伊達 平和
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.59, pp.207-219, 2013-03-28

This paper presents an analysis of the effects of parents' educational marriage pattern on children's educational attainment, whether they go to college or university, using the cumulative data of EASS 2006 and EASS 2008. This analysis was conducted by birth cohorts and gender, and the cohorts were divided into CH1 (1945-1969), CH2 (1960-1974), and CH3 (1975-1988). These cohorts were mostly equivalent to "Elite phase, " "Mass phase, " and "Universal phase" in the case of Taiwan and Korea as described previously by Trow. There were two main results. First, in universal phase, the effects of parents on their children were decreased in Korea and Taiwan. However, in Japan, the effect of stratification was increased. In addition, the effects of the combination of education level of parents were significant in Japan. However, the effects were not significant in Korea and Taiwan. Second, the effects of patent's marriage pattern differ from societies and genders. For example, in Korea, the effect of the father on the son's educational attainment was significant, while in Japan the effect of higher educated parents on both their daughter(s) and son(s) was strongly significant. These results indicate that the construction of social stratification between genders is different between the three societies.
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.49, pp.507-516, 2003-03-31

春木 奈美子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.56, pp.139-151, 2010-03-31

The end of analysis is one of the questions that have been discussed since the beginning of psychoanalysis. Freud took a negative position, saying that there is a rock of castration beyond which analysis would go no further. Contrary to Freud, late Lacan takes a radical step with the concept of "Identification with symptom". At first, Lacan accented the Symbolic and defined the traversing fantasy as issues of analysis. Later, as the Real takes on importance in his theory, the identification with symptom is repeatedly emphasized. This theoretical turn results from his original reflections on femininity. The concepts of femininity and enjoyment around his famous thesis "Woman does not exist" are articulated by examining two acts : Medea's murder of her own children and Gide's wife's burning of his letters. These two acts are homologous in terms of the woman who does not exist, or the true woman. Another possibility of cure emerges in the identification with symptom.
菱田 一仁
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.59, pp.387-389, 2013-03-28

Dolls are very close to our existence and there are many dolls even in counseling rooms. HISHIDA (2012) thinks the meaning of dolls in Sand Play Therapy as a scapegoat for the clients which shoulders clients' sufferings vicariously. They are used to sweep the sufferings away. But, in historical viewing, there was another way of using dolls: they were used to invite gods in them and treated as spirits themselves. They were thought to be a kind of image which is the home of god. In regard to Sand Play Therapy, Kawai (1991) emphasizes the significance of the spirit of land which dwells in the sand box. The spirit is related to the Soul, the infinity on which Hillman, J. (1982) talks about. And when we think about the dolls as that to invite gods, they have also the meaning to have relationship with the infinity, as the spirit of land, in Sand Play Therapy. Then, Dolls have both meaning to sweep sufferings away and to have connection with the infinity. Because dolls have these two aspects, clients are ensured and opened to creativity at the same time in the Sand Play Therapy. (193 words)
金 智鉉
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.52, pp.108-121, 2006-03-31

池田 華子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.398-411, 2008-03-31

Presently we often think that various problems in educational environment, such as bullying and truancy, result from the dilution of human relations in our daily lives. In such contexts, we tend to think that the concept of relation is something substantialsomething we can actively and manipulatively deal with. However, in order to grasp the invisible aspect of the relation, we should take a different approach. This article casts new light on the concept of relation by reexamining Weil's idea about μεταξν. By using the Greek preposition μεταξν as a noun, she shows us the importance of "medium" or "mediation" in our encounters with the other whom we may not recognize easily. Such encounters put us into the state of confusion and conflict. It is the function of μεταξν that gives us energy to tolerate it. In the following, first, our daily lives will be discussed as the state of oblivion of relation. Next, examining her usage of μεταξν, another possibility entailed by the concept of relation will be revealed.
片山 知子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.55, pp.241-252, 2009-03-31

Symptoms of physically abused children are shown over a wide area, both physical and mental, including psychological and social disorders. Currently, research and case studies are being carried out on abused children. In this article, the writer focuses attention on the actions and changes in the physical sense of abused children in an interview, and examines one case. The breakdown of the child in this case assumed to be caused by primitive physical sense, and was assumed to cause other psychological disorders. The writer examined such physical sense based on the theory of illusion called primitive physical sense by Didier Anzieu. In this case, the skin sense of the client was internalized and recovered from breakdown based on change in the relationship of two people. Furthermore, with the regaining of physical sense, personal boundaries of the client expanded beyond the two-people relationship and interview room, and to past experiences in his/ her hometown. This became a vessel, sense was reintegrated, feelings could be expressed, and self-reconstruction occurred. In this way, regaining physical sense was considered to be the turning point of this interview and is assumed to be effective when considering interviews of other abused children, as well.
田村 綾菜
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.55, pp.103-115, 2009-03-31

This paper aimed to review previous research on the victim's reactions to apologies and the developmental changes of children's reactions. Previous researches have demonstrated that apologies were effective in mitigating victim's aggression and reducing the negative impression of the transgressor. According to the difference of situations, however, apologies may have negative effects on the affection of the victim. Several psychological processes appear to foster or inhibit forgiveness. These processes include empathy for the transgressor, generous attributions. and appraisals regarding the transgression and the transgressor. By the time they are about 9 years old, children realize the true function of the apology, which is to condemn inappropriate behaviors and express remorse. The apology-forgiveness script, however, may be so ingrained for children that its appearance automatically improves the impression of transgressor. Future research should reveal the developmental changes of the process from apology to forgiveness in childhood and the interaction between the transgressor and the victim.
長崎 励朗
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.587-600, 2011-04-25

Producers have important roles to create various cultural contents. They need not to be specialists; their need is to be the media that bonds two or more specialties together. Despite the importance of their roles, they have been paid little attention from researchers. In other words, they are invisible section of the “creative class” for Japanese scholars. So, this study makes them visible by the historical method. Its object is one of the most talented producers in postwar Japan, Asano Tsubasa(1929-1999). At first, he belonged to music associations whose activities were to plan original concerts and present them to members. .During his membership, he created remarkable works by mediating specialists whose ideology was both conservative and liberal and whose style both popular and classical. His next work was produced at a pavilion in World Exposition ’70. This exposition was expected to popularize the new aesthetic sense, and his role in it was a bridge to connect the avangarde artist with the ordinary people attending. Naturally, it is found that both Tsubasa's works, those while affiliated with the association and with Expo’70, had an educational aspect. So I conclude that the producer is the medium, and the medium is educational.
齋藤 桂
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.601-613, 2011-04-25

This paper examines the current educational effort, adopting the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The BSC is a goal-setting and accountability tool that all schools (and eventually district departments) in the San Francisco Unified School District build to describe the efforts of each individual school site in meeting the goals and objectives of their respective district's Strategic Plan. It ensures that schools are focusing on key strategic actions to improve student achievements for all students and to disrupt the historic power of demographics. Mainly, student test scores now serve as the prevailing achievement. The BSC offers schools and the community at large the opportunity to design alternative measures. The importance of engaging the school community and all stakeholders in discussions to gain a shared understanding has been stressed. However, many difficulties confront the adoption of this new approach, which includes ensuring consistency, selection of evaluation methods, increased burdens on educators, and personnel allocation. It is contemplated that with more measures to assess performance, greater levels of accountability and school performance can also be achieved. The implementation of BSC in the San Francisco Unified School District began in 2009, and it deserves continued attention.
齋藤 桂
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.57, pp.601-613, 2011

This paper examines the current educational effort, adopting the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The BSC is a goal-setting and accountability tool that all schools (and eventually district departments) in the San Francisco Unified School District build to describe the efforts of each individual school site in meeting the goals and objectives of their respective district's Strategic Plan. It ensures that schools are focusing on key strategic actions to improve student achievements for all students and to disrupt the historic power of demographics. Mainly, student test scores now serve as the prevailing achievement. The BSC offers schools and the community at large the opportunity to design alternative measures. The importance of engaging the school community and all stakeholders in discussions to gain a shared understanding has been stressed. However, many difficulties confront the adoption of this new approach, which includes ensuring consistency, selection of evaluation methods, increased burdens on educators, and personnel allocation. It is contemplated that with more measures to assess performance, greater levels of accountability and school performance can also be achieved. The implementation of BSC in the San Francisco Unified School District began in 2009, and it deserves continued attention.
辻 敦子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.55, pp.159-172, 2009-03-31

In the context of modern education, which is based on the idea of steady growth and development of human beings, experience is usually considered as accumulative by human beings to strengthen the autonomous self. From this point of view, we tend to talk about our experiences rigidly and in a stereotyped way in which we can place events of our lives into a frame of understanding. However, it seems that there is a reduction of the concept of experience to the assumption of usefulness. and a kind of strange aspect of events will be missed in this way of talking about experience. To overcome this situation, I examine Walter Benjamin's concept of experience. Benjamin (1892 -1940) generally is known as a philosopher influenced by various aspects of thought, such as German idealism, Jewish mysticism, and Marxism. I will try to show the concept of experience in Benjamin's text, especially as this is revealed in his essay on Proust, M., Baudelaire. C. and Kafka, F., to elucidate the most vivid aspects of experience. In conclusion, I will show that Benjamin's concept of experience dispels the notion of experience that is popularly held and that is taken for granted in educational theorizing.
安藤 花恵
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.52, pp.386-398, 2006-03-31

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Fields of experts range from fields in which many experts are to fields in which there are few experts. Common findings from many investigations in different fields, as well as specific findings limited to certain fields have been identified. Nevertheless, expertise in art, particularly in acting, has remained relatively unexplored. This study focuses on the expertise of actors. I divided the process of acting into 3 phases: script reading, performance planning, and the actual performance. Anecdotal evidence indicates that highly experienced and good actors assume the viewpoint of the character, the actor, and the audience at the same time while acting. I proposed a model of three acting phases and effects of assuming the three viewpoints on the expertise of actors in each of the three phases. In performance planning, junior expert actors produced more action plans than script interpretations, and thought of them from the viewpoint of the actor and the audience. Thus their plans are full of diversity. In actual performance, they assume the three viewpoints simultaneously. Owing to this, they perform as they planned, and convey their intentions adequately to the audience. And they evaluate not only superficial aspects of their performances, such as voice, facial expressions, and so on, but also non-superficial aspects, such as atmosphere, from the viewpoint of the audience. Finally, implications to other fields are discussed.
藤井 奈津子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.52, pp.147-159, 2006-03-31

細尾 萌子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.56, pp.387-399, 2010

The purpose of this paper is to clarify a view of evaluation in baccalaureate in France. Baccalaureate is a certifying examination that confers the completion of high school and the qualification for university admission. It is conducted near the end of high school, and candidates take exams for almost all subjects they have finished. Most are short articles. Successful candidates can be basically admitted to enter any university. I began so by revealing characteristics of the organization of evaluation in baccalaureate. It is composed of a commission on making exam questions and three commissions on marking. In the former committee, teachers of various high schools draw up exam questions upon deliberation with chairpersons of a professor and an inspector. In the latter, high school teachers who are appointed markers adjust their grades by means of moderation. I then examined historical discussions on making exam questions and marking of baccalaureate. Diverse controversies have been developed in terms of validity, reliability and equity of evaluation. Through these investigations, I pointed out that baccalaureate has a view of evaluation aiming to assess the elevated ability at the average level of students concerning what they learned in high school without wide grade variations.
南部 広孝 白銀 研五
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.59, pp.125-149, 2013-03-28

The achievement of Education for All (EFA) is a global target. However, approaches to the education of children with special needs differ between countries because of traditions and social systems. Since the 1980s, Vietnam and China have gone through radical changes in their social structures, which have also affected educational practices. This paper explores the policies of special education and its characteristics in Vietnam and China, and analyzes how transformation of social systems can affect development of educational policies. By examining the differences between these countries, this paper aims to clarify the characteristics of such policies for achieving EFA. Consideration of restructuring based on efficacy and profit intuitively suggests a poor outcome for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This, however, is not strictly the case. A more market-oriented approach has increased the numbers of children in education, including SEN. Nevertheless, some children who have borderline conditions or social disadvantages are still excluded or placed in inappropriate educational settings. Improvements also tend to be focused on urban rather than rural areas. This study suggests four similarities between Vietnam and China. 1. Expansion of education occurred after changes in their social systems. 2. Individual rights are taken into account in their strategies. 3. Special education has also improved since the 1990s. 4. There are still educational problems, such as regional differences and poor quality of education.