ社のsimple, basic, no brand,少品種大量生産,外注依存,派遣品質管理などの戦略的な相違点を示している。ザラはこのように消費者の欲求を満たすために従来のファッションビジネスモデルを革新,つまり内部業務ルートの革新によって消費者の欲求を満たすシステムを構築して今日の成功を収めた。この点の研究に関心が高まっている。
朴 大栄
vol.41, no.1, pp.81-108, 2015-07-27

This paper discusses "the principle of dual responsibility," one of the basic principles in auditing theory. "The principle of dual responsibility" assumes that financial statements are the responsibility of the company's management and that the auditor's responsibility is to express an opinion on the fair presentation of financial statements based on his or her audit. Actually, it means the "division of responsibility." The expression "the principle of dual responsibility" seems to have taken root in auditing theory texts in Japan from the 1960s. However, it is not apparent why "dual" responsibility is refered to, instead of "division" of responsibility between management and the auditor. In addition, this expression is widely used in textbooks on auditing in Japan but it is not discussed as a principle in American texts. What's the difference between them? As complications under current accounts, there are various issues concerning accounting estimates and uncertainty of measurement. Management is required to use good judgment in the selection and application of accounting principles. Shareholders and investors require the auditor to provide much more information in the auditor's report. Whenever an auditor includes specific information on uncertainties in his report, it may be inconsistent with "the principle of dual responsibility." What is the difference between Japan and the United States in relation to "the principle of dual responsibility"? Is the provision of specific information on uncertainties in an auditor's report against "the principle of dual responsibility"? That is the theme of this paper.
栄 セツコ 辻本 直子
vol.47, no.1, pp.99-114, 2021-07-15

This study reviewed life support for parents with mental disorders and their children. Itaimed to obtain reliable knowledge to develop effective life support for them in Japan.We used Citation Information by the National Institute of Informatics and J-Dream III(Japanese databases) to gather data from 2008 to 2018. The literature during this periodidentified 26 original articles as subjects for analysis out of 241 related articles.The results were classified into the following categories: childcare and support for children,support for parents with mental disorders, and supporters and support systems.The keywords for effective support are introduction to family psychoeducation and selfhelpgroups for children, comprehensive assessment and outreach throughout life,collaboration between child welfare agencies and mental health agencies,and placement ofsocial work professionals in child welfare agencies.
木村 義徳 Yoshinori Kimura
vol.30, no.2, pp.45-59, 2004-12-20

This writing is a response to Koichi Masukawa’s criticism of my assertion regarding the time of arrival of the old Shogi game on which modern Shogi is said to be based. It is generally accepted that Shogi, as well as chess, originates from a game called Caturanga in India. Just when the game was brought to Japan, however, as well as the form the game took at that time, is an on-going debate. I assert that standing-figure pieces such as those used in chess were imported during the 6th or 7th century. Masukawa argues against my assertion by stating that pieces printed with Chinese characters were brought to Japan between the end of the 10th century and the beginning of the 11th century. In this writing, I will first point out Masukawa’s violation of the rule in the discussion of this issue. Secondly, I will challenge the evidence Masukawa utilizes to support his point by giving an accurate analysis and interpretation of related documents and source material. In addition, by clarifying the style of Japanese chess and how it is played, I will refute Masukawa’s criticism in an attempt to enhance the validity of my assertion.
井上 敏 義永 忠一 野尻 亘 Satoshi Inoue Tadakazu Yoshinaga Wataru Nojiri
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-42, 2004-07-01

Sensyu District is in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture. In this region, since the 18th century, many farmers had cultivated cotton and spun cotton into thread. However, because of the importation of cotton to Japan in the latter half of the 19th century, farmers had abandoned cultivation of cotton. On the other hand, the tradition of spinning cotton as a side job for farmers led the development of the thriving textile industries in this region. Up to World War II cotton textiles had been the most important export for Japan since the 19th century. Osaka City was the center of exporting cotton textiles. The location adjacent to Osaka City was advantageous for textile industries. Miscellaneous textile products, for example, cotton textiles, blankets, towels, knitwear, carpets etc. are manufactured by medium and small sized factories in Sensyu District. The networks of these companies and related industries have formed the agglomeration of textile industries in this region. The indigenous labor market is composed of specialized workers for textile industries. The trade unions and public institutions are engaged in quality control and development of new products for textile industries. Today, the incursion of cheap imports of textiles from Asia, the lack of successors in the workforce and the stagnation of productivity have gradually brought about the decline of textile industries in Sensyu District.
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi
vol.28, no.3, pp.247-267, 2003-03-20

As the legislation sytem was established in ancient Japan, the harahe (祓) ceased to function as punishment. It developped into the o-harahe (大祓) to remove deceases and calamities as well as sins. When the Japanese added new items to the list of tumi (罪) in the norito (祝詞), they borrowed words for deceases and calamities from the Yakusikyo (藥師經): Thus they introduced into the list sirahito (lepra alba), kokumi (tumor-induced rickets), and calamities of hahumusi (creeping reptiles and worms) and of takatu-tori (birds on high).
野原 康弘
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.115-168, 2018-07

Nagasaki city, with a population today of 420,000, used to be a poor village until OhmuraSumitada, a feudal lord, authorized its opening as a port and the initiation of commerce withPortuguese merchants in 1571. Not only trading merchants but also many Christians moved intothis village and colonized it. More than 15 churches were built in the small area one after another,and the village resounded far and wide with church bells, reminiscent of Rome itself. So Nagasakicame to be called "Little Rome." As a matter of fact, the village was donated to the Society ofJesus. The village seemed to grow and flourish, but its prosperous years failed to last, contraryto expectations.In 1614, the ban on Christianity was issued, which led to attacks on Catholicism, including thedestruction of churches and the persecution of Christians. Churches were replaced by temples.Christians were supposed to disappear completely.So Buddhist ceremonies came to be held in Nagasaki. One such ceremony was the BonFestival, which used to be held in the middle of the seventh month in the lunar calendar. Thesolar calendar introduced by the Meiji Government caused a upheaval of events and seasons. Themiddle of the seventh month ( July) in the solar calendar is in the midst of the rainy season, nota suitable season for the Bon Festival. During the Bon Festival, Nagasaki people usually visit theirancestors' grave with their family, clean and decorate the grave, and offer food to their ancestors.It is common for many families to hold a banquet at the graveyard to entertain their visitors,which in former times often resulted in the spread of plague. After a heated discussion, aconclusion was reached : the Bon Festival would be moved to mid-August (the eighth month).During the Bon Festival, people welcome the spirits of the deceased to visit their homes, tostay with their families until the last day of Bon, when the spirits have to return to Jodo, theBuddhist Pure Land. So the family make a ship (called Shorobune) for the spirit, carry it to theseashore, and launch it to sail to the West. This custom is called Shoronagashi. At first, the shipswere quite humble affairs, but over time people wanted to make them fancier as they werebelieved to carry the spirits to Jodo. Many families who lose a family member start making sucha ship.Shoronagashi is, in other words, a spirit boat procession unique to Nagasaki. On the last day ofthe Bon Festival, a large number of ships of various sizes are carried by family members and theirfriends to the seaside area to be sailed to so-called Jodo. The streets leading to the shore throngwith ships and people. Firecrackers explode here and there, and earsplitting noises can be heardall around. People carrying the ships shout with passion. So the procession of the ships isnoisy but joyous. Behavior generally disallowed in daily life and acts beyond the bounds ofcommon sense are traditionally permitted only during Shoronagashi.On arriving at the spot to release the ship, however, deep sorrow falls on the revelers all of asudden. Everybody is filled with a sense of loss and deprivation, recalling the feeling of a ratherdifferent event. Indeed, it seems akin to a funeral, or rather, a second funeral. To be more precise,this event ought to be considered the formal funeral.When the family member passed away, his or her funeral was performed.It was naturally a private funeral. Everything may well have been done all too quickly. Or thefamily might have had no time to think about reflecting their deceased member's intentions. Theysimply followed the instructions of the funeral director. But if this Shoronagashi is regarded as theformal funeral, all the people of Nagasaki, regardless of faith, can join the Bon ceremony to shiptheir ancestors to their respective destinations, whether Jodo, Paradise or elsewhere.Even Christians, if they wish to, can join this event, which originated from Buddhism, withoutqualms, attesting to the fact that Christianity came first to Nagasaki, and Buddhism second.Nagasaki has grown larger through these faiths as a remarkable city.
尾谷 雅比古
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.33, no.3, pp.155-183, 2008-03-18

This paper discussed about, how the modern Japanese Government established the Protection of Mounded tomb system through enactment of the law. The Modern Protection of Mounded tomb system was divided into three stages by the law. The following results were, 1. Formation Stage (1968_1894), this period begins with Meiji Restoration to the Sino-Japanese War. The Government prescribed the Tomb of the emperor, uncertain 13th Tomb of the emperor, and focus was Tombs of the emperor and imperial family system. 2. Development Stage (1895_1904), this period begins with the Sino-Japanese War to the Russo-Japanese War. The Tombs of the emperor and imperial family system had an effect on a campaign for the Preservation of Mounded tomb by Civilian research group, was begun to carry out another way. 3. Establishment Stage (1905_1919), this period begin with Russo-Japanese War to enacted Act of Preservation of Historic site, Scenic beauty and Natural monument, 1919. The Modern Protection of Mounded tomb system determined the new line, was effected by establishment of the Modern Emperor Nation system, raised Nationalism and imperialism. The Modern protection of Mounded tomb system had two-way government, Tombs of the emperor aud imperial family system and Scenic beauty system, until the Act of Protection of cultural property was established 1950. I declared that a number of the Tomb, out of government subject, was disregarded by the Imperial Household Agency, they were paid attention to only the Tombs of the emperor aud imperial family system.