横山 尊
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.86, no.5, pp.197-208, 2020-09-30 (Released:2020-11-02)

This article examines the past involvement of the Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology (formerly: Japanese Society of Race Hygiene) in eugenics laws, written at the request of the society.Section I describes the position of the Japanese Society of Race Hygiene, established in 1930, in the history of eugenics.Section II discusses some problem in the understanding of the historical facts in the Board of Directors report: “The Japanese Society of Race Hygiene and ‘the National Eugenic Law,’” and the resulting media coverage. This chapter also discusses the change of the characteristics of the society around 1938 and its involvement in eugenics. Moreover, this chapter shows the inappropriateness of the interpretation that the 1948 Eugenic Protection Law was a continuation of the 1940 National Eugenic Law, which itself was modeled on a 1933 Nazi eugenics law.Section III describes that the Japanese Society of Race Hygiene continued to have interest in eugenics even in the postwar era, and that in 1970s the society tried vehemently to eliminate any remnants of Nazi eugenic policies from the notion of “race hygiene”, at a time when there was a general assumption that eugenics as synonymous with the evil of Nazism. In conclusion, it is found that the society from that time to this day made passive attempts to erase and walk away from eugenics’ past.
渡辺 知保
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.83, no.6, pp.184-190, 2017-11-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Essential trace elements (ETEs) are a couple of elements, whose abundance in the body is less than that of iron in human body, indispensable for human physiological function. Overview on the impacts of these elements on childʼs growth and development will be given. Elucidation of such impacts is not an easy task since so many factors other than ETEs, but often associated with ETEs, would affect the childʼs growth and development. Brief summary of the impacts by iron, zinc, copper, iodine, and selenium will be described, followed by a discussion on potential relationship between trace element nutritional status and globalization. Examining the issue of ETEs in global perspective has revealed the existence of deficiency in the past and might suggest reconsideration of the concept of nutritional requirement of ETEs.
望月 友美子 西川 浩昭
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.2, pp.39-51, 2018-03-31 (Released:2018-04-20)

Purpose: Occupational health nurses are considered specialists of health management for the workers in their companies, but they are working with many kinds of difficulties.Nevertheless there are little studies of influences owing to the numbers of workers in the companies, therefore, we tried to make it clear that there exist the component pattern of the difficulties which effects on occupational health nursing activities and the differences depend on the number of workers, between less than one thousand and more.Object: A questionnaire survey was conducted for the occupational health nurses who were on the active services and attended the seminar held by the Occupational Health Promotion Center in the Tokai area. 28 items of experiences felt difficult in the business, were used for exploratory factor analysis, and t-test of the factor scores were conducted between the groups composed the numbers of workers. 4 items of experiences felt difficult in the business, and learning environment such as possibility study of in/out office were compared using Mann-Whitney’s U testResult: The response rate was 75.4% and number of valid respondents was 240 (73.8%). According to the exploratory factor analysis of difficulties in business, 4 factors were obtained, and called Factor1 co-operation and using information with related workers, Factor2 Activity and evaluation of the occupational health activities, Factor 3 activity one’s company and Factor 4 treatment of mental health. No differences on the numbers of the companies were seen the means of factor score by using t-test.Conclusion: We found it clear that there are four component factors which effect the difficulty business of the occupational health nurses. About the difference of difficulty in the activity to be able to put according to a scale, the significant difference was not recognized.
叢 麗 宮前 珠子
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.85, no.1, pp.43-50, 2019-01-31 (Released:2019-02-25)

The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the occupation activities applied in the historic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from commentary books and to compare them with modern occupational therapy. As the result, 80 cases were found from classic references authored by doctors in successive generations. These cases were firstly classified by history era, activity, area and disease, with considering both the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and occupational therapy. These cases are also classified by mental health, physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, gerontology and healthy person. 22 kinds of activities including gardening, music, reading and calligraphy were used. In addition, they can also be classified to self-care, productivity, leisure and others. These cases can be interpreted by both the Traditional Chinese Medicine and the modern occupational therapy. TCM considers that humans live amidst the universe and our vital activities are inevitably influenced by the natural laws of material movement. All activities of the human body have formed close patterns with nature. In occupational therapy, treatment is selected according to individual values, interests, habit, and the role.
階堂 武郎 鈴木 幸子 本田 靖 本城 綾子 前倉 亮治
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.83, no.3, pp.85-93, 2017-05-31 (Released:2017-06-26)

A cohort study was conducted on 27 patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and visiting outpatient medical facilities within Osaka Prefecture, to elucidate meteorological factors related to their complaints of dyspnea and disease exacerbation.Measurements in patientsʼ bedrooms made daily between 00:00-06:00 from July 1 to August 31, 2012 showed that the percentage of patients exposed to a wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) of ≧ 28°C increased between mid- and late July, reaching a one-day peak of 21%. In addition, 62.5% of patients experienced a WBGT of ≧28 °C at least once during the monitored hours in the same period. The results of applying a logistic regression model to data from June 1 to September 30, 2012 showed that the minimum WBGT in a patientʼs bedroom, even when controlled for daily minimum temperature, has statistically significant association with complaints of dyspnea and bad physical condition. This finding demonstrated that regulating a patientʼs bedroom environment is very important in the summer season.
門司 和彦
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.87, no.5, pp.214-222, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-29)

This article demonstrates the nature of infectious diseases; the invasion of the human body by pathogens and the subsequent spread of the pathogens in the societies; modes of transmission and the kinds of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs); and cluster infections with special reference to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Control of COVID-19 is difficult due to airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 with high emission rates of quants (ERq) during vocalization and opening of the mouth in the late stages of the incubation period.The concentration of carbon dioxide is a good indicator of viral transmission in the so-called “Three Cs” situation; crowded places, close contact settings, and confined and enclosed spaces. High carbon dioxide concentration may also influence the efficacy of viral transmission by changing the respiratory mechanism/behavior, and by altering the survival rate of the virus in the aerosols. In the 19 Century, hygienists like Pettenkofer emphasized the importance of ventilation for the control of infectious diseases. In the absence of decisive pharmaceutical interventions (PIs) in the middle of 2021, it is important to reduce indoor carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide may be seen as the miasma of the 21 Century.
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.83, no.5, pp.150-162, 2017-09-30 (Released:2017-10-30)

妊娠可能年齢の女性の栄養状態を評価する方法として,2016年にFAOからMinimum Dietary Diversity for Women(MDD-W)が発表された.これは24時間以内に摂取した食品群の数を数えることにより,11ある微量栄養素の摂取状態を集団レベルで評価するものである.本研究ではMDD-Wをルワンダ農村地域で用いる際の妥当性を調べた.41名の対象者から集めた54日分の直接秤量記録データを用い,観測された摂取量が必要量を満たしている確率(probability of adequacy; PA)とMDD-Wスコアの関連をスピアマンの順位相関係数を用いて評価した.各栄養素のPAとそれらを平均した総合的な栄養指標(Mean PA; MPA)のうち,MDD-Wと有意な正の相関を示したものは少なく,相関係数も0.294から0.392と小さかったことより,本調査地域におけるMDD-Wの妥当性は確認できないと判断した.本地域では微量栄養素に富む食品の摂取量が少なく,食べていたとしてもそれらが全体的な栄養供給に貢献できていない例が多くみられた.食品群に含まれる栄養素量をその食品群の現地での平均摂取量当りに換算したところ,穀類の方が微量栄養素に富む食品群よりも多くの栄養素を供給していた.しかしMDD-Wでは摂取の有無のみを基準に評価を行うため,少量しか摂取されず栄養供給への寄与が低い食品群も,摂取量の多さにより寄与が高くなっている食品群も,同じ1ポイントとして扱われてしまう.また,各食品群の摂取量とPA,MPAとの相関係数を算出したところ,穀類の摂取量とMPAが有意な正の相関を示し,相関係数は0.634と相関の程度も強かった.一方で多様な食品を摂取しMDD-Wスコアが上がるほど穀類の摂取量は減るという逆相関がみられたことより,実際の栄養摂取状況とMDD-Wによる評価に不一致が生じていた.本地域でMDD-Wが正しく機能しなかったことは以上の理由によると考察するとともに,食品の多様性が限られている地域においては,現地の人々の栄養摂取に最も寄与している食品を見極め,その食品の人々の摂取量を把握することも重要であるという結論に達した.
生方 剛 谷木 龍男 戸ヶ里 泰典
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.89, no.1, pp.15-29, 2023-01-31 (Released:2023-03-01)

This study aims to elucidate the relationship between cycling, which is a recreational physical activity, and the factors that constitute resilience.To this end, we conducted a self-administered online survey of cyclists in Japan who had consented to participate in the survey via Twitter and e-mail magazines. A total of 198 cyclists were subjected to hierarchical multiple regression analysis. We considered sex, age, employment status, experience of falling off a bicycle, and history of traffic accidents as the adjustment variables, with the independent variables being the amount of physical activity other than cycling, number of years of cycling, time riding a bicycle for recreational cycling, time riding a bicycle other than for recreational cycling, flow experience measured by flow state scale (FSS), cycling experience and approach, and the awareness of changes in one's physical and mental environment compared to before taking up cycling as a hobby. The dependent variables were the dispositional and acquired resilience factors that constitute the brief resilience scale (BRS). The results showed that the number of years of cycling (β=.177, P<0.05), FSS (β=.385, P<0.01), and cycling experience and approach (β=.150. P<0.05) were related to dispositional resilience factors. Moreover, FSS (β=.344, P<0.01) and cycling experience and approach (β=.194, P<0.05) were related to acquired resilience factors.These results indicate that flow and qualitative aspects of cycling experience are related to resilience.
若林 恭子 武藤 志真子 神戸 絹代 石川 元康
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.1, pp.12-23, 2018

<p>The influence of stress on employee health has recently increased. The present study aims to clarify the relationship between eating behavior and stress as factors in obesity, which has become a central issue for lifestyle-related disease prevention. We surveyed 220 male employees between February and March 2014 and examined relationships among eight categories of eating behavior in four groups: obesity and high-stress (Group I), obesity and low-stress (Group II), non-obesity and high-stress (Group III) and non-obesity and low-stress (Group IV). We previously compared the scores for each category of four groups with those of a group with normal weight using t-tests. Here, we compared our earlier findings with those from the four groups described above. The responses showed that Groups I and III differed significantly in all categories related to eating behavior. This indicated that high stress was associated with changes in eating behavior and that some respondents had problems with eating behaviors regardless of whether they were obese. These results indicate that health guidance is needed in the future to understand the stress levels of obese individuals.</p>
横山 尊
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.87, no.4, pp.139-160, 2021

<p>This paper tries to provide precise understanding of the historical background and current status of prenatal diagnosis from the standpoint of historical studies of Japanese eugenics. SectionⅠargues that the prototype of the prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling in the modern era were not sterilization laws such as the 1940 National Eugenic Law and the 1948 Eugenic Protection Law, but rather eugenic marriage and genetic counseling in the prewar era. SectionⅡdiscusses the status of the argument about abortion for fetal abnormality, amniotic diagnosis, and genetic counseling. Especially, this paper relativizes the stereotypes generated by the disability rights and women's liberation movements, and tries to understand trends in prenatal diagnosis by utilizing oral histories from the Fukuoka area. Moreover, this paper stresses that the existence of voluntary eugenics has been wrongfully neglected in the historical studies of eugenics in Japan, and that the introduction of amniotic diagnosis in the 1970s should be included in that consideration. Taking cognizance of the above factors, this paper tries to situate prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling within the history of eugenics, while at the same time looking ahead to a better understanding of the history and current state of prenatal diagnosis and eugenics.</p>
掛谷 和美 藤田 千春
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.87, no.3, pp.121-130, 2021-05-31 (Released:2021-06-21)

This study is aimed at reviewing literatures to examine assistance issues for foreign nurse candidates under the Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA) from the perspectives of providing assistance in “adapting to the educational environment,” “learning nursing practices” and “passing the national examination.” Literature search has been conducted on the Japan Medical Abstracts Society database, CiNii and CINAHL, covering literatures issued from 2008 to 2018 and using keywords “EPA,” “nursing,” “Japan,” “nurse,” “Economic Partnership Agreement,” “Philippines,” “Indonesia” and “Vietnam.” The search was narrowed down to 15 literatures, which were reviewed closely in the matrix approach with a focus on assistance for foreign nurse candidates under the EPA to extract examples of assistance for foreign nurse candidates in line with the main theme of this paper. Required assistance for foreign nurse candidates included enhancing Japanese language learning to gain fluency to pass the national exam, providing public support to establish common consensus about multicultural issues and nursing work differences between countries, and drawing up an educational program and guidelines.
入口 敦志
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.85, no.1, pp.14-17, 2019-01-31 (Released:2019-02-25)

Publications became popular during the Edo period. Knowledge of health spread through the publication of books on health. “Publication of longevity” which is the first publication of the Edo period was published many times through the Edo period. I will pursue what “penetration for longevity” changed notation, change its form, change the title, permeating among the common people.

1 0 0 0 OA 特別講演

日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.86, no.Appendix, pp.A24-A25, 2020 (Released:2020-12-01)
横山 尊
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.86, no.5, pp.197-208, 2020

<p>This article examines the past involvement of the Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology (formerly: Japanese Society of Race Hygiene) in eugenics laws, written at the request of the society.</p><p>Section I describes the position of the Japanese Society of Race Hygiene, established in 1930, in the history of eugenics.</p><p>Section II discusses some problem in the understanding of the historical facts in the Board of Directors report: "The Japanese Society of Race Hygiene and 'the National Eugenic Law,'" and the resulting media coverage. This chapter also discusses the change of the characteristics of the society around 1938 and its involvement in eugenics. Moreover, this chapter shows the inappropriateness of the interpretation that the 1948 Eugenic Protection Law was a continuation of the 1940 National Eugenic Law, which itself was modeled on a 1933 Nazi eugenics law.</p><p>Section III describes that the Japanese Society of Race Hygiene continued to have interest in eugenics even in the postwar era, and that in 1970s the society tried vehemently to eliminate any remnants of Nazi eugenic policies from the notion of "race hygiene", at a time when there was a general assumption that eugenics as synonymous with the evil of Nazism. In conclusion, it is found that the society from that time to this day made passive attempts to erase and walk away from eugenics' past.</p>
中尾 理恵子 杉山 和一 川崎 涼子 大西 真由美 本田 純久
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.4, pp.130-140, 2018-07-31 (Released:2018-08-20)

This study aimed to clarify factors related to self-rated health among elderly people who live in geographically disadvantaged environments in sloped residential areas. A self-administered questionnaire was carried out among elderly residents aged 65 years or older living in a sloped residential area in Nagasaki City, Japan. Among a total of 148 respondents (46 males, 102 females), 35.8% demonstrated poor self-rated health. The factors statistically significantly associated with better self-rated health were going out, participating in social activities, and having relationships with neighbors. No relationship was found between self-rated health and sex/family structure. Logistic regression analysis showed that the factors associated with poor self-rated health were falls (odds ratio [OR]: 3.64, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3-10.2), assistance with going out (OR: 10.43, 95%CI: 2.3-46.7), limited access to shopping (OR: 4.99, 95%CI: 1.8-13.7), and not participating in volunteer activities (OR: 5.26, 95%CI: 1.3-21.2). These results suggest that getting assistance when going out and voluntarily participating in social activities may improve the health of elderly residents living in sloped residential areas.
若林 恭子 武藤 志真子 神戸 絹代 石川 元康
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.1, pp.12-23, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-02-16)

The influence of stress on employee health has recently increased. The present study aims to clarify the relationship between eating behavior and stress as factors in obesity, which has become a central issue for lifestyle-related disease prevention. We surveyed 220 male employees between February and March 2014 and examined relationships among eight categories of eating behavior in four groups: obesity and high-stress (Group I), obesity and low-stress (Group II), non-obesity and high-stress (Group III) and non-obesity and low-stress (Group IV). We previously compared the scores for each category of four groups with those of a group with normal weight using t-tests. Here, we compared our earlier findings with those from the four groups described above. The responses showed that Groups I and III differed significantly in all categories related to eating behavior. This indicated that high stress was associated with changes in eating behavior and that some respondents had problems with eating behaviors regardless of whether they were obese. These results indicate that health guidance is needed in the future to understand the stress levels of obese individuals.
香坂 玲 内山 愉太 田代 藍
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.6, pp.214-223, 2018-11-30 (Released:2018-12-28)

Purpose: This study investigated how traditional and ecological knowledge (TEK) has been lost or inherited in transformed manners.Method: We performed a systematic literature review on the following three topics associated with TEK in Japan: beekeeping and honey production, relationships among knowledge systems in shiitake mushroom production, and geographical indication (GI) scheme and knowledge sharing in the case of an edible plant called Tonburi.Results: This study showed that TEK is not static but, rather, is extremely dynamic. Diverse approaches, such as traditional educational methods, the use of branding, and promoting regional brands, can be used to address depopulation in local communities. Native beekeeping is important for promoting sustainable forestry and conserving biodiversity. In shiitake mushroom production, TEK and its associated techniques can be useful, but they can also present obstacles to the adoption of new technology. GI shared TEK with newcomers in the case of Tonburi.Discussion: To minimize a decline in the value of TEK in local communities, the development of a system that reminds local people of the ways in which TEK is relevant and valuable to them could offer an effective solution to local depopulation. We suggest that a shift from maintenance and conservation of TEK to regeneration and creation can be beneficial to a society where TEK is an inherent part of the community.