永友 春華
人間科学研究 (ISSN:18800270)
vol.26, no.1, pp.74-74, 2013-03-25
岡田 斉 松田 英子
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.35, pp.81-90, 2013

The present study sought to explore the frequency with which Japanese undergraduates experienced nightmares. One thousand four hundred and twenty-five female undergraduates, ranging in age from 18 to 28 years, were administered a 26-item questionnaire asking about the frequency of nightmares and a 26-item questionnaire on the frequency of dream recall (Okada, 2001, 2011). Results indicated that 4.6% of respondents reported experiencing nightmares once or twice a week, and this figure agrees with the findings of Levin and Nielsen (2007). Factor analysis of the questionnaire indicated that items on the frequency of dream recall fell into five categories: major perceptions, minor perceptions, positive emotions, negative emotions, and dream content. The frequency of nightmares was associated with both types of perceptions as well as negative emotions and negative dream content.
吉川 延代 今野 義孝 会沢 信彦
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.34, pp.169-182, 2012

It has been argued that there is a close relationship between bullying and self-esteem. This study sought to determine the relationship between having been bullied or bullying others and present levels of self-esteem. Participants were 349 students (194 male and 155 females) attending two private colleges in the Tokyo area. Participants completed a questionnaire measuring the frequency, degree, age, and types of bullying behavior experienced or committed. The Japanese version of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Survey was also used to measure the levels of self-esteem. This Survey consisted of 10 items that revealed student self-worth, attitudes, and satisfaction with oneself. Results were as follows. In term of the frequency of bullying, approximately 30% of the participants reported having been bullied, 30% had bullied others, and 14% had neither been bullied or bullied others in school. The peak frequency of bullying was during elementary school and it decreased as students progressed from middle to high school. Participants who reported having been bullied or bullying others had lower self-esteem than the participants who had neither been bullied or bullied others. Participants who had been severely bullied verbally and physically had lower self–esteem than the participants who were not bullied. These findings indicate that being bullied in school has a long-term impact on one's self-esteem. Lower self-esteem may lead to psychological health problems that carry into adulthood. Therefore, measures to prevent bullying and restore the self-esteem of bullied students must be taken.本研究では、大学生349名(男子194名、女子155名)を対象にいじめの被害―加害経験と自尊感情との関係について質問紙調査を行なった。いじめ質問紙調査では、「いじめ被害と加害の有無」「いじめの時期」「いじめの様態」「いじめの程度」「いじめの原因」「いじめについての考え」を質問した。自尊感情の測定には、Rosenberg (1965)の日本語版自尊感情尺度を用いた。いじめの経験に関して、被害経験者は29.8%、加害経験者は30.9%、被害と加害の両方の経験者は14.3%、どちらかの経験者は32.1%という結果が得られた。いじめの経験者数は、被害に関しても加害に関しても小学校が最も多く、年齢が高くなるにつれて減少する傾向が見られた。いじめと自尊感情の関係については、被害経験者は、被害の経験がない者と比較して、自尊感情が有意に低かった。いじめの様態との関係については、言語的な暴力被害や身体的な暴力被害を経験した者の自尊感情は、これらの被害経験のない者よりも有意に低かった。また、これらのいじめ被害の程度が激しかったと答えた者は、いじめ被害経験のない者と比較して有意に自尊感情が低かった。いじめ被害の時期との関係では、小学校中高学年から高校にかけていじめ被害を経験した者は、経験しなかった者よりも自尊感情が有意に低かった。この点については、今後の検討が必要である。本研究では、いじめ被害経験といじめ加害経験と自尊感情の間には一定の関係のあることが見いだされた。今後、ポジティブな学校や学級風土づくりを通して自尊感情の強化・育成を図り、いじめの予防・改善に努めていく必要が指摘された。
進藤 眸
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.21, pp.47-56, 1999-12-20

In the 1st report of successive studies, bibliographies on monistic understanding of the delinquency or the delinquency proneness, are reviewed by focusing on both the approach to basic character traits of delinquents and the approach to their degree of readiness to delinquent behaviors. As for the former approach, Aichhorn's latent delinquency, Friedlander's antisocial character, Glaser's differential identification, and Mizushima's lack of tie with socialized persons, are discussed. As for the later approach, the dimension of deviant personality which is related to the occurrence of delinquent behaviors, and the dimension of the delinquency proneness, by utilizing the MMPI, one of so-called structured personality tests, are also discussed. Through these discussions, I conclude that we should attract attention to following two problems, especially, if we intend to develop differentiating the delinquency or the delinquency proneness.(1)Because of limitations in constructing the measure of the delinquency, it is essential not only to measure the generalized delinquency, but also to make a clinical diagnosis concretely and dynamically concerning the nature of the delinquency.(2)It is necessary to analyze the psychological mechanism under which delinquent behaviors occur, by adding an analytical function to the concept of the delinquency proneness.In solving these two problems, we, at first, need to examine the delinquency proneness from a viewpoint of its developing process, in order to analyze the abovementioned psychological mechanism. Secondarily, We must hold the frame of reference in common for differentiating the delinquency, and follow the same judging process, if we take the correctional treatment into account, and understand the delinquency proneness in connection with it.
宍戸 佳織
人間科学研究 (ISSN:18800270)
vol.18, no.2, pp.153-167, 2005

Tea from all over the world belongs to the same species, "camellia sinensis" and is classified according to differences in processing methods. In China, the country of origin for tea, the habit of drinking tea spread widely during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). During this era, valuable tea was Gong cha (Tribute tea: for offering to the Imperial court), in particular, Fanning tea (solid tea) derived from Pian cha in the Tang Dynasty was used. During the Song Dynasty, tea competitions further increased the popularity of tea among the general population. This gradual change in fashion may be considered as one of the factors responsible for the increased processing of tea during this era. The present research investigates the production, processing, and distribution of tea as depicted in literature, including pictures and statistical records, from the Song Dynasty. In addition, the relationship between competition and processing of tea is discussed. (Waseda Journal of Human Sciences, 18 (2) : 47-61, 2005)
相澤 直樹
人間科学研究 (ISSN:13404474)
vol.10, no.1, pp.77-88, 2002-11
鎌田 晶子 臼井 信男 吉野 大輔
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.31, pp.153-160, 2010-03-01

商品に対する単純接触効果について、二肢強制選択法を用いて実験的に検討した(N = 88)。商品ごとに印象評定を行い(N = 67)、商品の特徴と単純接触効果の関係について検討した。その結果、はさみ、シャープペンシル、トイレットペーパーのような実用品については単純接触効果が認められ、花束のような美的印象や感情が喚起されやすい装飾品には単純接触効果が認められなかった。感情的評価と単純接触効果の生起の関係について考察した。
太田 和敬
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.34, pp.11-36, 2013-03-01

Through re-consideration of disciplinary education and punishment at school is urgently needed in order to resolve the serious problems that Japanese schools are facing such as suicides due to bullying. Although school principals and teachers are granted the right to discipline and punish students in Japan, few schools have clear guidelines on punishment, and principals tend to be hesitant to punish students.Teachers, however, often penalize students for their misbehavior instead of properly instructing them from an educational viewpoint . Such discipline is ineffective at improving their behavior in many cases. In order to provide order in the classroom, punishment for infringing on other pupils' right to learn must be differentiated from out-of-school discipline to guide behavior. In addition, a teacher's right to penalize students should be banned; punishment should be inflicted only with adequate discipline and with the principal's approval in the case of violence and infringement on learning. Even then, it should be carried out according to proper procedures. To help students better understand, they should given the opportunity to learn about laws regarding the right to learn, discipline, and punishment.
永島 計 中村 真由美
人間科学研究 (ISSN:18800270)
vol.25, no.1, pp.21-33, 2012-03-26
井原 なみは 入戸野 宏
人間科学研究 (ISSN:18817688)
vol.7, pp.37-42, 2012

In Japan, the word kawaii ("cute" or "adorable" in English) has become difficult to define because it is widely used for describing various objects. This study attempted to find common psychological factors in the feelings of kawaii toward different types of objects. Both male and female university students (N = 180) rated their feelings on six 5-point scales after imagining a scene in which they encountered each of four types of kawaii objects: objects with baby schema (e.g., infants, baby animals), humans (e.g., women, smiles), inanimate objects (e.g., accessories, sweets), and idiosyncratic objects (e.g., lizards, mushrooms). The scales consisted of two adjectives ("kawaii," "infantile"), two scales of approach motivation ("want to be closer to it," "want to keep it nearby"), and two scales of nurturance motivation ("want to help it when it is in trouble," "want to protect it"). Results show that kawaii and infantility ratings were correlated with each other only moderately. Partial correlation analyses revealed that higher kawaii ratings were associated with higher approach motivation, but not with higher nurturance motivation, across four categories. The findings were inconsistent with the baby schema hypothesis, which holds that the feeling of kawaii is linked with caregiving and protection for the young and the weak. Rather, the results suggest that the scope of kawaii is not limited to baby schema and that the feeling of kawaii can be better conceptualized as a positive emotion with strong approach motivation.